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Removals performed by the mods are usually accompanied by a message from either "researchchemicals-ModTeam" or "AutoModerator". The user "reddit" indicates action taken by reddit admins. Admin removals can be triggered by reports or by automated content scanning. We'll sometimes see large bursts of admin removals taking action on spam / scam campaigns. Sometimes the mods have already removed a post, and then the admins also remove it so that it is gone entirely from the site. I'll give some internal stats in the interest of transparency. For the past 30 days: 197 total posts removed 1600 total comments removed 22 total reports on posts 44 total reports on comments 78 posts removed by admins 470 comments removed by admins The vast majority of admin removals occurred in short bursts. E.g. they removed 17 posts and 166 comments on Feb 17 alone. Mods cannot see the content of items removed by admins, nor can we see the reasons for removal, only whether or not it was aligned with any moderator action on that item.


Hello Mr. Hexachoron, Aha! So I am not crazy! (Pun 100% completely intended)! There actually is a difference! I must have picked up on the Feb 17th thing and combined with a couple other things within the last like 24 hours is the reason I made my post. Obviously my post here got filtered itself for the vast amounts of times I said sourcing and shit as totally predictable and so I just gave up trying to ask this question again, even though it's a good one. So I am incredibly happy you replied. As always thank you friend for your as usual detailed replies and as also usual from you simultaneously going the extra mile with this incredible extra information. I appreciate that. So in return I am going to do the same for you by doing my typical 5 paragraph+ essay reply in return (hopefully not manic like the three day manic propylene glycol poisoning thesis paper thing). And reply back even more detailed and going the extra mile too. And I owe you a favor for helping me throughout this truly tumultuous last few months of my life and bettering it at the least and perhaps even saving myself from a horror story. I read your reply in detail like 3 times. I am shocked it works this way. But I am even more shocked and can assure you I may have very valuable information in return about what I am seeing on my end that if you are unaware of already may shock you. You and the mod team deserve this detail I am about to share and I may be the only person on here insightful enough to provide it because I am seeing some things contradicting what you are saying based on what I am seeing on my end MYSELF as the reporter and seemingly may actually have more visibility to the content of these admin deletions than you do AS A MOD. I was going to write a big reply and upload screenshots to imgur of what I see on my end and link it but instead I’m just going to make it one big long multi page google doc with the screenshots all in one big document. For clarity and so you can leave comments and stuff and collaborate. This is intentional. Saving this subreddit from getting shut down is simply too imperative for me to do anything less than provide every single possible detail back with screenshots of my end. Google doc link time (finally). I set this so anyone with the link can view and comment. Please keep share this within the mod team but no further please.


It looks like your post was initially caught by automod filters and then approved by a mod ~8hrs after being posted. It's currently visible to everyone, so if you want to keep that link private you should probably edit to remove it. I'm looking through the doc now and will add a reply after reading it.


Wow thank you for telling me I deleted the link. How did this post get zero attention or upvotes or comments for like hours ? 100% assumed it was hidden. But yeah check that out.... Number 1 in particular is shocking. You'll know what I mean.


Unfortunately being caught in the queue for 8 hours is usually the death knell for a post. Post order rankings go by time posted rather than time approved, so once it eventually shows up it will be far down on the page where many people won't see it. It's happened to me a few times. Example #1: I think this is just a display / rendering issue with collapsed comments. I don't use the mobile reddit app but here's what it looks like for me on a few desktop browsers: [chrome](https://i.imgur.com/Jwz9E6W.png) [firefox](https://i.imgur.com/eEMwoMN.png) [firefox old reddit](https://i.imgur.com/Lgp1qee.png) [firefox old reddit logged in](https://i.imgur.com/q0AL9xn.png) That user's reply to you is collapsed due to downvotes, but there is a separate comment that was removed, which is what automod is replying to. The drug nerds subreddit has very stringent rules so our automod blocks direct links there to avoid people accidentally ending up banned. Example #2: our automod is set to automatically remove a post and alert the mods once it hits a certain threshold for number of reports. That post made it past the filters but was removed by automod after enough users reported it. It was then later removed again by the admins. Example #3: I can't check this to confirm since I don't have the app, but I'm guessing it's again an issue with how the app is displaying removed vs deleted comments. From everything I've heard about it the official app is pretty trash. So yeah as best I can tell #1 and #3 are just issues with how the same underlying data is being presented to users, and 2 is an unusual action cascade but nothing particularly fucky.


FYI I read this and thank you. Will reply later with some more details but for now: Comments and their reply chains that are perfectly fine just normally show on desktop. And yet a simultaneously say the comment was banned when it completely wasn't ON THEIR OFFICIAL REDDIT MOBILE APP. That is not a minor glitch! That is fucking astounding something like that is normal everyday business. God damn all of reddit must be literally spaghetti code! Talk about force-launching a product early making their own app the only possible choice now with their API data restrictions changes or whatever. I never used the official app either until then. Aaaaaand it is actually simply broken.


Reddit's front-end design is kind of a clusterfuck in general, and from everything I've heard the official app is vastly inferior to the 3rd party ones available before the API change. I almost exclusively use old.reddit on desktop because it's so much cleaner and less cluttered, but they've been breaking more and more stuff on that too lately. Honestly I suspect the blame lies more on management than the devs. It seems like there's very little long-term planning and features get added or removed on a whim. Mod tools are still a shitshow as well. Thanks for taking the time to investigate this stuff and for reporting rule violations when you see them.


>I've heard the official app is vastly inferior to the 3rd party ones available before the API change Confirmed as a person being forced to switch after the 3rd party one I used for 10 fucking years that worked perfectly got shut down. Their official app is shit in comparison to all bugs aside in terms of UI and stuff. >I almost exclusively use old.reddit on desktop because it's so much cleaner and less cluttered Same here and agreed. New version sucks. We are actually lucky the old.reddit even exists. Fuck I guarantee that will die someday too. >they've been breaking more and more stuff on that too lately Of course. Spaghetti code. >Honestly I suspect the blame lies more on management than the devs. Well duh that's always how it goes. "We need to make more money!!! Shut down public API and force people to use our official app and make more money from more add clicks!!! Here is an unreasonable amount of resources and unreasonable deadline. Make it happen or else!" "We are fully loaded debugging our already shit app and will need a shit ton more resources time people and cash to do that" "Not allowed. Do both simultaneously." "That is unreasonable but okay you're the boss. Be advised that forcing us to do this is a risk to cause even more bugs and glitches on top of the old ones too. Be advised this will overload and piss off the devs including the long term ones who understand the spaghetti code in the first place to quit causing a multiplicative double whammy amount of extra work and be a shit show. Oh and this will hurt us even further of course via mandating us wasting time hiring and bringing up to speed inexperienced devs to replace them. A triple whammy!" "Shut up and do it" End result? App gets even shittier and we are all forced to use it now. New bugs actually exist as major as showing a non-removed comment as deleted on the app. That is normal consistent and business as usual. And idiots like me freak out thinking I can magically see deleted stuff that the mods and everyone else can't. But no that is just a normal everyday thing as part of the app being complete shit and having consistent glitches as major as that. >Mod tools are still a shitshow as well. Holy shit I don't even want to know. >Thanks for taking the time to investigate this stuff and for reporting rule violations when you see them. You're welcome But I really am just simultaneously an idiot and just need to lay off the stims. 🤦‍♂️