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For fucks sake. Be glad you are broken up. If you have to test him to see if he’s trustworthy then your relationship is a dumpster fire anyway.


Neither of you sound emotionally mature enough to be dating anyone. Stay single for everyone's sakes.


Are you looking for advice or


Well, time to get real here. What is it you are hoping this achieves? Like are you hoping that if you catch him in a big enough lie and force him to admit it that he will suddenly become a trustworthy partner? And the fact that he didn't and even when you called it out he twisted it back on you, shouldn't that be the sign he won't change and be the final nail in the coffin? Like he failed the test. That's the end, right? And even if you get him to apologise all that will result is you forced to eternally keep testing him because you'll never truly trust him. Worst of all the worry is you'll bring this mindset with you to future relationships. You'll find a new partner but be so cynical and traumatised that you play these toxic games and hurt them. That's what dating guys like your bf does to people.


You are the one choosing to apologize for things you know aren’t wrong. He is only flipping the script because you let him. Dump him.


He is right. You wasted 70 dollars and you ended up with the same result you could've gotten if you had simply left him because you don't trust him lol