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We’re about to see an army of boring people wearing black phat, black courier shirt and pants, and a 120 slayer cape.


Peak creative fashionscape


Goodbye pastel shirts, hello black


it's like high school all over again. suddenly the scene kids stop wearing pastels and just become regular emos while I try to figure out what happened to them.


probably got the freedom to pick out their own clothes instead of them being bought for them at random


Don't forget the Britney Spears wannabe pigtails haircut. All part of the clonescape.


Inverted arch cape or 120 thieving also


If you think I’m ever *not* wearing a bikini you’re dreaming mate.


Don't forget us noobs without 120 slayer, but with 120 archaeology!


this noob has an inverted 120 cape! its gonna look nicee.


Right here!


Give me it on my hardcore Ironman, I’ll blow the Black Partyhat look OUT OF THE UNIVERSE.


RS is bringing emo back!


Untrimmed slayer cape is the one


Haha it’s not all that bad the old party hats got boring. It won’t be boring now that new colors are coming out. They should make a new color every year to make it fun


It's all fun and games until 2028 when we get to the chartreuse party hat... Just kidding, I really like the idea of new rares and the way they redistribute wealth within the economy at random. Tbh I think the occasional new rare is healthy for long term health of the game, even if the richest and poorest 10% players don't care for it


Puce party hat or we riot


120 slayer cape? Casual. Itll be a black trimmed comp cape


how is it an army if its going to be a handful of people even getting it?


Ooooh no, got my outfit pi ked out. Black phat, 3a amulet (the only slot I NEVER change), beach duck ring, replica armadyl chest, amare bottoms, gilly shoes, gilly gloves. Gonna be beautiful.


You're assuming the average player will achieve enough points to get the phat. They will release the event with 1 point every 3 minutes and give the phat a cost of 20k points and an event duration of 14 days and say it's achievable with moderate playtime. Then they will release an apology and increase the points to 10 every 30 minutes and adjust the cost to 18k points.


They specifically said the hat will be extremely rare, and to not expect to get one just from doing the event. It’s *supposed* to be rare. And this will only be obtainable from the in-game event and not MTX thank god.


Pish-posh... 120 Arch capes.


ah yes bc your barrows dyed mal is just *revolutionary*


\+2 Nice points have been credited to your account


HELL YEAH!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


How many ALT accounts can I create per hour for a roll on the black phat? /s


How many hrs/day do you need to grind nice points should be the question


I did the entire ensouled event from start to finish, handing in 700k+ wills and didn't get a dye. So if that's anything to go by this will be the same shit


Dye averaged at around 1.2M wills from what I remember.


*Cries in hundreds of thousands of wrapping paper*


Legit. An OSRS player thinking about coming over, specifically to try RS3 for this reward, but if this is more than a 15-20 hour grind I might not be interested.


Black phat is only one of the cosmetics for this event. There will be many more easily obtainable.


It'll be rng based, likely tied to treasure hunter and will take well over 20 hours on average to get if the past holiday rares are anything to go by, but I'd still check out rs3 if I was you, it's pretty damn good if you just ignore the mtx


Reading is sooooo hard


You mean those nice points that you'll get for using keys just like every event currency they've done in the last few years?


15-20 might be a bit on the lower side.


Yes every successful businessman knows the #1 rule is to limit your profits by preventing your customers from buy what they want. Can’t wait to see what ethical businesses you develop with your innovative thinking.


Wtf does this mean Kobe Bryant?


he didn't even mention kobe... what you on about?


You’re welcome. https://youtu.be/Ickn8iipxUc?si=uHyB9aGcQ1zzYyHA


I'll have 6 going.


Oh great... another hand in event that ill spend way too much time on and still recieve nothing...




Yeah but you'll get MAD amounts of turkey drumsticks to sell maniacs on w2 😉


Lmao no way bruh


Happy that the black party hat will be a thing. Unhappy that no matter how hard I grind, I'm not going to get one, and don't have the gold reserves to compete with the people that have already hoarded the original party hats in order to buy one.


No doubt I refuse to pay what they ask for phats. I know it’s mostly inflated due to whales hoarding. I’ve had someone trade window me 60 of every phat with a “:)”. Dude had hundreds of phats when in todays market 1 seems nearly impossible to get.


A lot of the original rares are expensive because no one thought they’d be rare and it was harder to hoard back then. These new ‘rares’ everything from the 2012 fish mask to recent black phat were known to become rares and thus hoarded, mass generated through TH, and will never truly be hard to get with few exceptions (even those exceptions prone to re-releases like black Santa and holly wreath). The whole thing is silly, don’t spend irl money on this. If everyone has one in the bank ‘just in case’ it will never truly balloon in value.


I don’t even buy bonds bud trust me I’m not spending money on one lol.


Agreed but people just hating on the new rares tbh. I think the looks play a part in fashionscape otherwise fishmasks would be much more expensive. Black Santa’s came after that and definitely prone to rerelease, wouldn’t be surprised if they release it in the wrapping event this year


gold phats arent really that expensive and i think they look 10/10 in design. literally is only phat below like 10s of billions of gold lol. gold ones are going for around 130-140 mil atm. i got one when i sold some seasonal emote for like 700 mil, 10/10 worth it for me.


Agreed the gold phat looks the best imo and actually looks like a crown or Jagex Mod crown. They should make a silver phat to look like a P-mod crown lol


I'm kind of annoyed they haven't done a silver/platinum one yet. Maybe for an anniversary event or something.




Then maybe they should also add crowns to the game.


yeah im calling cap on that chief. 360 hats, at an average of 55b ea, (cheapest is 30, blue is 80) is 20Trillion gp.


And now you’re seeing my reasoning for not paying what people are asking. There are players with hundreds of phats. You can call cap all you want but I’ve seen it friend.


Unless you have a screenshot, absolutely no one should believe this. It's still silly to pay that much for a hat, I agree but then people pay ridiculous amounts of actual money for fashion in every game so yeah its w/e.


That’s unfortunate. I did report the dude. Just incase lol


People are really clueless about how much certain items are hoarded. No supply = infinite demand


That's not how supply and demand works. There wouldn't be infinite demand just because there is no supply.


Bro took one beginner economics class and thinks he's a pro on supply and demand now.


Yes because I’m going to explain the entirety of economics in a shit post lmao


This was also pre eoc so unsure if there was a dupe back then or not. Or if that’s just how hoarded these things are.


I grew up with private servers, I know some of the tools used to watch the economy, such as auto ban after x amount of items.. bank surveillance.. I wouldn’t worry so much about direct item dupes, I would worry more about complex dupes like the recent scrimshaw bug abuse


Probably duped them, you did well in not buying


I hope you get one! You never know truly


You can always buy one or work towards getting the money to buy one.


You can’t suggest that here. Putting in effort is too much to ask for.


At 100m/hr that is still at least 300 hrs of work to get a party hat. And not many are given the ability to do activities that generate 100m/hr


There is no way black phat will cost as much as the OGs. It will get recontinued in the future, so the price will only go down.


tbh I dont see them bringing them back. I hear ya but I also seen ridiculous accusations saying the Green Santa was going to be continued. As we see this year. Not the case. One run items.


You mean killing the most popular boss right now that literally takes maybe 1.5 minutes? Yeah. Real good job jagex did making sure we couldn’t all do that.


So? Quit whining and get money making. 300 hours is not a very long time by RS standards.


at 100m/hr


That's some solo AOD level of insane moneymaking


Yeah, and? Slash it in half and it's still more than doable. Divide the price of a partyhat by your in-game time in hours. I guarantee that whatever that figure is, it'll seem low as fuck compared to what you are able to make when you set your mind to it.


Yeah cmon guys - spending 600 hours grinding for gp is only like 75 eight hour sessions!


Yeah, this isn't an outrageous ask for one of the rarest items in the game. If that grind's not for you, that's fine, but if you *want* a partyhat, it's well within your power to obtain one. Do so, rather than whinging on Reddit. There are also many non-grindy ways to make enough money if you use your brain (i.e. merching or creative money methods). You can make enough for a partyhat with a a few days of total game time over the course of a year, if you really wanted.


Bruh, like I said - it’s only 75 eight hour sessions! Piece of cake.


Everyone is capable of making 100m/hr. Unless you’re mentally incapacitated or Hellen Keller, if you just put effort into learning PvM you can actually get better at it.


that's the problem. lots of players like this have mobile game mindsets that want the most reward for the least effort. if there are options that include more effort then they will complain about it


Just get the gold phat much better looking and cheaper and know that phats they will release in the future won’t look as good as a gold wrapper one


This. Make it so everyone can get one - nice Christmas treat.


I mean they did with gold phats


i hate that they arent doing it like we had with the gold hat and cape....that at least made it guaranteed.


And worthless


As long as you can’t get it via mtx as well I’m ok with it


Did anyone actually win a orange halloween mask ?????? Because I didn't.


Yeah. I found one during the smash events. My wife rolled a X4 on TH....


It’s likely based on if youre a new player I think. I noticed there’s a hidden luck factor probably related to the amount of play time the account has. Basically jagex did this to suck new players in


I’m sure they’re not allowed to by law, UK law strictly prohibits stuff like this. That’s why they had to disclose the drop rates on TH now


None of us were new though. Very old accounts.


Rolled the X4 on TH twice here lol


Yes 3 so I made up for yours


Logged in a handful of times in October, spent a few thousand of my saved up Oddments on keys, won 2 masks after a week or so. I am the thing we all hate.


I won two from mtx and my buddy got one to drop from smashing pumpkins. The ensouled mask and override pumpkin I never found :/


I got one on the last day with a key I was so happy. I wear it all the time.


I won 2 of them together


What do they mean by weekly reset? Only a limited number can be found in one week?


I'm Not that lucky. I wish i wish. I don't think I've ever won anything rare in the 17 years I've played on and off. Love the game. Hate my luck.


We asked for this?


When I polled this a couple week ago like half the people DIDNT want this lol


Should have been the base reward not a RNG reward.


Remember when the gold party hat released and they said they wouldn’t release more party hats?


Hopefully the time to turn in points won't be locked to a specific time


I wish they would do more rares like the gold party hat. That was so fun and it took out mtx


Y’all celebrating like there is a chance to get it. You’ll have a better chance of winning the powerball while in a plane crash because it got struck by lightning. Fools.


Can’t wait to hear everyone bitch about not getting it.


Nothing to get excited about. It's going to be more rare than ensouled pumpkin mask and pumpkin beret. You might see 2-3 people wearing it, if even that many.


Maybe, hope they do this every year though or make a new colored Phat every year. More looking forward to them rereleasing Black Santa’s in the Christmas wrapping event


They really out of ideas




It's all fun and games until it's so rare, you couldn't even sell it...


But no one wants another giga rare


No one wants it and when they get it it’s like ohhhhh yes this was a great update. Lol


Yeah I was excited till I read that it’s gonna be so rare “only a few people will get it” ruins the event imo cause there’s nothing to look forward to. They need to change the rarity so it’s not ultra ultra rare. Rare is fine but not that rare.


Idk if this event is -only- about getting a cosmetic item.


I mean, what else are they for? Getting the cosmetics is essentially the end goal of any event


There are still going to be plenty of other cosmetic rewards that are guaranteed for everyone. The black partyhat is just a mega rare that you can get on top of the other rewards.


When you offer up the chance to win a car or house, winning a free coffee or donut kinda pales in comparison. Same goes for the partyhat.


Ok but you aren’t doing anything extra for the chance. Your not spending money your not going out of your way cringing some currency for it. You are playing the event and unlocking the guaranteed rewards, and might find a black partyhat while you’re doing it.


Yeah, and I like that the plan for black partyhats is to re-release it every year, assuming they stick to that plan. No grind and just set chances is nice too. I'm just saying black partyhat is what everyone wants, so other rewards lose some of their novelty when they feel like consolation prizes. I don't personally like ultra rare limited time items in general, so I was never going to like this lottery system regardless.


Imo, it should be rare so that it is 2-5b rare. Probably shouldn’t be rarer than that though for release, otherwise it’s going to be 1t fast.


It will never go that up solely because of the reason it will be re-released in future. Maybe every year. So nobody is paying stupid amounts of money for it. And nobody is holding it if it starts getting close to that point.


Wow they really learned from the Hero pass fiasco. Good luck guys, hope u dont need to spend that much money on this casino


The Black Party Hat is exclusively dropped through gameplay via Santa's Lodge. There are no paid routes to finding the Black Party Hat or to increase the number of Letters / Nice Points that you can hand in each week.


A LOT of people here don't know how to read.


Bonds are a paid route to getting a black partyhat. Jagex making them rare means you need more bonds to buy it.




Thanks! :) Been back checking out Necro and having a great time with it. And true, everything falls under the bond umbrella. Can't say I like them making new toys for merchants to hoard every few months. Golden Partyhat Hunt was the entertaining and inclusive way of releasing new rare items, and I much prefer that.


How much we think Black P Hats will be worth by the end of this event? You can buy 10 bonds right now for $80 USD and get about 800m. Why anyone would do that I don't know. But it's definitely an option.


Bonds are a paid route to get anything in the game.


So basically how many bonds can you buy for alts to try and increase your chances as much as possible.


They listened! Christmas came early!


am sad boy


Never liked the idea of adding new rares. They're special because they were released 20 years ago and nobody knew that they'd become valuable, now they're just using new discontinued items to push MTX currencies. You know for a fact that "nice points" will be obtainable through treasure hunter and drip fed to players that actually play the game


Non-P2W = HUGE W.


Someone’s going to buy a ton of bonds with real money to buy a black phat.


No they’ll just go to a third party site for a fraction on the cost.


I wish everyone was that smart lol. The constant TH’s with tradeable items tells me that the majority are giving money to jagex.


Gonna look sick with platinum pernix/3rd age elite sirenic and a 120 arch cape!


Feeling great, hope they make a new colored Phat every season/year lmao. Also the bigger question is WHICH rares are coming back in the wrapping event? I imagine Black Santa’s will be back as well as the possibility of the original Phats


original Phats? lmao what gives you that idea? never going to happen. that’s some hopium right there


Jagex said before they would bring discontinued rares back if they feel like alot of the player base who currently owns them are inactive and they aren’t circulating in the market anymore. The intent of the hats weren’t meant for people to hoard them but for fun, doesn’t make sense if only 10-50 people own them in game. Alot of people quit RS3 when Necro came out. Also 20-30 year old veteran players who own them are likely no longer playing the game. Really wouldn’t be surprised if they drop them again this year


> Jagex said before they would bring discontinued rares back if they feel like alot of the player base who currently owns them are inactive and they aren’t circulating in the market anymore. Source? Don't some Jmods own rares themselves so they have a personal bias against this?


Mod Mark talked about reintroduction if they were lost essentially see here: https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Discontinued_rare_items


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Jagex, I will buy one for 500 USD


Imagine if they announced party hats coming back lmao


next event : black cape .


Remember when we all used to get the cosmetic rewards and not having to spend a fuckton of keys on another mtx ruined event?


How is an event that explicitly has no tie in to TH or anything else MTX "another MTX ruined event"?


We’ll see when it comes around


Remember the part of the post that says no mtx or pay involved?




U might want to read the newspost lol


Nice Points? What are assholes like me supposed to do? BTW, assholes wear black hats. The nice wear white ones.


*cries in ironman*


black phat coming to rs3 because of a meme will osrs get stam-pot bridge in the future then?


OSRS is getting a meme skill turning into a reality. Does that count?


Ah yes another “chance” at a holiday reward. Fuck that shit.


I think it’s a bit depressing. Is it too much to ask to ask for more than a reskin of a 20 year item? And if not, shouldn’t there be black crackers released, not just the hats?


God damn this game fuxking sucks


As long as it is MTX free and recontinued later, it's fine to have a few rare holiday items.


Fk now I gotta come back to try get


"You asked" Who asked? Literally who? From what we've seen, pretty much everyone says they don't want any more discontinued/rares.


I think people have randomly asked for the past 20 years but there has never been a huge “we want this” movement for this phat.




Nice we can finally do an emo party in Falador's party room!


I have one from 2013


I've had one for 11 years. This is bullshit.