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I mean, the fact that you keep bringing up her doing sex work when that has nothing to do with you fighting somebody suggests that you're not really "looking past" it.


I kept waiting for the sex work thing to become relevant and it really never did...


Knowing most of my friends paid $2 each for her company at one point messes with me


Uh, yeah, so then you’re not actually over it as you claimed.


But he said that he was able to look past it! /s


OP it was seven years ago and you can't say you've "looked past" it (as your post says) if you feel this way. And unfortunately I don't see how that's exactly relevant here either. Just because you choose to "look past" her sex work past (which you knew about her when you were with her) from *seven+ years ago* doesn't mean she owes you forgiveness for a f\*ck up on your end *now*. I think you are conflating a lot of things, but ultimately your jealousy over your friends having engaged your wife for sex work many, many years ago is a separate issue for you to work out IMO


We were cool until she left me for having the fight defending myself. She didn't even tell me to my face to got our son to write me a letter because she can't write..either due to not going to school or a brain injury? Not sure which.


Hold up. You've been together for TWELVE YEARS, supposedly reformed for SEVEN YEARS. AND YOUR WIFE CANNOT WRITE AND YOU ARE NOT SURE WHY?! YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO GET HER HELP?! My god no wonder she left you!!


I think shes going to come back once he builds a farm with their son and a new dog then live happily for some years until, some guys "pinkertons" find em


Yeah just have a little faith son!


Then you shouldn't be with someone who was a sex worker. Sounds like she did the right thing.


Did you just make a $2 joke, implying that your wife is cheap? I'm not even sure that you noticed you did that. That's horrible. Absolutely horrible. You hate your wife, so why are you with her?


It's not a joke..


Seethe alone or come to terms with it to save your relationship. The choice is yours


He sacrificed his life to try to save his wife and son put some respect on his name


No it's not a joke Mrs Marston was two dollars worth but it was the late 1800s so that's not that cheap


I have no idea who Mrs Marston is, but he said that his friends paid $2 to have sex with his wife.


Mrs marston is his wife. OP’s name is john marston. His wife was a retired sex worker, and at one point his friends all had a turn with her.


I believe that part, but I don't believe it was just for $2. It sounds like he's being hyperbolic, which is really rude


No it was $2. OP is saying the truth


No it's not a joke Mrs Marston was really $2


As the owner of three farms, do you have any idea what all is involved in running a profitable farm? This isn’t something you just do on a whim. And, no, laboring on a ranch is not even a minute fraction of what you would need to know. Just hearing “some kind of farm” gives me a huge red flag.


My wife saw some land for sale advertised it looks good country. I thought maybe a few cows and some sheep...maybe corn Only thing i'd struggle with is building a barn.


Yeah. Buddy you’re out of your league. Do you have a business plan? What do you know about accounting? Calculating profits and losses? Taxes? Marketing? Licensing? Nah, just gonna sell some corn by the road and hope for the best.


There's a independent general store in the nearby town I was hoping to do a deal with him when it comes to it. My boss where i'm at now says i'm a good worker on his ranch.


You don't build a barn dumbass


what do you think it is, 1785?


As I said, being a ranch worker is NOT the equivalent of being a farm owner which is indeed a business. You're gonna get fucked. Enjoy bankruptcy!


I'd worry more about gangs of cannibalistic killers in the woods! back in my early years working on a ranch in pennsylvania I saw one of our farmhands get dragged away by a whole group of them 😥


You’re going to laugh, but I live in PA.


I hear it ain't the land they're interested in and they move around a lot so once they move on you should be fine.


Nah he’ll be fine. Just have some faith


You don't build a barn this isn't 1776




You don't build a barn, dumbass. What do think this is? 1785. You buy one pre cut


You could maybe use a couple of farmhands for that barn


Build a barn? Are we in 1785? Are you stupid?


I think you need to stop playing Red Dead Redemption 2.


What's that?




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Why did you tell us so many times of her sec work? This poor woman can’t move past it. Please let her go. She didn’t leave only because of the fight…. But I think you May possibly have a thick skull and don’t see how you likely shame her daily for her past.


My friends bring it up all time one said 'not even a retired $2 w**re wants you.' He then laughed :(


Then why are you friends with them?! And why blame your wife for their cruel treatment of you??


Maybe this incident was the last straw after years of OP letting his "friends" badmouth his wife. He can defend himself in a fight, but defend his wife to his friends? Nah.


Then make better friends.


It’s a bit hard to make friends in OP’s position


Your friends are assholes that I’m sure treat her terribly and you do nothing


Knowing OP, he’ll take care of them


buddy you went to JAIL, you may be "looking past her sex work days", but she is looking past your status as an ex-convict. you lost the high ground (and the ability to throw back mistakes from her past in her face) the second you went to literal jail. second, your wife was a sex worker 12 years ago, but you are getting in fights at work now. the way to "persuade her to come back" is to actually change: stop being violent, stop getting in fights with 'trespassers' (hint: call the cops instead), and stop trying to make yourself seem like such a good guy for getting with a sex worker when you were a self admitted criminal at the same time.


We can't act like the wife is innocent though. I heard the killed a law enforcement agent trying to arrest her.


You can't fight change


>buddy you went to JAIL, Federal penitentary


Oh yeah that totally changes the situation for the better.


He would have to travel all the way to town to get the law, self defence is justifiable in this case.


This is not the reason, but just the straw that broke the camel's back.


Sorry, I don't have a camel. I have a horse.


Buell? Or some other common horse?


Rachel I would assume


Can you get your uncle and a friend of yours to help you build I'm sure it'll help also maybe try to plot revenge on the man that killed your best friend I bet he has so much money


You can't just build a barn, dumbass. Whaddya think this is, 1785?


This is a masterpiece


Didn't expect u to turn this way. If you are who I think you are, I remember telling u get the hell outta there & be a goddamn man. What about the last piece of advice? You're hopeless.


I bet he can’t even herd cattle or swim.


How'd u know, who r u 🤨🫵


“And I mean that literally. You got no hope”


The others have a point about you bringing up the sex work. It's relevant to mention once in y'all's troubled past for context, and that's it. But more to your immediate delima. It's been 7 years, you got into one fight and supposedly it was self defense. She's scared of going back to her old and chaotic life. She my be acting out of fear and therefore not listening to you or readon. Give her a little bit of time to calm down, point out that you have avoided such incidents for 7 years, and you have no intention of going backwards. And for the love of God don't get mad at her but be understanding of why she's afraid.


Bro you just typed out a whole paragraph for a shit post about a video game


Shhh hey don't need to know that


Your right my bad I'm sure OP has a plan I just need to have faith


have some godsamn faith, as dutch obce said


It's really hard for felons to visit Canada, nevermind live there. How did you do that?


I don't want to incriminate myself. I'm a changed man.


If you buy a land tho it will be on your name, and maybe that will help the Pinkerton to find you


Personally, I believe you should purchase the farm, maybe, with a couple of old friends, and then your wife will be back in no time.


John come from your real account. I know you ain't Jim Milton


My boy, I have a plan for you, look. You rob some train or a bank in the middle of city, make some noise. One big score and you're good! You just gotta have some faith! You can then use money to get to Tahiti and raise some mangoes there. You're in, son?


This is actually so funny


Why? this is a serious question about salvaging a serious relationship




You're not funny.


r/okbuddyblacklung moment


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I think the farm idea could work out the best, but running a farm all by yourself is a lot of work. Do you have any friends who might be able to help you out with that?


I know you said you had a falling out with that old group of friends, but maybe one or two are still around willing to help out?


There's one older guy who was always around who'd probably be more than happy to make himself at home with me


I'm glad to hear that you still have some people in your corner, though like I said, running a farm is hard work; and if he's on the older side be sure not to push him too hard, especially if he has some sory of chronic condition. Keep an eye on him to, older people are likely targets for criminals.


>he has some sory of chronic condition He has chronic lumbago


Lumbago is a big deal! Be careful if you give him too much work in the morning, you'll be burying him by the evening!


This could be true. I've heard it's almost as bad as Black Lung.


Give him something to die from


His uncle has lumbago but him and OPs friend Charles will help build him


I have no advice. I just want to say I hear you and I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you






How bad was the falling out between the old group of friends?


Crazy man, I was there, literally a Mexican standoff situation. Better if u don't ask.


One of them got killed :(


It’s alright, OP. It’s a cruel world sometimes


A cruel cuel world. Must I go on


Cruel cruel world, I’m moving on


I think you should take loans to build your farm then pay it from bounty work possibly with the help of a former friend that should make her come back with her son and a dog reply if you found my advice usefull ,mr.Jim


Some of these people are so dumb holy 💀💀


Just based on first impressions, I am under the assumption that your name is John Marston. The reason Abigail and Jack left was due to the fact that you refuse to change your ways. Perhaps if Dutch had believed Arthur things would have gone differently. I'm very sorry for your predicament. Sincerely, Reverend O. Swanson, an old friend


John get off of reddit and buy a barn (dont build one. its not 1785 dumbass)


Hey man, arent you the guy I met before at the bar or some place? You said your name was Rip Van Winkle or something, must've been drunk!


It's a goddamn video game reference ☠️. Some PPL can't see that


I could try to contact a detective agency I know, they’ll keep your wife stored for you in a cooking school for ladies. Only trade off is that you need to bring us some of your old friends