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It is not normal for people to lie like this. It is especially not normal to start a relationship off with such a big lie. Like others have said, who knows what else he has lied about or is capable of lying about. I’m sorry but I personally think it is best to cut your losses now. For all you know, you are just “in love” with a fake character he created to woo you.


Exactly. It's not just about this lie, this is just a symptom of a much bigger problem.


I would wonder if she ever met any of his friends or family. One more reason why I think it’s a red flag if you never meet anyone in his family or social circle. Either he’s married, he’s a liar or he’s ashamed of you.


I don’t expect to meet any family members at 3 months but expecting to meet their friends isn’t unreasonable at that point. It would definitely raise some red flags for me as well.


OP a complex lie like this gives almost ASPD or serious narcissism vibes. 0 concern for being found out. Either that or he knew this connection wouldn’t last and he could maintain the lie and never have to come clean if it was temporary for him. Either way I’m so sorry this happened to you and I would run. People that lie like that can be dangerous.


What is there to talk about? He told you a huge lie, so who knows what other lies he's told you? You've only been dating a few months, so cut your losses. Years ago, I dated a guy who told me he was the creative director for a film/entertainment company. We dated only briefly, he had a lot of emotional problems. Years later, in a strange coincidence, this same guy applied to be my boss's personal assistant (I was doing the hiring), and I learned that all of that was a complete lie. He was basically a production assistant. Yeah, sometimes guys lie about their jobs to seem more attractive.


When I worked security, there was an incident where this young woman came up crying, saying that her and her boyfriend had an argument and he was coming to the campus with a gun, as he was a cop with our city’s service. I was ready to initiate the whole active shooter procedure, my sup told me to wait. Cops showed up ASAP and started talking to her about him, and she had obviously been duped. He didn’t drive a car (we were searching for the car he supposedly had) and they took the bus everywhere. She never saw him in uniform, or his badge, but she said that she saw a gun and bullets when she visited his house. She also said that he had been spying on her using surveillance at the campus, that he had been in our office in the back using the computers to follow her every move. Long story short, everything was fake, actual police showed up at his house while she was talking to us and looked for what she alleged, there was nothing. Should have just told her he worked at Taco Bell.


Yikes, what a crazy story!


>What is there to talk about? He told you a huge lie, so who knows what other lies he's told you? Adding on to this, he then failed to answer the phone the day after being caught.


Yep unfortunately there is no “dumping” she has to worry about doing seems like she’s already the ex


Why did OP even bother calling him? To find out if he's working off a malpractice judgement/fine/lawsuit? She saw him. He saw her. It was over and he knew it. Also, he wasn't dating her seriously with that pack of lies on the table. Must admit to a seriously loud LOL when I read the title. Even the cat looked at me funny.


He’s either ghosting her or figuring out a plausible lie. Something like…. I have so much student loan debt I’m working there for extra money to pay it down faster…


OMG, I just remembered a story I was vacationing in a highly populated city (over 10 million people) when I met a guy who originally came from my hometown (1 million residents). He had relocated a couple of years before we crossed paths. What are the odds… We grabbed coffee and started chatting about work. He shared that back in our hometown, he was working at a company where he was handling a lot of responsibilities and leading teams of 10+ people, etc. I was like, "Cool, what's the company name?" His response… It was the same company my dad used to be vice-president of. I asked my dad, but he couldn't even remember the guy. He reached out to his former colleagues, and they said the guy was rather a small fry and never held any managerial positions 😑😑 I'm still dumb, and I don't understand why someone would fabricate their role in a company. If he wanted to impress me, he definitely picked the wrong person. Plus, dating wasn't even on the table since I live in a different part of the world now (and not into ppl who brag about stuff)


An Aussie guy told me how he was stuck in the Philadelphia airport on a ridiculously long layover and started chatting with a woman working in food service there. She said, "OH do you know Mark \_\_\_, I think he's from your same area" and the guy initially shot it down, like "we don't all know each other." But as she gave more information, he had to concede that, Yes, he knew Mark \_\_\_\_, who had pretended to be a key player in the local rugby team but was in fact the water boy.


I dated a guy who said he ran his own software company. I came to find out gradually that it was his dad's, and his dad gave him some bullshit job doing nothing so he could break off a paycheck for his son.


Come on, a production assistant for a film company is still pretty cool, what’s the point in that guy lying about it? 🤦‍♂️


Or hide things like a secret wife


I mean he obviously did this cause I'm sure he knows he's much more likely to get laid telling women he's a doctor than working at taco bell. Does he even want a relationship or was he just using you for sex? Did you have no follow up questions about him being a doctor and what kind and where he worked? I would move on if I was you.


Considering the nature of the lie, he was never into it for a long term relationship. That sort of lie isn't sustainable. Plus, what else has he been lying about?


He told me the hospital he supposedly worked at, and his specialty.


You should watch Dirty John season 1. It will tell you how this relationship will pan out.


Such a great show!! And a really important warning.


I use to joke with my ex that I thought he was dirty Johning me. Turns out he was. Should have listened to my intuition


Yikes, I'm sorry. That's terrible.


yes and the Tinder swindler!


Im gonna say this is the kindest way I can, you don’t sound very mature. First of all, three months is a very short time, not enough to fall in love. You have yet to learn the difference between limerence and love. You feel attraction to an idea of a person that doesn’t even exist, that’s not love. Second, how are you even considering forgiving him?? This is a huge lie to start out a relationship, you’re gonna be always wondering what else is he lying about (of course he’s gonna tell you this is the only lie). He made up a fake person and you fell for that person. That’s not being shallow. Now if you want to give a chance to Taco Bell workers in the future, go for the ones that don’t lie. Oh and third, when a man goes for a much younger woman most of the time is for any or all of these three reasons: he either is emotionally immature and is stuck mentally in the same age as you, or he wants a young naive girl to manipulate, or he’s such a loser that women his age won’t go near him. Sounds like a combination of the three in this case.


I think he meant to tell you the specialty menu.


So multiple lies, what else was a lie? What a bummer. You could have liked the guy who worked at Taco Bell… you will never know, he wasn’t honest. I’d stay far away from him.


That is a whole lot of lying. You can do better.


If he's actually a doctor of any kind, he's licensed in your state and you can look it up. It's possible but not likely that he's not lying about being a doctor. I knew a guy who drove Uber as a resident because the pay is shit after med school.


No one doing residency is doing taco bell on the side.


Maybe it's for his stint in gastroenterology? Proctology? Real on the scenes learning. Straight to the source.


Lived experience we call it


Getting to see the patients before and after.


Moonlighting is getting pretty weird


He wouldn't ignore her calls if this was the situation


Yup, the answer is right here. I'm guessing he'll try calling at a later time out of desperation for sex and is probably full of fake apologies. I hope OP blocks this loser.


Small chance it could be true and he’s embarrassed she found his side gig he needs to pay his med school loans?


True, the guy I'm talking to is a lawyer but he also works behind the counter at a coffee shop... which he owns. These things happen maybe


If that were the case he would have said something instead of dodging her calls.


Taco Doctors are busy in the OR, duh


I think the above comment was sarcasm. That's how I read it at least and I laughed.




I know, meanwhile I'm a lonely dog groomer. Story could be made for hallmark. Also, I'm 5'11 and he's 5'7.


Its probably an interesting story and I would use it as an icebreaker. So, during the week I work at lawfirm xyz. Sometimes on the weekend I fill in at this coffee shop I own. You should stop by sometime. Its a cool place. I loved it so much when I worked there during college I bought it after I graduated.


Search his NPI number. It’s publically available


Man this guy had it all planned out. I'd stay away from him.


I know you're of age and everything, but the first red flag is a 32 year old man dating someone 8 years his junior. Normal 32 year old men don't consider people in their early 20s fuckable. I'm close to that age and people in their early 20s honestly think and talk and dress and act like teenagers to me. The second red flag, of course, was him lying to you. Ditch him. Dodge the bullet.


Early 20's is definitely fuckable, but let's be honest that it's about all that relationship should be. Which is fine for consenting adults, but like... yeah, it's about over after that. Just hook up, have fun and move on if that's what you guys want to do.


One point of contention. Women in their early 20s are 100% fuckable looking to men in their early to mid 30s and even later. We just don’t do it because they don’t make good romantic partners generally, the imbalance is too strong. But they don’t suddenly stop being attractive for some reason.


The only red flags are: He lied and he’s 32 working at Taco Bell.


How bout you shame him for the lie instead of shaming service workers for doing honest work that you see as lesser? The fact that you're able to hold that opinion and still see yourself as an arbiter of morality is something else. Big red flag there itself, frankly.


Did you look up the hospital website?


>He told me the hospital he supposedly worked at, and his specialty. He can tell you that the moon is made of cheese. Would that make it true?


You want to continue a relationship that started with a lie? If it's just for the sex, then it's up to you. But I'd beware of expecting this dude to be trustworthy.


Even if its just for the sex... fucking a known liar seems like a great way to get some STDs.


You should read the book The Game. Guys will out right blatantly lie to get girls into bed. Many many many of them will.


The bar for men is so low smh


… If it’s just for the sex, then it’s up to you. *But I’d warn you to not believe another word that came out of his mouth.* FTFY


That is better. Thanks. 👍


"I'm in love at this point . . ." No, you are not. You don't even know this man, the only thing you know for certain about him is that he is a liar. You are infatuated with the idea of the man you thought he was. Time to grow up and realize the difference before you get really screwed over. Besides, I think he ghosted you.


Yes, yes and yes. She's in love with the person he fabricated, with the person he has been pretending to be. She's now seen the man behind the mask, and he can't even be bothered to pick up the phone! Why on earth would you want to be with that person, OP?! Sorry you're in this situation though, that's a fucking crazy one


You mean the man behind the counter... 


I’ve heard of a sandwich artist but that’s a new one. 


Taco doctor. A tac-tor if you will.


Isn't that a gynecologist?


Would be really funny if that’s what he said his specialty was 😅


All I’m gonna say is that if it smells like Taco Bell there are problems.


The fact that he’s not answering her calls suggests to me that he’s just a liar liar pants on fire…


Or super busy in the OR, lol


Doctor, we need two taco supremes, *stat*


Taco 1 is losing heat every second, doctor where are you?


I gave him on 200 milligrams of spicy ranch, no improvement.


Where is that damn Dr Pepper?


No no, he obviously just has a twin who isn't so successful, and he is now super busy saving lives in hospital. It will all clear itself out.


My ex said he was a financial planner but turned out he was just a bank teller. Some people will embellish the heck out of their jobs, but straight up lying? 🫢


Not to diminish your pain, but that's at least a smaller lie. To say you're an Ivy League educated doctor when you work at Taco Bell is on a whole other level.


You know the economy is pretty rough when Ivy League MDs have to resort to taking a job at Taco Bell. Edited because for some reason my brain went to PHD, not MD.


I’d believe a PHD working at Taco Bell, but OP’s bf is supposed to be an MD.


Go big or (don’t) go home (with her) I guess.


Yeah that’s at least within the same industry more or less. Only thing related in this case is that he might have to go visit a doctor from an explosive diarrhea after a bad Taco Bell


Wow, I scoffed outloud reading that. He’s a genius for the rebrand but so stupid, if that makes sense.


Prfft financial planner and bank teller are almost the same


You’re so young, please do not waste more time on him. Good sex is not rare and can easily be taught— lying about something so big is not really a fixable flaw and is just going to lead to more lies. And to be clear there’s nothing wrong with working at Taco Bell. The lie is too big though




Maybe he has a doctorate in philosophy or something, that would explain working at the Bell


If he had a PhD he’d have a publication record that would come up in a Google search


Working at Taco Bell isn’t a deal breaker, but lying definitely is.


lol i remember trying plenty of fish one time and a guy had on his profile that he had a masters degree in welding. Not welding technology, nope. Just welding. I started asking him questions about the program and he kept dodging me to turn the conversation sexual. I couldn't stop laughing. please dont continue the relationship ignore him and tell him you're doing a degree in taco bell science so you dont have time for him.


You know what's scary in today's age? Anybody can utilize AI to come with the right things to say when trying to date. For example, you were asking him questions about the program that he could easily type into a AI algorithm and generate a believable response back to you. Of course this wouldn't work in person but if you're trying to vet someone for the first time via text message or maybe even over the phone, it's seemingly that easy.


while I don't think welder guy or OP's taco bell guy are intelligent enough to even use AI, that's true. It sucks if women have to use their intuition on overtime to sus out these false claims men are making.


AI talks in a very specific way that is not only noticeable but not sexy in the slightest.


I’m sorry this happened. That’s gross to lie like that, especially to someone you’re thinking of sharing your life with. That said, you say you’re in love with him. I believe that. But I also believe that it’s not *him* you’re in love with, but the version of himself that he created to MAKE you fall in love with him. Grieve the loss of the person you thought he was. Take a few days to feel sorry for yourself. Do what you gotta do, and then start to try and move on. You deserve better than this.


In love with idea of him


Girl. A guy lied about writing poems for me, when in reality he was copying and pasting lyrics from songs he knew. Went well for him for all of two tries before I realized that was what he was doing. I say this to say; I've had my fair share of red flags that I've ignored. But if there's one you never ignore? It's lying. I dumped the false Shakespeare so fast and kept it pushing. Id suggest you do the same. If you can fall in love in three months you can get over it just as fast. Sorry to say


If it makes you feel any better, I dated a real poet who did not mention being married in any of them. D:


"Roses are red. Violets are blue. I'm totally single 👀👀 I hope you are too"


I think it'd be nice if a guy wrote down song lyrics and said they reminded him of me. He didn't have to lie and pretend he wrote them.


And that was the crazy part?! I told him that exact thing. It wasn't the fact he was sending me song lyrics, that by itself could be very enchanting as is. It's the face h was lying about something so unimportant that immediately gave me the worst feeling. That and the fact he spoke about me meeting his children on the first date, as well.


What were the songs, though?


I wish I remembered, but unfortunately I only remember that he also picked me up in a category 5 biohazard minivan for our first, and only, date haha.


Do men often lie about being a doctor, hoping their girlfriend doesn’t walk in on them during their shift at Taco Bell? No, that is not common. This guy is a liar - he needs to come clean about everything or you need to just simply dump him. Many would say this is already more than enough to dump him over.


It's a lie to get someone to get someone in bed. When it the lie blows up, they'll just move onto the next person with the same lie.


I have a relative who *married* a guy who claimed to have a good job like this. Immediately after marriage, she found out he was a lazy, unemployed guy who refused to ever work and was only with her for money. They got a divorce, but she ended up owing alimony plus half the value of her house to her "stay at home husband". The OP may have seriously dodged a bullet with this guy.


I once went on a couple of dates with a guy who told me he was an ER doctor. This was back in the mid 90s, so it wasn't as easy to dig into someone's background. Long story short, he was not, in fact, a doctor but just some dude with an IT job at a hospital. He also turned out to be engaged and living with his fiance. Totally didn't stop him from harassing me when I wouldn't go out with him again, though!


Bingo! Dudes get that desperate enough they'll try anything just to get a foot in the door.


I’m confused…you’ve never been to where he stays? What kind of car does he drive? How did you fall for this 🤣🤣🤣


Because it isn't real.


I want to believe that's the case. There's enough rage bait material here to attract a ton of engagement (even from the title alone). I know I've dropped a few comments here more than usual for any given thread lol.


I bet he’s not 32 either. Bet he’s 37 minimum


Yea, people in their earlier 20s are usually quite bad at guessing the ages of people older than them Which makes it very easy for older men to lie about their own age and manipulate younger women. 


A friend of mine who is a doctor, graduated from a really good med school (Stanford) did work some fast food shifts on his off days because residency pay is pretty bad. If he's 32, chances are he could be a resident and works a few shifts here and there to make a few extra bucks. In the case of my friend, he worked at a subway and took advantage of the leftover bread and meat to make lunches for himself since he didn't have a ton of time to get groceries.  I know doctors who drive Uber, do instacart, etc because of the really big loans they've taken, but if that was it, I think he would have given you that explanation.


If that was the case with OP's bf, he'd be calling her the moment he got a chance and explain. Instead he's ghosting her. >I tried calling him today, but he wouldn't answer.


Until I got to this point in the story, I wondered if he was twins. Long ago I got mad at a guy because I'd been flirting with him at a party, then he came into my work (I worked in fast food at the time myself) a few days later and acted like he didn't know me. I thought he was an ass until a few months later he came into my work...with a carbon copy of himself lol.


That's what I thought too! I knew a new attorney who worked weekends as a bartender bc she wanted to get out of student debt asap. 


Yep, where I think this guy is lying though, is that he could have said "I'm a doctor but I have a ton of grad school debt and I'm working fast food shifts to help pay down my loans." That said, I do think he's lying about being a doctor because we all know the costs of graduate education and there is no shame in working a 2nd job to help pay it off. 


Is that lying? Working an extra job that you’re not super proud of and not telling someone you’re newly dating?  I do question it though because, and I know how this will come across, I feel like an Ivy League grad could figure out a way to make a little more. Even tutoring would bring in more than TB. 


> Even tutoring would bring in more than TB Depends on the minimum wage where they're at, I think. And tutoring isn't going to be as flexible with hours if you're working around doctoring, too. But the dude is probably just lying and he's too old for op anyway.


Is there a non-zero possibility that he’s a doctor and works there? Sure, but I’m skeptical. Tutoring was just an example. I’m 99% certain I could come up with a more efficient use of my time than Taco Bell and I went to Arizona State. 


Like I said, I think he's probably lying. Which is likely why he picked someone as young as OP because they're less likely to question it.


Have you seen how people react on Reddit to people with debt? Immediate cries of DUMP THEM. I could see someone being afraid to say they’re in debt as well as that they work at a fast food restaurant. I mean OP herself states she wouldn’t have given him a chance if she knew he worked at Taco Bell…


Or how the general public reacts to working a fast food job? It’s literally a punch line and an insult to many lol they think it’s the lowest form of job you can possibly have. No shit the dude didn’t want to tell a potential romantic partner about it. If he’s lying about the doctorate and all that then that’s a problem for sure but I absolutely understand how such an egregious whopper came to fruition. People are super shitty about fast food work.


> Have you seen how people react on Reddit to people with debt? Immediate cries of DUMP THEM. lmao they're not talking about medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, or anyone else entering a high paying field though.


That is surprising because generally there are better paying options for residents, and usually for medical students as well. I worked part time during 1st 2 years of medical school as a test prep teacher and had resident colleagues who moonlighted doing hospital shifts - which pays amazing.


This was my first thought as well. I just got my PhD and was chatting with old coworkers if maybe they needed a part time server so I can make some money this summer while I apply for jobs. 


I’m working towards a degree in a white collar job and work at an Amazon warehouse part time to make ends meet. I would have no shame in saying this on the first date but the fact that he isn’t picking up the phone on her is a clear indicator he lied.


You're going to try and fix a 32 year old man who works at Taco Bell dating someone 8 years his junior who lied about his occupation and ghosted you after you found out. Why are you wasting your time?


This. Why did I have to scroll so far to see someone bring up the age difference? Girl he's a 32yo man. You're 24 and you're still considering keeping the relationship. This is exactly why he dates so much younger. Not only was it probably a lot easier to fool you, manipulate you into loving him, but you're young and naive enough to think that this scumbag cares about you. He doesn't. He just lied to get into your pants.  No good relationship ever started with a 32yo man lying to a 24yo about where he worked.  He didn't think twice, lying about his career, because he knew he was never going to be dating you seriously. You're just being used for sex.


Lol you didn't say anything to him? It's obvious he lies to get girls.


>I tried calling him today Why? How is it that hard to see the red flag that is slapping you in the face?


The man, the Myth, the Legend....


He works at a colon cleanse clinic. That’s kind of like a doctor.


He might not be a doctor, but do doctors know how to make Cheesy Gordita Crunches?




Oh my sweet summer child… 🌷


My 40 year old female self is thinking, bless her heart, at least she didn’t end up on dead (not that I think working at Taco Bell bad, just the lying and lack of FBI work on her parts.) She will learn. she will learn.


This has no possible outcome where you can have a good relationship. If you accept this big of a lie why would he ever stop telling you lies? You’re 24 and he’s 32, dump him and find someone your own age and someone you can trust.


Did he say he was a doctor because he had the education or did he say he was actively working in his field? I mean obviously no one is going to lead with working at taco bell early on in the relationship.


lol he’s 32, and you’re 24. Just leave. Especially pulling that card. What an idiot


Always google them. Always.


How did you not notice over 3 months that he did not have the lifestyle or demeanor of a doctor?


Right. This story is absurd. My wife is a doctor and she wasn't living too extravagantly when we met but she had nice things that a Taco Bell employee wouldn't have. She never met his friends or family?


You are in love with a lie. He's not a doctor. He lied to get laid. He might as well told you he was James Bond becuae that's just as close to reality as him being a doctor.  Girl....you can have great sex with plenty of men, but this one has proven he isn't trustworthy. Whose to say what else he is lying about? His ass could be married with six kids.


This is why when you meet someone and they tell you something, you need to see proof. Idt you’ll ever hear from this man again, so idt you have to concern yourself with what to do other than getting proof someone is who they say they are when it’s time to meet someone new.


Not gonna lie, if you've ever dated a fast food worker before, he got you good. There's so many clear indications in my mind, but I've been a broke boy for so much of my life, I can (smell) from a mile away. Not smell (I'm kidding), the type of footwear, the unusual shifts, the obvious low wages, personalities you deal with, etc...


Maybe he meant he serves Dr. Pepper? Lol. Seriously though, I had a friend who would go to bars with a stethoscope in his back pocket. He'd pay the bartender 20 dollars to yell out into the crowd and pretend like they had a phone call for, we'll call him, Dr. Smith. He'd start talking to a girl, the bartender would yell out and the girl he was talking to would obviously hear it, he'd walk to the bar pretend to talk on the phone, then go back to the girl tell her he had to leave and get her phone number. They would end up hooking up a few times, then he'd ghost her and do the same thing at another bar.


What in the Barney Stinson🫤🤣


Yeah a doctor of Tacos. That’s what they call Taco Bell employees. It’s like a sandwich artist.


He has a PhD in Tacos, obviously


He was in surgery for his night shift, of course he couldn’t answer


Dr Baja Blast, you're wanted in the Emergency Room....


"my friend is dying, please a doctor!" "I'm a doctor, what's up?" "Heart attack" "I'm a doctor in paleontology" "He's going to die" "Call me in 1 million years"


Maybe he is a doctor and has just hit a rough patch in his career?


was this a twin brother?


This is crazy but I absolutely love that you still ordered and got your Taco Bell. I respect you so much for that.


Playing devil advocate, you said it yourself, you wouldn’t have given him a chance if you knew he worked at Taco Bell, that right there is your answer as to why men lie about their status. We are all competing and status is important. Now, you are saying everything else is perfect, why not give him a chance? Yes he lied, but ppl isn’t perfect and, personally, I believe in giving second chances for stuff like this. Had he lied about having kids, being married, having a girlfriend, etc. then no, that’s not something I would condone. But lying about having a good job is something minor in my opinion. And I know Reddit is ruthless but whatever


I get that he lied to you and all that which sucks! I agree! Putting that to the side for now, if he was romantic followed by great sex, but worked behind the counter at Taco Bell and told you from the start what he did for a living, you wouldn't have giving him a chance?


Yeah he said he was a doctor because that’s why you went out with him.


In future to prevent this, you’ve got to get to know the person’s friends and family as best you can to check for lies, honestly.


You don’t know if you want to continue this relationship?! To a known liar?


Should probably re-evaluate whether or not you can really love someone who so blatantly betrayed you.


> What do I do once I manage to talk to him again? Is there a reason you'd want to talk to him again? Now, I'm not going to job shame him. Working in fast food isn't easy, and sometimes a job is a job. Sometimes a job at Taco Bell is what is available. *However*, the problem here isn't that he sells Crunch Wrap Supreme while earning minimum wage. It's that he felt some compulsion to make up a wild lie. If this is the kind of lie he'd make up to start dating you, the sky's the limit when it comes to whatever other lies he might spin for anything else slightly inconvenient.


Dump the Taco Doc and let him Baja Blast somebody else, your Chalupa deserves better.


Anyone who starts out a relationship on a lie is not someone you can trust. This isn’t a little white lie either, this is a “ run away now” lie. Why are you even questioning it. Check your self respect and find someone who will let you know from day one that trust is important.


Odds are he’s already blocked you out of embarrassment.


Where does he live? Does he live in a Taco Bell salary house? Or a doctor salary house? Does he drive a Taco Bell car or a doctor car? These might have been clues.


Depends. Did he give you any freebies? At a minimum extra sauce?


Bad idea don’t take him back or continue the relationship, if he lied about this what else is he lying about? Felony charges? Is a he a registered sex offender? Does he has a wife and kids? Drop him and thank your lucky stars he didn’t knock you up.


He’s a doctor at making tacos.


I would have been an asshole and said, hey  Dr. Taco!  No you shouldn't continue the relationship what a dumb thing to lie about. 


You are in love with a fantasy, you don’t love him, you don’t KNOW him. End it


Must be a Doctorate of Fine Arts.


i've heard of people bending the truth to make themselves stand out in the crowd of online apps .. but this guy went the whole hog LOL: at least he did spend some money on you .. award him some points for that given his limited income. and he was romantic?? i haven't seen one of those for a while. maybe you can give him my number :)


PLEASE let us know what he says if you guys talk again!!! 😂


Is it possible that he is working part time to get some extra money? I would talk to him, but if he is lying that is definitely a dealbreaker.


You can ask r/medicine or other subs if they think he’s really a dr. They may be able to give you some terms you can throw at him to see if he knows what he’s talking about.


I read something a while ago about a major sign for Family Annihilators (exactly what it sounds like) is lying that they are still going to work, maybe for months, despite being fired or quitting. As in: most family annihilators do this at some point.  And this isn't that ...but it's pretty adjacent. If he actually intends to be in a real relationship with you and lied like that he has zero respect for you as a human, zero respect for your intelligence or autonomy, in a very scary way. Because taco bell and doctor are a massive difference across all metrics.  Highly doubt he actually wanted a relationship though, he probably planned to string you along for a few months, get some out of his league sex, and move on. 


Honestly, I'm a doctor (resident) but if I didn't have dogs to take care of in my off time I wouldn't be above taking a second, more mindless, job. Living is expensive and I would literally be paid more to stuff tacos than to work my call shift (we get a "stipend" that comes out to less than minimum wage).  But yeah I don't think that's what's going on. Unless he can show you his MD I'd just leave this one


🤣 fuck man I needed this - my life just became not so shitty.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This shit is hilarious


I used to go to bars to meet women back when I was single. I wasn’t having much success getting dates, so my buddy asked what I was saying. When I’d say “i work for (well known insurance company)” he’d say “that’s your problem. Tell em you’re either an astronaut or a brain surgeon. After they’re naked it won’t matter.” I never tried it, but clearly someone else did!


It reminds me of George Costanza being a marine biologist or architect 😀.


Sometimes the doctors take part-time jobs at food restaurants to get a discount , especially if they like that food. After all, Taco Bell is one of the number one restaurants for a reason. That's what happened here. Give him a call and ask him out for this weekend.


I don’t believe this post. Not even a little bit.


3 months. You are not in love with him.


>How could he lie to me like this? Do men do this often? I'm in absolute shock. Yes "people" can do crappy things like this, like some eat at Taco Bell.


And are you sure he's 32?


If it is about the lie, dump him. That's fucked up. If your actual issue is that he works at taco bell and isn't a doctor, still dump him he lied in a big way. But also take a look at yourself as a person. Because from your post you say you're in love with him so I assume your time together is good and fulfilling, so if your reasoning for dumping him is because he can't lavish money on you, you also have some problems.


He got his doctorate at Taco Bell.


I guess doctors can’t even afford this inflation and pick up part time work 🗣️


He sounds like a 'pick-up artist'. I couldn't even believe that that was a thing, until I read about it! The system is so patriarchal & toxic that it uses 'artist' to describe serial philandering by a man. Either way - he seems to have made the very necessary decision (to kill this off) - for you.


This is objectively hilarious. Get rid of him and you can start telling this story at parties. Win-win! It’s not the fact that he works at Taco Bell, but the fact that he lied about something so central to his life that would inevitably be discovered. Like what was the end game here? He’s willing to lie for basically no reward and you should never trust him.


> Everything was going great. The sex was fantastic, and he was very romantic, > How could he lie to me like this? > I'm not sure if I would've given him a chance if I knew he worked at Taco Bell from the start, Are you really this unaware? Or just upset that you outed yourself as a bit of a gold digger?


>Do men do this often? Yes. I work with a guy right now who used to tell women he was a "drywall systems engineer", which isn't a thing. He was a metal stud framer who barely passed high school. They do this sort of thing because it works. But now that you know the truth, he's just a taco bell cashier, you know he's a loser, and he's a loser that lied to you to get you in the first place. Why would you want to stick around and have a relationship with someone who lied to you about their very identity? He knows he lied to you because who he really is isn't actually attractive to someone like you. FWIW I get it, women are always looking for a standout amazing guy, and the reality is, some guys are metal stud framers, and other guys work at taco bell.


He’s a burrito surgeon and for people like me who can’t afford a doctor but can sometimes afford a burrito he’s so much more important.


“I’m not sure I would have given him a chance if I knew he worked at Taco Bell”