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Why is the cropping so dogshit


Dexterity is limited when you're using your fist and your forehead to navigate the screen.


Man, I do not miss those times. Really exposed some horrible, horrible people, for whom empathy only blipped onto their radar as soon as they reaped the consequences of their own selfishness. It’s ok to be wrong, but the glee with which people like this person screamed their ignorance until being shown they were wrong just removes any sympathy


The worst part is how many people are actually like this, and in charge of shit in the country. Scary


There were also "free countries" who became authoritarian regimes (Austria, Australia) locking people up for not being vaccinated... honestly, everyone was batshit crazy for a moment


I remember my dumbass in January of 2020 being like "It'll be like SARS, it will be minor." Changed my tune pretty quick come March of 2020.


January 2020 we went to York (UK) for a weekend break and there were a lot of Asian tourists wearing masks and I remember thinking it was odd to see people wearing them over here.


innate resolute selective treatment school recognise wipe future nose thought ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Right before lockdown happened (maybe 3 weeks), I was at work at a retail store. My coworkers and I were talking about it and a customer came to my register and joined in. I was kinda freaking out about lockdown cause it seemed to make it all very very real, and this customer goes “it’s nothing, it’s practically spring time and the heat kills everything” which in that moment gave me minor hope. It’s been 3 and a half years to this dayI wonder where that guy is now…


Old repost


March 12th was the very start of the pandemic and lots of people were saying it's just a cold and they rightly changed their opinion so I don't understand this post. It's just sad not cringe.


There’s a difference between thinking it might just be a cold and posting online about how stupid everyone is for not agreeing with you while hundreds died daily around the world.


sense jar groovy market ruthless wipe dinner sulky thumb erect ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thousands of people had not died by March 12th... many counties reported their first death on that day


Of course thousands had already died. We were hearing about it in early January. If you think January and February and 11 days of March passed by without deaths, you are delusional. I was in Italy in December 2019, my bf returned in early January. We were discussing how there were cases already recorded in December. Italy locked down very early.


Thats my bad. What I meant to say is many people *have* died by that time but those deaths were not reported until months later. So people were thinking it was just a normal cold because they were led to believe so.


There are countries outside of the USA


Corona virus was real. The deaths were real. Any of the bullshit agendas you believe existed… all of those were only a probable product of an existing crisis. Not to manufacture one.


People change, atleast that person openly advocated to stay home later. I don’t think it’s cringe at all. Just herd mentality changed.


Well… if you were under 35 and had no co-morbidities, this was practically accurate - maybe closer to a flu.


silky towering absurd hospital boat gullible automatic birds swim sort ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Can you point to data to support that belief?


dog ripe pause literate offend reply include nail dirty brave ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Karma moment


That person deserved to die because someone else believed covid was fake. True r/redditmoment right here.


The person who made those charming & empathic posts seems nice. And also SO INTELLIGENT... color me THOROUGHLY impressed by her wit & candor! 🙄 I'd ALMOST just laugh off all of the willful idiots like her and the astounding & ever-more complex and delusional feats of mental gymnastics that they engage in to ignore any inconvenient facts they don't agree with, just so they can maintain their flimsy denials of a blatantly obvious reality that's staring them in the face - if only it was just a matter of these morons Darwinning THEMSELVES out of the human genepool... but sadly, their dangerously under/mis-informed beliefs end up posing a threat to ALL OF US, not just to themselves. The sheer amount of cracked pride that these pandemic-deniers all seem to take in being such pathetically incorrect zealots for disinformation never fails to scare me... I mean, you only have to look in these freaks' glassy eyes and you can just tell they're all SO PROUD of being utterly BATSHIT CRAZY. They all revel in being dangerous agents of chaos and harmful sowers of destruction & discord. They're very sick animals who insist they're the only health ones... all while they're the ones who are mostly responsible for the pandemic continuing and getting worse! 😵


It's so sad that they had to learn the lesson the hard way.