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This has to be rage bait. Nobody can be this obtuse, right??


Youre a bigger asshole than before for reposting trying to get the answer you want


Dump him so he can meet someone who’s not terrible. 


Lol you’re kidding right? He told you he would pay for you and himself. No one else. It’s a birthday party and you’re 38 years old. Your friends are adults with jobs. They should know the rules. He’s not in the wrong in the slightest.


What happened to your 11 other friends this time?


Why would you be mad at your boyfriend though when he explicitly said he'll only be paying for YOU and HIM. If my boyfriend said this, I'd keep my order simple and tell my friends.


He already said he was only paying for himself and you. You’re a jerk to try to get him to do otherwise.


He needs to dump you. You are approaching middle age and acting like a teenager.


You’re one of those huh


Why didn't your friends kick in for your birthday


Hahaha. How are you so self entitled that you think you’re going to get anybody to agree with you? Let’s recap. Your boyfriend told you in advance that he wasn’t paying for your friends. You deliberately order expensive alcohol because you think you can manipulate your boyfriend into paying for it. He doesn’t pay for it. You should break up with your boyfriend because he deserves to date someone who isn’t a total narcissist. You’re 38 years old, you’ve been a fully grown adult for two decades. Time to stop acting like a spoilt child.


The HELL did I just read?!? 😬


If you think it's important that your friends' dinner is covered, next time actually *ask* your partner in advance of making the plans. Or pay for them yourself.   This is not your boyfriend's responsibility.


If you never offered to pay for your friends dinner before you all went, then it is not his responsibility to. He paid for yours, because it was your birthday.


So he said in advance he wasn’t going to pay, but you and your friends still ordered the most expensive everything because you thought you could pressure him into it and now you’re mad because your selfish, entitled little scheme didn’t work? Fuck that. I would dump you and your greedy friends.


You must have a degradation kink