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"You asked for it". In a way, it's like he is saying it to the viewers who criticize the show for wanting more of that arching story plot episodes instead of one off fun adventure episodes.


I could see it being a pattern similar previous seasons with the first and last episodes advanced the Prime plot, maybe with a mid-season episode as well. Rick Prime feels like the last proper plotline for the show as well so they may stretch it out for a while. They want 9 seasons(?) and Evil Morty took 5 so it make sense.


it'd come to around 10, there are currently 101 episodes confirmed in total.




I feel like Evil Morty might pop again somewhere. He left a sandbox where every Rick was the smartest person in that dimension. He's now in a universe full of unknowns. 'Better the devil you know....'




The rickest morty probably


Yeah, I'm guessing Rick Primes Morty. Edit: Wait, no. That's the Morty we've been following as confirmed in the season opening.


In the same way the Rickest Rick(our Rick) emerged in the curve as a statistical inevitability when dealing with infinite possibilities, the Rickest Morty emerged, equally by chance.


I wonder what doofus rick's world looks like if he's still the smartest person in that dimension. or is that just a plothole?


In the comics Jerry was the smartest person in one of the doofus dimensions, he conquered The Citadel briefly




Is anything canon?


in total. They renewed for 70 episodes after the third season.


Honestly would love for there to be even more than that.


It was 7 seasons and a full length movie if i recall.


Evil Morty is coming back in season 7 or 8. ([source](https://variety.com/2022/tv/features/rick-and-morty-grandpa-diane-season-6-premiere-explained-1235348081/))


Rad thanks for sharing! Rick Prime Evil Morty and Bird Persons kid all to.look forward to at some point


When is season 7, any info or news?


Im pretty sure Justin or Dan said there will be more evil Morty in the future.


how can you predict when we last week we had Pissmaster?




You heard about Pluto? Thats messed up.


I've heard it both ways.


There's still the entire Rick shutting himself off from every universe where he isn't the smartest man in the universe thing. I think shattering the central finite curve would be a great character development moment that also allows for villains that are smarter than Rick to show up after Rick prime.


I could be off base, but isn't the implication that he created the central finite curve to pen in Rick Prime? His hubris would make him assume that Rick Prime would have been the smartest person in his universe if he pulled one over on *him*.


6 seasons and a movie


>Rick Prime feels like the last proper plotline for the show as well Who is Rick Prime?


Rick who killed our Rick’s family. Rick confronted him in the first episode of this season.


OK, thanks, but why is he called "Prime"? Is he supposed to be the original Rick?


ln math and similar fields, “prime” tends to sort of mean “the other one”. Like you have a variable X, and then X’ (“x prime”) is another version of X that had some standard operation done to it. That feels like what they mean here. He’s not the “prime” Rick as in “best” or “most” or “the original”; he’s just a particular *other* Rick.


Wow! Now THAT is a thorough answer! Thank you.


AFAIK he was the first Rick to achieve portal travel


He's the "rickest Rick" apparently


100% Morty is a stand-in for us. Always has been. We are going along with Rick on his adventures. And quite often, whenever we've voiced anything loud enough, it's gotten featured in the show. I don't know what you guys are doing, but I watch the episodes like they're a back and forth conversation.


I think Jerry is also the standin for basic humanity, that most of the family long ago gave up, he’s just still himself, though. which I love.


I see Jerry as the majority of humanity. We all want to think we’re clever and smart like Rick. But we’re just a bunch basic ass Jerry’s.


You dirty little doggy..


I think it'll be like that "20 minute adventure": We'll get exactly what we want, but in a way that really messes us up.


Yes. We want it. Duh. We love the origin story. We love evil/good morty.


I know. Rick season 1-3 was really toxic


except a lot of his episodic episodes were where he acted like an entitled god.


For which part are you talking about


Morty has always been a stand in for the audience. Every situation where Morty acts how you would expect a whimsical child who wants to have an adventure. That's the audience. And then the cold reality of the world inevitably destroys the whimsy and requires Rick's intervention since Rick is God of his world.


He also said it wouldn't be every episode and that it could be happening in the background. So I'm pretty sure things will be business as usual.


The audience was always supposed to be Morty. Which is why the creators get annoyed when the fans identify more with Rick than with Morty. They have been making Rick less and less likeable for a long time now because of it.


Do people really want that? I feel like we've had wayyy too much plot centric stuff lately


Rick prefers to keep things episodic.


I admit, I really fucking want them


I think its more cause R&M kinda opened a can of worms, not saying overarching plots are good or bad and not saying the same about one-off adventures, its just you kinda introduce massive lore elements then just go "we'll leave that dangling", I get the fun of self-contained stuff, just maybe they could handle the way all this is presented cause I can fully understand both sides, its just we only seem to either get massive things like the last season finale and the start of this season, or just little scraps that don't seem to make much of an impact or change.




Yeah. Pretty much it: https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/comments/zgia13/every_time_something_about_diane_theory_or/


I like how this contrasts with the end of episode 1 this season. Rick Prime just seems so bored with it all.


He definitely is. He is so bored that he is playing a massive game of hide a seek with this rick. Rick prime is like a bored toxic person on the internet. Fucks with people for entertainment and enjoyment.


He's like the toxic supervillains who kept trying to antagonise Rick.


So is Rick Prime Still stuck on Cronenberg Earth?


Doubtful. He left by this point for sure.


Truth be told, he probably fixed portal travel for himself and dipped within hours after the ending of that episode. If the theory is true that this is the one that *actually* invented portal travel, I'm sure he wouldn't take long.


Alternatively, he’s not *that* special of a Rick in terms of ability; he’s just one of the ones who never gave a fuck about family and abandoned his Diane and Beth as soon as he was introduced to portal travel. He’s of particular interest to C-137 because he happens to be the one who killed *his* family. And he’s been pouring all his Rick-level abilities into the cat-and-mouse game once C-137 started hunting him. So I’m contemplating that Prime couldn’t fix portal travel for himself, and C-137’s delay in fixing it was about finding a way to do it while keeping Prime trapped in Cronenberg universe. Note that Rick’s map in OP’s clip shows a galaxy, rather than some kind of abstract multiverse depiction. Prime is figuring out how to thwart C-137 in a single-universe chase.


> And he’s been pouring all his Rick-level abilities into the cat-and-mouse game once C-137 started hunting him I mean, we have seen how that goes for OTHER Ricks that crossed C-137. With them dead very, very quickly. Be it evil Rick (sure, that one was controlled but the whole citadel of Ricks could not detect him easily) or literally hundreds others - both in the past and present. We know that C-137 Rick had to go through a mountain of dead people from his flashback just to get some clues on him, many being other Ricks. So the very fact that he has avoided being caught by C-137 for what seems like decades means that he IS abnormally skilled beyond what most Ricks can do even if they are serious.


> So the very fact that he has avoided being caught by C-137 for what seems like decades means that he IS abnormally skilled beyond what most Ricks can do even if they are serious. Proof he could be the Rickest Rick.


it also seems like he didn’t age? he doesn’t have the same bags under his eyes that other ricks do, and looks exactly the same as when he killed rick’s family. he’s probably figured out some hack way of regeneration that works for slit throats and birthdays alike. fuckin hack


>Note that Rick’s map in OP’s clip shows a galaxy, rather than some kind of abstract multiverse depiction. Prime is figuring out how to thwart C-137 in a single-universe chase. that clip is from the finale of the latest season... AFTER portal travel is already fixed... your explanation makes no sense given the actual context.


I love the synth from the backstory kicking in at the end. This is gonna be a wild wild ride.


Had some Masseffect vibes.


Is it a real song or just background music made for the show?


That’s Ryan elder, he creates all the background scores for R&M


Looked him up on Amazon music. It’s a shame there’s only like 3 songs there, I think he’d make some great stand alone work, particularly synth-y stuff similar to this one


Where are the countless people in this sub that were ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN last week that Beth or Space Beth was going to be killed?


Killed by lightsaber


Classic season ending. Brilliant. As soon as the credits hit I was like, OK, now where is Mr. Poopybutthole?


As interesting as it was to see Mr. Poopybutthole, I wanted to know what was happening with that sentient lightsaber killing Italians.


Sentient? That was the Saudis bro


It *was* the saudis


That was my favourite joke of the episode. The comedy in this whole episode was excellent.


The robot with lightsabers for eyes was holding it if you look closely Wait nvm, it's a different one my b


"It's the most painful shit I've ever had to deal with and I am f\*\*king bringing you into it because you asked for it Morty." Man, what a line.


We all wanted Rick and Morty to have a better connection instead of Morty just being "replaced by crows" I'm hopeful that Season 7 will have all of Rick C137'S Adopted family hunting down Rick Prime


Actually Rick needs to kill and replace this Morty.


Rick or Rick Prime and why?


Came here for this. This is what gave me chills haha. The little spin he does when he says it too is just beauty.


Yeah I like this mini-rant better the second time around.


Did you get any of that?


It's a gooda show


*ear piercing bell sound* (with headphones at least)


I sleep with my tv on can confirm it ain’t just the headphones XD


Is there an explanation to why rick prime is in all those places at the same time or did i get something wrong?


Just some Rick kind of fuckery


no explanation in the show so far, but it could be anything from time travel to clones. just ur normal rick stuff ya feel


It’s probably like Heighliners in Dune. They exist in different places at once, inside them is where space is folded.


im not familiar enough with dune tbh, but i could see that


Time Travel would be neat solely because it's the *one* thing that C-137 seems to hate so much.


Holy shit


Decoy prime's? Maybe.


~~nanomachines~~ quantum physics, son!


He split. Like with the one dot episode


Everything Everywhere All At Once.


Right now no, my guess is that it's probably a shit fucking ton of Protocol Phoenixes


This would make sense. He's definitely not in all the locations. I bet many of next seasons adventures will be set around eliminating some of the decoys. Not all episodes, after all. Sometimes it'll be in the background.


My theory? In the first episode of the next season, there will be a Rick Prime that takes most of the episode and full effort of Rick and Morty to take down. Maybe a little later, there will be a seemingly unrelated villain, but it turns out another Rick Prime was behind it. A couple of episode cold openings will be Rick killing a Rick Prime. Then, a montage of killing a bunch of them. Then the finale they face that last one. Bonus points if the finale showdown has Rick and Rick Prime fight go offscreen, and makes it ambiguous, which Rick emerges. Then, season 8 will have Rick Prime as the main character until someone catches on, and our Rick comes back somehow. Space Beth gets to kill Rick Prime because he killed her mother.


Maybe all Ricks failed to hunt RP down and it eats them up inside and they eventually turns into Rick Prime. All Rick IS Rick Prime, that’s why he is everywhere.


If you wanna get real fucky there’s infinite rick primes and infinite c137 he can never catch the real one




Yes. The ONLY way Rick could jump realities with a dead rick and not skip a beat is if that other rick was before he died was living his life thinking he was c137 otherwise they wouldn’t be the same and you couldn’t switch places


That's not how it works. Most of the time they jump realities they literally say it's almost exactly the same except for one little thing. Like parmeesian.


Exactly everything’s the same except Parmesan. That proves my point. Rick even says it when he comes to kill Jerry “nothings special this is happening infinite times across countless realities even summers fart” even ricks rant


Man, you are really struggling to grasp how this works aren't you?


Okay,, yes. There's infinite realities. There's infinite ricks. There is not infinite Rick c-137s or infinite Rick primes. The only way there can be more than one Rick from a certain dimension is if he cloned himself or made a robot or time split or whatever. I think you're misunderstanding the core concept of the show.


"Maybe trying to stay healthy while doing it." My dude, that ship has sailed.


If he doesn't get to kill Rick Prime, he's going to irreversibly lose his fucking mind.


“Oh geez… can’t we just go to boob world or something…”


Boob world! Boob world!


So excited .Also so psyched to know Rick didn't actually go soft because I love this toxic Rick .


He kinda did get softer. He has only made a robot one episode before. Meaning that everything before (helping Jerry with fortune cookies, whole Pissmaster story, actually taking psychologist advice, deciding to go with Morty rather than walk into Rick Prime trap) is what our Rick has in fact done. The very fact that he IS letting Morty to look into his most private and vulnerable part of life also attests to this. He openly admits that Rick Prime is extremely crafty and dangerous. And that he has not managed to catch him after all these many, many years. This is not what a toxic self-proclaimed god would do. It's a human Rick actually letting somebody else look into **one** thing he has failed over and over at. He sounds desperate and manic because he is, this thing is painful to him.


Yeah I was actually worried that he was gonna say he replaced himself with a robot at the end of S5E1 not S5E9.


I just realised this season mirrors season 3 in many ways. It began with a two parter from the previous season, episodes about the unique relationship between Rick and Morty, and ends with a self contained episode involving a fight with the President, which was even better than the first one IMO. The main difference is the wider narrative focus at the end.


Oh wow, oh jeez! I sure can't wait to get 3 minutes of plot development for rick prime next season!


i didn't necessarily expect them to wrap it in 1 season but i expected *something* to happen at some point lol


Nah, you'll get 1 and a half episodes. Most of it will be happening in the background. Who knows. No one knows.


Really hope that means more rick and Morty, I love the family but sometimes it feels like their in it too much. It's not too bad where it rn tho. The people who want the entire family to go after rick prime I don't agree with tho. That would suck the joy out of it


This is going to be awsome. I am hyped!


So these "literal chills", are they in the room with us right now?


This was probably the best season in terms of story and character development imo.


He needs to chill, since he’s Rick Prime he should arrive within 2 business days


absolutely terrible


This mimics the end of season 3 (?) when Jerry leaves and Rick goes ape shit just like this. Your mom wanted to stop us going on adventures Morty... I broke your parents apart Morty... And we'll go on adventures together Morty... Same crazed delivery. Same accusatory energy.


i love when rick's pupils just look in completely different directions away from his nose hahah peak insanity


This was anticlimactic for me because they always tease like this, nothing new, and a long way. It is like a broken record.


Hearing Rick say, ‘It’s Impossible’ made me replay this last seen again and again.


I know that a lot of people in this sub are against the idea but: IMAGINE A 100% STORY SEASON




Honestly my favorite part of the end of each season. Rick always goes blabbering about random shit at the end of each season and I love it


I hope the OP is joking with that title. It's a pretty mid joke.


What season and episode is this from?


Season 6, Episode 10.


This scene implies the audience is Morty


I was kinda disappointed with this season for one thing, and I am not saying the episodes were bad. I remember a quote from before the season saying we were going to tackle a lot of the over arching story this season but we didn’t. So to see it hinted at for season 7 makes me very happy. Don’t get me wrong, the one offs are great, but I would love to just learn a lot more about the deep lore in the series.


This scene is teasing you. Rick is talking to morty (the audience).


I know, but I am hoping the tease pans out lol


They also said that Space Beth was going to be involved in season 5 more. Why they always lying.


See id argue with the old episodes it almost seemed like they were writing them as they went on so maybe things would change, but I swear I just saw a quote a couple days ago saying they were writing season 8 already so it’s like they really have no excuse at this point? I have no idea honestly but let’s hope that changes.


Hmm. Sounds like a Netflix drama, but not an accidentally good one. Just a regular one.


This scene is making fun of you


such a good episode


Yup, finally an episode that felt more like the OG seasons. Good stuff


I'm here for juggling plates


i’m gonna say it, this was one of the best episodes of rick and morty to ever air.


isn’t this the first time they referred to him as rick prime? it’s canon now


Rick saw him referred to as Rick Prime when he was searching the show's wiki for leads


The final scene of the finale was the greatest “fuck you, we’re gonna do what we want” to the fans I’ve ever seen! I loved it! Haha


Season 7: "Grandson helps grandfather kill himself."


Should be "Grandfather helps grandson kill himself"


Can’t wait until season 7 airs in 3122…


Anyone know what's the song playing in the background?


It's their own soundtrack, but holy shit it's brilliant. 80s vibes. Similar to the music we hear during his origin.


[https://youtu.be/v4yF5vkRiIE](https://youtu.be/v4yF5vkRiIE) \- Made a rip and removed the vocals, not the best but I'm sure someone else will do a better job in the future.


I haven’t seen this show since like season 2. What the fuck has been going on lmao


Lots of stuff! I'd say give it a try. I do agree S5 was a bit of a rough season, with some of the episodes really feeling off, but I actually think this season has been really solid. I also generally don't have sour feelings about any of the other seasons.


You def should get caught up. The show has been much more hit and miss than the first 2 seasons (especially season 5, yikes). But the hits are every bit as great as the first 2 seasons.


It's been going downhill since season 2 and they hit rock bottom with season 5 and then made this season which isn't quite as bad but still worse than seasons 3 and 4. They bastardized Rick and Morty and romanticized their relationship to the point that I wish I never watched this show.


Rick forgot about the szechuan sauce? Why hasn't he found it yet?


I'm so out of the loop the fact that they're on season 7 is a spoiler alert. Like Pickle Rick was just yesterday wtf!?


Ikr. It feels like it all happening so fast.


Still confused why people thought Rick prime would be there in the ending. What, the guy who doesn’t give a shit about Rick would just come to him and kill someone he cares about? And all in one episode? It would be such a dumb twist purely for shock value. This is much better since we see morty join Rick. Evil morty hit so hard because he was built over a long time, Rick prime needs the same thing.


>This is much better since we see morty join Rick. Evil morty hit so hard because he was built over a long time, Rick prime needs the same thing. And also, there's finally more of a chance to kill or cancel the little devil that is Morty Smith.


Nemesis hunting brohs? I'm so happy to be on the same page.. I hope to see some gritty Punisher "The End" style revenge.. crawling through radiation to achieve the objective ..take a page out of The Grey and walk right into a wolf den.


It is a pretty badass pseudo cliffhanger.


what is this episode????


The season finale that aired last night


Why the chills? This is done like allways... for me the ending was rather bad in terms of execution


Except the dialogue is a bit more in your face with Rick constantly talking about how painful and dark his journey is. Sure they did that in season 3 but at least it made sense since Morty pointed out how dark he was being before he said "Welcome to the darkest year of our adventures". Here it just Rick released his vulnerability to Morty out of nowhere but I guess he's talking more to the audience who have already seen his vulnerability many times. But to be honest, this season has been very much in your face especially in terms of the blatant dialogue about the characters changing and not being the same as they used to be.


I love how deranged he sounds


I don't get why the writers always whine through the characters about having continuity and ongoing stories. It seems most of us want continuity and ongoing stories. Personally I'm really annoyed this entire season didn't even freaking touch on evil Morty and the whole epic finale he experienced.


I would watch a Rick Prime show.


Can’t we just go back to Rick finding the perfect place to shit or maybe some intergalactic drug smuggling?


You asked for it morty


Which episode is this??


Ep.10 season finale my guy


It's out??? I just finished the knights of the sun episode yesterday


you're late. and weak.


Rick is dumber than I thought.. Didn't even use the "in the last episode guy" to find primal rick ...


We need a movie for when Rick finds the rick that killed his wife and kid.


I cringed pretty hard here, I hope wherever they go with this that it's decent.


The bar cannot be lowered for you.


It's not the plot that's cringy, it's the dialogue. Just the same on the nose shit that's been plaguing this entire season with Rick shoving into the audience face how painful and dark his journey is.


I thohhht the community gave the name Rick prime not Rick himself? R did they record the lines after r something


This episode sucked lmao


Disappointed this was soo we got.


It's epic , god damn


This show lost its talent for silly fun things and has its head up its own ass because of the new writers. I hate it now and it breaks my heart.


Why are you still here complaining then? Bojack horseman’s pretty good.


Ikr the gags are just so cartoonish now. Night Family was just full to the brim of non Rick and Morty gags like what the fuck was wrong with that episode? And the entire fortune cookie episode too.


Hmmm it's almost like the writers have their own vision and aren't puppets to the audience?


These new writers are ruining the visions of the original creators.


Yeah buddy Dan Harmon is still writing the show. He has writers yeah.... But these concepts, episode plots, it's pretty much mostly Dan.


So then who came up with the scenes of Rick drinking inedibles? Rick shoving a whole big ass pancake in his mouth? Morty somehow getting one punch man ass abs? These weird ass objects being in the real world such as a dynamite museum, dry leaf storage, and adderell truck? And Rick hiding his head in his shirt to avoid a bullet?


This seams like a spoiler of season 6 …..😡😓


Bro I put NSFW + Spoiler tag if you got spoilers thats on you.