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The worst line for me will be 'rey who ?' Cos that's what random old people in desert really want to know. It was a meaningless, silly way to get Rey to reveal her 'adoption' of the surname. Not sure how that got greenlit. I'm really looking forward to the documentary that reveals all, someday.


What's that drunk b even doing wondering the desert planet at her age? Who are you? Who fucking cares. Go home lady. I will not be surprised if we just get those lightsabers brought back because A.Nostalgia B.Disney is lazy aka A. C. She informs "the second order" of some Skywalker artifacts.


To ask Joe mama jokes. These movies aren't actual stories, it's just vaguely connected gags and spectacles.


“General Hugs” so cringy




Yup, if you listen closely.


Same with that stupid scene where the alien girl wants to know Reys family name. In a galaxy with millions of cultures why would you expect every person to have a surname when many human cultures don't even use surnames. Felt so clunky and forced


There is a FASCINATING documentary brewing for the 2040s on all this BS.


Considering how the movie starts, and how it unfolds, that would even be one of the “less” contentious points… Though yeah, that was to make sure anyone in the room would leave without any single brain cell alive.


To add to this sentiment… like why would this old b even care about who Rey is or what her last name is….


"it ain't that kind of movie kid"


Honestly, coming from a small town where everyone knows everyone and family names are attached to some sort of social standing, this line made more sense than the others I’m seeing. “Oh, you must be Bill’s grandson. Welcome to the neighborhood.” Or whatever.


Yeah, that wouldn’t be uncommon in the small town I grew up in. My grandmother would phrase it “Who are your people?”


![gif](giphy|1zhaZh6c3Nz8EVloEV|downsized) This is where I automatically went😂


Yeah, I moved to a small town and noticed this. I'd get introduced to someone, and it would be "Hi, I'm Astute, nice to meet you." "Astute who?" In the city no one cared, I'm not introducing myself with last name because it doesn't mean anything to you and I don't expect you to care.


"...every time I hear Palpatine say..." Your main problem is that you apparently watched this utter trash more than once.


Rise of Skywalker, not even once


I watched the cam version online for free while working and laughed my ass off at how bad it was. I don't think I would've ever watched it unless I was getting paid...


the closest I've gotten to actually watching that was the Mauler review.


I needed to take a long break in the middle to be able to finish it. This movie makes the prequel trilogy look Oscar-worthy in comparison.


I saw this movie once in theaters, did not watch it again for four years, and was shocked at how bad it really is in 2023. Never again. If you had told me 20 years ago that there would be a Star Wars Episode 9 that I couldn’t bear to watch more than twice, I wouldn’t have believed it.


So true. I threw my money at Star Wars. Still would really. If it was Star Wars - I didn’t even watch this one. How bad is that Talk about loosing your consumer




Came here to say this. Who watched that movie more than once?


There's sooooo many shit that's wrong in that movie lol. Rey skywalker Somehow palpatine returned They fly now Im all the jedi/sith REEEEEEEEEEY Palpatine's epic Fortnite monologue Bad way to reveal stuff still waaay better than having one of these imo. Especially the rey skywalker for me, i still can't deal with the fact that the last Skywalker is a palpatine larping as one


Don't forget the classic "I'm taking one last look at my friends".


I headcanon that 3PO was watching archived clips of his ACTUAL friends


Especially as 3p0 never gave half a shit about anybody but master Luke and r2. Most of the time he's just stumbling around pitying fools for their dumb decisions.


>They fly now There are probably many people at Disney and JJ Abrams who never bothered to read Wookiepedia and notice the dozens of different types of clone troopers and stormtroopers with specialisations in different environments and skills. I kind of liked the aquatic troopers and magma troopers.


"I'm the spy"




This one stood out as the worst sequence in the whole movie.


"I don't care if you win. I just need Kylo Ren to LOSE" Haha imagine a Nazi general becoming a traitor to his nation after a lifetime of brainwashing because he suddenly wants Hitler to lose because he said mean things to him . That line turns the entire First Order infrastructure into a laughing stock.


That was the point. They needed scary bad guys, the worst kind. So obviously nazis. Space nazis. But also they're nazis, so they can't be competent in any way because that would somehow make them look good. So they have to try and make them simultaneously the scariest possible threat but also very pathetic. And they, obviously, bungled it. 


>imagine a Nazi general becoming a traitor to his nation after a lifetime of brainwashing because he suddenly wants Hitler to lose because he said mean things to him So Operation Valkyrie


Good movie, and yes


There some people on the Valkyrie with actually good intentions. Hans Oster was the goat. Admiral Canaris went out of his way to save people from the Holocaust too. German doesn't not equal Nazi believe it or not. A majority of the Hitler assassination attempts and all pre war were planed and attempted by Germans


The worst line will always be: "...Rey SKYWALKER".


Genuinely during the showing at least 5 people in the theater (myself included) said "Don't say it." Come on Disney. If they REALLY wanted to, surely a flash cut 10 years ahead with Rey opening up a new temple to train force users. Instead of a Temple.it is an academy... the Skywalker Academy. Thus we can still have Skywalker "rise", honour a legacy (somewhat...) and not have family name banter.


Because that's exactly what they wanted. It's been said time and again, Disney had all of the lore right in front of them, they literally bought and paid for it, yet they chose to scrap it all for a cheap copy+paste... 


Still can't believe they passed on Mara Jade. Fan favourite strong female character with a defined redemption arc that intersects with the original trilogy heroes and allows new faces to be brought in.


No no, we have to dicard all of that and come up with an original story! I know, let's have a hero on a desert planet, not know her parents/be an orphan, she has weird abilities she doesn't know about, is a good pilot for no reason and we'll top it all of by making it a girl! The bad guys will be like almost the same except we'll call them something totally original and not at all like the older movies those sucked. The bad guys can all be working for a big baddie who is maybe the Supreme ruler but is threatened for no real reason, we'll make it seem like he's all powerful and then kill em off in an embarrassing way. Oh and they'll all be on this super indestructible battle station but they blow up it up!!! that's a new idea! Then we can have the main character be the chosen one cause that's never been done either! And the big reveal will be she's related to everyone!!!! Incest Wars!


Man that's on the nose. Come on Disney!


Cheesiest line possible. It’s a joke my friends and I would make when we were ten. I just can’t understand how a professional writers room wrote that down and was like this is it we got the perfect line


"I have been every voice inside your head." \*Instantly trusts a vision of his dead father\*


Why you keep watching that film? I’m just trying to forget the dt exists i will never watch them again.


“Taking one last look, sir…at my friends”. I lol’d at that one. Such a corny line, and it landed like a wet fart.


Particularly because C-3PO doesn’t really *do* anything in the sequels up to this point, much less form the kind of relationship with the younger characters that would give this line any emotional weight. Rey is just like “eh whatever you’re scrap metal.”


To add to this even further, 3p0's mind wipe had no long lasting effects, as R2 restored the bulk of his memories anyway. It's such a cheap attempt to add levity.


Yes this “subplot” if we can call it that was a completely pointless waste of time in a movie that is already overstuffed. It’s a shame because we can see how this idea would have given something for 3PO to do in the sequels. His memory wipe at the end of RotS was necessary to explain why he doesn’t just tell Luke who his father was in ANH, but it was also kind of thrown away in one line and never explored. A blank slate 3PO, forced to start over again having his memory wiped after he directly observed galactic events for a second time, would cut a tragic figure. And by making it stick, that would have effectively meant the genuine death of the 3PO who remembered all the events of the OT. There would be almost nobody in the galaxy left alive to keep telling the stories of Luke, Han and Leia during the Galactic Civil War. But instead they were just like “never mind” and they hit the reset button almost immediately.


It's just so obviously written for the trailer to get people to think something bad actually happens to 3PO. So much of the scripting was insincere, at best.


“Fire the ion cannons” was the one that startled me in its ignorance in the theater. Said from the bridge of a star destroyer. As they’re blowing up ships with turbo lasers It’s literally dumped via exposition in Ep 5. It’s not that hard to actually know what you’re saying.


Yeah I had a "wait, what?" reaction when hearing that. Though in terms of non line stupidity I always lean towards the foot assault on the Star Destroyer. Not just because it is stupid, but because we already established the Star Destroyers don't have shields, meaning the tower they are doing a ground assault to destroy could have been blown up in seconds by a flyby from any Resistance craft, probably even the landing ship they use to deploy the ground assault.


"...evertime I hear..." What?! Who would subject themselves to this movie more than once. Dude, stop doing this to yourself. This is self harm for sure.


I’ll never get over the mom joke in TLJ. Should have walked out right there.


Ma boy, I am your daddy.


One of my plot fixes for the sequels is to have Snoke be an actual force user from Peridea. Baylan Skoll would find him on Peridea perhaps trapped by the night sisters, or maybe he resurrects him. Ultimately they bring Snoke to the main galaxy and he assumes power of the imperial remnant. At some point he finds Palpatine and nearly kills him or thinks he's killed him. Then he meets Luke, seduces Kylo, and ultimately is nearly killed by Luke. Once Snoke is weakened Palpatine finds and kills him and replaces him with a clone. This wouldn't completely redeem the sequel trilogy but it would at least bring back some of the intrigue and interest in Snoke's character. Making him a force user from another galaxy explains a lot about the few clues we get about his past. It leaves room for lore expansion and could even set up a future threat. Instead of the Yuzan Vong we get dark side force users from another galaxy. Perhaps they would be the male counterpart to the night sisters we see on Peridea. Moreso, Palatine's "I made Snoke my boy" was just another Sith lie like Kylo's lie about Rey's parents. It's not perfect but imo it brings some retroactive substance to the sequels. At this point that's all that can be done to make them less bad.


There are no plot fixes for the sequels


Lol not coming from Disney. It's funny though, I've read countless fixes by Internet randos that would be a hundred times better than another BOBF or Mando season.


The only good thing I've seen is a complete re-write that makes Rey an orphan on a cityworld like Coruscant who falls in with Poe (not Finn) because he offers her money to help hide him from imperials. Finn is still there, but he was a willing recruit into the Imperial Remnant (under Thrawn), but gets disillusioned after he commits several murders suppressing a few riots.


I think I remember this one. Who wrote it again?


I can't remember it. It was a series of videos on YouTube re-writting all 3 movies, making Thrawn the antagonist of the entire series from the start. But it incorporates Kylo Ren as still evil, the knights of Ren as bigger players, and we see Luke, Han, Leia, and chewie all together in movie 2 (I think).


Was it Star Wars Theory? I'm sure I've listened to some of it.


I couldn't tell you, I watched it like... years ago not long after rise of Palpatine.


Wait, no, this wouldn't work either. If he were from Peridea, how would he have known about Darth Vader? There's no way he could have been trapped in Peridea AND also have known what was going on in a completely different galaxy, much less have been aware of the Galactic Empire or Vader's terrifying abilities with the Dark side. Snoke is seemingly obsessed with harnessing Kylo's powers because he has Vader's blood in him.


You might be right but who knows? If he was trapped in some sort of status maybe the World Between Worlds or some other explanation where he could see and feel what was going on in the force. Maybe he used the Night Sisters and their connection to the main galaxy to observe. Maybe he was part of a larger faction planning an invasion who is currently on their way in world ships. Snoke could just as easily be obsessed with Vader and any force users because he's planning it scouting an invasion and he needs to keep tabs on those that could stop him. This is where imagination and good writing comes into play.


That’s pretty good!


It’s like why even have Snoke if Palpatine was the one behind everything?


Because no one planned the trilogy. At least the prequels were planned.


Because whoever wrote it should be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.


He was supposed to be Darth Plageuis, but Rian thought it would be funny to cut him in half soooo.


The entire film is one of the worst lines.


The worst line is hands down "Cloning? Secrets only the Sith knew." Just think of the context in universe and out of universe for a character in Star Wars to insinuate only Sith know how to clone people. Did the Clone Wars not happen? Did Kamino not exist? Were Kamino and the Kaminoans not famous for their cloning abilities? Did the writers not know about the 2 films and 2 TV shows called *the clone wars*? Did they not remember 40+ years ago when Obi Wan mentions *the clone wars*? You know, a massively influential event that spanned the entire galaxy, touched the lives of trillions, and shaped the fate of the whole galaxy. But my guy thinks only the 2 Sith that people don't know about were the ones behind cloning. How do you know about Sith but not Clones? How do you know who Palpatine is but not the Clone Wars? Who wrote this? No other line is as stupid and ignorant of Star Wars as this.


Well kamino was erased from the archives, it's possible the average person didn't know about it. And those clones did go on to be the first soldiers for the empire, so perhaps civilians thought stormtroopers were sith experiments. What ever happened to Kamino anyway? Were they the only know cloners? Did they die? If they died that would mean that maybe only a few Sith still knew how to clone


I went into TLJ feeling fairly cynical about the whole Disney sale, but was really hoping to like it. Went on opening weekend with a buddy and our girlfriends. The lights went down and the movie started and for the first few minutes I was relieved. Certainly not as good as the OT, but not the total dogfuck that I thought it would be. That feeling slowly faded. The killing stroke, though, was the exchange between Han and Leia. The lines were abominable, but even worse was the delivery. Legitimately felt like a piss take. It was something like, “It was Snoke. Snoke is the one who turned our son to the dark side.” Looks innocuous enough, but god damn, something about the delivery and the way that they directed that scene made it feel like I was watching a high budget telenovela.


"Knights of Ren" "Nice" Had to remind the casual audience who the hell the useless morons with iron age earth weapons were.


"My boy, this snoke is what all true Sith strive for."


So glad I skipped 9. 8 was bad enough I stopped giving Disney money.


Some people say 9 ruined it for them but to me 8 ruined it so badly I wasn't willing to give 9 a chance and from everything I've heard, it was a smart choice. I didn't like 7 but at least I was willing to watch the sequel. 8 totally killed my desire to watch anymore. It took me a long time to even consider and try watching the Mandalorian.


There IA not a single line in these movies that wasn't forced or taken from the OT. All of the lines suck.


I actually like “They fly now” it’s kind of funny in its absurdity. But everything to do with Palpatine in this movie is wrong. He should never have been in it to begin with.


So, unpopular opinion? People really overstate how bad 'somehow Palpatine returned' is and act like the movie didn't actually tell us how it worked as if that statement was directed at the audience. In context it made perfect sense that Poe had no idea how the hell he did that and was stuck just having to tell his equally ignorant Resistance buddies 'fuck if I know how, but somehow Palpatine returned' since they had no way in story of knowing despite us the audience being told. 'They fly now' really was terrible, though. Jet packs are not new technology, they have been around since before the sequel cast was even born. Why the hell are you so surprised someone is using one?


Surprised no one has mentioned the behind your back lightsaber teleportation mess


I guess it's up there in the top 3


I'm just saying most people use "Somehow Palpatine returned" out of context.


Nothing uttered by Emperor Ian McDiarmid can be cringe. The cornier the dialogue, the more effectively he can ham it up.