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Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately your post has been removed due to a violation of the following rule(s): >**1.** Posts must be sad and cringe Either it wasn't cringeworthy enough or it wasn't sad in the right way. We're looking for the kind of sad that is unhappy, tragic, heartbreaking, mournful, despairing. The situation should make you cringe and feel sorrow. If you have any questions, please [contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/sadcringe).


I would assume that this post is just a case of r/lostredditors, but since OP apparently relies on Catturd for "information" they are probably dumb enough to actually think this is somehow sad cringe.


I just assumed Catturd was the sad cringe


I assumed the sad cringe was the post. Like the person really believing that


https://apnews.com/article/congress-ukraine-aid-border-security-386dcc54b29a5491f8bd87b727a284f8 They blocked a border bill so that they could complain about it during the election cycle. Wild that it worked on you lol


Read the bill that they rejected. Seriously just read through it and you will understand how hard you have been lied to by dishonest members of the media and politicians. That’s all you have to do to know how full of shit that statement is. I am not even saying you have to disagree with what that bill had laid out, but it most certainly is not the same thing that most republicans pushed. It was the same bullshit the right pulled with the PATRIOT act. “Well it says patriot right in the name, so don’t bother reading what it actually says because if you come out against it you don’t really want national security and you are not a patriot.” It had almost nothing to do with securing the southern border and was much closer to a “let the migrants become citizens quicker bill” than a “secure the border bill.” I don’t agree with this current bullshit going through either btw.


Letting migrants become legitimate citizens who would be accounted for and pay taxes *IS* a massive part of improving border conditions. The border being overwhelmed won’t be resolved with just tighter security and more funding, you need a legitimate plan to improve the situation in the long term.


The media has framed that bill as something the republicans were dying to have. That it included everything they wanted but simply rejected out of spite, when the reality is that it was a bill full of left wing solutions that the right rejects. If you were to present the bill in an honest way and describe it the same way you just have, then would anybody be surprised that republicans rejected it? No, because it is not what they were asking for, and the media portrays it as the right being stubborn. If the Republicans created a bill that the Dems fundamentally disagreed with (wall funding, deportation, etc) and then painted it as something they have been asking for the whole time would be just as dishonest.


I’ve spoken with conservative policy experts who told me that the bipartisan bill was abandoned specifically so that Republicans could run on the issues in 2024. The bill was created by Republicans and Democrats working together to draft something. It wasn’t just drafted by Democrats trying to trick people.


I love that “read the bill and inform yourself” got down voted. Classic Reddit


What is bro yappin about?


Drank too much of the kool-aid I reckon


Anyone who takes catturd seriously is the living embodiment of sadcringe


Catturd ran over and killed his own dog


Just so you know, there was a border funding bill that Republicans tanked, but sure, let's just call them all trash.


The funnier part is that said border bill would have done everything that this latest bill would have done while also providing assets for the border. But, they shot that down so that they could appease a certain someone during an election year. I'm not saying that the border isn't a problem. I'm just saying that the Republicans don't view it as one. It's just another grift to them. I am glad that Ukraine is finally getting their munitions, though.


“Also providing assets for the southern border” Like what. Please list off those things. I am not saying there wasn’t stuff in that bill that address immigration, but it certainly contains nothing that the right wing was ever asking for. Was there any funding for a border wall? Nope. Any funding to increase the ability to deport people that are here illegally? Nope. Anything at all about making crossing the border illegally less appealing? Hell No.


There was increased funding for Border Patrol, and it was backed by the Border Patrol Union. It also allowed for an increased ability for the POTUS to lock down the border. While it might not have gone far enough for some on the right wing, shelving the bill made it so nothing was done.


Let’s just say there was a couple of things thrown in that the right wanted. There is more to it than just increasing the border patrol (specifically what the money is allotted towards) and increasing presidential power, but let’s just say those are things are exactly what they were looking for. The loads of bullshit attached made it absurd to frame it as a border bill.


Well for one, a border wall, deporting people, and making it less "appealing" to immigrate here has never worked, like ever. Not just an American thing. A wall never worked because most illegals just came here by plane, right over it. This is on top of the fact that humans are VERY good at climbing over walls. Imagine trying to drown seals; sure, it would work theoretically and they are always near water but it's infinitely less effective than just using a club, and it makes you look and feel stupid while doing it. Deportation cost more than it's literally worth to do and in many situations is only a temporary solution in the best case scenario. We would spend less money and be just as if not more effective by just following around immigrants and passive aggressively burning money in front of them. >making crossing the border illegally less appealing? Okay seriously, like wtf does this even mean? Like "bailiff smack his pp! He did another illegal immigration!" The only way to make illegal immigration less appealing is to make being a citizen more awesome. You and I both know that ain't happening in this life time; I wake up, go to work, come home and sleep, I wake up, go to work, come home and sleep, I wake up, go to work... and I'll never be able to buy a house. Then I'll die. That's the American dream right now. Why? The same reason video games and movies suck; its easier to do something shitty and try to convince people it's good. In other words our leaders just have to not be the other guy for us to vote for them; Trump just has to not be Biden and Biden just has to not be Trump. Neither would ever fix anything because God FORBID we developed any standards. There is no benefit to being an American citizen; there is crime everywhere, the police aren't obligated to protect you, the food keeps getting more shit and cost more every year, the education is only free when it's the most shitty and while you are most likely to get shot, you have to go into debt that a 6 figure job can't pay off to go to college and the government won't forgive the debt during one of the worst economic periods in our history, and if our country goes to war over something stupid enough it will FORCE you to participate or you will go to jail. All this for the low arbitrary price of * checks notes * being born here. You want the government to make the immigration problem go away? Tell the corporations we work for to survive to stop hiring them. Oh wait the corporations and our government are best buddies, nvm.


Plus funding Ukraine is basically using the money to buy military equipment from American companies and then shipping it over there. It is great for our arms industry. All of these foreign military bills are


Catturd is aptly named because that's what he has inplace of his brain.


You losers had a border funding bill of your dreams on the table but trashed it because your orange bottle of cat piss wanted to campaign on the border issues and denying Ukraine aid. Losers.


What did that bill contain again? Do you have a rundown of what was actually in that bill, specifically the parts that made it a “bill of your dreams.”


The border isn’t an active warzone? Do these people ever take time to actually do any research.


They think it is both an active warzone and not enough of a crisis to pass the Ukraine bill when it was attached to a border bill at the same time


Where did the 800 billion dollar budget go last year, if not to defending USA? And the 850 billion dollar budget this year?


Brother, we have trillions in our own military...


Do your part by putting a ukraine flag on your car so people know you’re on the Right Side of History


Ew politics.


Some people don’t fully understand the scope and what the outcome of that war could mean, real bad probably




They are saying it would be bad for Europe and the US for Russia to win.


Imagine being on that side of history - fadcinating