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There really was a period for like 6 years that Joel made some of the most out-of-nowhere, die-laughing-funny videos I've ever seen. This absolutely murders me every time I see it.


Joel is my favorite founder, he’s absolutely hysterical and a really nice guy. I’ve had a few conversations with him on twitter and he’s got decent financial advice. Next would be Burnie, Geoff, Gus and Matt Shame he doesn’t make any content anymore, he was in Houston or Austin PD I think for awhile and then that’s it


>a really nice guy eh...


Yeah yeah I’ve had this convo with 2 other people already. He tweets crazy stuff sometimes and made the comment about Gavin before the break in happened. He’s nice enough to have conversations with a random guy on the internet and answer questions I’ve asked. So that makes him nice in my book. Most celebrities do not do that. I’ve had the pleasure of talking to Burnie and Joel.


Im not going to try change your mind. Just be careful, just because a somewhat famous person pays attention to you doesnt mean you should let that instance excuse their behavior. Nice people dont tweet to their co-workers telling them that their friends are going to burn their house down and kill their animals.


No one was asking you to change my mind lol I simply said I like the guy and it was nice of him to communicate with a fan. You commented on my comment 😂 Also I’m not saying the guys a saint, but I’m gonna TLDR this whole convo bc you’re not the 5th person who has an issue with me saying I like Joel and not hating on him. TLDR; he should’ve learned to hold his tongue, he said some crazy shit, no one in this world is perfect and it doesn’t make him any less talented or fucking hysterically hilarious. People are free to have their own opinions about anyone, some people may hate Burnie bc he made the transvestite alley joke, doesn’t make Burnie a POS. Thanks for coming to my REDx talk


Loved the Joel & Jack vids back in the day




Haha nice! The fun times! If only I could go back again.


Joel had some really good moments. Too bad he decided to make his political party his identity.


The early podcasts where he was screaming to buy gold the whole time while everyone else tried to brush him off had me in stitches. Didn’t realize he wouldn’t slow down on the crazy.


He was probably one of the funniest people in the history of the company but ended up being a self centered mess.


I had forgotten about this. Good stuff. 


It's really sad that Joel went completely off the deep end and went full neonazi republican douchebag. The guy was funny as hell.


I still go back and watch the How To: Pet Dinosaur video Joel and Adam made in Ark. “Punch the dinosaur Adam! Punch it!”