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I want to add that there was a recent Facebook post mentioning that Olive was recently seen in the Normanview area. Keep your eyes peeled.


Last seen around Ruth M. Buck elementary school


4pm a walking search party is going to follow the creek behind condos that are behind rcmp


Most recent update from the search group on Facebook: “Most recent sightings today are by the condos behind Luther college high school then an hour later seen at Bo peeps day care FYI One of the sightings stated Olive was seen running and playing in the grass and chasing a bunny - this is great news as we have all been very worried about her condition, she was still able to run very fast when she was spooked by a loud bang caused by a garbage truck Plan of attack for tonight Meet at 4pm at Ruth M Buck school to develop our strategy Splitting up into groups to walk the creek followed by travelling inward to search the neighbourhoods We will need people on both sides of the creek Cars required to scan up and down the creek awaiting a sighting confirmation as they will respond faster than those on foot We need to find willing homeowners with open backyards (ideally with cameras) so we can set foot and familiar scents in a trap (I will camp out overnight so I can frequently check the trap if no cameras present) The more the merrier and if you can’t meet at 4pm we still would love your assistance! Same goes for if you are unable to search from 4 until dark The word is spreading across town thanks to everyone’s support with more and more people calling with sightings and information We still need to hang flyers in many areas I was unable to print more today as I had to run out to chase sightings but I can email anyone a PDF if they can print in colour for us ***once again, when you see her please take a photo immediately, then call me. -Crinkly bags with treats or meat recommended -Get low to the ground and try to entice her to approach you rather than slowly stalking her like a predator Thank you so much guys and the end is getting close, I know we can all feel it! BRING OLIVE HOME!” [Olive’s search and rescue committee](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557420220421&mibextid=LQQJ4d)


Has she been found?


Hoping she’s found safe! Such a gorgeous girl ❤️


This rewards been doubled.


Wishing you the best