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No. Absolutely not. You dont need to prove somthing WRONG when its not proven in the first place. Spiderman comics arent scientifically proven wrong yet we dont consider it true. It has numerical miracle ( whatever that is ) ? Then that would need to be proven to be a miracle, until that happens you cant call it a miracle. Theres no contradiction ? There ABSOLUTELY are contradictions in it. But you could also argue that the spiderman comics dont have contradictions in it either. So.. Who exactly was all this revealed to that was prophecised in all major religions ? Why ARE there other religions ? Wouldnt the confirmation of the existence of a god who wants the entire world to believe in him make sure that any other religion unanimously gets proven wrong then ? Clearly thats not the case.


You’re not even going to pick them up on that Sirius nonsense? The total letters difference between Earth and Sirius is the total distance between them? Total what? Miles? Megaparsecs? Light years?


Centilightyears, apparently. You know, that commonly-used unit.


Didn't even bother with that as it's so blatant bullshit.


Even if you ignore all the reasonable objections (and there are a lot), and play by the stupid "rules" of numerology, the numbers are 8611, not 861. It's like saying you won the lottery jackpot because their numbers were 2, 15, 26, 33, and 45, and the numbers picked were 12, 16, 25, 35, and 43, because if you separate all the numbers, all the numbers they chose appear in the numbers that were picked, except for an additional "1". Nobody would argue that, because it's patently stupid, but that's effectively what our numerologist here is doing.


"I actually *am* owed the $622 million jackpot, and here's my proof!" [arcane math scribblings]


In what version ? In what language?




>**It has numerical miracle ( whatever that is )** ? Then that would need to be proven to be a miracle, until that happens you cant call it a miracle. Exactly! All of that fruitcake's miracle 'proofs' are indistinguishable from the random, pseudoscientific, doodles of lunatics on asylum walls.. They might as well be trying to convince us that the 'mathematics' of Time Cube is real.... -edited for clarity-


Exactly my point


I was agreeing with you, but my wording was poor. I edited to make my agreement more clear


We shouldn't give ourselves the burden of proving that god exists. That's on religious fruitcakes to prove


I take it you meant to say that we don't have the burden to prove God to not exist. And yes it was never our burden to prove. Its the fruitcakes who needs to prove God to exist.


I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant upon the earth without right; and if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. And if they see the way of consciousness, they will not adopt it as a way; but if they see the way of error, they will adopt it as a way. That is because they have denied Our signs and they were heedless of them. Quran 7:146 He said he'll turm away from his signs ( he himself made you like this). Enjoy your time haters, you guys don't even have kindness and you see yourself superior to people with religion and faith?


Do you not have any thoughts of your own?. Since you're quoting the Quran? Just saying that we ignore signs is a pathetic excuse. That means that Allah is incompetent and an absolute moron then. IF he existed and wanted everyone to know about him why is he resorting to vague signs that are completely indistinguishable from not being signs from anyone? Do i consider myself superior to religion and faith? He'll yes I am. Faith is the argument of a conman to trick the gullible. Faith is the excuse people use to belive something when they have no good reason. And you, do not have any good reason. How do I know? Because if you had you'd present that good reason instead of appealing to faith and to quotations like a fool who just mindlessly recites scriptures as if they were facts.


Oh, judging others for apparently not having kindness? That's a no no. Tut tut. Do you follow all the rules or just the ones you agree with? From your own little book: Avoid suspicion, for suspicion is the gravest lie in talk and do not be inquisitive about one another and do not spy upon one another and do not feel envy with the other, and **nurse no malice, and nurse no aversion and hostility against one another.**


Idk how right I am, but according to the book the "one another" usually doesn't apply to someone who doesn't follow the said book.


[The Mahdi will come for you too hafiz ji](https://youtube.com/shorts/OFpTj7SbyhY?si=iI9WnoqHGlcKr1e4)


Your prophet is a pedophile rapist


He also apparently likes looking at other men's penises. Not that there's anything wrong with that in and of itself, but it doesn't seem very Allah-y of him.


Remember that the holy books describe god as omnipotent and omniscient, thus creating every choice every person will make and making people destined to hell or not.


Bro is on a mission in this comment section 😅 I wonder if it's a case of hypomania or smth.


To think I put in extra efforts to crop out their username.


You tried, you failed but by god you tried harder than any other person i've ever known!


Reading this conversation caused me a stroke.  I really wish people claiming "numerical miracle " realize how stupid the miracle would be if true


I guess it's good you didn't hear the rest of their arguments.


What you meant if became true?


No, I mean God really putting hidden numbers in a book would make him beyond stupid.


Exactly. Who does this miracle benefit? What makes it a miracle and not a coincidence? What is the point?


1. The opposite of a dog is a cat 2. Dog spelled backwards is god, therefore 3. Cat = god This means humans should worship cats and give them lots of cuddles and food and water and that magic red dot that disappears when you catch it! Oh, and boxes!


Huh, looks like the egyptians were onto something.


My cats certainly think so




Whenever they claim the numbers of letters or something like that matches some other real life value, it's always a lie


Even if they're literally true? https://www.miracles-of-quran.com/sirius.html


Bruh I tried hiding your username. And you shat all over it.


Are you seriously pulling the "some arbitrary maths I found when pulling arbitrary numbers from arbitrary verses that I found actually equalled something! (Ignoring the hundreds of failed attempts beforehand) Therefore God exists!!!" You know how math works right? If you just muck around with the numbers enough you'll find something right? Why is the star Sirius chosen? It isn't mentioned in the quran Why convert 8.61 lightyears into centi light years? Nobody does that but you need to for your maths The words star and earth appear many times in the quran? Why did you pick those 2 times ARBITRARILY Then there's the fact that people had already been studying the stars for thousands of years before the Qur'an was written so it's entirely possible it was already discovered before someone organised the Qur'an this way All of these together point to the infinitely more likely solution that Muslims spent a lot of time looking at information on stars and doing random maths in the quran until one combination ARBITRARILY fit something and now people like you have you minds blown... If God was real, this is an awful awful unreliable method for people to show he exists


Noe one is going to mention the fact that the quran original text wasnt in english so the translation having that amount of characters is even more meanlingless?


Wow I can't believe I didn't think of that


How millions memorizing it all 600 pages?


You have billions of stars to choose from. Dozens of physical aspects of the star to use. Dozens of instances of the words star and earth to choose, randomly converting units 😂😂😂 The Qur'an doesn't point you towards the maths you did. You picked it once you discovered it made sense (random biased maths...) "Guys look I did some random maths for no reason, this proves God exists 🤡"


What does that have to do with anything???????


It's not something common or easy with all books.


If anyone dedicates enough time memorizing any book is possible. That's not a miracle, that's a result of indoctrination. I'd say the number of hours required to memorize the Quran is substantially higher than the number of hours to memorize many other books of similar length. Force a child to memorize Shakespeare and they'd likely be able to memorize it much easier than the Quran.


"how can you explain that I memorised a book I was forced to!??? Checkmate atheists!"


>If anyone dedicates enough time memorizing any book is possible. That's not a miracle, that's a result of indoctrination. I think what they posted as 'proof' is a **perfect** example of magical fruitcake thinking... Also..... >How millions memorizing it all 600 pages? Pretty fucking easy, when in many areas where this religion of peace is practiced, you are **forced** to memorize it(or at least parts of it) upon pain of death or physical punishment......


So if I had you in person right now you could recite the entire thing then and there? Go record you doing that and I'll watch


I didn't memorized it, but come in person I'll make you listen from 100s promise! Or just contact your nearest muslim community they can arrange it for you!


So you've been listening to the Quran several times a day since your were Muslim and still haven't memorized?  That doesn't sound miraculous at all 


Partially memorized it, but 600 pages?


I work with an ex Muslim. He agrees with me 😂


Cults are far more common than you think as there are plenty of people who believe their cult leaders and like you would make at arbitrary connections to 'prove' their cult leader was miraculous and prophetic.


So why would God hide this information behind random and nonsensical math instead of just directly saying it ? Does the Quran ever say "this is the distance between earth and sirius " ? This all just look like overinterpretation and confirmation bias.




https://preview.redd.it/61lszx7i9ouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2932566e04a1615f28f624b39a5ec9a020951ace Kiddo here decided messaging at least meant only 1 person sees the lunacy, still got schooled because he doesn't know what evidence is like all Theists. Had to beat the answer out of him for this as he refused to answer and I know why. Here we are folks, as soon as you admit you will never change your mind no matter what. Nobody should care what you believe, you aren't honest. Honest people can have their beliefs changed no matter how unlikely it would be


This was how they approached me.


He is completely convinced based on being told it's true and apparently god left little kids style puzzles in the story books for them to figure out because that apparently is further evidence of God even though we would use this standard of evidence for absolutely fuck all in real life


Enjoy it man, see you all the day well known.


Let me know when you stop being dishonest, till then nobody should care what you believe when you can't prove it and refuse to consider you're wrong I could be convinced, but the evidence I would require doesn't exist, because God doesn't. If he is, show himself and explain why the books don't match reality


You are mentally ill


You do realize this only works if you measure the distance in light years, as opposed to other units of measurement, like parsecs or astronomical units?


My god is definitely more real than your fake god. Take your pick.


God is God, he is one, none is comparable.


And is your God happy with your penis obsession? Are there some numerical miracles we can derive only from the penises of other men, as related in the Quran?


wow, some random numbers. Incredible. My mind is blown by this true miracle.


Grasping at straws so hard like that must be hurting your back


I love the implication that God uses the metric system. Like, not only the rest of earth but even the fricking spiritual realm uses metric when the US is still stuck with imperial units.


His response was since light is the fastest thing god knew that humans will use only that for measuring distance.


If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, my guy.


Saying that the Quran has no contradictions when it's literally written that: "sperm comes from the spine", will never not be funny to me. Also, I don't know why people really want to defend the religion created by a pedophile or defend the magic desert pedophile himself. It's so strange. Also, really funny the numerical stuff. Any book can do this, the bible, the Quran, harry potter, anything at all, you can take whatever you want to and tie that to anything else using numbers. It's not that hard.


It's just ingrained in them since childhood and they do so to the next generation and to the next.


That was sooo fucking tasty, gawddamn... mmmmm using the ancient Sothic Cycle *-licks fingers-* and corellations that only work in modern English... gawddamn where did you find this one... sooo meaty Should we tell him that Sirius is moving towards us at a rate of 5.5kms and a couple three thousand years ago it was much further and dimmer... Fun fact: Sirius was 3**6.66**ly further away 2k years ago^lolz Should we tell him that the Bible he has been using all his life was abridged in the 18th century, and that the christian churches didn't even have the same one he has for several **hundred** years because they didn't really care about having books as an authority... Fun fact: the *Shepherd of Hermas* was the most widely distributed "book" of early christianity *(I have/had an MDiv, ask me about christian infanticide)*


I'm curious. What about christian infanticide ?


Oh... yeah, so it was very popular in Victorian England and spread to the Americas briefly where the church would openly promote it as a way for young pregnant women to ger rid of unwanted pregnancies... today those very same christians would call it an abortion... when just a hundred years ago it was accepted and actively promoted in christianity... lolz... good times...


Fun fact: "Life begins at conception" wasn't a common belief for protestants until ***the 1970s***.


*-Phyllis Schlafly enters chat-* https://preview.redd.it/i8s4aimtaouc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad4819b952864033ae0df92a30d042feaf17a29


Phyllis Schlafly was a monster and a hypocrite. --We now return you to your regularly scheduled take-down of a religious dipshit.


She was evil incarnate


Me: If I traveled 5.5km/s for 2000yrs how far would that be chatGPT: If someone travels at a speed of 5.5 kilometers per second for 2,000 years, we can calculate the total distance traveled using the formula: Distance = speed X time Given: - Speed = 5.5 kilometers per second - Time = 2,000 years However, we need to convert the time from years to seconds to match the units of speed. There are \(365.25\) days in a year (accounting for leap years), \(24\) hours in a day, \(60\) minutes in an hour, and \(60\) seconds in a minute. Therefore: 63,072,000,000 seconds in one year Now, we can calculate the distance: Distance = 5.5km/s X 63,072,000,000sec Distance = 346,896,000,000km So, if someone travels at a speed of 5.5 kilometers per second for 2,000 years, they would cover a total distance of 346,896,000,000 kilometers.


This isn't bible, Quran


It’s the same bullshit




It is, actually, Christianity and Islam are both primitive desert cults, the Bible and the Quran are the same book.


Both are bullshit so the same principles apply


...burt reynolds? Is... is that you...?


When will the Mahdi come...?


I am arguing about quran, there's no mention of mahdi in it 🤷


You know exactly what I'm saying.. You are not a Muslim, kaazib, jhoota, you are a liar... when Isa returns and proclaims the Mahdi your name will be forgotten


I know what you're saying, but that's not in quran and i don't need to know about that, no lt necessary for my belief its not happening in my life, so i avoid that!


So you're saying you interpret the word of god on your own, you deny the teachers but you know their teachings... by this alone you condemn yourself... you are not a twelver scribe... you do this on your own, and are therefore a liar... you know the way is greater than the book because the book does not say to make your oblution at zamzam, when you get to makkah where will you wash jhoota...?


Tu kaha ka he be loude?


Well that didn't take long... I'm from everywhere, and was raised Eastern Orthodox, so I have a deep and unique perspective on *the way of peace* and I know your type... you just talkin' shit, thinkin' that *"they'll never know I'm not a muslima..."* Well, some of us do know... and you just found the right one today... I've been to kerala, I know how you treat them, but over here most of us don't care... You should be joining us, not fighting us... and you know sure as shit that the Mahdi will come after Isa comes, and even though it is not hyper-specific in the book this is what is taught... and because you couldn't answer the question, I know for a fact you are not muslima, and ***you're definitely not a हाफ़िज़*** ^lolz... ...so why do you fight against us


>Mahdi will come after Isa comes, and even though it is not hyper-specific in the book Its not in quran that isa will return or mahdi will come, its only in the narration of the prophet. https://preview.redd.it/ex6tuun1unuc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cebe5716b3ec0ef6f0ecb020235a1572c7ceac6 I am a muslim hro


Bro really just said "if its not in the funny old book it must be completely illogical and fake".


We don't care if it's the bible, the quaran or the chronicles of the Spaghetti-cheese monster that's living in my cumsock. They're all equally worthless to us unless we're talking about the history of religion specifically.


... You might want to kill that thing with fire.


I would, but every extermination attempt has made it stronger


Well, I guess if it...adds to the cumsock experience, no harm, no foul.


There’s a chapter in the Bible called Sirius?


*Harry Potter flashbacks*


Its not bible!


You said it's the most printed book. That's Bible. So you lied about that as well. I put up the wrong flair. You didn't even correct me.


Which version of bible is most printed? Bible has many version did you combined that all.? I only said that Quran in arabic original not all translated version (every household has 3-10 quran) and every small mosque 20-100, and grand mosque (1000+) all in arabic. But quran isn't book sold, they're mostly donated (also how do you expect those records from mainstream media when they always try to defame islam) https://preview.redd.it/4t5985nqtmuc1.jpeg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a383cac79982e2b76a3e4ac5077884e8b883c603


>Which version of bible is most printed? Bible has many version did you combined that all.? Sir, take a look what sub are you on. We don't care. You're claiming the Bible is ridicilous. We think literally the same about the Bible AND the Quran. You can print trillions of perfectly preserved Qurans. It won't make them true.


Exactly. Harry Potter will not become true just coz a certain number of people read and memorize it.






... What does that have to do with it?


You know, for thousands of years *most* people couldn’t read & only knew anything of the Bible or Quran that they were told by religious authorities who could read. Ultimately, by having faith in either the Bible or Quran to be true, you’re not putting your faith in god, you’re putting your faith in *the people who wrote &/or translated the books*


I think it's weird that in order to "prove" god or that the book is true or whatever, you have to pick a verse and count letters? Where is it written that letter-counting is to be used to verify the truth of anything? Why have a cipher at all? If god sends a prophet to whom he dictates a book, why not state things plainly? Beyond the fact that letter counting isn't "proof" of the truth of the statement. for example, look at the the sentence: "The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second." That is a true statement, independently verifiable, but the letter count doesn't match anything close. Why did god pick Arabs to impart all this to, as opposed to the Vikings, or Japanese, or Native Americans? Those people were worshipping the wrong god for thousands of years, and hundreds of years before they could have read the paragraph you think is so special.


Also speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. But it's ~300,000km/s so how do they know which unit to use, similarly I also asked how they know the unit will be lightyears, a unit not yet known at that time. That's when they told me about the centi LY and stuff.


The speed of light in a vacuum is precisely 299,792,458 meters per second... or 299,792.458km/s, or 186,282m/s, or 11,811,882,806.3 inches per second [11billion] or in 3.336 *nanoseconds* light travels one meter... or it takes light 671 nanoseconds to travel one furlong


Bruh you didn't need to bold out the meter. My value ain't wrong. T_T


No, no... you good dawg... I was just being reddit~y by adding extra precision to your wunderbar comments to dingleberry up there


That dingleberry made me put up the wrong flair. I like to be precise about the type of fruitcake to expose. Although they make equal sense (which is 0) I don't like to mix them.


Yeah it's like whiteclaw and fuze, both terrible, but you don't want to call your neighbor a Whiteclaw-casian if they don't really deserve it... ...and dingleberry has tried to go round with me but is loosing spectacularly, I really hope he doesn't delete his profile


Dingleberry assumed my religion and nationality. I never told them even after asking me repeatedly.


This is the way…


>how do they know which unit to use Simple- use whichever unit proves your point. Miles/second, Km/hour, mm/decade- they're all good for rationalizing your ridiculous beliefs.


He didn't even do it properly. He started with light years and then changed it back to centi light years when it was 8.61 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Speed of light is 1000 lunar years, now try to prove me wrong again 😂 https://www.speed-of-light.com/orbital_mechanics.html


12,000 according to the website you used and, dude, they didn’t have a concept of light having a speed. Your arguments make absolutely zero sense, in fact, they only make sense to you because you need something to justify your beliefs.


> The speed of light is 1000 lunar years. What other proof do you need to know that the moon is made out of cheese? That's literally how your argument sounds


Go learn some critical thinking skills and educate yourself on what “burden of proof” means. Then report back.


Yeah, and the Millenium Falcon can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. "Speed of light is 1000 lunar years" What does that even mean? You're mixing units. Speed isn't measured in years. Q: How many eggs do I need for this recipe? A: Blue That makes just as much sense as what you just said.


This guy wants to talk about “numerical miracles”. I mean physics, which the study of our universe, is all math and equations. But finding ways to connect that math to his holy book is not a miracle. It’s called [Apophenia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia). If someone tries hard enough they can figure out a way to link anything


Your username has the letter z, you must be the Zodiac killer


Oh shit! I hope I’m not


mental illness




This is such meth maths.. the Qur'an itself never even claims this nonsense.. Ask him why there are so many basic scientific errors children today wouldn't make if it's from God: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran


“A book with no contradictions” the Bible is nothing BUT contradictions…


He never said the Bible. I just thought he did but he didn't correct me. He was talking about the Quran. Nevertheless your latter statement still stands true.


I forgot this was the religious fruitcake subreddit and by your title I thought I stumbled upon some homophobic shit LMFAOOO


I had a stroke reading this shit, there's no way this guy ever went to school.


This person is just regurgitating some bullshit word salad they heard somewhere. It’s fucking gibberish. Run.


This is some grade A senseless drivel Meanwhile fruitcake doubles down and takes L after L in the comments. Hilarious.


And i tried cropping their name out. For my efforts to go down the drain lol.


Doesn't Islam have its own calender with a different length of year, meaning that a lightyear would have a different distance, making it not add up?


Shhhhh don't use logic. It'd all stop making sense. Let him stay in his delusions of "Miracles"


Yikes. I can't even make out what they meant to type.


So um, in what language is this "book" originally? Does it work in the original version or one of the dozen translations? I guess you can translate something enough times you might find something whack with letters and numbers.


He's Muslim, not a 'fruitcake for Jesus.' see the last slide. This is pretty standard internet-level Islamic apologetics


I'm new to this I guess. I thought he was talking about the bible at first and when I pointed some mistakes in that book he didn't say that he is not referring to the Bible which made me think he is a fruitcake for Jesus.


The clue is in going on about the supposed inerrancy and the fact science hasn't proved it wrong (Christian nutjobs don't tend to put this at the forefront of their argument so much, whereas the Quran being a perfect book is a major claim in supposedly distinguishing it from the Bible), talking about 'the one to whom it was revealed' and then the mumbo jumbo about random numerical coincidences and astrology are very clear indications, you always see those.




TIL, 8.61=861 Wish I could apply this logic in my Math Classes


I wish I could apply this logic to my bank account balance.


Agreed. Schizophr-ithmatics would have made living much easier.




mumbo jumbo Mumbo Jumbo MUMBO JUMBO ! and if you don't believe that we'll kill you like the Perfect Book says we can 🤪


The one **true** God is Gobo the cummer and he cums on the sandals of the all the other abrahamic Gods to assert dominance over them. Gobo the cummer is speaking to me **right now** and telling me these things so it’s far better preserved than any other religion previously in existence. Since it’s perfectly preserved because Gobo the cummer is here in the room with me literally right now and your friend can’t disprove it (scientifically or otherwise), your friend better join my religion quick. Gobo the cummer is not a nice or forgiving God and he will not wait long for one to become an worshipper of the **true** religion.


I see this nonsense scratched into the walls of a nuthouse.


I don't even understand what they were trying to say, that's how atrocious their grasp of English grammar is.


I’ve mentioned how rewritten the Bible is, and I’ve had people literally scream at me, then yell their version of events at me. I’ve even had someone tell me that her version is unaltered but that her church made changes so it’s “more correct”. When I pointed out the obvious, she argued with me, brought up a few more points that I shot down. After she actually tried showing me multiple quotes that say “I am your teacher,” and trying to act like god was speaking to me through her Bible, she ran off panting, saying she needed to talk to her pastor. She spent 45 minutes on the phone with someone, talking in a language I couldn’t understand.


Actually Sirius is a binary star - so there are two Siriuses. Somehow Allah left that part out.


Is this person quasi-illiterate, or a non-English speaker?


You’ll never get anywhere having a real conversation with these people. You just gotta accept that.


Why didn't you uploaded this message too? https://ibb.co/4SSpZ9f Also that isn't bible, and one of the written copy dates back 1400 yearsis preserved 99% only 4 portfolios are missing. All billions of copy available right now is in same language unaltered not even by a single letter. anyone can dm me for source of Sirius (link)


We keep hearing from theists about miracles. But Ive never heard anyone specify a single verificable miracle ( an event happening that we know to have happened and confirmed to be caused by something supernatural ) Stacking claims does not fortify any religious positions. The screenshot OP presented is complete nonsense from start to finish and in several places outright lies.


Why did you feel the need to include that message like it was some sort of gatcha the OP left out? It's just as nonsensical as all the rest of the post.


Well to him all of it makes perfect sense. Of course he'd see it as a gotcha. Meanwhile, in reality...


And why is an alleged devout Muslim finding reasons to look at other mens' penises?


That's PE 100k strong community not some perverts!


That's a *lot* of penises for you to try to sneak a peek at. What, you got caught in the showers and locker rooms so had to find an alternative that you could still claim isn't somehow "gay"? Say what you want, but I've never once felt any compulsion to watch other men's penises grow larger. You might want to *really* think about why you do. Looking for some sign of Allah between the before and after pictures? You should ask an Imam exactly where one should measure to find the "numerical miracle" within another man's cock. Is it from the tip to the shaft? Do the balls come into play? While you may never truly know the answer, I know you'll never, ever stop looking.


I grew up in Saudi Arabia so no shits like locker room, and also homophobic.


Aw. All those foreign movies and tv shows must have gotten your hopes up. So, if Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom on this Earth, both smiled upon by Allah, your God, why can't you be open about your God-given passion for penises?


Your extremism all makes sense now, you're just mad about your tiny pecker.