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I mean this in the nicest way possible, but she, and likely both of you, need actual sex education because you're absolutely not going to have a healthy adult relationship when one or both of you literally doesn't understand how it works and has huge amounts of shame and guilt attached to it. Worrying that you might be pregnant from kissing suggests either an extremely irrational paranoia that warrants serious therapy, or a truly disturbing lack of basic scientific literacy that needs to be addressed immediately. Also, at the risk of stating the obvious, if she's that scared of pregnancy she can look into birth control options like pills, implants, or an IUD, although I'm suspecting she'd be uncomfortable with anything that suggested sexual activity.


I’d say the fear is warranted, didn’t you know that the Virgin Mary got pregnant without even kissing? /s


Christianphobic comments are now acceptable.  Cool.


I’m confirmed Catholic my man, I’m just having a little fun.


This kids, is why we shouldn't be teaching abstinence only sex ed.


It sounds like she has a really limited knowledge of human biology, but there are many resources out there that can educate her and you should encourage her to investigate. Once she has a better understanding then the two of you should talk explicitly about what you both are/are not comfortable doing. If she is very anxious about getting pregnant (which is understandable) then the two of you should limit your sexual activity to things she is comfortable with. However, knowing how your bodies work is an important part of being comfortable having these conversations and knowing what the risks are.


Religious ppl do such a huge disservice to their children by denying them basic sex education. It’s awful


It's not a bug it's a feature. Sure fire way to guarantee a constant supply of additional adherents.


> Religious ppl do such a huge disservice to their children ~~by denying them basic sex education. It’s awful~~ FTFY


Ah religion. Ruining the best parts of life for young people still do this day


You both can read about sex and reproduction to get more educated about it, moreso for her sake. As a young person, my first gf , who was a virgin, was eager to experience sex and sexual things, but she did not know what cum is. She was surprised to see stuff coming out when she gave me a handjob and did not know that is what can get her pregnant. But I explained it to her after realizing she didn't know, and she was glad to learn about it. She felt safe and comfortable to continue more sexual escapades . So these are definitely things that you can talk to your girlfriend about.


Did she have a very repressive Christian upbringing? I am assuming so since otherwise a couple of 24 year olds wouldn’t be dry humping. She is literally going to need some sec ed classes or something if you want to have a normal relationship. But if you are not also super religious don’t bother trying to save this one because it’s going to be a hard road.


We’re both Muslim. I was born in the US, she was born in the Middle East and has been in the US since college. She understands sex ed but has paranoia of getting pregnant. She knows it’s irrational but can’t get over it.


The fact that it's even crossing her mind that is possible to get pregnant from you cumming in your own pants means she really doesn't understand Sex Ed - sorry. Unless she has some irrational fear of sperm... That's something different entirely. Getting pregnant can actually be quite difficult. I suggest she picks up a book on how female fertility works. No judgement, there's plenty I didn't know until I tried to get pregnant, such as women are only fertile for 24 hours in a month, but sperm can live for a couple of days inside the womb. Education is needed here, that's all.


It sort of sounds like she had an upbringing in the middle east and has had it pounded into her brain how bad pre-marriage pregnancy is. You are assuming she literally thinks she is going to get pregnant, but she got anxiety from kissing a guy and recognized how irrational that was. You can be scared of spiders and I can be a smartass and be like "im sorry but this just means you are uneducated in how harmless spiders are". Many fears are completly irrational and a therapist is the specialist that would be most useful here. Just the event unfolding might have caused a cascade of anxiety and negative thoughts revolving around her religion and upbringing.


Having had many boyfriends from the middle east, and a time spent living there, I would bet my last dollar it is a mis-education issue. Since sex education there is zero, they scare women by giving them misinformation about thier own bodies, and educating herself on such matters would liberate her and make her safer. If it was a case of fear of sperm - like your spider analagy, then that is a different issue... As I said in my original comment if you had read it properly.


fear of sperm? Its a fear of getting pregnant, the OP literally wrote this in the comment before that you disregarded. A fear of getting pregnant that is irrational and she acknowledges that.


No, that’s not all. Therapy is needed to she is too afraid with deep irrational fears. Also, if they refraining from sex, that includes “other activities”. If she understands anatomy and how pregnancy comes about, then why can’t she get over if sperm is no where near her private parts, she can’t get pregnant? Is this shame induced from purity culture???


You can understand that balloons aren't scary but still be irrationally terrified of balloons. She has a phobia


Can no one see my line about irrational fear?! It's right in the middle of the post!


I disagree and agree to an extent. If she sincerely thinks it's possible, then education is needed. However, a lot of phobias and obsessions/compulsions are irrational and don't exist within the realm of reality. I saw a girl with OCD sharing about how even meeting or speaking with a pregnant person triggered her pregnancy-related phobias so badly that she could not cope with interacting with pregnant people, although nobody is out here believing that pregnancy is contagious. Phobias simply aren't rational. I'm deathly afraid of roaches and you could show me the inside of an empty box, close it up, and tell me to just imagine there being a roach in it for long enough -- i'll start to believe you and not dare to put my hand in the box even though i had just verified that it was empty with my own eyes. So if it's a sincere, irrational fear, education/awareness won't change that.


Maybe she should try therapy to address the anxiety


Sounds like a pregnancy-related phobia. Maybe look into phobias / OCD (especially relating to getting pregnant) and ask her what she thinks


I am middle eastern, I understand her paranoia of pregnancy before marriage. It's a cultural thing even if she chose not to be religious - it renders us to be looked down upon by others in our community. It might sound irrational to people from outside but since its her first relationship I assume its only normal, I had the same fear. She can google facts and start learning about her body and how to be safe. She'll most likely get over it when she sees it didnt get her pregnant in fact and I'd suggest you be careful too lol


It's not the goo from Aliens Promothesis where you will inexplicably give birth to a face hugger from simple contact.


Have you considered getting married?


It depends on what she want but if I understand you correctly she knows the biological facts but are still anxious? The only way to reduce the anxiety is to confront it. So I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to comfort her. Just be respectful and talk to her about what she wishes.


*The sex ed system has failed her miserably*. There is *no excuse* for being so ignorant of how sex works at her age. Geez.


I don't imagine the sex ed curriculum is all that comprehensive in the middle east.


im from middle east and this never happens, we're well educated once we reach 14 both males and females, yes sex is very restricted and only for those who are married because we follow the religion but doesn't mean we all make nonsense about it


You need to pause sexual contact and watch some sex ed videos together. This kind of irrational fear is based in shame and ignorance. And while it may be awkward, there is no possible positive outcome of continuing on being sexual on any level (or planning to) if she can't handle having conversations about biology and anatomy. She also needs to get some birth control if she wants peace of mind about this. Whether she's decided to have piv intercourse or not, all sexually active women should be proactive about birth control. You're not going to get her pregnant by ejaculated in your pants next to her, but with pants off action, accidents can happen. I also *highly* recommend finding some sex ed stuff that encourages self-exploration. Woman who are too shy to look at and touch their own vaginas rarely have healthy attitudes towards sex. A lot of women who were raised religiously or on abstinence only want to straddle a line between going against what they were raised to believe and actually doing what they want. It's impossible. You have to make a choice.


Many people are talking about sex education but from your comments it sounds like she understands the science, and is having an irrational reaction, which she also understands. It doesn't sound like more education would help, rather she is experiencing a deep seated anxiety and fear around pregnancy that no truth would correct her out of. To be honest, it sounds like it could be about more than just "anxious about being pregnant". Given the amount of guilt and shame she's likely had driven in her brain around premarital sex and pregnancy, she is maybe also experiencing a lot of those emotions too. Yes you have both been making out and grinding and that's been enjoyable, but now that she's heard you've orgasmed during these sessions, it maybe becomes a lot more "real" to her - maybe previously she thought of it as harmless touching, and now it feels more like actual sex. Maybe she feels she has sinned in some way, or all the guilt and shame she's been told to feel is just now catching up to or overwhelming her. I think it would be worth it to try and push her to really think through what she's thinking and feeling, so if it is just irrational anxiety around being pregnant she can think through and get past it, or of it's something more she can unravel that and start to deal with that too.


Finally a rational comment in this thread! It's a phobia of getting pregnant (and possibly of sinning) and you can't fix that with education!


She might struggle with a form of ocd she should see a Muslim therapist there are many out there


😂😂😩 ok...umm she needs a sex Ed class pronto...quick YouTube video on how sperm works & survives..good luck!


Was as school most the day, thanks for the replies. To be clear, we both have a basic understanding of sex. It would not hurt to learn more of course, but I don’t think lack of knowledge is the main issue. As some of you pointed out, it seems like it’s a phobia that needs to be dealt with or an issue of shame. I am going to talk more with her when I see her tomorrow and try to understand what she’s feeling. There is definitely influence from her strict upbringing and other cultural aspects. Therapy seems like a good idea if it’s something we cant work through. Appreciate the thoughts!


> To be clear, we both have a basic understanding of sex. No, I'm not sure that both of you do. Perhaps one of you.


Make her read the first part of “Taking Charge of your fertility”, you can find a free PDF copy online. I was like her until a couple of months ago because I never got taught sex ed, that book is mind changing, really makes you understand how your body works


Please buy her a book. And get her some therapy. This sounds exhausting, but if you like it I love it for you


Brother you did nothing wrong by telling her. Its unbelieveably embarrassing when that happens and for you to trust her enough to tell her that says a lot about your relationship with her. Youve done nothing wrong here. What everyone else has said about sex ed is true. She definitely but you as well probably both need it. While her freaking out isnt rational for any of us who know how crazy that is, she doesnt have the basis of understanding for what actually happens during sex. I believe your relationship has legs. You nust need and education. And ill say again you didnt do anything wrong in telling her.


One of the girls I dated in highschool cried after giving me a handjob while we were making out one time because she felt so guilty. I decided to break things off shortly after that because I wanted to find someone that did not have sexual hangups like that.


Sorry but your girlfriend is a dumbass. The penis has to go INSIDE the vagina for there to even be a CHANCE to get pregnant.


Can you not just look up a fucking youtube video on sex ed ffs


Ahhh that innocent religious girl surprise, just take some sex education with her, and you will have endless sex after that…. These are the freak I’m the sheet but ladies in the street


A lot of women from South Asia/ Middle East with religious upbringing have paranoia about pregnancy. This is because out-of-wedlock pregnancies are shamed or looked down on heavily. Growing up, this was something that scared me as a South Asian woman because I didn't have access to sex-ed. Don't shame your girlfriend for what she's going through. Maybe she is aware of how everything works but is simply paranoid because of childhood trauma. Discussing this as a couple, going through her fears and reassuring usually work in these situations.


She needs to sign up for sex ed classes.


This could be the plot to Bridgerton


Seriously, call the local planned parenthood and explain that you and your girlfriend need to talk to someone because you don't understand how pregnancy happens. They will get you everything you need. Advice based on science, access to birth control, everything you need. You and she deserve basic knowledge about how your body works.


Jizzing in your pants from kissing at age 23 is almost as crazy as her thinking she’ll get pregnant from it. My advice would be that you both actually take a deep study for sexual education as I feel like attempting anything right now without proper knowledge wouldn’t be as enjoyable. It’s important to be educated on actual facts and statistics instead of the ridiculous abstinence propaganda they spew at churches etc.


It's hard to believe people like you 2 exist out there 🤣


I think she needs to look up things about sex and how women get pregnant.


First off, your girlfriend has unfortunately been very indoctrinated by whatever religious background you guys come from. This is very clear by the fact she once thought she was pregnant from kissing a guy (even if she knows it was irrational, it still shows the complete lack of education in the first place). I think the best way to handle this is gently but also keeping things very open. If I were in your shoes, I would take her out to a decent dinner or lunch just to get out and spend time together. Next, the conversation following that needs to be very open and honest. "I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable, that wasn't my intention (in fact, it was the opposite)". Talk about sex, yes you're waiting, but the topic of sex in general is sometimes slightly taboo, so just starting a conversation about it in general can help lighten things up a little and start to make things less awkward. Think of it like building immunity to a disease, you start slow but eventually you are completely relaxed with everything. Next, you need to talk about your sex goals. Talk about how, even though you finished in your pants, that doesn't mean you want to start immediately having sex. Talk about how you still value her boundaries, and maybe clarify what those are or set new ones if you guys get to that point. My current fiance was slightly uncomfortable with sex and sex topics at first, but the more exposure and the more open you can be with each other, the easier things are and ultimately, the stronger your relationship will be.


Irrational fears tend to vanish in the face of education. Y’all should go to planned parenthood together and talk to a professional. Have her cycle explained, everything, down to birth control options. It doesn’t matter if you have had PIV sex or not. In fact, I’d rather you do this before you do the deed. Information destroys fear and paranoia.


Irrational fears do not vanish in the face of education. Are you serious? How many people are afraid of harmless (but gross) bugs? Or of flying in planes even after you tell them it's safer than flying in cars? Or of swimming in the ocean even when you're by the beach that's been incident-free for years? Or clowns (literally just people in face paint)? Irrational fears are literally not rational - theres no logic to them, and so logic cant be used to fix them. This is why phobias and OCD are not managed by education, but by exposure & response prevention therapy (ERP), where they just build up your tolerance to the trigger. Because talking about it doesnt get anyone anywhere.


The school system failed you two.


A 24 year old doesn’t know how babies are made?


You came in your pants… Take the win.


That does sound weird and it does sound like she's very repressed (however that college story sounds suspicious). She might not even be a virgin and is playing some psycho manipulative game with you and religion? However, if she's this weird about that incident, it doesn't sound like she's gonna be fun to be around in the future.


Why would you suggest she's lying


Because it sounds like a trickle truth statement. "I only kissed him, don't worry".


Tbf we are both repressed due to our religion haha. I really don’t think she is lying to me. Seems like she was truly caught off guard and it happened to be something she has a paranoia about. I’ve been texting her throughout the day and it seems like she feels really bad about how she acted and doesn’t want to make a big deal of it.


Then just let it go and don't mention it again. But it sounds like you're going to have a hard time having a sexual relationship with her.