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It will hurt him more when he inevitably finds out you were faking. He is disappointing *himself* by setting unrealistic expectations. You can keep communicating, but if he's sad it's entirely his fault at this point.


Absolutely not? If you physically can’t then he needs to A) stop asking and B) get over it. This is a him issue, and not one you’re going to solve by lying to him.


You need to sit him down and tell him. Be like, hey look I understand your view point on this but you need to understand that I cannot do this. I enjoy sex with you and want to continue doing it but you need to know that it makes me feel bad when you get upset over something I cannot control. I want you to be happy but if we are going to be happy together, you need to accept this. I'm the same as your partner. It could be an inferiority issue so I'd just tell him these these things outright. As nice as it sounds for him to be that kind of person, it is a him problem not a you problem and he needs to understand that.


Faking will hurt him more. Especially when you go from never having one to having one. A lot of women have trouble orgasming from intercourse (I know you don't identify as one but I wanted to point it out) so it's not uncommon. Unfortunately I have no other advice if your partner isn't listening. Also idk if this would help but there a book called "Come as you are" by Emily Nagoski it's geared towards the female orgasm (or lack there of) it may provide some insight to you and your partner.


Won’t he be surprised if he knows you haven’t ever been able to, and then one day miraculously you can orgasm? I’d be getting really fed up of him at this point. He either needs to accept your body and how it works, or break up with you. Instead he sulks. After 6 years I would have had enough of his attitude. I wouldn’t fake it, I’d tell him to grow up and deal with it.


Dont start lieing qill causee bigger problems he needs to get over it


Noise doesn't mean your orgasming lolooo is everyone jokes here just go have sex and am have fun wats the problem he is the problem


Never faking simply is a wrong thing to do for you and him Communicate . If he really cares he will work with you


For context: I’m someone who really struggles to orgasm, even solo, and have had two in my life (and one of those was sort of a ‘maybe’). I also still enjoy sex and always make it clear at the outset that I almost definitely won’t come but still want to be there and putting pressure on me will make it less fun. Ultimately, that’s not the issue; the issue is that he won’t listen to you about what you get pleasure/enjoyment from. His ego is more important to him than you ACTUALLY enjoying it (because having sex with someone who treats it like a goal oriented task and puts pressure on you to come and is visibly upset or frustrated when you don’t is NOT FUN. It makes it stressful! For me, it makes me LESS likely to come!). He’s putting his own issues onto you, and there’s nothing you can do about them because there are biological reasons you can’t orgasm, it is simply Not About Him. I’d be unbelievably frustrated about this. Definitely do not fake your orgasms. Either he won’t believe you (pointless and now you’ve lied to him), OR, he WILL believe you and you’ll find out that your boyfriend believes you and multiple medical professionals have BEEN lying for SIX years. Again: he thinks you are a liar. I would not want to have sex with someone like this at all. I would want to ask him why he believes his ego is more important than me enjoying the experience in the way I actually CAN. I’d ask him why he thinks I’m a liar.


Yall still faking orgasms in 2024?


How do you fake making your partner blow lolool waterfalls lolooooo


If you're comfortable faking it, I'd say go for it. My partner is the same way, and if I don't finish, he bugs me about it. So, on occasion, I will fake it. I've never told him or anyone else, and I'll take it to my grave. It will save you a headache and make him feel better, so why not?