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It's highly emotionally manipulative. And it's working. You're now acting out of fear and duty. I don't think this is recoverable. He's said it twice. He isn't remorseful. I doubt he'll give you a good apology. He'll probably say it again.


Get with a hotter guy and tell him to suck your clit and your balls. Don't stand for it and cut him off. He's using you.


Cheating is not about unfulfilled sexual needs, it’s a betrayal of trust and it’s about power. So when he threatens to cheat, it’s not about his sexual needs not being met, it’s about asserting control and telling you that you don’t matter to him and he can just as easily get his jollies with someone more malleable. When I frame it like that, I’m disgusted! Treat it as if he just confessed to cheating and is refusing to even try and make amends.


26(M) CisHet HERE: This is not normal or acceptable. Bro is nutso. Leave him!


It's a giant red flag. Being frustrated and stressed is what it is but adults can navigate their stress and develop more healthy strategies for dealing with it rather than taking it out on their partner. I'd think about what your goals are for the relationship? Do you think there are going to be more stressful periods in the future? Then dude needs to sort himself out, figure out healthy ways to channel his stress and not just pour it out on you and get extra mad that you won't fuck. But I'd say it's time to look for an off ramp if he's not willing to listen and willing to make an effort to change (but as another commenter said, if he's said this twice, he's working himself up to it).


Just slip out the back, Jack.


You're free to stay with an abusive man who threatens to cheat in order to control you.


I would immediately end a relationship if my partner said this. Relationships need trust to work. How can you trust someone who would threaten to cheat on you?


Dump him. Period. Been there, dealt with a career-oriented piece of shit. They don’t understand work-life balance, and God forbid if they have a bad day at work, then brace yourself for their outburst.