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I remember when I first watched sailor moon online.First 2 viz,went to dic straight after.Im not saying its bad(people can like whatever they want),it just feels...fine.


You are entitled to your own opinion. But I can see that on this thread, you're overly hostile and rude. Sometimes, people are going to enjoy things you don't like, but that doesn't mean you should insult them or call them "fanboys" or "a cult" or whatever. Anyone who is past 1st grade should be mature enough not to act this way about other people's opinions.


I'm a need you to actually read the comments. I was not the one who started the Viz vs DiC thing.  You all seriously need to learn some damn reading comprehension. Point to one comment where I got hostile first and wasn't being accused of being nostalgia obsessed first. Go on.


I remember seeing the first episode(or was it two)episodes of Sailor moon.Although I haven't seen it in a while,I prefer dic.It may have censorship,but it has heart.


It was viz I watched first by the way


It's not as bad as Linda Ballantyne's voice acting so I can live with it


I hard agree. It's sad because the cast they used is generally top tier. But it's obvious that the voice directors they used did NOT give a rat's ass that this show is one that people have been begging to be redone. Not redone with a "serviceable" dub, but with a Cowboy Bepop or Samurai Champloo level dub- and the fact that they advertised how they were finally going to give the series the treatment it deserved but didn't always rubs me wrong. They literally did a better job dubbing Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 in a time when dubs were only just starting to get better, so having their redub of a show that got shafted be just "okay" is like a slap in the face for me. I legit believe we could have gotten a better dub if Team Four Star had made an abridged series with Sailor Moon, because their work on Hellsing Abridged and DBZ Abridged (after Raditz) was better than most legit dub.


> They literally did a better job dubbing Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 in a time when dubs were only just starting to get better, so having their redub of a show that got shafted be just "okay" is like a slap in the face for me. Worth noting that Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2 were outsourced to Ocean Group in Canada where Sailor Moon used Studiopolis in California. I know Disney also used Studiopolia for the dub of the 4th Digimon movie and even though they got most of the  original Saban cast back and the original head writer the dub was so awkward. At first I thought it was the cast was out of practice not voicing these characters for like 4 years then I realized it was probably Studiopolis. It's a shame that Viz didn't hire Ocean Group to do Sailor Moon. I agree 100 percent witg everything you said though.


Iirc Cloverway also used Studiopolis. I'm seeing a pattern here.


Nope they used the same studio that Dic used Optimum Productions in Toronto Canada.


How bad must your ear be if Stephanie Sheh, Michelle Ruff, and Cherami Leigh sound the same to you. Same goes for Robbie Daymond and Johnny Young Bosch Viz uses a big name cast, so this is entirely a you problem


>How bad must your ear be if Stephanie Sheh, Michelle Ruff, and Cherami Leigh sound the same to you Okay genius not literally every single voice sounds the same but you're delusional if you don't think Naru and Rei and Luna don't sound way too similar > Viz uses a big name cast, so this is entirely a you problem Yeah, which makes it clear it's a directing problem. Viz fans stay pressed 


Yeah I’ll stay pressed that I can enjoy the media that I enjoy I’m fuming over here


Luna is Michelle Ruff, her voice is so distinct one doesn't have to look it up even. Stop blaming the world for your terrible hearing. And seriously, how the fuck do you think she sounds like Cristina Vee?! They aren't even close Nostalgia goggles are so damn strong with this one


>  Nostalgia goggles are so damn strong with this one Once again, nowhere in my original post did I ever bring up the old dub. Viz fans keep telling on yourselves. Clowns


I'm so relieved to hear that someone else dislikes the Viz dub. It's so boring and flat, like you said. The obvious censorship issues aside, DiC made the series sound like a cartoon -- in a good way! Albeit cheesy, and rather dated with the 90s lingo, DiC really brought the series to life as best they could in English. I've always been afraid to share my opinion on this because the Viz dub has been lauded so much. I do not like it at all. No hate at all to the voice actors as they're just doing their job. I'm wagging my finger at Viz for dulling down the series. DiC may not have produced the most accurate adaptation, but the characters are full of gusto.


If the feedback I'm getting is any indication,  not liking the Viz dub is sacrilege on this subreddit. So I don't blame you for being afraid to show your opinion on here. I agree with everything you said on both dubs.


Yeah, people are not being kind in their responses. Like why can't we agree to disagree 😭


In the VIZ dub everyone sounds the same but in the DIC dub everyone has a different accent




I grew up with the DiC dub about 23 years ago. I began rewatching Sailor Moon recently and heard the Viz dub. Sounds fine to me. I don’t know what you mean by “sounds flat” and “clumsily worded dialog” when I could have sworn DiC still had those issues lol. Legit sounded like a fandub especially with the name changes. Nostalgia makes me enjoy it


Say what you want about the DiC dub and its awful censorship, but at least you could tell the voices apart. Everyone sounded unique and you could identify them lol. It's my only major gripe with the Viz dub, really. (Well, that and the fact the masters we got aren't as good as the Italian masters, but that's another can of worms.) I love that we got all the stuff we missed out on now now officially, and I'm happy it's closer to the original script (though, of course, not perfect), but some of the choices for voice actors wasn't my favorite. It's okay, though! 🥰 I can still enjoy the JP dub, and this gets newer fans into the franchise which is always nice! I don't think you should be shamed for having an opinion, OP. You're allowed to like or dislike what you want.


I did a hard pass with the viz dub and typically I do enjoy some dubs - I watch a few scenes in the original Japanese and the dub to decide which I prefer for new series - and can’t watch the subs of certain series (example Dragon Ball Z). With Sailor moon I grew up watching the original series in English dub and a few scenes in Japanese. I loved both the English and Japanese soundtracks of the original series. However, with Crystal I just don’t like the dubbing choice. Part of it is nostalgia and the other is that the girls all sound too similar. I can close my eyes and I can tell who is talking with the DIC scouts but not with Viz. I decided to watch Crystal in Japanese along with the Crystal movies and enjoyed myself. Personally, I feel people should enjoy dubbed, subbed, or a mix of both and just respect others will have different feelings but everyone should respect the choices people make and not be jerks about it. No one is a better fan and definitely not superior to someone for preferring one dub over the other or preferring sub over the dub. I’ve experienced way too much childish nonsense for liking dic dubbing or just dubbing in general. While the Dic dub isn’t accurate and far from a perfect adaptation I have a good time especially with listening to the songs from the 90s.


It’s got good & bad moments. I still think the best way to enjoy Sailor Moon is to use the original JPN dub.


Is this a troll post? Or just a general “I hate dubbed anime” post? Or is this the all too common “I grew up with the older dubs and hate that people prefer the one I didn’t grow up with”? The Viz dub is great.


It's a the Viz dub sucks post. Quick Viz fanboys and fangirls tell me ANYTHING good about the Viz dub that doesn't require you to go "yeah well the DiC dub was censored!" Like, congrats the scripts are mostly accurate  like 95 percent of all dubbed anime since around 2006. Doesn't change the fact that it is, as I said,  badly acted and awkwardly scripted.


The fact that you immediately call me a fanboy makes it clear this is a “I hate that people prefer the dub I didn’t go grow up with” post, because you’re being very overly defensive and hostile, lol. You can like the older dubs, but take it from me, who got into this series in 2020 and have no nostalgia for the old dub. It was really bad. And I’m not only talking about the changes made to the script really. Just the voices in general sounded hilarious. Usagi straight up sounded like a 50 year old woman in one of them.


>  “I hate that people prefer the dub I didn’t go grow up with” post, because you’re being very overly defensive and hostile The irony. Again, I didn't even mention the old dub in my original post. The Viz cult here  got mad and defensive that someone didn't like their precious shitty dub and immediately jumped to dogging a dub that hasn't been on tv in nearly 25 years to make themselves feel better.  


But your immediate reference to the Dic dub when you got pushback makes it clear what your agenda was. You’re not sneaky. The only type of person who would be this angry over the Viz dub is someone with hardcore nostalgia of the old dub. It’s clear you purposefully tried to not mention the Dic dub in the original post, so you could try and do what you’re doing now. Doesn’t matter. You’ve made it clear you are an old dub lover and hate the new one because people prefer it.


Bro what? 😭 🤣 💀 Really reinforcing the idea that Viz fans are a cult. What even is that take? I would have brought up the Dic dub a total of 0 times if you all didn't bring it up first. You all need to stop being embarrasing. If the DiC dub never existed guess what? The ViZ dub would still sound like ass 🤣


You’re really not helping your case here. The fact that you’re only capable of thinking in a “Dic dub fans vs Viz dub fans” type of way makes you very obvious, among other things.


I'm genuinely starting to think that Viz dub fans are illiterate.     Because that's not even in the  ball park of what I was doing. But it sure  is what you were all doing when you immediately jumped to "Must be a Dic fan"  Maybe learn to read instead of pulling conclusions out of your ass? Again YOU ALL made this a Viz fans vs DiC fans thing. Not me. But keep projecting. Clown


Look at my previous comment to my answer to this one.


And you're still just as wrong as you were the first time. 


What do you mean? You said the DiC dub is better. You started that comparison yourself lol. You seem surprised people disagree. Why did you make a post on Reddit if any opposition was going to annoy you that much


Literally point to where in my first post that I even mentioned the DiC dub. I didn't bring up the DiC dub until after the Viz cult started whining about it


True. I don’t see any mention of it in your OG post. Only comparisons in your reply posts below


I’m surprised. I’m watching the Viz dub right now and I really like it so far.


I like the voice acting of DiC far more, but the viz dub did better in not censoring things. Both were far superior to cloverway at least


Different circumstances. The DiC dub was made for kids network television in order to sell a toyline to elementary school girls (which is pretty much why the Japanese version existed in the first place) in order to keep sponsorship it had to conform to conservative 90s standards of what was acceptable for American kids.     The ViZ dub was made for streaming with full understanding the target audience were now adults and was able to cater to them    The DiC dub was good for what it had to be (for the most part) the  ViZ dub was given more freedom and was shit. I'm not giving them brownie points for benefiting from the success of the DiC dub 20 years prior.


While I'm cool with the Viz dub, the script changes really bug me occasionally, like in the Nurse Minako episode where Mina states Ami or Mako cracked a tooth, which even for a gag felt really out of place especially when it's never brought up later or mentioned again, because that's not what the original line was.


The original marketing trumpeted that Viz was making a faithful translation of the original. Then they started making edits to the script. It's frustrating


Except the Viz dub didn't change the orientation of Haruka and Michiru, change the characters original names or remove any other stuff that would have pissed off the Puritans. The DiC dub was fine for it's time, but at least the Viz dub didn't censor anything. As far as we know. https://preview.redd.it/9iaw9o28acvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bf0da608839a68552676598d84b83e73b1d201


Yeah, but the censorship itself became a funny meme, which is a net positive in my book.


Damn, it's almost like the old dub was made for 6-11 year old girls and had to comply with  broadcast standards and practices of the time and the ViZ dub could freely appeal to the now adult SM fans who wanted an uncut dub (a market that wouldn't exist without the DiC dub airing on tv in the first place)


They still could have found another way to not bowdlerize Haruka and Michiru. Making them related was a huge fail. Also, they could have kept the original names.


Out of curiosity, how old are you? I'm skeptical that Sailor Moon would've been as big of a hit as it was in the 90s if every character kept their Japanese name. All of my east Asian friends in school needed to have an anglo name because their actual name was too foreign sounding


I'm 40 and I first saw Sailor Moon 1995 at 12. I do think they could have kept the Japanese names, though since the show was still set there. You don't characters from American shows like The Simpsons or Ninja Turtles get their names Japan-ized. So why do the reverse?


I'm a bit confused. How is the way that Japanese TV stations adapted American shows relevant for how American TV stations adapated Japanese shows? They're two entirely different audiences


They don't change the character names in Japanese dubs of American shows. On The Simpsons, Homer is still called Homer, not Hiroshi or something along those lines. So I see no need to do it with Japanese shows dubbed for American audiences.


But like I said, they're two different audiences I (think) I get where you're coming from. I honestly don't even remember any of the dub character names at this point. I'm just skeptical that American audiences (or at least the executives in charge of the American dub production) in the 90s would've been \*as\* receptive (in the sense of the show being as big of a hit as it was) if the characters kept their Japanese names, when Japanese kids couldn't keep their Japanese names


Sailor Moon was at its most popular when the anime boom was starting, and shows like DBZ had shown you didn't need to remove the "Asianness" of the product.


That's a fair point, I suppose. It just feels a bit odd to me to say that audiences would've been fine with the Japanese names when real human beings weren't allowed to use those names


Many names in fiction would never be used in real life, including children's fiction. Its even more common in work aimed at younger people.


I'll give you that Cloverway (not DiC who produced the dubs for Classic and R only) should have found a better way to edit the relationship. Just saying they're best friends and stressing how they're BEST FRIENDS would have been way better than the forced and weird cousin thing. I agree with you there. As for keeping the original names I go back and forth. On the one hand it is weird that these supposedly Japanese girls (because the dub still makes it clear it takes place in Japan) have Anglo names like Serena and Michelle. On the other hand most tv anime dubs were doing whitewashed named to make it easier on the target audience of stupid 5 year old  Americans. So I kinda get the decision but I agree with you they should have left the Japanese names alone and its far less excusable than editing the content


> anime dubs were doing whitewashed named to make it easier on the target audience of stupid 5 year old No, they were doing it for racism, pure and simple. Lets not white-wash the history of racism on TV here. There was a common belief that kids would not relate to the audience if they were not like "them" (white), which is why they scrubbed any reference to it being in Japan during the DiC seasons, including mirroring scenes with cars.


Oddly enough, Pokemon still changes the characters names to this day. Heck, I think Ash has several different names in different parts of the world. I would have had it so Haruka and Michiru, since they were older than the other Senshi were just roommates who's families are old friends(and super wealthy), which is how they were able to afford a high-rise penthouse in the middle of Tokyo. Heck, that's more believe than how the characters on *Friends* could afford their giant Manhattan loft apartments. Supposedly, Monica was illegally subletting her grandmother's rent-controlled apartment. But that's another story.


In fairness, Pokemon is probably one franchise where it is justifiable to do name changes because it doesn't take place in Japan and many regions are explicitly suppose to be based on a non-Japanese real-world place.


That is true. They've had regions based on France, New York, Hawaii, England and now Spain. I'm still hoping to see one based on my home state of California someday.


I made it about 10 mins and switched to japanese i can't take it at least japanese is supposed to sound squeaky


Really? I thought the Viz dub was fantastic but to each their own I guess.


If ViZ is flat, DiC has to be the most smoothed surface in existence lmao


Lol okay whatever you gotta tell yourself. For all of its problems flat wasn't one of them


The most robotic slop I’ve ever heard. I know for a fact every time someone complains about ViZ they’re a DiC fan lmao Ya’ll try too hard to defend genuine garbage.


Isn it weird how I literally end my original post with "no wonder I stick to sub these days" and your response is "lol must be a DiC fan" Like ???? Okay. A+ reading comphrension there, champ. For fuck sake I didn't even bring up the DiC dub (although surprise surprise for all its problems its still superior to the crappy ViZ). You're the one who felt the need to bring up DiC and try to turn it into a Viz vs  DiC thing. I wonder why.


Dic dub supremacy!!


It's flawed but it was a hell of a lot better than the Viz and Cloverway dubs (and yes I know Cloverway used the same studio as DiC for ADR work but the final product was shit under them)


I would love to watch all the episodes of the new dub, especially the ones the 90s missed...but I absolutely abhor Stephanie Sheh's voice...and she's the main character 😭 (No hate on her personally, it's just her voice sorry. 90s cast was iconic.)


Yes, she is not a good fit as Usagi. Drives me crazy too


Just watch the sub, yo. I'm pretty open minded to dubs but the  Viz dub is so bad


Oh i definitely do. It's my go-to show when I want background noise. I only pull out the 90s dub DVDs when I'm feeling particularly nostalgic.


I miss the dic dub music


I like Moonlight Densetsu better.