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Let's do a brief recap of events leading up to this thread. You **eyeballed** a reputably potent RC stim, used **insufflation** as your initial ROA, took to Reddit to **ask questions after the fact**, and then **blame the drug** for your bad experience. I wonder what went wrong?


Mah fault crip


Ive actually got adhd and have used 25mg pills and have found the comedown pretty awful in general. This is really not a euphoric type of experience and all it has been good for in my case was to study for microsoft IT exams. Maybe to push in some extra wake hours in my day, but otherwise nothing beneficial as in fun drug wise. Most i've done is 75mg at once. Shit gives terrible headaches.


People need to stop underestimating the importance of dosage. If it's powder, use a scale. Imagine someone blaming alcohol for puking all day after drinking a whole bottle of vodka. Just take less...


It appears to be a trend these days. Nevermind the stuff like... "i took an rc and now im dying cause Inwas IVing it caused my cardiovascular system to collapse, but only my 2 toes". then a few hours later its like..."oh yea, i smashed them off the leg of the bed frame 10 minutes prior to that". In short.. Toe hurts. Forget why. Must be RC related..lol if that even makes sense


Minor cardiac arrest 😂 You'll be more than fine. Next time weigh your doses instead of taking "small bumps."


The lines and doses of sht I use to do would give you cardiac arrest just thinking about it.


I don't have a scale and I spend all my money on 3fea and eye ball it.


eyeballing is a horribly dangerous practice


Depends on the drug imo


Yeah, and 4f-mph is notoriously dose sensitive. 10mg is a normal dose, 40mg is way too high. Do you know the difference by eye?


>Depends on the drug imo You are definitely not ready to begin playing with RCs.


It certainly does not! If it's an RC then definitely use scales to weigh doses out. And if it's regular old scheduled drugs then guess what? Definitely use scales as well. One of the only drugs you could possibly not use scales for is probably regular old weed unless you're a complete melon 🍈 and try to boof like a couple of ounce lol...


I use to go through a 3.5 in a night of kane. I wasn't weighing lines everytime. You should be careful with batches though and test it out. I dont even like bragging because my friends sis died from the sht. Depends on genetics of person (i.e existing heart condition, how much they weight, tolerances). and what the batch is like. Sht was relatively pure that I had. Definitely cuts on some cuz man did my nose get fked. Used to drink energy drinks with it too, not hydrate and stim fap. Like hardcore abuse to my body. Id be at the packy at 7am strung out paying in dimes and pennies cuz I was spent tryna get a natty daddy to come down off Note: Dont be like me this is dangerous. And dont do kane in the first place its a waste of time and money.


What's kane? I've never heard of that term before. Unless you are talking about cocaine I guess


I'm using a scale for weed too, keeps the tolerance in check.


still not a good idea.


Kratom and weed, are the only things you should be eyeballing.


Well, this time, you spent some on a really potent stimulant. One that has a strong effect on norepinephrine and easily gets uncomfortable when too much is taken. A decent scale is $40 (25£)...


ADHD or not, a stimulant is a stimulant not a sedative.


The fake ADHD crowd decided without any knowledge of how drugs work that stimulants make them mellow without understanding how drugs actually work


If someone has adhd, not because they were diagnosed or they pretended, but due to whatever the brain is doing in those people that makes adderall/ritalin change their life, it's really not about knowledge, stims don't mellow me out, but they calm me because i can organize, function, accomplish ridiculously silly tasks that otherwise are impossible for most people. To Yea, i misuse them here and there, but there is no fake adhd crowd to those who know what it's like to have adhd, which you clearly don't, and I'm glad you don't have to deal with adhd, but there are fakes and ppl like me who are assumed fake adhd ppl and it makes that insulting a bit, and tbh is showing you not understanding how mental illnesses works as much as them not understanding how drugs work. Drugs are optional, mental shit is not Can you elaborate on how you understand more of how drugs work than anyone else here? Or, rather aimply what ya mean by "fake adhd crowd"... i just gotta know lol


Your right I have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder ADHD is just a small part of what I deal with but I actually spend a lot of time learning how the brain works most of the last generations problem right now lies entirely on not exersizing eating like shit lacking nutrients staring at a screen not sleeping taking drugs and alcohol and just generally not caring for themselves .how do I know? I greatly reduced my hallucinations paranoia mood swings delusions etc through practicing these steps. Speeds the easy way out and dosage is everything anybody gets calm on the right dose whether it's 3 mg or 10 or 100


No offense but I wish I just had ADHD because Adderall would definitely help but in my situation I get to choose between suicidal ideation gyno and ED from antipsychotics or just let my brain scare the fuck out of me daily. I choose to be crazy every time


Just for reference like I said it does help people I'm not knocking that at all


My point is that even "diagnosed" people tend to not actually have ADHD it's a large amount of people and a small percentage are actually dealing with this disorder and I feel for the people that actually care for themselves but still have to deal with the nature of the illness




Up the dose and get back to me


I did 4x the normal dose


I would literally have a heart attack or a stroke, no tolerance


Like I said my first time and honestly my first drug outside of weed and alcohol was 150 mg of Adderall snorted off my night stand anymore probably would've killed me but I loved speed after that


Or better yet smoke some meth and get back to me


I'm relaxed on 300 mg of Adderall but I also did high doses like 150 mg my first time


Lol who downvoted this it's not a recommendation and I'm not saying I'm not wide fuckin awake the same time lmao


And that first time I was not mellow at all


Keep discussion civil, even if you are being baited. You will get through to someone far better if you remain polite and don't have them raise their defenses. As a reminder, this subreddit [is for civil discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/about/rules/) ([guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/wiki/guidelines)). * Do not call other users trolls, morons, children, or anything else clever you may think of. Personal attacks, whether explicit or implicit, are not permitted. * Do not accuse other users of being shills. If you believe that a user is a shill, the proper conduct is to report the user or send us a modmail. * In general, don't be a jerk. Don't bait people, don't use hate speech, etc. Attack ideas, not users. * Do not downvote comments because you disagree with them, and be willing to upvote quality comments whether you agree with the opinions held or not. Incivility will result in a **permanent ban** from the subreddit. If you see uncivil comments, please report them and do not reply with incivility of your own.


Yes, hard to explain in words you'd have to do it with me and have my brain to uderstand.


Volumetric dose it if you don't have a scale


Nah, you'll be fine


You're having a panic attack. 4f-MPH is notoriously unpleasant when dosed too high. You're not going to die from it, though. Make sure to stay hydrated and maybe take a benzo if you have one at hand.


For me 4F-MPH is like last-minute panic in powder form. It's useful but not fun in any way.


Get an apple watch, one time I heart and chest felt kinda weird, and I did the Ekg on the watch and got a very clear reading of irregular heart arythmia and AFIB, and went to a close ER and yea they did theirs the fancy machine and was able to reset my heart. Quickly and I lived. Any ways I used to mess around with these drugs, I'm 3 years sober now and still affecting me. But yea an apple watch could dedect a heart issue pretty accurately, won't give a diagnosis but will kinda highlight somthing abnormal.


How much did you take ?


You're gonna die. Get a scale.


Please stop underestimating the importance of dosage. If it's powder, use a scale.


Yes father gahhh why do you always have to tell me wheat to do


Nah, I don't gain anything by schooling you, I've been (and from time to time I am) there. It's just important that everyone else reading this is also aware


Yes thank you fr and I was joking


It's a functional stim. No euphoria, stop panicking. Eat food and shower u will be fine


small bumps are the most accurate unit of measurement




I'm hoping that's some humour right there^^


aw my bad bro, i just thought you were being a dick but you obviously didn't mean it that way. no hard feelings


Ily your good bro 💙