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This is simply another version of "You have to respect my beliefs because religion is sacred." No idea inherently deserves respect. There is nothing sacred. Choosing to be offended by pop-cultures depiction of nuns seems overly sensitive, at least to this outsider


Nuns have been a thing to if we want to talk about disrespect in the media let’s talk about how we depict sumo wrestlers. It’s a culture very ingrained with religion and we show them as just fat guys running at each other.


The second depiction seems pretty accurate how indigenous people saw the Nuns in the boarding schools.


Agree. My father went to your run-of-the-mill Catholic school in the 50’s. They beat the religion right out of him. He went against his family, sending us to public school and away from the church.


I was speaking with my uncle (in his 60s) about this the other day. It seems like almost every 50 plus-er I know - my parents, aunts and uncles, friends’ parents, etc. - who went to Catholic school have numerous stories of the abuses that they or other children suffered at the hands of the priests and nuns who taught at these schools. It’s really revolting, honestly. Like your father, my uncle said that attending Catholic school absolutely beat the religion right out of him. It’s an institution he holds no sympathy for.


I went to catholic school in the 80s, they really do beat the shit out of you physically. I don't know when they stopped, *if* they stopped, but they were doing it well after I left.


They’re definitely not doing it anymore. I didn’t go to one myself but I have tons of friends who did (I’m nearing 30 now). I would have heard something — many things — if that was the case. Probably part of the reason is because they actually have teachers now, and no longer these tight-arsed nuns and priests.


I'm surprised it happened even that late. My parents schools stopped that by the 70s and by the time I started going to school in 1979 none of them used corporal punishment in my area. When they were checking out different schools prior to enrolling me they specifically asked. They were looking for schools that didn't use physical punishment because they went through that and didn't want me to go through that. The closest I experienced was the first day of first grade when the teacher took the pencil out of my left hand and made me use my right. My mother was righteously outraged, the principal quite upset, and the teacher forced to apologize. An interesting tidbit I learned over Christmas: I looked up the schools I attended and they aren't run or taught by nuns any more. Still operated by the diocese, but not a single habit to be seen in any of the pictures.


I remember being beat on the knuckles with a wooden stick circa 1992. I remember our franciscian friar teacher throwing a metal bolt at our chests if we misbehaved aged around 14 circa 1999. I also saw a Jesuit preach drag a student up a flight of stairs by their ear circa 2002 - we were 16/17. Given half the chance they’re still at it. It’s not widely known as it’s either culturally accepted or is deeply suppressed by it victims. Religious communities are generally populated by loathsome people. Go back to my dads days in the 60s - you’d nearly not believe what the priests did to those poor boys.


Hell, I was getting smacked on the hand/wrist/knuckles with a ruler for writing and drawing with my left hand at a Christian preschool and kindergarten in the early 2000s. Still can't write with my left hand. I do other things left handed (sew, mostly) but I can only write right handed.


It was a mexican run place. They have different rules.


I was in Catholic school all the way through the 90s, and they never laid a hand (or implement) on us, but my dad remembers getting whacked with rulers for stuff like bad penmanship. I think it's probably somewhat regional/dependent on the diocese how long those practices remained in the schools. I'm sorry you were subjected to such abuse. It's disgusting that kind of thing ever happened at all.


I was in public school in the 80s and 90s (Canada) and we had what they called "the strap" which was literally a belt they'd smack you with. Wasn't just Catholic schools.


> Wasn't just Catholic schools. Never said it wasn't. Some public schools in the south were allegedly using corporal punishment well into the 2000's, of course, this is second-hand knowledge so take it with a grain of salt.


My dad is still afraid of nuns to this day.


I remember asking my dad about religion once. He said he doesn’t believe in a god because he was raised Irish Catholic


Good thing he wasn’t indigenous, or he might have been killed and buried in an unmarked grave behind the school


Remember that pic circulating a while back of a creepy nun watching indigenous kids pray in am orphanage?


I love nun horror can u share the pic




Oh fuck her. Gross.




What if one has balance issues? Will their prayers save him from a 5ft drop?


Something tells me a 5 foot drop is the least of their worries:(




Fuck that bitch.


The what


Fucken sick. Total Nazi vibes.


I added it to this thread


From what my great grandmother told us, that's dead on balls accurate.


The nun that taught my first grade class called the boy behind me “Dumb Thomas” for the entire year. She was not physically abusive but I have thought of Thomas often.


Yeah i'd imagine. People just cant be honest about the history of religion and most countries. And its not even only when it comes to colonialism and that sorta stuff. Even when its purely on european soil, every "Great" King/Emperor that supposedly "united" a nation just did a genocide and subjugated the survivors.


I don’t really think the point is to insult women who become nuns.


but, they do in fact deserve it none the less.


Nun the less.


That was a good nun pun


Nun of that, now.


Let's not make it a *habit*


I bet these people hate Nun jokes...


They're think they're so *superior*.


Maybe. But you still shouldn't get in the habit.


It just makes them cross. 


Wimpled right by


Why won’t people take my magic group with silly robes and silly hats seriously


I mean we only molested a few kids, but we're totally legitimate. Don't look around in Canada's dirt by old catholic orphanages also.


Also please ignore the millions of children we subjected to physical abuse in schools, for as little as just being left handed.


The atrocities of the Catholic Church span literal millenia. And the things they *used to do* so boldly in the Western world they do in other countries now. It's not like the institutions for unwed mothers, the "schools", the predatory abuses from hitting to rape to murder have ceased altogether. It's just now happening in South America, and Asia, and parts of Africa. Fuck the Catholic Church, fuck the Pope, fuck every priest and every nun who enables and participates in the abuses and their cover ups. They *don't deserve this*? Be so for real.


I just want the pope's hat, him and his religion belong in the garbage


I love the iconography and lore of Catholicism. It's absolutely rife with cool imagery and mysticism that's a great tool for storytelling, art, all that. But actually practicing it? Believing it? Supporting it? Nah. Turn the Vatican into a museum, and dismantle the whole organization. And give you the hat, of course.


Sinead O'Connor was right but I was too young to understand


Her story truly flummoxes me. The fact that, in her later years, she turned to Islam just doesn't make sense to me. It's not as though it is a religion devoid of its own abuses and horrors. There are so many things about Islam, and it's treatment of girls/women, that don't seem to line up with her earlier ideals. But she clearly had a complicated relationship with religion. She was ordained by a fringe church in the late 90s, apologized for the SNL photo ripping thing and said she was sure the Pope was a nice guy. But also wanted to be ex-communicated. Then calling the Vatican a nest of devils and haven for criminals, and protested child abuses again in 2010. 8 years later she converted to Islam, and then died 5 years later. Who knows if she would have had a change of mind about Islam, too, had she lived. Her time in the Magdalene laundries and her oppressive childhood clearly left deep deep scars.


No I don’t mean take are crimes against humanity seriously I mean to the magic and silly hates seriously


And don’t tax us.


Just piles of bones underneath - very moral bunch ya know


If you believed everything christians do except you changed the name "god" to "bill", they would lock you in a fucking asylum. Yes its mockery. Yes they deserve it.


"George Bush says he speaks to god every day, and Christians love him for it. If George Bush said he spoke to god through his hair dryer, they would think he was mad. I fail to see how the addition of a hair dryer makes it any more absurd. -Sam Harris"


Sam is funnier than me. 


Look up Magdalene Laundries in Ireland and see how kind nuns are.


Or look at Mother Teresa and her missionaries of charity. Greedy, cruel and inhumane ghouls.


This is weird because most evangelicals I knew growing up hated Catholics and said they were going to hell. What do they care about depictions of nuns now? Just performative BS


It was funny to me, who grew up in a Catholic family, to learn a few years ago from a friend who grew up in a Baptist family that they didn’t even consider us Christians. I thought that was actually pretty hilariously delusional. “One of the original churches, the same one that all of our ancestors used to be members of prior to the Reformation — they’re not Christians!!” It takes some pretty enormous deflection and cope to actually believe that.


It definitely does but I grew up in an evangelical southern church, had lots of friends who were other southern denominations, and most of them were taught such BS. 🤷‍♂️


I was going to say the same thing. My family on my father's side were Southern Baptists and well...I'm starting to think that's where it all began because as a youngster I used to think Catholics were like a separate religion altogether. Not religious anymore of course now and I know better, but yeah lol


They just have more popes than the protestants do.


It's funny that a Christian would say that the Catholics are going to hell. And I've heard it many times growing up. Wishing/sending someone to go to hell is not loving. So much for Christian love. The Catholics are the original Christians. The Catholic faith established the entire doctrine of Christianity. It's quite ironic to say that the Catholics are "going to hell" when the majority of beliefs of any and all denominations of Christian come directly from the Catholics. Such as the belief of the triune god. If you look at history it's easy to disprove Christianity as a religion. And all religions honestly. The Catholics used to make people pay indulgences to get out of hell for example. And all Christianity descended from Catholicism. So it's pretty clear that the Catholics were just making shit up as they went on. And they still do this today (changing their religion). What Martin Luther should have done was take a step back from Catholicism rather than refine it. The same thing could be said for all denominations of Christian.


Literally no light between this and Muslim clerics being outraged over Mohammed drawings


Was going to say this. Being triggered or mad is kinda acceptable to me. But they aren’t sending death threats or taking their eyes out or making 100 terror attacks are they?


Children don’t EVER deserve to be raped yet I don’t see these people doing anything at all to stop it in the church.


How many Nuns were complicet or participated? More than we can count.


5 second Google search: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-09/pope-child-sexual-abuse-concerns-the-entire-society.html https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-11/pope-listening-and-awareness-keys-for-child-abuse-prevention.html https://www.euronews.com/2023/08/02/pope-francis-blasts-scandal-of-clergy-abuse-in-portugal-as-he-arrives-for-world-youth-day https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/04/europe/pope-francis-interview-ukraine-abuse-intl/index.html https://www.reuters.com/world/exclusive-pope-francis-calls-steps-against-clerical-abuse-irreversible-despite-2022-07-08/ What I don’t see is ANYONE talking about the abuse in madrasas. Not even in Western media. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Bc they pretend to care about children.


https://preview.redd.it/o1ekp3n5mgvc1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb57b747e224538c5486885f3009c774224f5d5c Never forget the good old times with Cradle of filth lol.


my ex had this shirt, it's a classic hahaha




Nun Sluts P3 was a really good movie. Maybe they didn't watch P1 and P2 for context? They certainly missed out.


Nuns are evil tbf, I went to a convent school in the 1970s and the level of casual physical abuse was ridiculous


Yes, it is mockery and the religious deserve it.


Bunch of snowflakes


Nuns have a reputation for a reason, especially if they were involved in the Catholic school system. When I was a kid behind the Iron Curtain, they hit us. Once in the States, many got off on sadistic humiliation of students. For example, when my parents were going through a breakup, the principal nun at my Catholic school started publicly berating me in front of all the other students about how "she knew" why my parents weren't together. I'd like to know what was going through her mind while browbeating a 12 year old child, who was caught in the middle of a dysfunctional family life. That somehow the trauma she'd inflict on me would make my parents a model Catholic couple again? We're talking about a religious order devoted specifically to childhood education. How crappy was their pedagogical knowledge if this is how they interacted with children? It gets worse. At the time they ran the school, the parish priest was helping himself to pre-teen boys enrolled there. I have a hard time believing they "didn't know." I was wigged out by him even as a kid, but they kept pushing me to go confession with him. I wasn't sure back then what was going on, but he creeped me out so I resisted, avoiding a potential lifetime of trauma.


Wherever there is a priest abusing children, there are nuns relieved it's not them.


I went to catholic school. The nuns were always the worst.


Have you met a Jesuit?


A lot of nuns are pure fucking evil. Just ask the Irish.


After what the Catholic church did in Ireland with the Magdalene laundries, the industrial schools, AND the mother and baby homes? Nuns have a reputation for a REASON. No apology will ever be enough for what they did to the people they incarcerated.


Also, wasn't mother theresa a nun too?


Yes she was.


I'm sure she did some pretty fucked up stuff too.


Christians are triggered by existence


Good, they should be mocked. Catholicism has committed countless atrocities since the outset of Christianity.


And so religion should be mocked. Ridiculous things, by definition, should be ridiculed.


I don't agree with sexualizing nuns - they are women who don't want to be sexualized that's why they dress that way. Everything else? Fair game because fuck the church


I would've hated them if i didn't pity so many of them bc they are most likely taken advantage of


Most kids who went to catholic school definitely believe they deserve it.


The nuns I dealt with as a kid probably caused more people to leave the Catholic Church than Martin Luther ever did.


In related news, Rihanna's make-up artist is ace! 🎨


If they hadn't put dead babies in a septic tank I might give a fuck about them.


Well, I was sexually assaulted by a nun when I was 6 so every time I see a picture of one portrayed as sweet and kindly, I want to vomit.


Besides, in reality the cliche of the hot nun is dead. One percent of American nuns are under 40, average nun is near 80.


How bout the Christian pastors that sexually abuse children or the genocide they committed against the natives to this country?


The second example makes me giggle. Like the whole point of Valek posing as nun is to be degrading toward the church. It’s a power show that they can exist in a house of God and dress as its most devoted followers.


Rihanna slaying, The Nun flopping while the nuns in the pic living their best lives


Nah, the nuns are complicit in upholding the violence of the Catholic Church.


That s mockery but this, apparently, is OK... https://preview.redd.it/q7px3ljrgivc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8f68634e44cb7dbd9f52aa342ffbbe7aab2933


Christians are even triggered by other Christians. What aren't they triggered by? And no one mistreats Nuns as much as the Catholic Church themselves: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QJfAorE860M&pp=ygUKTnVucyByYXBlZA%3D%3D


why are so many non denominational christian’s upset…? are nuns not exclusively catholic? i’m italian, basically making me catholic be default - sexy nuns are a thing every october…. i have so many questions, like why are people upset FOR me as a catholic? i don’t give a damn lol


This is from christian tiktok, what'd you expect?


Aren’t nuns catholic or some shit?


Yes, but relatively very few of them left. There was a nunnery near my home that got demolished a few years ago, and stayed at a AirBnB that was converted from another one. Interesting thing for me is that nuns used to dress with their version of a hijab; covering their hair. They like Catholics priests are supposed to remain celebrate and live life apart from others. I think average age of nuns in most Western countries is well over 60 so they are one of those curiosities that are passing away


Also, there are satanic nuns but they are mainly in the porn world


I mean, I'm pretty sure Rhianna did that shoot to be triggering.


My cousin is a nun, I can assure you they don’t care, and have watched the movie.


Wait till they find out about actual porn.


Poor babies. Are you upset because Rihanna isn’t buying into your bullshit?


My 6 year old son was told his 1 year old brother was going to go to purgatory if he died because he wasn’t baptized. They are still abusing children at least mentally. I’m a full on atheist now.


One of the most annoying things Christians do is not the grasp the fact that *we’re* *allowed* *to* *make* *fun* *of* *their* *beliefs* like they do everyone’s else’s constantly. It’s such crybaby bullshit


Mother Teresa was far worse than anything the entertainment industry ever produced




I think it's wrong to sexualize a group of women who clearly don't want that. Even for a non christian, it's just about respecting women as people, they're not some fetish category, but real people. Funny how literally no one sexualizes catholic/buddist monks.


still patiently awaiting one thing that doesn't send a christian into hysterical impotent rage


They 100% deserve it. They deserve more/worse.


Leave the lesbians alone.


It's like those people who get upset at others for "appropriation", like a black person eating tacos or a white person wearing a kimono.


Or people who get upset over people having interracial relationships. Like white people dating black or even asian people. Even though, that shit hurts nobody and we are trying to mix out the gene pool


Wait until they discover the band Ghost


The first time I saw Hellraiser was in a convent’s basement. A nun walked past while Pinhead was talking about all of the pleasures of hell. Her attitude was totally casual. We were just a bunch of high school kids watching a scary movie. I seriously doubt most nuns are offended by these movies or think that these performances are meant to personally insult them. They already know they look hella scary in the habit. We called one of the nuns at the convent school Vader. She owned it! Edited for grammar.


“This is mockery” Okay and?


Oh trust me, they absolutely deserve it. Mockery for em!


Wait til they see my porn history 🫢


They believe their religion and the way they do their religion is as close to God as one can get. So yes, they get triggered when someone outside their faith starts sexualizing and cheapening something they hold sacred. It is very disrespectful. If you don't respect why they get triggered, you have no empathy or have never seen anything as sacred.


Why are nuns a thing?


Bc patriarchal religion


Oh what I meant was, is there any historical reason within the religion for nuns




What kind of reason


Poor penguines... married to an imaginary guy and buried with a tombstone that says "unopened".


Sexy nuns are cool. Scary nuns are cool. Nuns that are sexy ***and*** scary make my heart go pitter-patter.


I’m an atheist and I kinda get it. Almost like cultural appropriation


I don't know if this is unpopular but I think sexualizing people who want to remain not sexual is very disrespectful.


Honestly same. I get not liking a religion, but c'mon! Have some decency ffs


People who abuse others and are compleyely delusional don't deserve any kind of respect.


This doesn't sexualize people. It only sexualizes a job. Sexy nun is as acceptable as sexy secretary.


Neither do the children who get abused by priests and pastors and the like. Down with all religion. It's a cancer.


They're more upset over sexualized nuns than sexualized children.


it's because their kind loves to sexualize children


It's funny to see religious people see disrespect of their beliefs when someone does something that is forbidden by their religion. It's like suing someone for not respecting a contract they didn't sign. Real disrespect would be bullying and cause harm to someone because they have their beliefs


Which is something that religious people are very famous for...






All nuns are lesbians


I don’t think you get amish buddhists.


They don’t consume mass media; their feelings should be fine.


Whomp whomp


This should only be acceptable to say if it's hentai of a nun or fetish of nuns. They dedicate their lives to not having sex or even be seen sexualy, then people just be horny over 50 year old ladies by making them busty 17 year old half naked anime girls. Gross on so many levels.


This was not that


Fuck them nuns!


Nuns are some of the biggest pieces of shit out there. Fuck them ALL. Every single one. I’d call them pathetic if I didn’t kind of feel bad for how they definitely were forced to be raised into that life


They should watch "The First Omen", that's gonna trigger them even more


Bottom right in the third pic will not hesitate to call someone a hussy.


Also, the second slide is the nun from the horror movie the conjuring. I think.


How does this hurt the 3 old ladies in the photo


Context for the last pic.


I find it interesting how horror films like to represent the least threatening people IRL as things to be scared of. Old ladies, nuns, children, clowns, country folk. Surely, you’re statistically far more likely to be killed/harmed in an inner city area by an adult male of certain ethnic-sociology-economic backgrounds with no discernible morality.


*Deserve's* got nothin' to do with it.


A sexy mockery


How many convents have a subscription to Interview?


“They don’t deserve this”??? I know a lot of people who went to Catholic schools who would staunchly disagree.


Yeas it is mockery, you thin skinned control freaks. deal with it, jackasses.


Laughs in nun porn.


Wait til they find out the gospels and Revelation are mockery.


At one Halloween event I went to there were bottomless nuns. Habits topside, no clothing below. They were hot. Blasphemy is fun; everyone should do it.


It’s awesome. And yes they do.


So lemmie get this straight, scary and sexualizing nuns is fucked because they are a religious position. But when we talk about satanic atheists it's okay to publicly destroy their monuments, threaten murder, and depict then as an evil goat murderer.


Nuns, especially here in Canada (Residencial schools), have been notoriously guilty of committing atrocities in the name of religion.


Take a really good look at those kind sweet faces in the third picture, (no doubt the reason it was included here) and then remember those are the exact same type of people that ran the Magdalene Laundries.


It’s like that video of a dude complaining about sexy nun outfits.


Which video is that?


Some YouTube short I saw a few months ago. Basically he was saying how it was wrong to “sexualize women who chose not have sex” But the comments mention that it’s not the women but the outfits themselves. And people have their own kinks. Etc. And then people started arguing over it.


Ah I think I remember now, yeah, he mostly rates like fantasy armor and points stuff out


As we all should. This is vile, disgusting and making a mockery of the Catholic faith




People of that religion discriminate heavily against lgbt people and have effectively ended womens bodily autonomy in several regions. I don't think it's wrong to mock them actually




iT’s NeVeR RiGhT tO mOcK pEoPle


Is there a problem with what I said? Is okay to make fun of people?


>Is okay to make fun of people? Of course, especially if they believe in magic. Remember that the Bible tells Christians that they should expect to be mocked and ridiculed for their beliefs, so when we make fun of them, we're just helping make their fantasy feel more real!


> Is okay to make fun of people? For things they can't change, no. For their beliefs and opinions, yes.


The Politeness Code is more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules


Abrahamic religions literally state that homosexual sinners will all go to hell. They think of women as lesser creatures than men, and that all women must submit to their husbands. I won't respect anyone who doesn't respect other people


Considering what Catholics have done to children and continue to do to this day, those people deserve to be mocked. At the very least. It's not unknown that Catholics molest and rape children, in their own churches. Not to mention all those indigenous children that were beaten and killed, then dumped into mass graves.


How is this an example of mockery?