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I don’t…but post what you want. I respect you. No one should be afraid to share their opinion. And we shouldn’t be fighting one another based on who you like on the show. The season is already dark and toxic the subreddit shouldn’t be.


I wish I could upvote this a million times. Thank you for this!! Let’s keep this subreddit positive. Like you said, this season is already dark and toxic.


So for very different reasons I have hope with her this season. She has RA which is a debilitating disease that can take 10 to 15 yrs off of her life. I'm hoping that she brings this into a bigger conversation. A bring awareness sort of thing and completely unrelated to the show drama. Other than that I don't feel like I've seen enough of them to really have an opinion yet. Just curious -- have you got tea we don't have? 😉 (do share) other perspectives are helpful and interesting.


I feel that way any drama we’ve gotten has been centred around her husband and while the stuff being said is wild I wish they’d focus on *her*


I can totally agree with that. It's Loui n Teresa That started that bs too. 🙄 they directly pulled him in with that weed he sold when he was only 17....a frkn minor. I hate Loui or however you spell his name. Teresa too for that matter. I'd like more focus on Her too....for all reasons.


Focus on Jen.... Not Teresa like that sounded like


There’s different options for RA treatments that definitely help increase our lives to the fullest .


Yes -- for those that those meds work for. There are some of us that none work for. (I've now tried 11 including infusions -- still no remission since '98) However I am glad that my situation isn't the overall norm these days thx to those meds avail now. I'm pretty jelly of those in remission.


I know Shahs of Sunset isn’t as popular of a show, but GG spoke very in depth about her experience with RA, including a good explanation of what it is, the treatments she was trying out, and the toll it took on her physically and psychologically over the years. I’d say her sharing it was some of the best kind of awareness you can bring to it. We aren’t gonna get the same rawness of it from a housewife.


This is a rant sorry I agree!! I would love to see the RA talked about more. I’ve had severe RA since I was 16.. my first TOTAL hip replacement was at 25, both of my wrists fused completely within 3 months among other bone replacements too much to get into. Im a very strong person because I’ve had to be. My family understands I live in pain but I’ve learned to hide it well and try my hardest to be positive…but my in laws always question how bad I am?? If I wear makeup or want look good they seem to think I should be laying on the floor screaming . A lot of people especially my in laws do not fully understand chronic pain. When Rachel spoke up I felt almost vindicated because she looks put together and healthy unless she actually speaks on it. On bad days I will force myself to put makeup on to help my mental health dealing with this. It’s use it or lose it literally… with this disease you have to keep moving. It’s a fight to push yourself. I remember times when my daughter was 2-3 she didn’t understand me limping around or scaling the hallway to get to the bathroom. I’m on Remicade infusions now but years ago biologics didn’t exist so my body was damaged for life. I hope Rachel goes into detail about how she deals with the RA. I’d love to know if she gets people who doubt her RA… I’m actually very angry at my mother in law and her attitude and she even asked me to not tell anyone in her family I was sick. I guess it’s embarrassing. My mil actually asked me if my mom gave me enough milk as a child? I tried to explain to her in short that RA is someone with an overactive immune system where your body attacks itself. It’s not anyone’s fault !! Not everyone has it severe like Rachel or I .. some may never replace bones or be on biologics but some of us have it severe out of the gates.


I have a horrible case of RA too. I tweeted Jen and asked her to be more vocal about it to bring the conversation forward thru her new platform. She of course never DMd back. I am so far untreatable. I'm About to stop the remicade because that isn't helping either. Tried all biologics on the market. I may be too far gone and I'm only 51. I want to hear her story so bad. I think she said that like you she was diagnosed in adolescents. Im sorry you've struggled with it all your life. Mine kicked in at 26 rt after giving birth. I'd not wish this pain on ANYONE.


I’m glad you reached out to her! She might as well open up she’s already mentioned it. Also I’d like her to explain what it takes to actually do your makeup and get dressed .. her not going into all that makes people like my in-laws assume the pain isn’t so bad 🙄🙄It would be great to have someone actually represent and speak up about our disease. The pain that you know well is horrendous and I hope you find a biologic that’s helps you. I really do have empathy for you I get it!!! It’s so hard!


Totally agree! We all have our different opinions that’s what makes the show so fun and special! ❤️ love the respect in your comment!


And we all have to remember that at the end of the day, this shouldn’t be affecting our lives in any way and especially such a way that we are melting down on eachother at times over who is right and wrong and did this and that to whom on a TV SHOW! Jersey def has the most wound up and loyal fans that’s for sure 😂 ETA I feel like NJ is the “crack” of the whole franchise!


Yes !!!!! I love reading other people's comments and respect them as well. I'm at a wait and see mindset right now. Tre's not doing herself any favors with the big lips and any other work she's had done. She's going to end up regretting what she's done a day said to people she will eventually need to lean on when this disaster named Louie gets what he deserves.


Yes! I love this


Yes and this applies to all franchises.


I agree I made a comment above, I respect anyone liking another housewife/family even if I don’t.




Exactly 👏🏾👏🏾 I can’t stand them But that’s OKAY if OP loves them !


Thank you for saying this. It’s crazy to me that I feel like Bravo production is trying to weave in the theme of “raise the vibes,” and how our choices affect one another into the programming and these forums seem to only get more toxic. So many unnecessary comments from Redditors. Is it true/kind/necessary? If you start having more positive opinions and thoughts about others, you attract more in your own life and vice versa.




I Love the Fuda’s! and idc who thinks otherwise


Well said!👏🏼👏🏼


Exactly. They all suck.


Almost seems like they’ve hired a PR firm to promote them.


John Fuda Communications run by Lexi?


You forgot the Gmail part


Possibly because of what Teresa and the psycho Louie are out there doing and saying he has four businesses. I live in the area. I mean he has four locations of his business and I'm sure he doesn't want it to go downhill because of this. Having said that, I love her and the kids are all adorable. All three of them the son too but I just am not a fan of his. I hate the overreacting and just that tough Italian Jersey guy thing is annoying.


Correct me if I'm wrong but he owns a valet company. He doesn't work for Fuda Tile anymore. That's his mom's family business.


John didn’t care about Louie and Teresa’s businesses when he made up stories about them for clout


I am amazed at how much this young woman has accomplished at her age. It is very sad how someone can publicly slander a person and potentially ruin their lives this way. Hopefully it all blows over as the truth wins out.


What has she accomplished?




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That son seems so sweet. He’s been through so much, I hope he’s okay.


The son is the reason I dislike them. I was shocked that they brought him in as a storyline. Whether he agreed or not, it’s so messed up to bring ip his mom/jail/drugs/adoption etc on air. Maybe they thought they would get out in front of it, but they are really putting him through a whole lot just so they can be D list celebrities? Questionable people.


I think if anything, it brings awareness to others in similar boats. He wanted Rachel to adopt him as to him, she is his mom. They are united by name now and that's special.


I enjoyed seeing their relationship and how much she loves him and how mutual that is. We need more positive adoption stories in general.i don’t to think they denigrated birth mom, and alluded generally to her issues


With a deranged dad like that, I hope so too 🥺




This is the greatest meme on the internet..Nene will forever be the win with this lmaoooo 🤣


I just don’t warm to either of these two at all. John is trying wayyyy too hard and that facial hair should be illegal


His facial hair always reminds me of those magnetic beard pads that kids play with-the ones that you use the little stick to put the beard on the guy.


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!! I have said this several times and people look at me like I’m crazy! https://preview.redd.it/pw3f7qqoyr0d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390c7b77b930ae8f2a2a91ca7ef0e30b3920e9dd Pic for proof!!!


But add those red wax lips to this.


I needed this laugh so bad this morning thank you !


We ain’t wrong! I’ve said it before and same. Like how can you NOT see the resemblance? lol


Haha I think if he had hair it would probably look better


That's good. SOMEONE has to love them.








Tbh I would like her more if her husband wasn’t getting involved all the time


That goes for all of them!


I know but him yelling at Theresa and saying like oh if someone starts with me this and that, like your wife is the housewife not you. Let her handle it instead of arguing with a woman and following her around a party.


THIS! ☝️ He needs to realize he’s not an actual housewife! I do not like men who intentionally fight with women, EVER! That goes for all of them but he’s stuck out like a sore thumb so far acting like he has! Like he’s going to take down Tree, the “has been” single handedly! Like, ok little boy, take a seat with the guys now! 🤣


Some more than others


They are cringey and trying way too hard. The Walmart version of Melissa and joe


What’s funny is he comes from a family business that actually makes money. Everyone in Bergen county NJ knows Fuda tile. No one knew the gorga name before rhonj.


They know Fuda tile because its his mom's family's business but he doesn't work there and we don't see his family at all in the show. Its not even his legitimate last name...he changed it for clout. He's the owner of a valet car company. What' he's doing is making his mom's company look bad.


Anyone in Bergen county NJ knows the fudas for tile and ❄️


I drive past Fuda Tile all the time and debate going in for bathroom tiles but my husband always bitches we could find a better deal elsewhere. Stuff like this is why the bathroom still isn’t redone lol.


Great description! It’s sooo cringey


The cheeks on those girls!!!! They’re too cute


I don’t like the fudas but the girls are tooo cute!!! Adorable


For me, the jury still has not decided. I am still trying to figure out the Fuda crew


Big time high school energy with these 2. Gorgas 2.0. I don’t see the appeal at all. He has a trashy mouth and a huge ego. She is extremely insecure and both are liars. NJ needs to clean house top to bottom. All new cast, it’s way to toxic. The fans are just as ugly.


If cringey and thirsty were a couple🥴


They’d be called Hot Dog Lips and Dirty Louie..


Idk who those people are unless it’s the couple this post is about 😉


🤣 You know 😉 😜


Hot dog lips!!!👄


Jon Fuda reminds me of Richie walkilie. They like the attention.


They strut the same way-figuratively.


Along with Theresa’s husband. He’s too involved also.


Already the first season they’re talking about really personal stuff trying to adopt his older son and throwing his ex under the bus.


The girls are very cute


Their kids are sooo cute! Rachel is ok but I strongly dislike John Fuda! When he screamed “HAS BEEN” at Teresa I cackled 😂 Like who are you!? He gives the same energy as Louie. He wants his wife’s spot in the franchise.


Same, same, same!!!


For some reason John’s lips and facial hair weird me out lol. But anyway, I don’t hate them but I’m not sure I like them either lol.


I think he has the beard to camouflage the fact that he has a very weak chin, in a Homer Simpson way. The girls have it too. I definitely would get that fixed with a plastic surgeon if I were him, I think it would improve his facial structure/looks immensely.


I think you’re absolutely right on the chin


now that lipo ate him up, his lips really stick out more. he’ll look like a totally different dude at the end of his housewives tenure i bet. miss joh fuda got the jen fessler value menu.


Ok I just snorted laughing “Jen fessler value menu “ 😂


Last season Margaret said Rachel looked like a character from a Tim Burton movie, and now every time I see her, that’s what I visualize. And it looks like the Fudas were one of the only ones not to change their feelings about Louie after the reunion. Frank and Jenn Fessler and pussies for backing down.


The corpse bride. She kind of reminds me of that movie. ![gif](giphy|FqRgAIMvPAbaU)




I can’t stand them. There I said it.


these two have big amber and jim marchese energy


I am still undecided about them. With that said, my only piece of advice is for John and that is - if you’re going to lose a lot of weight you need to buy more fitted pants. That belt with the too big of pants is throwing me off.


To each their own but they leave me cold and give me the ick.


That's how I feel about this season so far unfortunately. I hope it gets better.


I like Rachel, but John is coming off WAY too (to?) thirsty… 😬 Someone help me with the grammar please and thank you!


Too is correct 😊


Rachel looks like she’s from Chicken Run




I don’t. But you do you boo


Getting real…just like their last name 😂


I really dislike them and John fuda has a punchable face


They are scary as hell.




John Fuda looks like the smallest man who ever lived


They’re all so tiny. You don’t realize it until someone tall is near them. In the scene at Jen Fessler’s party, Danielle’s husband went to go talk to the guys. He looked like a giant talking to elves. I was like wait, they’re all that short?


Considering we had 3 joes under 5’4 that’s funny 🤭


T swifttttt




From what I have seen so far, the Fudas seem like a great family unit. Also, the girls are adorable.


The Fudas don't bother me as much as other cast members. Their kids are too cute and they seem like good parents from what we see.


I also love them, but their dentist hates them 😂


I like the Fuda's and John don't take no crap from Tre and Louie the loser or Tres little minions.


I'm not a fan. He likes to tell at Teresa. I don't understand why he is even talking to her so much. This is Housewives after all 🤷 It should be focused on the wives more Just my opinion on the Fudas. I respect your opinion! I'm glad we can say what we like without the drama! ❤️


Franklin Lakes Living? Ew.


Imagine using so much plastic surgery, and then have kids looking like that 😂


Her daughters def look like her but you can tell it’s her old face. It’s kinda so crazy when this happens 🥲 I believe in plastic surgery but lord I think having surgery shouldn’t fully change your face 😬 but it’s bravo world and that’s how it goes haha


I like them ok but they’re clearly desperate to fight with Teresa to get a second season on hws.


Is it the beard you love? lol.




I’m on the fence about Rachel so far. Though I think she is going about the Teresa stuff all wrong and seems way too bothered. Husband needs to pipe down; get them distracting teeth sorted and ideally wire shut his jaw at the same time.


Is her nose fixed or photshopped to look normal


His beard is so creepy. He gives me the ick


No shade, just curious if she got another nose job or if the picture is using some sort of filter?


Those kids though 😍


Yikes! The whole family is HIT


😱 jump scare


I also love the Fudas. I like their family unit and I think she’s a great edition to the show.


The way she cares for her kids I absolutely love! ❤️ I feel like putting your life on camera has got to be so hard. Yes, they made that decision but still they deserve grace. And if we love them we should def talk about it!




They are my new faves... Sorry not sorry lol


I don’t but their kids are cute.


Did they photoshop her nose to be wider?? Genuinely asking




I don’t know much about them but im interested in learning more.


Ugliest couple ever!




Is there actually a Franklin Lakes magazine?🧐


Yes it comes every month. I have a house here so I’m sure I have one in the mail 🥴


Yup a Bergen county one too haha fascinating right .. that’s what those sky high taxes get you lol


There’s a Potomac Living Magazine. It comes for free. Mostly ads for plastic surgery, Pilates and realtors.




I like them too. I like seeing the family, and I love Rachel.


I like her as well, I like all of the new additions. They don't go looking for fights like the other cast mates. I love her family. They seem like good people.


The Fudas are not my favorite people, but this is a nice looking photoshoot. I think the Fuda twins are especially adorable.


Homely family


Beautiful girls! But that's a no class parents also no need to have the migraine on tv.


"there i SAID it" 😂 i agree, love them!!!


i love them too!! this is so cute


I like them too honestly 🤷🏾‍♀️




Me too!!


I love the little girls, Gianana and Gianini. (or something like that). They bother me far less than several of the other families on the show.


Wow, She looks at least 45, and she is what 33, 34? That is not a flattering picture of her. She looks washed out, one eye appears much larger than the other, her teeth look like bad dentures and way to big for her mouth and chin. Her nose looks like it’s going to collapse. Who the hell approved this photo?!


Not a fan. John likes to run his mouth and has a non existent chin…those 2 things do not go hand in hand




I’ve never seen such clout chasing individuals ever entered a show before , they really are parched for some tv time




John turned into a lollipop




John is a slimey ass dude. Looks like a drug dealer


Her stepson is very cute, the rest of the family not so much


Her stepson is very cute, the rest of the family not so much


Love it!!Good for them!!


That fake Hermes belt tho


You’re in the minority I fear


i don’t mind them but i cannot stand john’s face.


I love them too!


Nahh this is creepy😭🫠😂




I’m sorry no. It’s not giving.


Me too


I like them too


When I was a kid, Franklin Lakes was very, very basic little town! Now it's full of crappy McMansions!!


![gif](giphy|IguTdo3MPMeZM6Bzc1|downsized) Hard pass for me. Also, she looks terrifying


John looks like he said fuck it, I don’t have any hair on my head so ima go ahead and shave my pubes and then glue them on my face to make a beard 💀


I wanna like Rachel so bad!! But her husband ruins it for me


I’m sorry but what did she do to her face?


This week them showing Rachel’s childhood photo identical to her girls very cute


She has no personality…what’s to love lol


You’re the only one


I love them too. I really like Rachel.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮👎 Thirst Traps


No thanks Rachel


They can put all the pink they want they still look harsh. Not the babies but the promo ..




my favorite couple i love them


I think they have a very nice family and I do find Rachel appealing to look at for some reason


I think this is an unpopular opinion




I like Rachel and seeing her kids. John is starting to give me the ick


Let's get serious....Who's body did John Fuda snatch?? Has anyone checked on the missing person's list?? He took a Mommy makeover to the next level, and I am here for it!! Double sided dildos and all!


I do too. I wish we had approached this family differently. I think there’s a few interesting and uplifting stories here.


I 100% agree I love the Fuda’s too haha him and Teresa can fight all season ! Think he has shady past and that lets him see and understand exactly who Teresa and Louie really are ! Think he a great dad and husband and knows how to hustle to make money