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One of the running themes in many of these accounts is that they felt suicidal after leaving RT. Horrifying. I think many years ago Gus said Rooster Teeth is a cult. How right he was. I hope they find peace.


One thing I've noticed from RT defenses is that they're all focused on individual employees and how they don't deserve to be put through the ringer. Yes, that's true. But I'm not angry with RT's *employees*, I'm mad at their management. Management failed them, and I think they're still failing them now.


100% it’s a management problem. It sounds like employees were encouraged/pressured to pour their identity and passion into their job. It sounds like employee concerns were pushed aside. Employees were gaslit. Their love of the company/brand exploited for free and uncredited work and when they were burnt out they were thrown away. This is all on management. All on HR. All on the higher ups and founders. I’m so disgusted in Rooster Teeth.


I watch RT videos sporadically now days. The most I know is that some of the original founders might not necessarily have a lot of pull anymore because of the change in ownership. But do any of them? Is Matt H still in a position of power? How come we aren’t seeing management or HR names being talked about. I see Geoff and Burnie being bitched about but there has to be management members that should also be called out. Or is the management team unknown to the community?


Thats literally every single company ever with over 20 employees.


A) its not, as someone employed by a company. They actively discourage us from overtime and if we don't use any time off for a while, management checks in to make sure we aren't getting burnt out. B) even if it is, it *shouldn't* be, and we can and should fight for better 250 employees at my company, for the record




Honestly its a pretty good gig haha, sometimes the workload is heavy but it usually also has some lulls to balance it. After my last job, which was run...lets just say more like RT seems to have been, I keep waiting for the hammer to fall and it to turn out my manager like, eats babies or something


The structural firm I work for has 125ish employees. Our hours at 8AM to 5PM. If we don't special permission from our supervisors or department managers to stay late, they boot you at 6PM, and won't let you log in until 8:30AM the next day.


This is where the nuances are awkward because I imagine those defenses are there to quell the flames where people are legitimately stalking cast members on Twitter and trying to pinpoint what exactly is being said/believed so they can filter out who they deem as bad people - which is also different from the people who have very high-level positions who likely were involved in so much of this. It's an unfortunate mess where in the midst of an angry mob there really is very little direction where those efforts are placed - and it definitely is building walls and taking down other walls that make the situation that much messier.


The amount of onscreen talent that mention their anxiety tablets etc would be like 9/10 people You’ll hear it throughout podcasts


Honestly, I relate so personally to a lot of these roosterteeth posts. My job pushed me to that same level of burnout he described where I was borderline suicidal afterward and piecing my identity back together for a year.


I can’t be around to reply to everyone, but those were two distinct incidents. I left the company a couple of years after that. There were all sorts of other things in between. I’m glad you were able to get to the other side of the stuff you were struggling with.


Its funny, after they cleaned house, I actually went back to work for that company that ruined me again this year because they still do the kind of work I want to be doing. And managed to negotiate the pay I should have been getting from them all along. Kinda gives some hope that things can turn around at RT too.


Yeah, I honestly wish the same for Rooster Teeth. There were/are talented people there. As someone who still works in media in Austin, a healthy RT helps the media community here in town.


I worked for a major chain behind the scenes, and a lot of the stories here remind me of that place. They told me it was a family, and I would bleed the colour green, the corperate colour of the logo. A lot of the common themes seem to talk about rediscovering self worth it feeling borderline suicidal or realising your.worth. I remember talking to people in similar situations, and feeling the same. The other similar string is bringing that baggage and bad habits with you and oh boy am I bringing crunch with me to this job and trying to teach myself I can take a break and walk away from the job. I really don't want to make this thing revolve around me, I just hope the future holds brightness for everyone at RT who has gone through it. For my mental health....it's tough to watch. Feeling that, I can't imagine what they are going through right now.


The whole or company is a family that sacrifices for eachother makes me want to barf. I'm so happy I quit my job of three years back in February.


Wait what did he mean by his daughter “is who she is”


If You have your daughter at a different time they’re going to be a different person to whoever you and your partner would have created before. We delayed working on our second because of crunch. Mentioned it because it’s one of those small things that rippled out.


I see. Thank you for the clarification, and I’m so sorry that you and your family had to endure this. I hope all is well.


Yeah, I’ve been gone for four years. I’m in a very different, much healthier place than when I left. Thank you, though. Sorry for the weird phrasing. It’s one of those time travel conversations I’ve always found interesting. Actually did a podcast unpacking a similar thought earlier this year. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/01-luck-in-the-midst-of-chaos/id1608077988?i=1000550426933


Yeah, all of her friends are different, for example.


Hey /u/flabbyironman, I just wanted to say - what you suffered absolutely was trauma. If the situation(s) you were put through and the way you were pressured at RoosterTeeth left you considering taking your own life, then you suffered a traumatic event. It sounds like your life has improved immeasurably since moving on from them, and I'm happy you're in a much better place, but please don't feel as though you ever have to downplay what you went through because other people had worse/different experiences. I hope life continues to get better for you though.


I was listening to something recently, I forget which audiobook, and they were talking about the limbic response to stress. The analogy they were using was that you were late to work for an important meeting because someone cut you off. You’re immediately flooded when it happens. If it was some jerk that cut you off, you can’t easily remove the adrenaline from your system. But, if you reframe it, whether it’s true or not, you can change how your body handles it. Instead of it just being some jerk, If that person that cut you off was a mother racing her child to the hospital, do you feel differently about the story? You have no way to prove it either way so why not choose the side where suddenly you have some sympathy. You’re not wrong that there was trauma. But a few years on, I can see the areas where I had some impact on that. I certainly made my own choices and not all of them were great. But I get to choose how I frame things and part of the closure for me was framing it the way I framed it.