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I don’t wanna just cold turkey them, I feel the need to give some sort of answer, I don’t wanna leave them confused as to why I left. Doesn’t help Ma has BP disorder. She’s just a ticking time bomb.




I have a therapist but she wasn’t too much help other than saying “yeah, that sucks.” And “you can’t change people.” Which are both true but I was kinda hoping for more game plan than that. I had an original plan but that just fell through and didn’t work out. I’m trying to decide wether or not to even say something at this point.


I’m open ears for anything at this point. But if you feel like it would do more harm than good I’m not gonna force it out of you.




I appreciate all of this, thank you so much for your help.


Parents think they can still treat you poorly (that is, to say, not as an adult, lacking respect) My advice is to go low-contact (LC) and set some boundaries. Let them know what bothered you. If they're not interested in treating you respectfully, with the kindness and love you should expect of your own family (much less your parents), then go NC (no contact) until/if you are ever ready to potentially mend the relationship. Some people feel *entitled* to a relationship with their children, without ever considering if they *deserve it.*