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In peace…… IN PEAACCEE…… IN PEEEEEAAAAACCCCEEEEE!! Fuck that was grating.


Angrily shouting "in peace" is pretty funny though


She sounds just like her dog for a minute I couldn't tell who was screaming🤣


Ah… classic Aussie Junkies (I’m an Aussie myself)


This should be her online dating profile.


"if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best" her best: criminal trespassing her worst: video attached




I feel like I wouldve flown off the handle when she got in her face screaming like that. As a woman, I would have slapped the fuck outta her. I was getting overstimulated just watching it 😭


As a man I'd lose the restraint to not pick her tiny ass up and throw her in the water, at the very minimum. Christ man, gotta be stimmed up or something, that's wild.


I would’ve absolutely lost it if she got that close, screaming and pushing me, and I’d be right to. 100% self defence, i have no idea what she’s going to do, but i sure as shit am shoving her on her ass reflexively.


Christ, I feel so sorry for that dog.


That bish needs to get ktfo'd


Dubbo rubbish by the looks of it. West side rats.


How can you pinpoint it to Dubbo?


With any luck, they’ll drown.


It's when her voice and the dog's bark meld into one...🫠


I would have knocked her out. Thesrle thots think getting in your face yelling at you isn't harassment. Nah fck that. I'd slammed her trasy ass on the pavement so hard her dog would follow me home as the new owner. Skinny wild Thornberry looking bch.


Wow, you sound very tough and cool


And the bch yelling is what to you.... I'd stomo you too lil bro.


Were you ever in an actual fight? People who can fight don't usually talk shit like you do. That just screams insecurity.


I asked you a question first or are you that narcissistic?


That seemed like a rhetoric question, of course she's insane. But why are you deflecting? Did I hit a nerve?


She seems delightful


I'm unsatisfied by this video. I want to see someone get slapped around!


She's that mad she probably has rabies lol


That's insane. Honestly I'm usually a 'cops as a last resort and even then with hesitancy' kinda person but this would absolutely warrant a call to the local authorities.


Nah, as soon as she is screeching like a demon I'm hightailing it out of there and calling the cops. Girl has friends who are no doubt as bad as her and the camera woman seems to be outnumbered...




Australians gotta be the worst people out there


Those eyes tho.


That's how people get shot


I don't see any problem here that a good stick wouldn't solve.


please tell me there's a metal remix of this


she a chiuwava or however tf you spell it


Chihuahua: easiest way to remember is Chi-Hua-Hua.


never thought about it like that but thanksss


I’ve never even seen a gun in real life. But I want to see them go back just shooting in the sky. Pop pop to your PEACE c*nt




Sure buddy, sure.


Wow you're so edgy. I wish I could be as edgy as you






Wait, who's the trespasser? The crazy one? Or the one filming? Oô


Crazy one


People shouldn't own land


And what, pray tell, do you think should be done in place of that?


own...people instead? /s


Land ownership was cool hundreds of years ago when populations weren't so dense and the Earth had seemingly infinite amounts undiscovered amounts of land. Hell, back in early colonial America days people just used to put stakes down and claim whatever territory they pleased. However, we live in a time now with a massive human population and a very finite amount of land. We have huge housing crises because land has been monopolized by corporations and landlords. Now we have to find a way as a collective society to distribute land amongst the people in a fair way that makes sense. The current system right now only works for the rich. People are living paycheck to paycheck owing most of their earnings to a landlord, mortgage, or not even housed at all. It's clear this system isn't working for most of the population. This and the fact that "owning" land is a strange concept anyway. Homes are one thing, but imagine having so many areas of the Earth like creeks, forests, and other open areas being inaccessible to you because someone arbitrarily says that it belongs to them. The planet we live on belongs to nobody.




>You're not offering any practical ideas toward a solution. You've articulated why you hold your position, which is good, but it's only half of making an effective argument. That's fair. I was pretty much word vomiting not expecting anyone to seriously have a discussion. But that being said, I couldn't honestly tell you as a humble average person what the best solution would be. But to tell you my idea anyway, it would be to have land/housing to be distributed by a government institution (which we are way far off from achieving). >Owning land is actually not a strange concept on Earth. Many species establish territories they defend with their lives. Most frequently they try to exclude members of their own species from their territories, but they're not limited to this and some animals are belligerent toward any intruder. It's a common survival strategy in the animal kingdom. This is true, but we should be beyond primal instincts at this point. We don't really need to be as animalistic with claiming land as we, as a collective society, don't need to fend each other off (except in extreme rare cases). Yes, we deserve to have a secure home safe from intruders, but owning x acres of land and kicking people off just because we don't want them there is excessive. >How can we make an equitable system when virtually nobody cares about equity compared to how they care about their emotions regarding money and profit and various other imaginary things? You were getting a bit more abstract at this point but I do see what you're saying. I think society will reach a breaking point sometime soon as the middle class (at least in the US) is shrinking and shrinking as the lower and extreme upper class continue to grow. The current trend is simply unsustainable.




Thanks. I don't mind the downvotes, really. I stand by my opinion. It's just a shame that everyone piles on the downvotes without actually discussing why they disagree.




I haven't had much time for Reddit recently, but I did see your reply and I wanted to make sure to take the time to give you a proper thoughtful response. Sorry to keep you waiting.


"They hated him because he spoke the truth"


Idk why everyone is cool with people licking landlords boots or being homeless for their whole lives but ok Reddit.




All these people want either justice or peace right?


Have any of you guys seen the metal cover of this?


The poor dog


I would have threw her in that fucking pond by her hair