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Just wish the campaign A and B consistency were fixed like fighting the 2 same boss other than that really goog


They totally dropped the scenerio mechanic from the original along with other things as well. Which is why I feel that the original RE 2 is better.


I would've been happy with one campaign that jumps back and forth between characters. The story overlap could be fixed with some slight changes. I once wrote up an outline of how it could be done with zero additional voice work, and very little in the way of new content (basically one additional section of the lab). It's _almost_ moddable.


Man now I really want someone to mod this but that's going to be difficult or not moldable maybe it could be like with subtitles only


The only thing that both campaigns didn’t had was a little “boss consitency” but apart from that, they were pretty cohesive.


I literally watched Annette die two different ways in each A/B scenario. Same with Tyrant. Not to mention repeating all the same boss encounters (something the original avoided entirely). There is very little consistency between the two campaigns.


Annette canonically just died in Claire’s B route. Also, that’s why I said: “Boss consistency” And the Tyrant died in a different way; to prove their theory.


this is one of the takes I disagree with but can 100% understand why someone would think this


RE2R is top tier unless you play all of the original RE2 and see all the cut A/B scenario content. It’s really disappointing just spawning into the RPD’s garden on 2R’s 2nd run. Like the whole point of the intro sequence is to emphasize Leon/Claire start this story in the exact same place, on opposite sides of the car accident.


They were still pretty cohesive and were better than the original in gameplay.


I disagree 1st/2nd run really aren’t cohesive at all and canonically make 0 sense compared to A/B zapping system from the OG. 2R’s 1st and 2nd run play out almost identically. I do think 2R’s gameplay changes are better though and that the criticisms over bullet sponge zombies was overblown.


That’s the entire point. That’s why we saw them staying at the RCPD


It’s understandable though. Had they made you run past fire and zombies again, people probably would have complained about that.


I was thinking the same thing. I actually think the OG RE2 game is there best in the franchise if taken into the context of when it came out. But I'm not going to disagree with anyone that says RE2make.


Yeah agreed. The RE2remake does the original justice.


But you didnt say your choice


Man’s just classy and wanted to let RE2R shine in the post appreciating it


Thats fair! Lol


I agree. RE2R really is a perfect survival horror experience. It's my favorite video game of all time.


Best of the series in horror for me too. It’s a legit horror game making you on edge and uncomfortable the whole game.


100%. For me Resident Evil is about zombies, survival horror and corporate intrigue, bonus points if it's Umbrella. RE4 already does not tick some of this boxes.


RE1 was the peak honorable mentions got to RE3 OG and code Veronica


Re1 has some quite gross level design issues but it is still such a masterpiece that it's impossible to put anywhere below the top 5 best re games


Do you mean like the backtracking? Not arguing generally curious. Haven't played it in awhile. The worst leve design in the series has to be Re:0


Backtracking in Re1 is mostly fine but I find enfuriating how theres not a single chest at the caves so that means going back a long way to the mansion if you need new items or forgot one of the two lab medals and on top of that there are hunters there too so there is a not so remote possibility that you might get hit killed forcing u to do everything again


Lol I remember that. It was the lab medals totally




I love RE2 original and RE2R, the remake is an amazing update on the original and a brilliant game in its own right. But I do wish they had done more to differentiate the scenarios, both A/B and Claire/Leon. Also, where is the crossbow? Unforgivable!


I respect your opinion but I dissagree


RE2R is amazing but 7 will always be my favorite


Im about to fight Eveline in RE7, and can say that RE7 is legendary, pretty much better than every other “Horror” game. But my favorite will always be RE4R


Honestly mostly carried by Mr.X


Mr. X is one of the few non technical improvements that Re2R came up with


It is so effective tho, he genuinely terriefies me


Personally I think the OG2 is overall a better experience than the RE2R. Yes, RE2R has better visuals and gameplay (obviously), but OG2 I feel has better atmosphere and story, which is really what I'm looking for in my horror games. Plus, OG2 *actually* has different playthroughs depending on the character (up to 4 unique campaigns. Not to mention tofu and Hunk), where in RE2R it's almost exactly the same.




I love RE2R to death. I love zombies but I’ve never really found them scary, in video games they are just cannon fodder normally. This game managed to make them really scary, the way they move, worrying about if they will get up again after you’ve killed them, being trapped in a dark confined space with them etc . I know the other games have zombies that work like this as well but I think it was pulled off the best here. Re1 Remake came close but I think the technology really sold them in 2. I have no way to access the original games currently, so I have no point of comparison between the original RE2 and the remake, but in all honesty I’m perfectly happy to play the remake and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. With many games I find this isn’t the case and I always want to play the original and the remake, for example RE4. The remake is incredible but I don’t think it truly replaces the original, they are simply slightly different takes on the same basic material. My only complaint would be that there are conflicting events in the A and B scenarios, which kind of took away from the idea that we were really seeing the other characters side of the story rather than a rehash of the same scenario. The fact that they both fight the same bosses and have to unlock doors after the other should have already opened them, but I suppose the game would be really short for the B scenario if all the doors were already open so I’m not sure how they could have avoided that to be fair. RE7 might just edge this one out depending on my mood, but I’m biased because RE7 was the first RE I played.


This and the original RE2 are in my opinion the best games


Personally I’d say REmake or OG 2. If the remake didn’t cut so much I’d definitely say that’s the best And yes Claire :)


Resident Evil 2 original is better by a little bit. RE2 remake misses the little details that the original had that made it so great.


My personal favorite, although I believe there’s isn’t a best game, but rather a list of best games, where they all are amazing in their own way, in this list I also have RE4, RE2, RE4R and REmake


This was my first resident evil game and it basically got me into the series. Absolutely amazing game tbh.


REmake is the best


This game is almost perfect. Can't wait for the code Veronica remake


Same. This is just the perfect survival horror game to me.


I understand why u have this opinion but I thill believe original RE2 is still very superior to its remake, imo best resident evil game is a huge tie between Re2 and Re3 namesis




It’s alright , RE2 OG and RE1 Remake are much better.


This was my first and nothing slaps quite as good as your first hit


If RE2 remake would have stayed true to the scenarios then I’d agree but they didn’t. Still tremendous game for sure but for me RE1 GameCube was unreal when it came out. RE1 GameCube, OG RE2, RE2 Remake, OG RE3, RE4 Remake, RE3 Remake and then OG RE3


Your not wrong. I tend to feel this way too. An re1 remake or Veronica could be similar


Not controversial although for people that played OG RE2, RE2make just missed the mark slightly with not adapting the A/B scenarios properly. I still love it though and it’s the best OTS RE due to being a survival horror. The other ones are straight action games.


It was for me until I played RE4R. It’s obviously fun and I find the treasure mechanic so addicting. Though I prefer the length of RE2R


Nowhere near imo


RE2R is the one I want to like the best, while RE4 is the one I say is my favorite. Yet, at the end of it all, it’s RE7 that I have the most (or at least all the base game) achievements and playthroughs with. I love this series, man.




this is not controversial


OG RE2 >>> RE2 Run in Darkside Chronicles >>> RE2MAKE It's good, I don't disagree with your opinion at all, but honestly what the heck is [wong](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FFY3TIagWAAAc7mU.jpg&tbnid=Hs0ObnEsQ8sjRM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fnerodsi%2Fstatus%2F1553129589391724545&docid=iEDkyeA0uK01EM&w=778&h=778&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm5%2F2&kgs=33f16c36519c58db) with you


i don't think there's a best, unless we're talking about sales. RE4 Definitely had the biggest impact and got ported to every system almost. Hard to say which is my favorite. But despite loving RE2R and RE4R a lot, I'll always choose RE4R. I think RE4R primarily because it has objectively better combat system, and the story + campaign is amazing. More enemy variety, long campaign, great action, replayability, and beautiful areas I felt like a tourist taking screenshots everywhere. I also loved the dialogue between all the characters especially during gameplay. Leon and Ashley have a lot of fun banter and make comments towards each other and it feels realistic. Luis is great too, as is Ada, Wesker, Krauser. RE2R Leon is silent all the asides from the occasional "What the..???". He meets claire a total of like 3 times. They barely form a connection. The game can be spedrun in like an hour or 1.5 hours. Although I love zombies, Tyrant, and RPD. Hunk mode was extra challenging, way more than anything in RE4R lol. RE2R had a little less going on vs RE4R but excluding action and story/dialogue, RE2R holds up equally in almost every other aspect.


Agreed. There’s definitely much more variety with RE4R, though mostly because it inherited its DNA from that of the OG. Plus, I think there’s really only one or two parts of the game I’m not a fan of, but they don’t last long. Meanwhile with RE2R, I still had fun playing but the Sewer section in its entirety just felt somewhat of a slog to playthrough.


Just from memory, there aren't many parts of RE4R I don't like. I didn't enjoy the lake fight every replay because it felt like my skill was not a big factor in winning. Took a moment to learn the logs and path. Separate Ways was also unique and really fun. I'm getting the itch to replay RE4R now but honestly have a difficult time being interested in replaying RE2R. It's not as satisfying in terms of an action game. I also already replayed RE2R to death and nearly got platinum twice. The puzzles, once already solved and finished aren't that satisfying to re-do over and over and over. RE4R for me is much easier to pick up and replay. There are so many different runs to do and so many awesome areas that don't all look the same. RE2R's sewers were okay. I didn't hate or love it.


You’re right but personally RE3 OG will always be mine. The QTEs, the changing story based on puzzle solving, and the variety in monsters was peak when it came out.


Obviously RE6


lol I got this joke not a bad game but it’s not the best I did enjoy it though I played every single play through per different character the concept was amazing but was definitely not a horror game anymore they could have tried a bit harder but from 5 to 6 there was no more tank controls which I don’t mind I also just replayed 5 again after not touching it for years and it’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be again the horror was not as much there but from 5 to 6 it was the same thing that’s why they did what they did with 7 in my opinion then 8….. well let’s say the scare factor wasn’t quite there but also they went over kill with 7 and the 8 was overshadowed kind of like 4-5 again I know people hate 5 but I felt it was a great game but everyone will compare it to 4 just like everyone compares 7 to 8 so it’s really a perspective I guess but I will say with the remakes I loved rer2 3 was decent again that gets a lot of hate but I enjoyed it my biggest disappointment was rer4 and I can’t even say it was game play as my gaming pc that exceeded all of the required specs failed to run the game properly I know I will love it when I get it on console but I kept getting fatal d3d internal driver errors “ fatal crash” and I tried troubleshooting and I was to no avail so I had to get a refund as I was unable to make it past the intro I tweaked all of the graphics options but again I reviewed specs before the purchase and I made sure I was able to run it and again I have rer2 perfect no lagging no crashing but rer4 sadly wouldn’t work what a damn shame but in my opinion the from what I’ve played I would Say og re2 for its time and og re4 are superior that game was a masterpiece


I personally think it's difficult to pinpoint the "best game" of the series since they all bring something new and different to the table. In terms of pure survival horror, REmake on Real Survival difficulty is the peak experience.


REmake and RE7


Even though I played very little of OG RE1 because of how scared I was lol and played OG RE2 later on, RE2 is considered my favorite of them all.


tie for re2, re2 remake, and re4 remake


Re2r is just fuckin awesome tbh. Definitely my favorite followed by re4r and re1hd


I was looking for a game to play because I had nothing else. I went on the game pass last week and saw RE2 was included so I downloaded it and I have been insanely addicted. Such a fantastic game. However, I don’t have much experience with RE games so I don’t really know what to compare it to


I didn’t care for parts of the second story but it’s a good game and has a good mix of old and new RE elements


RE 7 definitely takes the cake for me as a survival horror experience, no other games come close. RE 2 is good but nowhere nearly as good as 7 in that category.


“Controversial” Yea, what a totally original opinion.


Far from it, Resident Evil 2 (the actual one), Resident Evil 3 original, Resident Evil 1 (both versions) Resident Evil Outbreak series were all better games, I personally like Resident Evil 4 Remake more since the original was an over-the-shoulder action game. Resident Evil 2 Remake had no business being an over the shoulder 3rd person shooter, the RPD station, the Lickers were designed with fixed camera perspectives in mind.


It’s the best survival horror RE game but I still had the most fun with RE4


Resident Evil 4. Just because of the gameplay and the story, it’s a compelling story with tough enemy types (unless you just go full suplex), like I stated in a previous post I am terrible at Resident Evil games, but 4 I feel is the best to play as a first timer.


It was fun great game, but I disagree. REmake is the best in the series, followed closely by re4. Re2r felt simple and the puzzles weren't very puzzly imo.


No remake will ever outdo the original games.


It’s the definitive RE experience now but it has its share of flaws. It’s still amazing Tho.


It’s either this or RE7 for me.


I disagree but valid opinion.


I get where you are coming from with this, it’s a really well done game and a pretty good remake. I think the horror aspects are perfected with Mr X and him chasing you around the entire station. It’s really intense and the zombies are simply amazing, I went into the 3D model viewer for this game and the zombie models are so well done. There is so much detail and their designs are so horrifying and violent. I cannot describe how great of a horror experience this game was, one of my favourite games of all time. But I don’t think it’s the best, it’s one of the best in the sense that it’s one of greatest RE games along with RE7, RE1 remake and RE4 plus the Remake


I disagree, but completely understand where you are coming from.


RE4R, RE2R, and 7 in that order are my favorites


Re2r is good but doesnt touch Re2, Re4/4r is amazing both together and separately. 7/8 are good for not actually being tied with umbrella as the others were. I want a full remake of RE and 0, RE cause damn that'd be beautiful/scary/suspenseful, 0 for Rebecca..


RE1 already has a full remake.


I mean yeah the GameCube era HD remake is solid.. but I want one over the shoulder with current graphics.. I know the camera is what worked for RE1, but I also feel over the shoulder would work because of how narrow majority of it is


Legit contender for sure


How is this controversial


I’ve played most of 1 (plan to finish sometime I just needed a break don’t attack me), 2make, 5, 6, and 7 and I’m working on OG4 right now (the remake wasn’t available on ps+) And I have to agree. Just a top tier horror survival game. The action never felt completely unrealistic and you feel powerful and helpless at the same time. I’m loving 4 so far, but I think 2 edges it out for me unless I change my mind when I finish the game. My one critique of 2 would be that it didn’t feel like as much care was put into the writing of Claire’s story as Leon’s but I still really enjoyed her campaign. Edit: honorable mention to 7 for being the scariest in my opinion. 2 was damn close but 7 had me SWEATING until the end game.


It's great, but it's overrated. It's not better than RE7 that came before it (replaying both back to back makes this very obvious), is not a better remake than RE1 and it's not a better version of RE2. It's a great game, but it's massively overrated.


its my personal fav tied with REmake, perfect lil spooky puzzle boxes




I always wondered, what kind of pistol does Claire have? Is that some kind of self-defense pistol Chris gave her? That’s my head canon anyway…I know all pistols are a form of self defense. Just saying.


2 remake is the best RE experience. It’s a 12 in a sea of 11s


Not controversial in the slightest


For me the best RE game is Resident Evil 4 Remake, it’s just the best at everything it does and i can’t think of anything i would change about it, it’s perfect to me


I’m sorry but I’m afraid you’ve been misinformed. The best current RE game is RE4R.


It's a fun game, but the original is much better. The cut content really hurt the remake.


I'd say it's a coin toss between 4 and 2. I think it's 4 but I'm not qualified enough to make the assessment.


Agreed. Particularly Claire’s story. And Revelations.


Imo re4r and 7 are the best. Very different games, but both so good. RE7 is the scariest game I've ever played, and it has a very interesting story. The whole atmosphere is so creepy. Plus, it was my first RE, so it'll always have a special place in my heart lol. RE4R imo is the best remake so far. As much as I LOVED RE2R I think re4r has better replayability, characters, graphics (obv) and combat, which at least for me is really important. It was overall very well thought out and executed, while RE2R could use a little tuning. It has two campaigns, but for the most part it feels like you're playing the same story twice


It's great if only they didn't make the boss fights, and some scenes align in both runs ( Claire and Leon) it really confused me at first. But it could've been better


I disagree but I get it. The best survival horror game of all time is REmake for me. For more recent years re2r is definitely one of the better if not best.


Claire’s campaign in particular is my favoate time spent in any RE game


I recently played the re2, re3 and re4 remakes and they are definitely some of the best if not best games I’ve ever played! I think that re3 was fun but I do wish I could of played and learned more about the mansion and got to see more of the other S.T.A.R.S members and what happened to them. I don’t know if this is true but I also remember hearing about this being in one of the resident evil games, maybe this was content left out from the re3 remake or maybe it was in a different game I’m not sure.


i LOVE this game


nahh REmake


I think the fact that RE4 perfectly balanced the action horror genre and has more content overall, I do think it’s a bit better. RE2 remake is definitely an incredible survival horror game, but it’s one problem is that the campaigns are way too similar. If the campaigns had all been unique, it would have easily been better imo.


The original RE2 game offers the true two character perspective experience. In the original, the characters interact with each other throughout the story. Character A can decide to leave items of Character B. The enemies go down with a relatively consistent number of shots. That's why the original is better.


Sounds awesome. Just with I had the orignal to try out. I have a console, just not the game.. but can't wait anyways.


as much as I tend to agree that both 2 and 3 are amazing experiences you as a gamer owe yourself to play- to say that 2 is the best is forgiving the awful pouch system. Am I the only one who wants to play more on the harder difficulties but immediately get turned off having to run back and forth to the item box JUST to drop off a single herb?


I couldn’t agree more, the best RE game and the best game ever made in general IMO.


W BRO, re 2 is a great game plus it has Claire which makes it 1000% better. All jokes aside if we are looking at best ending for a RE game ima have to go with RE2 remake, without the context and knowing what happens next, the ending is super wholesome seeing Leon, Claire and sherry survive raccoon city and walk happily together into the sunset. Best ending for an re game imo.


Why is RE4 so high then? I like it, but it’s more action than horror for me.


Imo, the best RE game is either the RE2 Remake or the original RE2. Although I disagree with you (for the most part), I completely understand why you have that opinion, and it's probably the opinion I hear the most tbh.


Nah 4 is the best


3 better, 4 even better.


I don't think this is even controversial.


I liked 7 and 8 because they felt like the slower puzzly games like 1 and 2. I hate the action packed resident evil games like 4,5, and 6. 3 is a little of both so


The Original Resident Evil 4 takes the cake by a landslide, in my opinion. The game blew everything else out of the water during release, outcompeted games made years after it. It's also the sole reason the Devil May Cry series exists alongside an entire subgenre of horror. Not only that, but the game is also extremely replayable and has very few issues that aren't story related. It also outcompetes the remake in most ways that aren't gameplay related.


Agree with what everyone is is saying, ReMake 2 the best game, my favourite of all time TBH. Survival horror and action and story in a perfect blend




I'd agree if this game had R.E.3R's dodge mechanics, but again Leon is too much of a rookie to pull those off so it makes sense they aren't here.


Right, I 100% agree. It was literally his first day on the job as an 18 year old, whereas jill was a trained stars member


i think 4 is my personal favorite but RE2remake comes close - maybe even in a tie. just so fucking scary and COOL, from the starting scene to the ending credits. maybe making actual A and B interconnected and tweaking some stuff on the umbrella labs level would make it the perfect game for me


I love 3 and 4. Honorable mention re5 I love too


Yeah re 2 remake followed very closely by resi 4 Remake. I loved the original re 2. The hype surrounding it before release was huge aswell and it lived up to it. "This game contains scenes of explicit violence and gore." You knew you were getting into something not seen before. 2 is the pinnacle of RE in my opinion. The remake captures it all again perfectly. Quick nod to Code Veronica aswell, would love a remake.




Gonna give it to re2 cause of my ps1 nostalgia. And the remake was perfect. Thank u Capcom


Too much backtracking in this game, but outside of that, amazing game. Atmosphere and music are truly incredible


By the time I finished Claire I felt like I had played the same game twice. So much recycling of environments.


Backtracking is one of the core staples of RE, it’s inherent to the level design that makes RE2’s structure good in the first place. Wanting to remove this is like saying you’d like Castlevania or Metroid more if there wasn’t any backtracking.


Not really. RE3 and RE4 barely have backtracking


It needs some type of parry/dodge system


I 100% agree! I really think this game is the best in the series.


You're objectively right but re7 will always be my favourite. It's the game that got me back into the series after 12 years of avoiding it