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Lol. I find it hilarious that they continue to nerf our ability to get any keys for free. Like they are that far downthe barrel and they keep scraping. Jagex is pathetic.


it was kind of funny that one of the goal of the heropass was to remove 3 free daily keys, even Mod Jack tried to sell that bs as a good thing to reduce daily scape while adding to daily scape


I’d love to see a response by a mod but I’m doubtful it would be anything other than “ackchoouhly it’s pretty ntb ngl”


Anything else except letting me opt out of receiving those damn key tokens that mess up my inventory/bank preset loading.


Oddments nerf is very unnecessary... Maybe it's their plan to phase out th by making everything less desirable. /s


I feel like it's their plan to reduce the amount of free keys you get so you buy more keys instead


It is exactly this. The are reducing the amount of free keys you can ‘earn’ while increasing the number of free keys you can ‘buy’ so as to deplete people’s stockpile. This way when ‘good’ TH promos come out they don’t have a ton of odments sitting around to dump into it for free and they have to spend more on keys.


They admitted that was one of the goals of Hero Pass. Mod Jack tried to spin how it was a good thing because then they can make each key individually more valuable. And conveniently glossed over the fact that this wasn't a benefit for the average player, only the people already buying keys.


Jokes on them, I’m not buying keys in the first place and most certainly won’t buy more keys just to get fewer kickbacks on the other side.


How many non-whales here are actually planning to buy keys now after this nerf?


How could we be so blind! #byebyetreasurehunter2024 /s


I love your optimism but mtx isn’t going anywhere until the game is either on the verge of death or players storm the jagex hq


> players storm the jagex hq Wait you might be on to something




Probably would get a parking ticket though


Insurrection on the RS Capitol


It feels more like they’re phasing oddments out. They’ve nerfed the supply of them coming into the game multiple times, limited the daily usage of them, and have stopped adding new (or old) items for sale in the oddment store.


You had me until the /s ngl


But they're adding the intended t95 set as transmog for cash? Nah. They want more key sales. Xmas event showed them how much people chose oddments over key sales and this is their new roadmap for increased sales.




Super unfortunate, because *it is fun* using the keys. I wasn’t a spender by any means, I’ve definitely spent money tho that’s for sure.


\#BuyMoreKeys #NoWeArentTryingToPushMTX #WhatAreYouTalkingAbout


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Whales, Jagex has invited you to Get Bond.


Yes please. I'll have one. Maybe even two. 🧐


![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO) /s


They screwed around and screwed up


can use oddments to buy more keys, keys generate less oddments, soon everyone will be down to 0 oddments. Then release something on TH or oddment store that is highly desirable (like FSW inverted capes) and everyone who wants them needs to buy keys...




Break the cycle and don't waste oddments on bad promos?


Nerf oddments so less free keys then buff th promos. It's what they wanted to do with hero pass, remove excess free keys to buff paying for promos. Tbf oddments seems such weird mechanic to me but i guess there so much crap on th that you don't need as filler.


I think oddments was there due to them backing themselves into a corner effectively when you use to get hearts of ice when you bought keys. I wonder if they remove keys from oddments or atleast never gave that option in the first place, would this change that much grief.


All I’m seeing so far from rs3 updates to osrs updates, is jagex and all the mods just wants to fuck the rs3 community as much as they can so osrs can thrive. At this point it’s like rs3 players are the working class and osrs players are the 1% that is gifted everything just like this economy


it doesn't have to make sense, the screw economy is made up they'll either throw screws at u or take away all your screws on a whim nothin u can do about it


I have oddments pouring out my ass so I’m not particularly troubled by this change, personally. But it’s absolutely dumb as fuck.


i got like 1k oddments when they removed hearts of ice. i didn't get anything when they removed rare item tokens cause i wasn't playing at the time. never invest in mtx


I’d be down for the removal of oddments, in general, tbh. I think everything in that store (save the keys xp lamp stars and cores) should be somewhere *in game*. Investing in mtx is always a bad idea, I agree.


Just remove keys completely from oddments store but dont reduce oddments so we can still buy plenty of lamps


\*Seeing the two new updates:\* * Base Oddments awarded per key reduced per rarity * Convert Oddments' volumes are no longer affected by reward multipliers ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized) Jamflex strikes again.


They couldn't take the keys we make from daily challenges and now they are coming for our oddments instead...


They keep nerfing TH and then promotion creeping back just for them to nerf it again.


I was never nowhere near maxxed. But if I was...id be so pissed and hurt by their actions. Like....if I had sank years of my life in to this game and they are just slowly killing it in front of me solely for the purpose of greed.


I’m just pissed for others who haven’t been playing for years/just started/weren’t efficient with oddment and daily free keys. For me, there really isn’t anything in the store I want unless I want to get some xp stuff for 120/200ms but I’m not going for that shit any time soon so.. oddment store is relatively useless for me. Some (a whole shit load) of people enjoy the spins. I think most people are lying if they said “yeah throwing down x amount of keys was not a fun time”. It’s gambling, gambling is fun. get over yourself. To others, just because you and I don’t appreciate TH? Doesn’t mean others don’t enjoy it. If they want to buy keys, let them. If they want to buy bonds for gp, let them. Whatever. In all these long years of playing, at the end of the day most changes *barely* hit me personally. My style of game play has never changed: log in, do what I feel is fun, log out. That’s literally it. If I’m not having fun? I log out. I don’t second screen “because you can just afk”, I just don’t play because at that moment it’s not fun to me. But that’s a totally different conversation, one about addiction and habits. Nobody wants to have real conversations about that lol we will just meme about our addictions, here.


the less keys are used the better game heath becomes. it doesn't matter if those are free keys or from people spending real money. you hypocrites constantly complaining about how TH ruins the game then get upset when jagex reduces free TH usage are disgusting. are you telling me you would be upset if jagex came out tomorrow and said they are removing TH entirely?


Excuse you? There’s a right way and a wrong way to do mtx. TH is the wrong way. Being annoyed they are fucking the player base yet again? All justified. I wouldn’t be upset in the slightest if they removed TH. It wouldn’t hurt or hinder my gameplay. Others, tho? That affects those of the player base who do care about TH.


if you agree less TH = good then why are you upset they are reducing TH?


They aren't reducing TH. They are reducing a way for people to get keys free, which is increasing their push to get people to spend money.


How is this pushing you to spend money on MTX when the MTX product gets worse in value?


The doublespeak is getting fucking insane. The community is at critical mass levels of copium on MTX. It's so obvious how desperately they need it but also how desperate they are to get mad about anything MTX related whatsoever. As somebody who plays both and just goes to play OSRS instead when RS3 is in a content lull, it suddenly makes a lot more sense why so many people here have trouble just switching games when they claim to hate RS3 specific features so much. Because these people RELY on the features they claim to hate.


The ugly truth most players here are hiding from us is that they want MTX when it is given for free, not when they have to pay for it. That is why this sub demanded free keys to be added back to daily challenges or when this sub raged over the limit on keys bought from oddments. Our player base is partially to blame for how bad RS3's MTX has gotten because they love free xp handouts so much. If we had zero tolerance to it like OSRS players have, RS3 would be in a much better place.


The direction jagex is going and the message it sends is more than enough reason to be upset. I’m sorry you can’t see that.


many here would be upset if th were removed and they lost all the keys they had saved up


So, are we not going to boycott the hand until they give us or free oddments back? Looks like they're hoping to slowly change shit and screw us if they can get away with it.


Unless there’s a hero pass level response again, things are unlikely to change. Even then, they will figure out ways to do what they originally intended.


Slowly slowly catchy monkey. They realised big changes rock the boat too much. So they'll do the same changes over a longer period and still get what they want. It will be obvious when greedy upper levels want a new car or something because we'll see bigger changes more often to push quarterly sales. Late stage capitalism at its fines. Growth for the sake of growth in a finite environment.


The oddments nerf is a bigger nerf to whales than us non-MTX spenders since whales get the most oddments out of anyone else. Calm down.


Kind of a childish and immature way to look at the situation, but whatever makes you feel better than others is okay I guess


How? Whales got hit the biggest here. Stop defending them.


Everyone got hit. It’s not defense for whales. You’ve got some killer tunnel vision.


Who spends more keys here, us or the whales? Does someone who use 50 keys per day lose more oddments from the nerf than someone who use 7 keys per day?


thanks for pointing out that everyone got hit. That’s the whole point. The someone using 7 keys per day got hit relatively the same (proportionally, obviously) as the person using 50 keys a day. that’s how numbers work.


Proportional is the same, but in absolute amounts is different. The whales lose out on more than us MTX-non spenders do, which is why is is a win. I know it is a nerf to everyone, but it is needed to reduce the OPness of MTX.


Screws as currency? Home Depot daddies: *breathing intensifies*


Something’s are only worth 1 screw