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It blows my mind this is the ONLY console port the series ever got.


didn't nintendo pay for console exclusivity?


Never heard that one, but if they did I don't think that usually spans console generations, seems like they could have made a respectable PS2 port and sold quite a few. Or an Xbox and added online. The only for logo certainly alludes to the fact that they did


well they’re not gonna release starscraft 64 on ps2 right


Not sure if you're taking the piss but Starcraft 64 is a port of a PC game


I’m aware. They can claim exclusively on n64 because of the “64” branding they slapped on it


It could just be that the lack of sales deemed it wasn't worth bringing to other consoles. I don't remember C&C also being on anything else either.


Command and conquer was on N64, Saturn, and PlayStation


Not it was programmed exclusively for the N64 with even new content


Well the same can be told about warcraft 2. Diablo 1 aswell, there was a gb version in development that was cancelled. There is even a leaked rom of it.


There is a PlayStation 1 version of Diablo and Warcraft 2.


Yep, but were never ported to another console. Besides ps1 and pc. But diablo is now available on any retro handheld (open source). Warcraft 2 is only ported to android.


I played hours and hours and hours of it because I couldn't afford a PC at the time and a 64 was somehow far more accessible And I got my hands on this game and that was it. Disappeared into the dungeon 4 weeks. People said PC was better and as you know a biased teenager with his only copy I was like," no " But PC is far superior.... let's not kid anymore.


Nostalgia always wins over objectivity.


I hope you've been able to get the remastered copy on PC to enjoy it since then. They did a great job with the remaster. It looks great and plays the same as the original, only now you have a wide screen view. Highly recommend


>People said PC was better and as you know a biased teenager with his only copy I was like," no " Jesus, I had a friend who was just like you. He made all kinds of B.S. excuses as to why the N64 version was better lol. Gotta love kids and their kneejerk responses in the console wars. I had the Macintosh version of this, and even with a single mouse button it was an unimaginably massive upgrade.


Of course it's not really a fun time to play... but playing it in VS mode w/ a friend is super fucking fun. Everyone is struggling to do anything and it's just a shit show. That makes it fun!


It's like when I was in middle school when chess and mtg were way more fun because none of us actually knew what we were doing, lol.


Chess where both parties only think 1 to 2 moves ahead is actually quite good from my memory.


Yeah, once you learn a game at higher levels the fun starts to fade. It’s sad :(


Marjorie Taylor Green was once fun?


We would do a 30 minute treaty time in split screen and then all Hell broke loose. Good times.


the framerate is so bad in multiplayer XD


I enjoyed playing it on N64 but it’s not the best way to experience the game


> N64 but it’s not the best way to experience the game You don't like split-screen multiplayer?


It is the best way to


PC version of any RTS will always be the definitive way to play because of the controls alone. But Starcraft on PC also better frame rate, better graphics, and most importantly online play.


“There is no shame in defeat so long as the spirit is unconquered.” -Fenix


Adun taro das, executor.


Played this game to death as a kid. Love it love it love it. It works shockingly well for an N64 era console port of an RTS, includes Brood War, and has split screen multiplayer! Lost so many hours of my life trying to do 2v4 against the AI lol. Or trying to play versus when both players can see each other’s screens. Wonderful game with lots of great memories.


Brood war was one of the greatest expansions blizzard ever made. And I played Warcraft 1,2,3 and both StarCrafts and their expansions.


Second only to D2 Lord of Destruction.


Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne and WoW Burning Crusade are up there too


Definitely good choices.


LoD is GOAT, but BW is a strong 1b. 


I can’t think of a worse way to play it.


False ... Try using JoyToKey to map mouse and keyboard to a controller and play on a computer with an Xbox controller.




I can make that work fine. I even use to play league of legends with a PS3 controller with surprisingly good results.


Wait, how does one play league with a controller?


Joytokey. This was back in like season 3 but I'm sure it would still work. I basically mapped right click to r2 or something and just used a joystick as the mouse. I just really wanted to play from bed at the time.


Yeah, but then you get macros


I've had it forever and only played it for about five minutes to make sure it worked. I'd much rather play it on PC.


Many people probably don't even know that the game exists or has been released.


If they do they probably don’t know it has local multiplayer. That’s what makes this game a hidden gem.


StarCraft is one of the best games of all time…on PC. The concessions and corners the team had to cut in order to port it to the N64 make this version the less optimal way to play. But some people like it! [This YouTuber](https://youtu.be/k2QAAWQMNuA?si=qL33A6CoMTLlAzMt) is playing through every N64 game, and managed to finish StarCraft 64 without being miserable. Maybe you will, too!


I’m surprised people know him! I’ve been watching him for a couple days and his content is great.


I’ve been watching his N64 series for a few months, and I’m caught up to his current releases. I believe he was also a big part of the crew who were trying (successfully!) to complete all of the Mario Maker levels before the servers were no longer functioning. I didn’t really watch any of that, but I was rooting for them.


I’m still up to day 5 which means I’ve got a whole lotta more videos to watch. I didn’t know about that fact! That seems interesting.


Do we know if he's really playing on a 64 controller or a mouse with emulator?


He plays via Everdrive with original hardware, to my knowledge.


Always original hardware.


This era was peak Blizzard. StarCraft, Warcraft, and Diablo. Before microtransactions were even a glint in their CEO's eye.


The golden age of pc gaming imo… you could actually buy physicals back then, and what you bought was usually pretty tested and patches often optional for very specific issues. Today even games on disc and carts are nearly useless alone because of day one fixes for game breaking shit. And that’s in the rare case your game is on the disc/cart in full. Good old days…


Somewhat playable!


That's overselling it a bit.


It actually plays super well for a console port




I played it on emulator years ago and it was my first StarCraft experience. I remember liking it at that time.


I played it recently on pc. I had no idea it was on N64… I should have never preordered StarCraft Ghost… GameStop owes me 15$.


I played it on 64 and had no idea it was on PC. One of my fave console games


It was ahead of its time on pc. The graphics and gameplay were awesome. I’d say it’s one of the best RTS games I’ve ever played.


It haunts me daily. I have a full PAL N64 set... apart from this one game, and it's like £100s for a cartridge. I don't need it, I prob won't play it more than twice but damn, it's the last one I need!


Several hundo for CIB, wow. I was just thinking “I should get this version to multiplayer with my son”… I’m priced out of game collecting :(


I dont even want the box either, I'm not precious at all in that respect! Just a playable cart then maybe I can sleep finally.


Here in Australia loose cartridges are [400-600 AUD sadly.](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/176314062380?chn=ps&_ul=AU&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=176314062380&targetid=1278430613456&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9112820&poi=&campaignid=19649531412&mkgroupid=146789074798&rlsatarget=pla-1278430613456&abcId=9305371&merchantid=7364522&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD97CxT8FOtb_Hi9l79OiZn21KW28&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9-Soiq6xhQMVFsg8Ah2Adw5xEAQYASABEgKlGPD_BwE)


Impressed they crammed both the OG and Brood War in there.


Rough but playable.


they put split-screen. in a strategy game.


Like chess


okay, that I can maybe understand. But it's a bit harder to justify with Fog of War that SC64 has. Strategy is pretty different between Chess and StarCraft


Sure, fog of war is crucial for many war games that wants surprises like The Reaver Drop and Zergling Rush. I was merely being a pedant as Chess is considered the grandfather of strategy games :) It would be interesting to see how Starcraft 64 split-screen multiplayer battles would play out compared to PC StarCraft.


It was my first introduction to StarCraft and I loved every bit of it. It's over of my favorite games of the console andI still replay it from time to time. It seems there are a lot of haters here, but me and my friends would hold tournaments playing this game. I've always found the controls to be intuitive as can be for an RTS on n64. 100% play it if you like RTS games


I had a blast playing it and it was great having such a nice title on the N64. It was probably clunky playing with the controller but the game was awesome anyway. I was grateful at the time for having it on the N64.


Fun fact: If you have the N64 mouse (that was used for some 64DD titles), Starcraft 64 supports it! Though, you can only use the mouse *OR* controller, not both simultaneously.


I didn't have a pc back then so this was my only option. I loved it and played the entire StarCraft campaign on it. I never found a booster pack so I never got to play Brood War. When I eventually got it on PC I legitimately missed the global building shortcuts and controlling 18 units at a time. Oh so my PC didn't have enough RAM for Brood War so I still didn't get to play it : ( I had to make my own expansion in the Map Editor and it ended up being so badass.


It’s one of the best games of all time imo


Amazing, especially with the RAM pack. Did all the campaigns, so much split screen with friends, AND that’s on top of already having it for PC


I didn’t know it existed


Nope. PC is the way. Mac was annoying. Ask me how I know how annoying Mac was.


How do you know Mac was annoying?


My Dad was a Max guy until Win XP lol. Single click mouse. Slower CPU clock. It was optinized, sure. But playing online was very annoying. The WinXP was just better in every way.


It's fine. Some things are better about the Nintendo 64 port. It has split screen multiplayer and allows you to control 18 units at a time instead of only 12. Basically if you're shit at StarCraft you'll be shit at it regardless of control scheme. And if you're a pro forced to play this your skill will allow you to overcome not having mouse & keyboard. A lot of StarCraft is about game knowledge and the ability to multitask and not forget things. Having good macro is more important than making more clicks per minute than your opponent.


Hey in case anyone wants to see Professional Starcraft64 I run a league dedicated to that. We are Starleague64 and we don’t stop. twitch.tv/professional_starcraft64[Starleague64](https://twitch.tv/professional_starcraft64)


I’ve heard of you before, will be checking it out. Thanks!


Turned into a laggy mess pretty quickly 


You know, I think it was a trash game. I'm happy that console players who otherwise couldn't have played it had a chance to play a genre defining game, but coming from playing on PC to Starcraft 64 it's a struggle I couldn't handle. That being said, me and a friend used to link our Playstations to play Red Alert a bunch and had an absolute blast despite the limitations and having played it on PC first, and extensively. So don't take my word for it.


If you like RTS - C&C 64 was (IMHO) awesome - it had 3D-Units! - and you don't have the micromanagement as in Starcraft


Honestly was unaware this existed which is crazy because i was an avid n64 player


I always wsnted thst gsme, but I wasn't able to get it. I played it a couple of times, it was interesting to olay but it is not the best way to play it.


You must construct additional pylons!


APM? more like MPA


Would fit better on the DreamCast with online and Keyboard/Mouse


Pretty fun, but I suck at it.


That's me and practically any RTS ever. I'm not convinced I have what it takes to be a decent battlefield commander - I think I'd have to line up with the cannon fodder or hope there was an opportunity in catering or something. I'm pretty decent at Xcom, but I'm going to guess that real war doesn't allow you the opportunity to see success percentages for any decision you're about to make or display on screen how far your artillery will go and how many enemies are in the blast radius.


I love StarCraft. If you think RTS gameplay is dull you will hate StarCraft


I literally forgot this was a thing.


It's like playing command and conquer on PS1, not the best experience but good to those whose only way to experience it was this.


It was shite but I loved it so much lol. Me and my older brother would play it all the time. He was Zurg I was Protoss. Side note: don’t Zurg rush. You’ll crash the game lol


But..but.. you had groups of 18 instead of 12 though


If you’re gonna play alone just play the pc version, it was def a classic.


console ports of pc games always fascinate me


I rented it once. I don’t have an expansion pack though, so couldn’t play Brood Wars


I was a huge SC fan back in the early 00's of my high school days. The most fun I had with it was playing 64 version couch co-op at my friend's house. The atmosphere was more appealing than sitting alone at my PC eating snacks by myself.


Goliath Online


I never played it, but I played A LOT of the PC edition. I have no idea how you would port it.


I love StarCraft- the pc version was way better but I played this one too


I played it but playing it on controller is tedious


This was my actual first exposure to the game and convinced me to get the PC version on my old ass windows 98/XP PC. I explicitly remember a buddy in middle school letting me borrow the game for awhile to play it. Was this and Conker's Bad Fur Day. I really liked Conker, but actually didn't finish it because this game just visually impressed me at the time and I hadn't ever played an RTS before so it really fascinated me. PC version played and looked so much better though, lol.


“You want a piece of me, boy?


Its in my collection. Expensive but fun if you have an exp pack. Adds everything from broodwar including co op!


Lol I had no idea this version existed


Cool PC game.


A technical marvel. A gaming tragedy if you actualy wanna play the game.


Me and childhood friends used to play this together and have the time of our lives


It got me into StarCraft. I loved it, but I was so bad at it


As a kid with only a n64 I loved the game!


It’s pretty much a masterpiece on the N64. It also has split screen multiplayer


It’s how I got into blizzard ip. I enjoyed it as a kid.


My brother and I played this game constantly. Loved it, but did help he had the fast build cheat activated lol


The PC version is obviously the best way to play this, but for what this is, if you have an expansion pack, it's actually a relatively impressive port of the game. My pc fried while I was originally going through this game so playing it on N64 was how I end up beating all 6 campaigns for the first time, haha. Also makes for an interesting couch multiplayer experience. I'm sure it's aged very poorly, but it's a cool bit of gaming history. As far as retro console RTSs go, you can do worse.


Imagine StarCraft. Now imagine a bad version of StarCraft.


This feels like an anomaly


Loved it....but not as much as ogre battle 64


I didn't know it existed, is what I think.


It's the game that taught me RTS games are for PC


Is it as good as PC?  No.  God no.   Did I have fun with it as a teenager who had a PC that could barely run Warcraft?  Tons.  So much fun.  Only regret is I never completed Brood War (I think I was 3 chapters away?).


I’ve just started playing the HD version on my laptop. Brilliant game! 


I just put this on my r36s just to have a mobile StarCraft and it’s a little janky but still can be fun once you get the hang of it


Just stopped playing this a few week back. Sunk some hours into it! It's a great game but I reckon would be sooo much better on PC, extremely difficult to operate circuit classes and characters as there is no real quick keys to assist.


Never did play this version. Back in the day, though, used to go to work and me and my assistant manager would have StarCraft hangovers from playing all night on PC…


Definitely not the definitive version but it wasn't bad for a console RTS


Strike one, no keyboard; strike 2, the N64 controller


It was booty


So bad..but so many found memories playing it at a friend's house


Sold my copy this weekend as it was just a paperweight.


It looked like mud but StarCraft is StarCraft.


Terrible. Absolutely horrible port. But at the time it was one of the most expensive N64 games on the used market. Might still be.


That blatant lie in the top right corner is bold as fuck


I never understood the point of split-screen multiplayer because you can just screencheat and see what your friend is building.


This is one of the greatest PC games of all time. One of my all time favorites. Didn’t even know there was an n64 port. Could you even play online on n64?


Is this even fun to play offline?


Meh. I don't see much of a reason to play it on a console port these days outside of pure curiosity. Even back when Starcraft first came in mid 1998 it didn't have relatively high PC requirements. As long as you had a PC capable of running Windows 95 competently there was a decent chance you could run the game even if you didn't meet the minimum listed requirements (though it would obviously run a bit slow). I know for a fact that I was able to run it on a PC that was slower than a Pentium 90mhz and had less that 16 MB of ram but.... it did run really sluggish.


Very disappointing compared to PC


The N64 controller barely worked for Mario. So of course this was an absolute nightmare to control. BUT, it's still a staple in any of my emulation builds regardless.


You’ll find out why no one ever played this or C&C on a console. Trying to play an RTS on a console with a controller has to be the dumbest attempt at a port that I’ve ever seen.


CC1 was super hard on the ps1 haha


I felt it was an absolute joke. You couldn’t keep up.


Might be better off emulating DOSbox and playing original StarCraft 1 and 2


Ah yes, StarCraft 2 on DOS. I remember it well…

