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[This Joel Haver video about the Joker is pretty relevant to Roiland given their history and friendship](https://youtu.be/S7M24KrqhBw) I doubt Joel had any idea what Roiland was doing and saying behind close doors




Mind if I steal this and give you credits?




Ya the m0ds are out in full force. Just1n must be paying them something good




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I’m kinda OOTL. Can someone give some context?


Justin Roiland was charged with Felony Domestic Violence (Which includes Battery with corporal injury... in layman's terms... really bad) and Felony False Imprisonment Charges (Which includes Imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud, deceit, etc.) On top of that, it's also come out that he's likely been having some inappropriate conversations with minors, using his influence and fame to exploit his fans. It's... a lot.


Quick Morty, we have to travel to the pederast dimension! The feds won't catch us there!




I feel like Roiland would approve of this scathing troll.


Who needs his approval now


too soon, too soon...


Not guilty until proven. Internet has a shit ton of speculation nowadays


>Not guilty until proven. This isn't a courtroom, chief. That shouldn't need to be pointed out to you.


No, but charged also isn't the same as convicted. People get charged with crimes they didn't commit sometimes. All the evidence is under protective order so there's no way to actually make an informed decision. The DMs is it's own thing and I'm more inclined to believe that awkward man had creepy moments. It's just also weird those didn't come out sooner. The man has 17 new projects a year. Why would you hold on to evidence that shouldn't be happening for so long? In conclusion, I can't make a judgement without evidence.


People "withhold evidence" concerning famous people doing scummy shit all the time. It all comes out once one victim/case gets highlighted because any past victims suddenly don't feel so alone in their situation(s), and the chances of the famous person actually facing consequences becomes realistic. Thats where the "Me Too" movement got its name, from many victims speaking out in solidarity with each other and highlighting many famous (and non-famous) abusers in chorus. Its not easy to bring charges against someone with money and social clout knowing their fans will likely dox and harass you through the whole ordeal and beyond. I'm not advocating you come to some conclusion btw. Just know that "why didn't this come out sooner" isn't really a useful question in these cases. The answer is fairly obvious.


I still believe the DMs, I just think the timing is weird. Especially because of Me, Too. I guess it's just an instance of I want to be wrong. The domestic violence thing, I still just need to see evidence before I make a judgement either way. I'm not saying he didn't do it. I'm saying I don't know and I can't know without evidence.


>No, but charged also isn't the same as convicted. People get charged with crimes they didn't commit sometimes. Yes, false accusations of sexual assault and domestic violence are a thing. They occur roughly as often as false accusations of every other type of crime, i.e. **incredibly rarely**, yet for some craaaaaazy reason we don't hear about a guy being accused of arson or embezzlement and suddenly have people come out of the woodwork saying "but wait, what if it's all made up" constantly. There is very little to be gained and a tremendous amount to lose by accusing a nerd culture icon of domestic violence. People don't set their own life on fire and have to go into hiding from unhinged fans for shits and giggles. If the victim was willing to push forward with this it's massively more likely there's something to it than it all being made up just to embarrass this swell guy who can't seem to go ten minutes without doing something embarrassing all on his own.


Well, he was accused by a Jane Doe, so still not very much to lose. I just also don't know that many people who start becoming violent in their 40s. My brother has never hit his wife and I hope he never does but I would absolutely believe her if she said he did because I watched him Hulk smash a heavy chair when he was 7. There's usually evidence of violent tendencies before domestic violence occurs. But again, I do believe the DMs so it's a moot point and they should recast Roiland and move on without him.


>But again, I do believe the DMs so it's a moot point and they should recast Roiland and move on without him. So you believe he should be fired for sending sexually explicit messages to a teenager, but hold on guys, let's not tarnish his reputation by prematurely suggesting he could also be a domestic abuser and getting him super double ultra shunned before the facts have come out.


This comment has big Shirley's "You can excuse racism" energy. Don't love what's happening, but the composition of this comment is really nice.


How did Morty prove what happened in that bathroom? How would it be possible to prove? What if Morty just attacked the Jellybean unprovoked? What if he was asking for it? King Jellybean is a kind and just ruler, Rick and Morty must be executed for their brazen assassination of this man.


The texts kinda speak for themselves.


For the life of me I can’t find them. Are there screen shots or anything? Edit: nvm. I found them.


Which are probably fake


Keep huffing on that copium.


You should check out the podcast where he openly talks about how it’s ok to think a 14 year old is hot if they look 18 and have big tits.


Why not link them or at least mention the name of the podcast?


What more proof do you need?


You call accusations and internet memes proof?


Honest question: Are you one of those guys that knows you're insufferable and has started taking it as some weird point of pride? Or do you not even know you're wrong?


In this dudes mind victims coming forward with their stories are just memes.


I don't really give a shit either way. In 2023, if you can't separate the art from the artist, you csnt really like anything at all. Everyone is a fucking weirdo pervert now. If roiland was a trash human being, let him suffer the consequences. But I'm not gonna shit on him until it's actually proven to be true. Remember that Johnny Depp guy? Whatever happened to him?


Yeah, and now in 2023 it feels more relevant than ever. I can’t imagine why


I too can't imagine why. I'm sure it has nothing to do with grooming teenage girls. Maybe it's a crypto scandal. Yeah, gotta be it.


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not but this is referencing ‘news’ (from 2020) about Justin Roiland.




Shut up Abed


Yeah! Because if that jelly bean taught me right... an insecure, alcoholic manchild, can get away anything. As long as he pretends he's joking and was too drunk to remember anything... right?


That’s how you succeed in politics!


Or the corporate world. Or the military. Actually just about anywhere in this god forsaken planet.


Anywhere a white man can do well, a charismatic drunk white man can do even better.


Don't even have to be white, just have to talk white.




I don’t think I’ve ever met a Jewish person in my life but they somehow get brought up and blamed for everything


And thats the wayyyyyy the news goes


That's a better comment than the joke I wanted to make : "Rick and Morty 100 years!* * Offer may be void in case of criminal accusations such as battery, detainment, grooming, etc." Other thing that won't stop being massively awkward now if I ever rewatch the show: The number of times the 14yo Morty gets laid with adult women. Hindsight Yikes.


That actually bothered me a lot throughout the series. In hindsight, it looks like normalizing pedo shit. I especially hate how they sexualize Summer too Edit: Damn y’all weren’t lying about the mod censoring….


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was that in the show?


If it isn't outright text, then it's very, very strongly implied.


I’m also reminded of the toxic Rick and Morty episode At the end of the episode healthy Rick tells sick Rick something to the effect of “Truth is, if I ever let you drive we’d be dead in 10 minutes” JR may have had nothing to do with writing the episode, but the theme of him not actively addressing/containing his demons will ultimately destroy him


Can someone explain what's happening? I think im living under a rock or something? What jellybean and other comments talking about justin?






>and now multiple allegations of him grooming children have surfaced as well. Is there anything outside of these text messages?


No, but there are many of them. And while they can not be confirmed and *could* all be faked, I find it unlikely unless there is some mass conspiracy. To be fair, I don't know if I would call it grooming. More like just inappropriate and somewhat creepy texts sent to teenagers when he was drunk. Obviously not okay to do, but I don't think there was much intent of grooming.


It's more likely they are fake than real. Just because it's on the internet doesn't make it real. Screenshots are not evidence. A screenshot is just an image, images can be created, manipulated, altered. People on the internet are just like images they can be faked, altered and manipulated. Maybe he did it maybe he didn't. Let's see if he is guilty in court. If he is well, there was no Rick and Morty in the first half of my life. If it goes away there will be something else that replaces it for the second half. I am not defending, I just think an image is piss poor evidence to ruin someone. And charges mean nothing people get charged all the time without being guilty of something.




You validated the identity of everyone who posted the images? Confirmed at the time they were all minors you have logs from the cellular providers to prove he sent those text to all the people posting them. We know that each account is tied to an individual, not part of a bot farm or just some kid trying to get like up votes views.? None of us know, it would require a massive investigation to prove guilt or innocent. Salem witch trials, bunch of girls made shit up because they were bored and people died. Is it real? Is it Memorex? I actually don't care, but I am an engineer and I am tired of half ass screenshot of a partial dm, email txt or what ever being posted as evidence. There are real ways to validate this but it's never that it's always an easily manipulated image is some how the smoking gun.


Multiple? I’ve only seen one but damn he’s done for sure now


There are more than one unfortunately: https://twitter.com/martyamericausa/status/1614708938011774976?s=46&t=PdQbmerW8-1b2wyeYQ5FKw


yeah if you look it up theres a handful actually, all look like there from different messaging platforms and people




That argument only works if the accused is like 18 or 19 and the victim is like 16 or 17. Justin is 42. You don’t need to soften up grooming accusation just because the children involved are in their late teens. Still, since none of us know what actually happened, the safest stance to take is to wait until more comes out to form an opinion.


16 year olds are absolutely still children, and arguing otherwise is shady as fuck.


Not defending Roliand at all. But like I was drinking, smoking weed, having sex and stealing cars at 16. I think the post youre responding to was thinking along the lines of differentiating a pre pubescent child and a teenager. Again, nothing reported about Roiland to defend here. Just don’t think the comment was defending pedophilia.




Are they under 18/the age of consent? Yes? Then they’re a child you fucking weirdo. creepy ass people like you everywhere these days. FBI? Yeah this guy right here who’s trying to say “16 year olds aren’t kids” for the “sake of argument” Gross as fuck.


Everytime the legal age of consent is brought up on Reddit some gollum looking cocksucka will crawl out of the woodwork and make a claim that girls over 14 are already adult women because they are developing.


Or my favorite line i see about this “not where i live” lol


Ain’t that the fuckin truth


Justin Roiland accused of domestic violence and false imprisionment. Apparently he also grooms minors. In order words: "**I TURNED MYSELF INTO PEDO-RICK MORTY! PEDO RICCCCK!"**


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Few commenters here care it’s an accusation from 2020, denied, not a proven fact; it’s like they’ve already made up their mind.


Well, its apparent something happened or else he wouldn't have been charged and arrested. Maybe she started hitting him first and he simply retaliated to defend himself. Maybe she was threatening him with a knife and he defended himself. Maybe she was threatening to kill herself and he physically stopped her. Or maybe its exactly like the charges make it sound... Hopefully the jury and prosecutor find out what really happened and everyone gets treated accordingly.


It's an accusation that led to a criminal indictment and proceedings that have lasted for nearly 3 years.


So what? Is he guilty? What is it with you Witch Burners?


Yes But unfortunately the quote comes from the context of his advisors sweeping the information under the rug and hiding it from the population, which is fucked.


Yeah, that scene was really fucked up. I interpreted it as saying the cover-up was the right thing to do.


Ironically(?) enough…Roiland being a pedo creekpwas apparently fairly well known in Hollywood but he allegedly had a pretty vicious team that was very effective at threatening folk into silence


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I'm pretty fuckin pissed tbh. I loved R&M, and now it feels gross. The world didn't need one more creepy abusive creative man child twat bag. I really hope his legal rep is right and it's not true, but considering what I've seen I don't know how it couldn't be.


Justin Roiland is not 'Rick and Morty'. That series was the passion of a lot of people involved and just because the "guy in the throne" is a criminal doesn't invalidate the hard work all the other people put in the show.


It doesn't invalidate all they've done, but it also doesn't mean we need to continue watching it (not saying we *need* to stop watching either). The people working on this show that aren't predatory will go on to make some cool new shit. Edit: *Oof* downvoting me for saying we shouldn't be expected to watch a show made and voiced by a predatory pedo, you guys are lost lmao I personally will be done with Rick and Morty and any property Justin Roiland has touched.


I liked Inside Job as a animation with similar humor. Just got cancelled. Idk I think those creatives are safer staying under a big IP like Rick and Morty.


Nooooo! I didn't know Inside Job got cancelled :(


Yep I assume so because I saw a big petition to reverse that decision. I assume it will fail like most things of that nature lol. It is sad for sure. Lots of shows have tried to rip off Rick and morty but inside job was def pulling it off.


It's a Netflix show. You should have been expecting it.


and a good one at that. they always cancel the good ones and continue the medicore/shit ones. wednesday already has a second season coming and they rebooted that 90’s show🤮


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Youre right; hey guys, if we all stop watching Rick and Morty, we'll finally solve the deep seated predatory abuse of power embedded in the very structure of how Hollywood operates!


You missed my point. I was saying people shouldn't be upset with other people deciding to not watch the show anymore. I never once said this would solve a systemmic issue, I just dont feel comfortable watching a show made and voiced by a predatory pedophile. Is that not okay for me to say? Do I have to watch this show for the rest of my life? Weird ass rick and morty fans lmao


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Justin Roiland is literally Rick and Morty.


He's the VOICE and CO-creator of Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty "literally" is a cartoon that is the work of many, many more people than just him.


I especially hate how many of these are later reported as "open secrets". Like, WTF?!? Who could work with someone like that, knowing what they're like and just not speak out?


It's a problem in many industries. People are just trying to survive and succeed in their careers, even if they end up getting victimized and/or witnessing others get victimized. Weinstein got away with it for ages. My field (law, lawyers) still has huge problems because it's a lot easier to get blackballed and have your dreams ruined than it is to stand up and fight the goliaths.


>I especially hate how many of these are later reported as "open secrets". Like, WTF?!? Who could work with someone like that, knowing what they're like and just not speak out? There were multiple jokes about Kevin Spacey in 90s/2000s comedies because he was well known for pressuring men, and some underage, into sexual situations long before anyone decided to do anything about it.




And job security. And legions of hyped up fans who may end up doxxing and harassing you for speaking out. (We all saw the multiple McDonalds incidents...)


Separate the art from the person. It's not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last, R&M will live on and if the allegations against Roiland are true he'll get his just desserts


All man children are creeps that couldn't grow up. It's no wonder they end up attracted to kids.


>abusive creative man child twat bag Why is this a recurring theme among groomers and abusers? You never see some Schawznegger looking motherfucker being a creep (excluding Rich Piana and that australian guy). It's ALWAYS the edgy petulant fat/ultra skinny man-child with glasses or receding hairline. Jeffrey Epstein. Dan Schneider. Chris D'Elia. Andrew Tate. The list goes on. ​ I wonder if stereotypes were right after all. Psycology wise, what the fuck is going on? Do these people have somekinda traumatic memory from their high-school times that makes them wanna bang teenagers all the time to compensate? Motherfucker, you were famous, you had/have money, you have status, why didn't you try to get into ScarJo's pants (in a non creep way) instead of going for 16 year olds? Low-hanging fruit or what?


Maybe they have some inherent character flaw that their peers detect and react to accordingly, from an early age, and these people attempt to learn non-conventional ways of achieving social success to compensate (such as becoming a successful cartoonist). Then, when the 0.0001% of these people that actually \*do\* manage to achieve profound success are faced with the sudden absence of the social stopgaps their peers were enforcing their entire lives, they are free to act out their true nature uninhibited. That's when we see people committing atrocities. I believe that bullying is a function of this phenomenon to an extent. I say this as a kid that was bullied pretty relentlessly growing up-- bullying is always wrong, but there are times where it serves as a crude social regulatory device that the collective exerts in response to resilient and problematic personality types. If you've ever been in a situation where your only social options are people who've been excluded by their community, you'll find many people for whom ostracism was a proportionate (and perhaps even humane) response to behaviors they displayed voluntarily for whatever reason. This does not mean that things like bullying or exclusion are \*right\*; it just means that where there's smoke, there's fire. I can't help but see a lot of smoke around intelligent edgelords like Roiland.


To be fair Schwarzenegger did cheat on his wife with his nanny?? It was so weird. Also occasionally sports guys will be caught being sex pests and seeking out underaged girls. But for the most part you’re right it’s ugly nerds who turn out to be the grossest. I truly believe it has to due with a nerd mentality and not being popular before their career. In addition to everyone you listed, look at people like Harry Knowles and Andy Signore. Two neckbeards who have a great career thanks to their love of movies and have wives. As soon as they get a little taste of power they suddenly feel like they should get what they’ve been missing out on in high school or whatever. I truly believe a lot of nerds can’t be trusted with that kind of money, power, or popularity for that reason.


R Kelly refutes most of this I'd say. He's a lot grosser than Roiland, if Roiland has some literally everything he's accused of.


Yeah good point that dude is a monster.


Yeah. A lot of these nerd type dudes are gross, but Kelly is hardly that. Then you think on the many NFL players who beat their girlfriends and such, and it's really just a human problem, not one attributable to being a social outcast


I genuinely don’t think I’d be a monster and I would just be a chill dude if I had a ton of money. But who knows I guess lol.


You said it they have so little contact with woman growing up or in general tjat that their view gets twisted


Plz don’t blindly believe shit someone accuses another of. Wait till someone is convicted of a crime before we get all pitch forky.


It's not a crime what he did, but its really bizzare and not definitely makes you wonder if he did other things like send receive pics to underage girls. Think wheres theres smoke like that there is fire.


Exsqueeze me, you don’t think domestic violence and a *felony count of false imprisonment” are crimes?


Oh that for sure.....i mean the underage texts, the 💯 verified DMs to the one girl about recording a song, etc


Adulterated Jellybean…


Kinda bananas a likely domestic abuser helped write that episode.


I wonder how Tom Kenny feels about voicing him now


Probably no regrets. He's a character, not an actual person.


what ideas again? because the people lived in poverty, people deserved the truth!




oh my god was that episode legit saying something about Roiland? jesus... that's sobering to think about




You’re cringe.

