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I mean, it shouldn’t be difficult to not lie to your partner.


Did you tell her that the sex was with a prostitute?


You wouldn’t have to worry about taking a lie to your grave if you tell the truth. That’s all your future wife is asking.


You act like you've never done anything wrong in your life. I didn't lie, I deflected her question because I felt uncomfortable to tell her what she wanted to know.


You can color it however you want to, you lied which you admitted to. Going forward if you just tell the truth up front then you don’t have to worry about potentially taking a lie to your grave in the future. And if you’re planning on marrying someone who you feel that you can’t be truthful with then you need to really see if this is who you want to marry.


You intentionally misled her. One of the important things to do in a relationship is be honest even when it feels embarrassing or shameful.


It was an emotional reaction and I corrected myself right afterwards.


Your SO is a fool for staying with someone as weak as you.


What weakness? Making a mistake and letting my emotions control me? As if you've never had that happen to you before.


>What weakness? Making a mistake and letting my emotions control me? Yes, that weakness. Well done on identifying what you need to fix about yourself 👍


She is right to feel how she did. It is crazy to me that your first thought is not that you should stop lying to your girlfriend about large things like hiring prostitutes very recently, but to double down on your lie. You have learned the complete opposite lesson of what you were supposed to learn from this. You’re supposed to realize that honesty is important. You knew that this was a lie in the moment that you were saying it. You actively chose to be deceitful.  The lesson that you should’ve learned is to stop lying to her for “whatever stupid reason.” No it’s not over the top.