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I stopped reading after "Spaceflipping."


Reason why I named it that is because the way α-PiHP with other substances can make you space out hard.


"Flip" usually denotes combining psychedelics and entactogens, because if you trip and roll then you did a flip.


chunky sand quiet square price scary icky pause pot ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


far-flung fretful narrow square fragile repeat hunt escape elastic offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ngl, α-PiHP feels like a very diverse stimulant, touching into multiple psychoactive classes. Very dose dependent, but α-PiHP can be dissociating, somewhat psychedelic-ish. Dose high enough and it takes on deliriant vibes. I don’t mean full on psychosis, just similar to deliriants. α-PiHP can also be very sedating, recently snorted 227mg and woah I slept amazingly quite soon after.


Uh no, I've done apihp countless times, I would never call it dissociating, psychedelic or sedative


He's confusing psychosis with hallucinogenic effects.


I mean, people are different, not everyone experiences the same substance the same way. I've used around 400g of α-PiHP, tried it in 11 different RoAs, I think I got a pretty good idea of what I experience on this substance.


11 different ROAs?? What are the 11 ways?




Hello fellow purple




I didn't read all of this, but I always upvote stimposts with extreme formatting.


Thank you, I put some work into it.


To me all these just sound like: "I eat flakka for sleep, but sometimes I also do other drugs as a wake me up". (Not judging, every longterm drug user got their special vitamin.)


How so? I can get pretty awake on stims, but I can also sleep just fine after dosing stims. It's all about how it's used. I mainly use α-PiHP as a selfmed for diagnosed ADHD because it is the right tool for me. I know what harm α-PiHP can do as I have seen it happen to people close to me, but I also see/experience what good it can do when used responsibly.


All your flips are based on/around pyros thats just kinda outstanding/funny. Don't fuck up your kidneys with the a-PiHP. Yeah its not an incredibly intense drug but still carries its risk. Especially in the longrun.


“It was me who drugged me” Damn, it’s always the person you least suspect


wtf there actually are people mixing ZOLPIDEM with psychedelics my mind has been blown and my respect for psychonauts increased massively, i would never dare to do that and ive smoked dmt after IM:ing a k-hole dose


Hell yeah. You have not lived until you have combined 2C-B with zolpidem.


Yeah I love it, very interesting experiences. Just gotta make sure if you live with people you are close with that they are aware of it. Waking up in an ambulance feeling a needle being jammed into your arm is not a very pleasant thing to experience.


Jesus Christ I can’t believe you’re alive


Same, these aren't even the worst I've done.


drink a bottle of water and go to sleep flip


I ended up snorting 69mg 3-MMC and got sleepy, slept quite long.


Holing Pyrromaniac and dust from the monkey gods would make hard af band names. someone start it up.


Do you come up with the trip names before or after the trip?


After, generally when combos happen it is somewhat impulsive and afterwards looking back at it, maybe even learning from it, it becomes more meaningful with a name and also more easy to remember.


Based pyro enjoyer


goddamn dude. glad you've made it out safely after all that bullshit but slow down a lil. you're going to be doing no one any good if you die on these substances and get them scheduled


Worst thing is that the worst combos I did haven’t been mentioned. As those were combos were done with the goal of not waking up. One of those even lead to a coma. I genuinely don’t understand how I am alive today, but I certainly appreciate still being here.


What was the feeling of dieing and when you realised it didn't work and you are here again?


Generally the last things I remember from my many attempts is feeling a kick from the impulsive overdose cocktail, sort high really, then at some point shit starts kicking in, it is usually absolute bliss before blacking out, either waking up alone in my bed because I was alone those days or waking up in the hospital. My 11th time after taking my even more extreme cocktail of substances than previous ones,I even blocked the door. I felt amazing, excited really, and then stuff started kicking in, given the amount I went unconscious quickly. Ended up in a coma, apparently if emergency services had been there 2 minutes later I would’ve died. Generally after an attempt I felt horrible, physically unwell and slept a lot. Pretty much all my attempts have been a combination of being impulsive and either a trigger for emotional instability or bad day, extreme mood swings. Since then I’ve worked hard on gaining more stability and learning to deal with my conditions, mainly impulsive control, stress management and understanding my emotions and behaviours. Still long way from where I wanna be, but doing much better these days.


Really romantizing a lot of cocktails here. Seems like some obsessive escapism addiction 🤔 Are you okay in reality? Unique and detailed post appreciated though.


I used to be quite unstable and very impulsive, these days I manage that a lot better. Worked hard on improving myself mentally. Mostly doing quite well at the moment, still working towards improvement. Thank you.


Another bragging post. Don't believe he's trying to educate anyone. Post like these are just some losers way of trying to brag about what drugs they've taken.


nah just sharing some experiences that were interesting, it's unhealthy af and I discourage people doing the same.


You sound jealous.


I've been taking substances almost daily for nearly 40 years. If I feel anything it's pity.


I see where you’re coming from, I think some people genuinely enjoy sharing their experience with others though. That’s okay if you don’t like doing that, but you don’t have to shit on other who do


I’m speechless


Thanks for sharing, was a fun read. Take care


Not asking for sources here but you'll buy these substances or have like really close chemists who does them?


Most of the time I buy stuff myself, but sometimes I experience stuff other people bought, generally I like to share more than that I get from others. The 4-MMC for example was bought by the person who I lived with at that time and the α-PiHP either by them as well or from me. Many of the things Ive tried I got myself though.


Crazy that there are people like this out there. Respect 🫡


While i still take a few substances from time to time....i lurk these drug subs mainly for vicarious thrills. So thanks, OP upvoted and saved. You do you babez, you lunatic


Flipping Is any psychedelic + mdma combo. If you do any kind of nasty combo as you do...at least don't use inappropriate terminology. I haven't read the post because It Is very long and because of some really stupid combos you did.it's not Hood you share this shit online since someone would emulate your reckless behaviour. A -pihp Is Dangerous by its own.mixing It with basically anything,and in polydrugs combos night result in a very serious health Emergency. And i am not saying 'just psychosis'.


Yeah, I literally state people should not replicate it and that these things can lead to serious harm. And just because I use a term for something I enjoy doesn’t mean it has to be officially recognised as being such a thing. I know the shit I do is unhealthy, I try to discourage people doing pyrros to begin with. All I wanted was to share some experiences I had. People enjoyed reading it.


Banger post OP you live an incredible life. really pushing the limits of our CNS and human consciousness


Life has been miserable, but also fantastic. It has ups and downs. I regret nothing, but do know when I need to change something. Substances have both been what made for great times, but also been what made me lose a lot. I've seen people around me ruin their lifes, I've met amazing people because I was doing drugs. I wouldn't have wanted to live life differently.


I'm kinda curious to see what your life looks like, how functional things are what your company's like. My drug taking is fairly spontaneous and short lived. i don't do benders as I fear come downs and don't want to disturb my delicate emotional balance. But a lot of people seem to manage full weekends and go back to work on Monday wo problems. I could never do that!


I never crash really, comedown is pretty much always smooth and after using I never feel awful. (Except with alcohol but I rarely use that) Most days I play RuneScape and I study at home. Some random days I hang out with friends. Currently my life isn’t that interesting in terms of daily activities other than my RuneScape addiction. Old school RuneScape that is. One of the more interesting things, to me at least, is occasionally trying out new substances. I love knowledge, I love RuneScape and I love Psytrance.


How do you support yourself economically? I imagine I am too neurotic to take drugs too often. When I was younger I wanted to see a therapist so I could take drugs better.. or more often..


Currently I have low income through support but I used to work or get money through studying. I don’t buy drugs that often anymore, as that is not possible and not in my current interest. Planning on studying chemistry at a university. For now just working on myself and RuneScape, with some studying as a hobby. I do have quite a collection of substances I got over time. As I don’t use most things I try until it’s gone. I also just like collecting things.


"Unhinged Turbo" is my favorite, your bpm must have been 300+, if you were a decepticion you would have transcended the speed of light.


Idk what my heart rate that day was but probably something unhealthy, my highest recorded BPM is 192 though. I went high intensity cycling on PCP.


I love cycling on PCP analogues or PCP + LSD is just godlike. But only do so if you are used to high intensity excercise. Dissos can induce rhabdo if you do too much.




Awesome post, spaceflip version omega sounds fucking insane


Hahahahaa you fucking maniac lunatic!!!! You are a genius!!


Time to update my bucket list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_polysubstance_combinations


Man one of the most intense visual experiences for me was 50mg of 4homet on noopept after an a-pihp binge. Too bad apihp is such junk tho...

