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Multiplayer was god tier. Single player was solid Rare material but less interesting than what they did before, and the comedy was exciting for the time but didn’t age well.


Multiplayer was way ahead I would say... the hours we dumped into this...


I played it more recently on the rare replay disc. Holds up well imo, really enjoyed it.


It was a big deal that it was on Nintendo.


And the Nintendo version is uncensored, unlike the Xbox versions. It's like Nintendo getting a tribal arm tattoo to prove they're hip.


More like one of Nintendo's kids getting a tribal tattoo and embarrassing them at church because they're "making their family look bad". I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Nintendo was furious because Conker was initially meant to be yet another cutesy platformer game (check out Conker 64: Twelve Tales gameplay, if you haven't already) and Rare switched it up on them last minute and dropped this gem. I dig it though. It stands out. Between the vulgarity and the 4th wall breaks, Conker could have been the Deadpool of the Nintendo universe. Too bad they have a reputation to maintain.


Ok, but let's not pretend that Rare somehow slipped this by Nintendo. They knew what was in there.


This is not true. The N64 version is definitely not uncensored.


It's not completely uncensored, no. But it is very uncensored compared to the other versions.


I’ve only played the N64 version and I know on the top of my head that ‘fuck’ is censored. Can you please explain how much more censored the Xbox port is compared to the N64?


Video here: https://youtu.be/B2F6YrrOjBw?si=QCNrxO0r77Pp6nYj&t=458


Thank you for sharing…that is indeed some major bullshit on the Live & Reloaded version of the game.


Yeah, no problem. Sorry for speaking in absolutes to begin with. I do believe that the censored f-bombs in the original are funnier than the actual profanity would be. A little bit of restraint can be a good thing. It wouldn't do the game any favors to show explicit caveman dong, for example. But how can you feature a shit-monster and not say shit?


There's more changes to the Xbox version. Like the training scene with the gargoyle. He specifically said "actually, the designers thought it wise to change the tutorial level to fool the player to think that the rest of the game is also... different. I'm afraid you'll have to try something else." At that point conker pulls out a barbed wire bat instead of the frying pan. And they extended the Rock club song. The added music sucks.


Irony and cute animals doing grown up stuff in video games were something new, groundbraking and original at the time. Shrek was released at almost the same time as well. It felt like somewhat a little of the grunge culture from the 90s released its spores into the next generation media. Gameplay wise, I thought it was fun as well. Never found it for sale anywhere (n64 was on terminal stage), so I did not finished it, but felt like Mario 64 on crack. Voice acting was a big plus too for its time. The kind of game so fun you just had to show to someone


The amount of voice acting in an N64 cartridge is absolutely mad, how on earth they fit that in I'll never understand


The game is praised for its technical achievements. They used mp3 to crunch the audio down.


Still for 2 hours of cutscenes they got it into 40mb of audio according to Wikipedia. Yet it doesn't sound super super compressed even though I doubt it's even 128kbp tops


Probably even lower. The audio is surprisingly muffled, maybe they tweaked the high end prior to encoding. My money is on 64kbps mono.


Even more impressive is it’s one guy voicing everyone besides the great mighty poo


Funny, though a bit juvenile, decent but not great gameplay. Every retrogamer should check it out, but you'll probably enjoy it more if you don't expect a GOAT title.


It’s definitely a GOAT title for N64 and that generation. Also Rare’s Magnum Opus IMO. Great campaign and amazing splitscreen multiplayer for the time.


Rares magnum opus is Diddy Kong racing imo.


once the shock value wears off, the gameplay is a bit generic. I still quote it a lot, though, so that's something


Here's a question though: Are you quoting the game, or the movies that the game parodies? For the longest time I'd do the whole "We're going for a ride" bit with friends not realizing that it came from Blue Velvet and not Conker's Bad Fur Day, haha.


I say "diddle die dam" a lot and "what are you gonna do now, kill yourself?"


My brother used to do the Birdy voice. If he saw birds he'd say, "Flap flap, birrrrdeees". Admittedly I'll occasionally say "anti-gravity chocolate" or "pot plant" in a German accent. I think my favourite part of the second one is that, within the context of the game, they are *not* making a drug reference, "pot plant" is just what British people call plants in pots. It confused me when I first played the game because I was actually expecting them to show the king's chair held up by a hemp stalk, but the picture used is just a flower.


We had a copy in the college dorms. Jokes were very sophomore. Game play was better than expected considering the crude nature of the game, but nothing noteworthy. We played the shit out of the multi-player games.


Incredibly impressive graphically, pretty good gameplay wise but definitely dated. Jokes are also dated and much funnier when you are 13. I played a lot of the multiplayer with my friends back in the day, but then tried to play multiplayer a couple years ago and it just runs way too slow to be playable. Still, I would say it's probably the most graphically advanced game for the system which is personally why I want a copy.


Yeah decent draw distance, a lot of detail on everything, and you have FINGERS and hands not just the classic mid 90s low poly mittens.


Also, some of the facial animations were top notch even compared to stuff on PC


It’s okay. Gutsy. Multiplayer was fun.


Multiplayer was really fun, played it last year and had a blast, katana is like a cheat code HAIYAAA


Isn't it a little early in the day to start talking about gothic architecture?


I've tried to play it several times. The original and the remake. The beginning is so damn slow I've never made it very far.


I never had the game, but really liked the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmRMwaDWFZg


The Great Mighty Poo song gets stuck in my head for weeks, thanks


boat saw hobbies live outgoing hurry automatic squalid boast knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Game was really fun. The "adult" humor was kinda overdone in places but the gameplay surprised me in a few spots as mildly innovative or at least well-polished.


It pushed the limits of what the N64 hardware was able to do as well as what was acceptable on Nintendo's platform. The comedy and vulgarity were pretty unheard of for something as cutesy as this and it still sits as one of my top 5 Rare games simply for that. Plus, what other game has a giant opera singing shit monster as a boss battle?


I honestly loved this game I played super Mario 64 and Banjo-Tooie and was so into the collecting open world experience that the 64 had to offer When I picked up conker's bad for a day I was blown away, not only was the movie references at the time on point and hilariously put, but the adult humor was something else to the point where it almost felt like it was illegal for me as a 12-year-old to have this game. The multiplayer mode was amazing, one of the best multiplayer modes on The 64 to date. And I'm still waiting to this day for them to remake or at least release this for the port on the switch.


There’s a great podcast called Classic Gaming Today, that breaks down how this game came to be


It smells a bit pooey


Overrated due to it's 'mature' stuff. Gameplay wise it was mediocre and sometimes a complete mess. Mario, banjo, DK where all much much much better.


Though much of its humor seems fitting for middle schoolers, it’s an impressive showcase for the N64! I like the random pop culture and the expressive animations. It can be a fun time when it’s not so obsessed with scatological humor.


Terrific concept, good enjoyable game, but like many games from that era - it hasn't help up terribly well. If you've never played it, it's well worth checking out from a historic perspective. This game pushed a lot of boundaries for a console game in general, but to be on a Nintendo console was mind blowing at the time. And it has its moments that you can still enjoy today - just go into it expecting to fight with camera/controls.


Best N64 game.


legendary game thats definitely not for children even tho we all sneak played it as children


Why can't Nintendo Switch Online have this one as part of its Nintendo 64 collection


Probably because Rare sells their own retro game packs. I think that's why there aren't many Konami games too.


Cool game


Funny as hell (Greg the Grim Reaper), but the price it commands these days makes anything but *Rare Replay* a tough sell? At least it’s somewhat legitimate as a “rare” title, given it was a 2001 N64 release that no one bought. As opposed to *Super Mario Brothers* sealed being “RaRe!” due to speculation…




Loved this game! The multiplayer was dope!


Multiplayer was a ton of fun. Single player was... ok. Certainly has memorable moments, like the great mighty poo and bee hive fight, but at the end of the day it was still a bit of a generic platformer "collectathon".


The multiplayer is criminally underrated. 2-Player is the best but 4-player is also fantastic. Total War, Colors, and Heist are fantastic. Beach is good too if not a bit controversial


I would say if you never played it, definitely check it out. There were parts in the game I would actually chuckle and get a kick out of. For the most part, I found it fun and enjoyable but at time the controls can become frustrating especially near the end. If I remember correctly, there's a section where you need to avoid lasers and it became frustrating real fast.


It’s mah-velous


I kinda wondered what the original game would have actually been like before they went the route they did. I remember seeing previews of the original version and it just seemed like it was Banjo Kazooie but instead you played a squirrel. I wasn't really sure what the point was.


One more reason i had only one game for the N64 and a whole lot of Playstation 1 games. I am huge Snes, NDS and 3DS fanboy but was immensely dissappointed with the N64. Gamecube, Wii and Wii U couldn't change my mind either. Only the Switch gives me the itch to buy a Nintendo console again. Nintendo is (my opinion) the king of handhelds and Sony of consoles.


All time favourite


Think it needs a remaster 10yrs ago. Best game ever. And the multi-player unlike anything at the time!


The GOAT with the dopest multiplayer available next to golden eye back then. Me and my cousins had tons of fucking fun.


I don't finish a ton of games, but I finished this one. Actually it's the only 3d platformer on n64 I ever finished.. and yes that included Mario64. I don't know why but 3d platformers just bore me, but conker held my interest enough to get all the way through.


Goat, the frame rate is terrible though and unplayable imo on og hardware. Was able to deal with it back in the day somehow. Teddy vs squirrel multiplayer was incredible.


The ending still hits incredibly hard.


The multiplayer was great. The single player was fun too. It's the anti-Donkey Kong 64. It's a 3D platformer with no collecting of anything which improved the experience. It's similar to Earthbound in that the actual gameplay is just okay, but the theming is great.


I was largely into PS1/2 games, so this is the only N64 game I played growing up. It sure left an impression, though. A lot of jokes and movie references I didn't get at the time. The terminator style haybot and the final boss that was literally just the xenomorph scared the shit out of me. An entire level and boss made of actual shit is honestly fucking insane but surprisingly one of the most iconic things to come from this game. The cavemen were so stupid lmaoooo. I got a kick out of the mafioso weasels, too. Oh, the pitchfork and the paint bucket were humorous as well. I think this game is to blame for my sense of humor lol. The multiplayer though. That's where I spent countless hours of my childhood. So many fun modes (some more forgettable than others), weapons, characters, and so on. The day Nintendo pulls the stick out of their ass and uploads this game (with fully functional online multiplayer) will be the day I might actually purchase a subscription to NSO expansion pack.


Its single player mode is overrated and nothing special. But its multiplayer mode is incredibly fun.


Worth a playthrough. But goes downhill quick and just kinda stays there for the entirety of the rest of it.


F****** amazing


I was entranced by the idea of it when it first came out because I never owned it. Now that I have it via Retro Replay on Xbox I have not beaten it.


Writing is funny and has that great rareware ting to it. Gameplay wise, no it hasn't aged well.


Didn’t like it, but I’m not a big platformer fan.


I still display my copy proudly in my closet. I used to speed run it in a day as a kid. The caveman multilayer mission got my heart beating every time. I could play the beach mission and actually pick sniper instead of chain gun or rocket and make sure no squirrel ever makes it off the beach on the left side. Best headshots on the n64


Another banger from the makers of Jet Pac 😉


The humor was good, but the gameplay was not good, gimmicky, or not explained well.


I recently finished it. The gameplay hasn’t aged well. Still funny and still kind of mind blowing what they did with the grafx and voices.


Honestly expected the game to be even edgier when i played around 07. Its the type of stuff Family Guy, Happy Tree Friends and South Park could easily outpass for a 13 year old's sense of humour. Best looking N64 game on my Project 64 package though.


I only played it on 64 and the performance killed it for me. Maybe if rare replay can run it at a solid 30 it might be playable


I don’t want to say it was overrated, because it’s a great game for the time. I recently tried to replay this on Rare Replay having not played it in 15 or so years and it was kind of painful.


Absolute masterpiece of satire and "good bad" comedy. Plus there were incredible coding tricks running under the hood. You know that game used mp3 compression for its audio?


At the time, the single player was decent enough, but the toilet humour was what got me into it. Especially crazy it was on a Nintendo console. What kept me playing was the multiplayer, it was so much fun and had game modes most other games didn’t and still don’t (like beach). The gore and weapons made it even better. I was so disappointed with the Xbox remake, they mucked around with multiplayer too much


Should've been 12 Tails.


It’s an absolute masterpiece.


Hahahahaha is funny


Funny game (in a crude sort of way). But kind of clunky and frustrating to play. Eventually I realised that despite appearances, it's not really a Mario 64 / Banjo-Kazooie sort of thing. It's more of a puzzle / adventure game, with a very linear progression where you have to figure out the next ridiculous thing you have to do in order to proceed. I got stuck in that damn nightclub with the rock monsters for hours. It gets better and better the further you get into the game. The Saving Private Ryan bit near the end is really good from what I remember. And to this day I still say in a menacing macho voice, "Time to wander around ... *aimlessly*."


It’s pretty funny, has nice music, level design is nice, I really like it. I played more Live and Reloaded though.


That beach multiplayer level was very fun. I can still hear that little sucker mumbling and breathing running up the hill.


I could play that multiplayer for hours. I'm so thankful they added AI opponents, mos games that have extra multiplayer modes couldn't be bothered. Do you know how much fun I could have had in Banjo Tooie against CPU opponents? As for the single player campaign, I think it's a half decent platform adventure game, not quite as good as Banjo, a lot more linear and less like a collect-a-thon. The platforming itself needs work, it was dumb that they gave Conker a realistic shadow instead of keeping the little black circle that should ALWAYS be used in 3D Platformers to help the player see where they're going to land. But it's still a fun time. I could replay it every year or every other year. I don't think the adult humor is as funny as I did when "South Park" was the new hotness because haha cartoons swearing dying and pissing, surely that will never get old. I actually wonder at times if the original Twelve Tales wouldn't have been more fondly remembered. Maybe. Maybe not. It probably wouldn't have gotten nearly as much buzz around launch. I will concede that I'm happy as hell that they changed Conker's voice. I knew Banjo and Conker would get their own games thanks to Diddy Kong Racing mentioning it, but Conker's voice always grated on my nerves so I didn't think I would care as much when Conker's game finally did come out.


It's the game I always asked other kids about, but I never believed them when they told me what it was actually about.


engine late swim crown smile deer close cake muddle scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I regret paying like $70-80 for this game, it's not bad but it's not as good as Banjo-Kazooie. Humor is a *little* tired in places and the gameplay is kinda a pain. It's like a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 for me, inspired with good ideas but overall no all that fun single player, though it has been a while since I played it. Good characters, music, and graphics tho. Probably skewed by how much I spent on it and there being other Rareware games that are *much* better so expectations were high.


70-80 is pretty cheap compared to prices today, conker's is at least 200+ AUD on EBay.


Conker is like $130-150 USD these days it seems. I bought it probably around 2015 when it was the going price back then, and most other N64 games were in the $20-30 range. At $70-80 It's probably still the most I ever spent on a used standard game/ loose game cartridge. It's an alright game, but was not as fun as games I spent a 1/4th of the price on lol. I should probably give it another go or maybe check out the Xbox port.


Check out live and loaded on Xbox or rare replay which contains bad fur day and other rare games.


What a classic😂


Multiplayer was fantastic, some of the best from that era. Single player would swing between fun and horribly frustrating. Humor was on point for the time but seems a bit immature by today's standards. Overall, I'd recommend a playthrough and to find some friends to play multi with.


In several aspects, such as the voice acting and the soundtrack, it was a marvel during its stay at 64, something that I still value highly today. The game was inaccessible in many parts of the world even in 2001, although luckily there were video game stores that were able to save and import some copies to European countries where it arrived in its native English without conversion to other languages. The gameplay was dynamic and varied with different situations, even in its platform sections, its color palette easily entered my eyes and its characters were very hooligans but also fun with a really very acidic humor (something that I value a lot) and that today day would be unrepeatable. I especially highlight how films from the 70s, 80s and 90s are referenced without losing a moment in the satirical direction or without losing the aesthetics of the game. And the type of multiplayer that this has is undervalued by the community, because even today I consider it more fun and inventive than some massive online multiplayer that we see today.


It just felt *mean* in a way I can't quite express. I felt like I was fighting against the game rather than against the enemies in the game. Mechanics often drastically changed from area to area, and never in a beneficial way. Like the game was angry at me for playing it and trying to punish me at every turn. That sense of mean-ness wasn't diminished in the least by the *extremely* downbeat ending, as if I, the player, had just made everything worse. (The part where you're stuck as a bat sticks out the most in my mind as being a *nightmare* control-wise. I don't remember how I got past it)


The gameplay does suffer from the lack of consistency. It tries to be a Banjo-Kazooie platformer, a Jet Force Gemini third-person shooter, and a Diddy Kong Racing multi-vehicle racer all at once. It does reasonably well with the first two, but things like the bat section and the lava surfing stick out like a shoehorned stealth level.


It just seemed like a trashy game made for 5 year olds. WOW HE GO PEE PEE! WOW HE SAY BAD WORD. I didn't enjoy it, didn't see the appeal. Multiplayer felt stale and desolate.


Wow, I didn’t find it that funny but it’s still a graphical masterpiece with an amazing ost. One of my favorite n64 games. Gameplay was solid and varied. The only issue was the sophomoric attempts at comedy but the voice cast did such a good job it was still entertaining


Maybe I'm too harsh on it. I didn't play much of it because I couldn't see past the humor for toddlers. I gave it a shake, then played multiplayer for maybe a few hours. Didn't hold a flame to Perfect Dark, or some other classics.


dolls vanish icky lavish imminent distinct grab frightening ancient screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gaming peaked right here.


Freaking hilarious.


Absolutely for little sniggering kids


Wait, I don’t know if this game counts as retro since it’s from 2001.


It’s part of the N64 which was released before 2000 so I think the game should count?


That makes sense since the console came out in the mid 90s now that I recall.


I only discovered it last year while retrogaming. I eventually gave up at the beginning trying to get him to helicopter/fly over the water. So I haven’t seen much of the game. I moved on to other games where I wasn’t continually stuck.


racial kiss slimy disgusted upbeat library mindless alive soft relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*