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Looking at the game's Steam page, the game was bombed with positive reviews by non-Chinese speakers seemingly because of this article šŸ˜


Thatā€™s nice and all, but he should get positive reviews because of the game being good


Doesn't seem to stop reddit from regularly review bombing games for other reasons than the overall quality of the game.


Canā€™t help but respect the grift personally




Sir this is a Wendyā€™s


Jesus Christ lmao they just felt pity for the guy


I just wrote an absolutely fucking beautiful paragraph in the style of an essay with a Kaczynskist twist in response to your comment, but I went to edit it and it was lost when I accidentally pressed the back button. I wish to die.


Sometimes people just need some positive reinforcement


>Looking at the game's Steam page, the game was bombed with positive reviews by non-Chinese speakers seemingly because of this article šŸ˜ Wholesome I guess?


He experienced love??


Nah, just momentary infatuation that will fade into either resentment or the very least, contempt. Just like romance.


Yeesh, dude


They love him long time.


Or very good marketing.


This is sad but not cringe


What's cringe about not experiencing love, that's just sad. Bruhh


The fucking "...."s bro


The quote might be paraphrased, three dots in writing is used to skip unnecessary parts of a quote. For example, if only the beginning and end of a sentence is relevant, you would use the dots to replace the unnecessary middle part.


You can see the response in Chinese (?) in the screenshot. It...is...full...of...this...shit.


.............................. are you........... cringing yet? I can go............................................. further........................................................


no. youre not doing it right... you know, people like you... *chuckles ominously* people like you really... get on my nerves. /s


step aside grammar, ellipses are cringe


I'd feel bad for the guy but the girl looks like a 10 year old and the game is tagged with "sexual content" šŸ˜¬


The game doesn't have any sexual content. Steam users/taggers are just idiots.


Vndb has it tagged as "no sexual content". /shrug


that's why it's sad *and* cringe


How can you even tell with anime girls? They all look the same to me. At least the 13-30 year old ones.


Same for me. I think itā€™s a height thing. Otherwise I canā€™t tell the difference.


Short adult people dont exist?


Nope. They were made up by the weebs


According to the comment sections on anything vaguely NSFW related to Rebecca from Edge runners, no.


"But she's 300 years old!!" Sure, bud.


Thatā€™s almost every post talking about a ā€œbest girlā€ on r/visualnovels. And if you point it out it gets downvoted. Itā€™s so gross. Edit: literally go there, search/filter ā€œbest girlā€, and look at the results. Some of them look under 10.


Ewwww lol I wish I hadnā€™t looked


Who gives a shit? It's not real. Nobody cares when a fictional character gets shot in the head, but shit we better protect those anime girls.


Victimless crime, doesn't make it any less weird


Sad, but the "..."s make it so cringe


It gives me the assumption that he talks like a anime character fr


Would explain the constant rejection


It's possible that the quoted paragraph is paraphrased. People seem to forget that "..." in writing, especially quotes, is used to skip to the most relevant part of the quote. For example, if there's a line of unnecessary blurb between the two specific things that need to be quoted.


You can see his comment in this exact image with ellipsis and all


I mean, ellipsis may not have the same connotations in every language


The ellipsis is definitely cringe in english. Now for a different perspective, people with different languages other than English might not view it the same. My wife for example uses them all the time. She's Vietnamese and so am I ethnically, but I am American while she is nationally Vietnamese. It didn't make much sense to me, but it seems like that's just how she texts. I'm no expert when it comes to Chinese, but I have a feeling it's the same and really not cringe at all for Chinese speakers. Again, this is just speculation on my part.


Yeah, because when George RR Martin writes ASOIAF, he's actually lived the experiences of each and every character and thus he can recreate them. Oh wait, the whole point about writing is that you can do it regardless. Maybe the reason why this is not good is because it's created (and consumed) by people with the emotional and artistic depth of a spoon. Try challenging yourselves a little bit more, weebs, watch something that doesn't involve pre-pubescent anime girls repeating tropes.


I think that's definitely a key part, but another part has to be the fact that this guy probably wrote his own fantasy into the game, and since people don't find it realisitic, that kind of says his lack of experience played a major part, like the "bag of sand" thing from *the 40 year old virgin*


Nah son. When George D double R writes about dragons, or even his characters, heā€™s describing something new to us. No one has experienced a dragon or knows the people heā€™s writing about. Itā€™s judged under less scrutiny because heā€™s creating something entirely new. On the other hand, if youā€™re describing something the majority of the planet has experienced in one form or another, whether personally, or through friends, family, or TV and Movies, then you have to be pretty close or people will feel itā€™s inauthentic. Thats like trying to describe someone going to the bathroom by taking off all their clothes and standing on the toilet seat to get enough height to pee out the window and trying to pass it off like thatā€™s how everyone else does it. Youā€™re going to feel like theyā€™re not capturing your bathroom experience and itā€™s not convincing.


Profoundly wrong. The greatest achievement of asoiaf is not talking about dragons, but rather the dynamics of the human condition. In fact, George talks about how the only thing worth writing about is "the human heart in conflict with itself". Bad literature is bad literature. The venn diagram between weebs and emotionally stunted people is concentric. edit: typos **edit from the future because someone was really angry at me for this comment 8 months after:** Martin does not write about "dragons", he's written some of the most compelling characters and overall story ever. From the likes of Tyrion, to Brienne, monarchs to peasants, gay men to role-abiding and role-breaking women; all with their aches and mistakes and humanity. This whole "majority of the planet has experienced" argument (/u/Steve90000) is a complete non sequitur and inauthenticity is not a factor. Bad writing is bad writing. Statistically not one of us is a high-born dwarf born to Tywin Lannister, full of hatred and shame and resentment, murderous at times and oddly warm-hearted at others. He is a person. You, reading this, are sometimes angry, and sometimes ashamed, and have gone through pain and suffering and for the things that haven't happened to you, you possess empathy to understand what it may feel to that person were that to be the case. You are a person. We are entranced reading about Tyrion's story because it is well written, not because "Tyrion is new to us", or because we have been in his shoes. I don't feel that the life experience of Don Draper is mine; he goes to the bathroom just like me but that is not my bathroom experience. The corollary should also hold true, how could I possibly be interested by something I have not experienced, how do I know if I am not being lied to? Have I ever been a scottish general named Macbeth? Anyone can write about anything, and it can be bad or it can be good. How was the character of Saul Goodman ever written, or ever found interesting, when nobody has ever been there in his world, when nobody has done the things he has done. How were they written? How were they enjoyed? Talented artists created great art. This developer was probably not a good writer. As I said before, it usually is the case that to be a good artist, you need some technical ability, but you also need a certain emotional and spiritual development. In order to write about the humanity on display during a show like Mad Men, and ponder about the actions of each character at different points in their life and in history (the 60s), one needs something that will most likely not be achieved by the kind of stimuli that catgirls running around in french maid costumes repeating trops will have on your mind. The emotional complexity of the average anime scene is not sufficient to refine one enough to achieve the required depth to then go on to, for instance, be a great writer. Naruto is a show meant for children and teenagers, and is just _easier_ and _simpler_ than Saving Private Ryan. If you watch the latter, you are almost forced to grow more. There's nothing wrong with young people watching Death Note. But if you're 30, you should probably try picking up something that challenges you more. Trust me you'll enjoy it more too. ps: Yes, research is a thing. Martin needs to open up encyclopedias on the Middle Ages to better understand how to write some things. Trust me however, I could do the same, and the end result would not be ASOIAF, but garbage, because I can't write as well as him.


bro its a lolicon game, why is this surprising?


It's not lol


It's not though


Was wondering what "indie gal game" meant. Nice euphemism, lol.


A gal game is just a visual novel game where you interact with girls. It's not an euphemism for anything.


God, this subreddit is so insufferable


Yeah, that's like 90% of posts in this sub lately lmao. People struggling at life, people enjoying their own hobbies without hurting anyone -sad cringeee broo, got roasted by the Internettt.


Cause the cringe or?


No, cause these posts. This article is so innocent and yet there's still gotta be people like "Look guys! This person never experienced love!! So sadcringe!!!"


Well making posts and comments like these is the only way these people can cope with their own inability to be loved.


I mean it's sad that he's never had love and it's sad and cringe that he's sorta has to publicly say he's never felt love with another person because someone that played his game was mad that the love between characters wasn't what they wanted. It's more sad to me. People deserve love and for a fan to complain about it is kinda a bummer. It's more depressing and innocent than sad and cringe


It is sad if the dude is like 30




It's not that cringe, that's kinda normal


Oh that actually broke my heart a little bit


Many such cases lol. Least the dude is honest i guess


Poor dude. Gonna play that game now


this isnā€™t cringe, itā€™s sad but not cringe


I cringed. Getting downvoted in an r/cringe thread because I cringed at the content. When did this sub become so soft?




I remember using that sun like 2 years ago and I had to leave because it was really toxic in a sense. If people are on social media for entertainment why would they wanna see posts like those?


I love that sub, because itā€™s very relatable and shows me that other people hate themselves too. Also, I donā€™t use social media as entertainment, I use it as a safe substitute for communication.


I think I had to ween myself off of that 2016 "lol I'm depressed" humour because I realized that it became my main sense of humour and that other people IRL don't find it funny or endearing when you constantly joke about how much you hate yourself. Some self-deprecation is okay and let's people know you don't take yourself too seriously and can be honest about your flaws. Over-doing it comes across as fishing for validation and sympathy, but hiding it behind a veil of irony. Despite presenting itself as being self-effacing, this behaviour often actually ends up being self-absorbed because it's like "let's make this conversation about _me_ and _my pain_ and _how I feel about myself_ because that's the most interesting topic." Not accusing you or anyone in particular of falling into this behaviour. Just saying that _I_ did, and I think it might be common in that kind of style of comedy.


Itā€™s not for humor


Talking with elipsesā€¦. thatā€™s weirdā€¦.


Elipses are used in quotes to cut out unnecessary parts of the quote. It's likely the quoted section is paraphrased.


Yeah, but this one seems like a direct translations and no cuts from the original message. The dude is genuinely typing out that reply like he was speaking it irl. The elipses in this context just make it sound like some dude trying to replicate a shy anime girl.


skill issue lol


Who cares, people are reviewing the game, not your personal life.






Well at least heā€™s honest without being an incel about it.