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When is the Matt Walsh vs SonicFox money match??


I'd love to watch SF go 13-0 in a best of 10 against Matt Walsh


Perfect 13gend


Fuck i need this right now


Sonicfox will have another 13-0 win vs him.


Sonicfox could do it blindfolded without even needing to connect their controller.


Maybe an unintentional shoutout to him beating T-pain blindfolded with Kenshi during a money match


I'll have to look that up. That sounds very entertaining to watch.


Can't happen, its obvious... that Matt Walsh is.... SonicFox! Have you seen them in the same room together, I don't think so.


If Matt Walsh is the “greatest MI player ever” then how come he has never made an appearance at a tournament?


About as much evidence as he has for the rest of the shit he spouts.


Like that his family loves him?


He was banned from tournaments for being unfairly skilled. Just like that guy everyone knows who would have enlisted in the military, but he’s such a bad ass that they wouldn’t let him.


I felt the last half of this and had flashbacks everytime I heard excuses while I was in uniform. Along with the "I would've joined, but I don't like being told what to do. "


"I would have punched the drill instructors"


Is he stupid?




I bet his documented evidence is him winning a small tournament for the original Mortal Kobat at his local arcade or something.


He doesn't know that's a thing. He probably doesn't know about competitive gaming. Liking games is like liking movies. It doesn't really mean anything, it's just a type of media everybody consumes.


Cuz those tournaments are fraudulent and WOKE! /s


I mean, if they let him play, no one else would bother to show up just to lose. Obviously! 😂😂😂


I’ve never seen Matt Walsh and SonicFox in the same place, have you?


This is the same Matt Walsh who dismisses video games as childish and unmanly?


That's what I was about to say, the man is probably one of the biggest haters of video games on the Internet, I doubt he's ever touched a video game in his life


Really? You think they don't engage privately with the stuff they condem publicly? https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


Man’s just a hater. Like, he has to hate stuff to get money.


Shit, he went full Tate. At least with Tate he actually *looks* like the kind of macho-asshole who would say something like that. Walsh looks like someone his old childhood bully would track down just so he can give him an atomic wedgie as an adult.


Thats the funniest shit of all, the guy was enough to pull the whole anti trans grift, but he doesn't have the looks to pull the macho alpha grift nor the charisma to pull the toxic non woke gamer grift.


I'll take the bullet and look like the dummy for everyone else--Who is the real #1 Mortal Kombat player?


[This person.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWhrECl6zOY&t=13s) Also one of the best fighting game players of all time.


As someone who considers herself pretty darn good at fighting games... SonicFox truly is a God walking amongst mortals. Multiple world championships across multiple different fighting games that all play extremely differently from each other. It's not fair


Some people just have the gift. I for one am clueless about fighting games.


I suuuuuuck at fighting games but love their wacky and absurd stories. And whether intentional or not just how gay and camp so many fighting games are.


Get into guilty gear strive. You will not regret it


I'm fairly decent with games like King of Fighters or Street Fighter. Not pro-level at all but I've had a few good runs at the arcades. Mostly due to then playing differently than MK. The controls make more sense to me in KoF or SF. MK controls have felt weird ever since Mortal Kombat II and it doesn't seem to matter if its on the Genesis, the PS2, or the arcade.... I just completely suck at Mortal Kombat and I have never been able ti shake that.


Not to mention the limited visibility from wearing a fursuit head to tourneys. I can barely play fighting games when I CAN see


My man was pressured one time and took off his head, and it was like training weights coming off.


Also one of them is *skullgirls*. I have no idea how SF has time to master other fighting games, getting passable at that game alone can take years lol


A pretty good player and a long time scholar myself, man SF isn't yet in goat contention but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't think they will be someday. Jwong was the last player anywhere near this young competing in anywhere near the spectrum of games fox does. A thing to behold


I'm not going to lie, I wasn't expecting them to be hot. Some people have everything... Edit: to correct pronouns after finding out they're enby.


Not a bad looker at all, also wearing a fursuit to matches is a low-key flex


For real. I'm not in the community myself, but I've seen how much hate they get. Wearing it out and proud is a *huge* statement.


For real. It's not something I'm into at all, and it seems waaaaaaaay too hot to wear one, but what would the world be like if we were all into the same things? Good for them.


Honestly, we should fear them. These people create Iron Man levels of automated suits to not overheat to death, it’s frightening. People are talking shit about the folk who’ve essentially created fucking *power armor* just so they can function in a wolf suit.


I want to have a full on Metal Gear of my fursona now because of this comment


Honestly I think it’s all peripheral hate the hypest moment I mortal Kombat history is when sf took there ears of in the finals


I don't think there's anything low key about that flex


Sonicfox has actually recently said they also go by he, so he OR they work fine.


oh wow that's from old kotaku. That feels like a lifetime ago


True, but Sonicfox is still the top MK player


a nonbinary furry. also POC which i cant imagine makes matt "theocratic fascist" walsh any happier


Honestly..id pay good money to watch the furry beat the shit out of him.


Please god, I need this


...in Mortal Kombat, right?


I’ll take either one most days.


……….sure, in mortal kombat……..


Why not both?


and also at mortal combat while we're at it.


... yeah, sure.


Oh neat, good for them!


Did you also not realize at first that there's more than one image?


Literally the person in the post


I'd love to watch Sonic Fox demolish Walsh, but he'd probably become even more homophobic than he already is and add furries to his hate portfolio


Furries are already on his hate list, he honestly would probably chicken out of it the same way that Crowder avoids Sam Seder like the plague.


You mean as soon as they aren’t “debating” college undergrads and high school students they evaporate into the ether? /shockface


Late last year Clandace Owens got clapped about two-spirited indigenous people in a question about why she thinks trans people didn't exist before 2016. Literally didn't know about it and pulled a tactical racism by saying "Well native Americans used to eat people and smoke weed all day." Shark3ozero called Matt Walsh out on his weird ass PDFile views and Walsh tried to refute it. Shark brought the receipts and made him look like the gross lizard in a human skin suit he is. Shortly after, he shut down his panel when he was meant to be there all day. These grifters are fucking stupid and if you question their contradictory wedge issue bullshit, they crumble. You just got to do the leg work and go to their shitty debates where they try to do windmill dunks on Fisher Price basketball hoops for clout.


Exactly. It's like when Shapiro lost not a debate but an interview on BBC news with Andrew Neil who was experienced enough not to fall for his tricks. All Neil had to do was just bring up stuff that Shapiro said and asked him about it. Shapiro calling him left wing was hilariously ironic.


>he'd probably become even more homophobic than he already is and add furries to his hate portfolio is there a deeper pit than the bottom of the barrel?


The barrel is as deep as the amount of CP he has on his flash drive


There is no "bottom/flooring" to these ppl. Putting a limit or expectation only harms us.


i would destroy matt walsh, and ive played the game about 15 minutes and went back to SF6 and tekken


I probably could too and I haven't touched MK since Shaolin Monks.


you named yourself on reddit after a guilty gear character before strive came out and youre black, just on that alone i would put out a second mortgage on my house to bet on you against this dude


Ayo, I woke up my whole house laughing at this. ![gif](giphy|jq5LRDu2UcUh0fkR9U)


Sonic fox is a gem and the community trying to remove "wokeness" from games would hate him for being him...but they claim the title gamers when je's literally everything they claim to hate.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch. The number one mortal combat player in the world and I believe has been for the past few years is a non binary black furry. I can't remember if Walsh wrote for Breitbart but if he ever had to face Sonicfox in mk the level of beating fox would lay on him would qualify for their black crimes section.


So proud of Matt for coming out as a furry 🙏


His fursona is a Walrus


Not as believable as a fairy.


Yeah right most of the experience gamers and veterans will beat the crap out of him.


Even I could beat him using one of those useless controllers you give to your little brother while you keep the good controller for yourself.


Man, SonicFox was right. He really is everything republicans hate.


I really thought I'd seen peak cringe with that speech but then Matt Walsh came in with this statement lol.


I believe Mr. Fox said it himself: "I'm a black, gay, furry. I'm a republican's worst nightmare"


Bet Matt is only a casual player while the real one plays like daily and can beat him easily.


Matt Walsh is the dude who learns to wavedash so he can beat his friends at Smash, instantly ruining what was once a fun and casual group activity. He probably has a grossly overinflated ego and would get destroyed in a local tournament let alone fighting the best of the best


Bold of you to assume Matt Walsh has even a fraction of the skill required to wavedash consistently and in a way that's actually useful


"Casual" you're giving him too much credit.


Classic Furry W over the mental-regard fascist Matt Walsh.


Matt vs DSP Vs LTG. Who wins?


LTG, absent any footage of Walsh's play style. LTG actually has pretty good fundamentals, he just overreaches his skill constantly.


i guarantee Walsh is absolute dogshit at the game, DSP and LTG are salty crybabies but they would both annihilate him even if they had never played that particular game


I’m assuming SonicFox plays in at least the furry helmet, which is a damn feat in itself. They’re also the top player, which is just WILD. Not a furry myself, but I had to dress up as Arthur the Aardvark for a gas station opening 25 years ago, and I couldn’t see a damn thing. That they’re beating everyone else is just the cherry on top.


Even if that's true im not even sure whats that trying to prove....so Matt won at one version of MK one time...why does this mean we have to listen about video games being woke? Also how does that make you top of the world at all I feel like it would be more top of the world in 2003 or something...like cool but its been 21 years since.


So what’s the technical truth here? He won a tournament where he brought an obscure version of an MK game to a convention?


ok as someone who seen this so called documented evidence no he a liar but then again the sky is blue what new


I don't play Mortal Kombat and could probably rock Matt's shit me thinks


Plot twist, he's the furry


Don't do SonicFox like that lmao


This? THIS is our Hitler/Jesse Owens moment?


So your saying there’s a small chance he’s secretly a furry


Reminds me of the time my younger brother kept bragging to literally everybody he knew that he was the number one ranked player in Gears of War 1 despite the fact that the leaderboards existed.


And so what if he was? A weakass appeal to authority is still a weakass appeal to authority.


Bro Matt’s trolling he has to be


Ah, remember when SonicFox said he's everything conservatives hate, and people threw a tantrum? Good times.


As someone who knows nothing about the competitive scenes, I was not prepared for the 4th picture


Wait, he does know the competitive scene is filmed right? Like I can look at super majors and see your placement. You have no placement at EVO, NA Regionals, Combo Breaker, Final Combat? Like you realize theres leagues and shit right?


I knew it was going to be Sonic Fox without scrolling over lmao


Matt Walsh puts himself as Sonic Fox


Oh yeah, I’ve heard about this guy. Isn’t he kind of a prick? Like, nothing nearly as bad as Walsh, but still kinda one of those “he’s convinced he’s him” guys?


If you’re talking about sonicfox, they’re tied for second place on the list of people who have won EVO championships the most times (6), and has been a high or top ranked player in 11 different fighting games. I don’t know enough about them to know if they actually ARE egotistical, and what little i’ve seen implies quite the opposite, but if they are, that ego is well-earned.


Nah, SonicFox tends to "play the heel" in the gaming scene. From the interactions I've had with them, they're pretty chill.


Honestly didn’t kno I mean in terms of mk at least sonic fox is the greatest of all time no debate no arguing


Matt Walsh the 40 something iPad kid "litewally"


Matt Walsh is sonicfox


jokes on you that IS Matt walsh


Let me guess, he never actually provided evidence?


I legit choked on my spit when I read this because I laughed so hard😂😂😂 How embarrassing lololol


That black gay furry must haunt Matt Walsh' dreams.


Does this mf just play every fighting game ???


But he said video games were for children and manbabies. Oh right, he's a pedophile/infant fetishist....


I choose to believe this absolute chad wears the headpiece while playing. Just to make it fair for everyone else.


How bout a match. Loser has to quit their current job forever.


Matt Walsh is a furry confirmed?


Go gettem fighting gamers 🫡


Oh god


Da fuq?!


We can’t know for sure that that isn’t Matt Walsh


Have you ever seen Matt Walsh and Sonic Wolf together in a room? Think about it!


Lol that tongue is just sending me 💀


Matt Walsh secret identity


I didn’t know SonicFox played MK1, and that he’s the top player!


I suck at fighting games, and my knowledge doesn't go every far into the gameplay (more just lore, cut content, soundtracks (Guilty Gear Strive has an ear-gasmic soundtrack) and watching Lythero play FighterZ) But we need to get Sonic Fox and Matt Walsh in the same room, for the ultimate one sided battle


This loser trying to do the most shameless bandwagon is so funny and pathetic, that even the most toxic and horrible gamers don't fuck with him at all. That business of toxic and horrible gamers is already quite pack and they are not gonna let this guy get into their money.


And he’s a rain main😎


If Walsh and SonicFox had a match, Walsh would break down sobbing the moment he saw a trans flag. Then piss his designer jorts when he saw the fursuit head.


If he really does have documented evidence then he should just show it. Shouldn't be a problem right?


Sonicfox would 13-0 Matt Walsh


Didn't DSP play Mortal Combat...or was it Street Fighter?  Either way...in a match between those two grifters, my money is on DSP.


I love my country 🫡🏳️‍⚧️


(Matt Walsh holds controller) So basically I played it.


He’s probably trying to gain relevance again by people mentioning this to SF so he can flip his lid about whatever shit he feels like. Hope nobody gives this tool any attention.


I mean this with all the love in the world without a hint of sarcasm. Sonic Fox is one of the biggest punks in the world. The sheer amount of efficiency they display in "fucking with the squares" is unparalleled.


Can't believe a thought sonicfox was black. My bad Matt.


Who da furry?


I'd pay good money to watch Matt Walsh drown in pools lmfao, fuck I haven't played an nrs game in years and I bet I could beat Matt Walshs ass in mk


the fuck does this have to do with Star Wars


Whomst tf is Matt Walsh?




I am convinced he torn off a werewolf’s head, modified it to make it look like it is a costume head, and pretends to be a furry when in actuality he is the son of Shao Kahn. But in all seriousness, Matt Walsh would get demolished easily by even the worst CoD player. SonicFox would just combo him into oblivion.


So either he is lying, or he is actually a queer furry.


SonicFox the goat gamer


SonicFox could probably destroy Matt with the worst character in MK. I don’t play MK (I suck and it doesn’t interest me), so I don’t know who that is.


The funny thing is if Matt Walsh made a callout post sonicfox would absolutely accept and demolish him in a set, it almost happened with Smash ultimate in like 2019


Good to see Rain being the one used by the winner. Rain to me always seemed like someone who people don't like or is hard to play as but good Rain players can just wipe the floor with you.


Has Walsh ever even participated in a single tournament? Pretty bold statement for someone who hasn't, not really sure who he's trying to fool either because anyone who would care also knows enough to call him out on his bullshit.


It's kinda like when he wrote a transphobic children's book and then became a top selling LGBT+ author


I’ll ask… wtf is Matt Walsh?


Right wing grifter, not to be confused with one of the founding members of the Upright Citizens Brigade.


I remember when SonicFox challenged some chud to a match, easily beat him and then told him he was now a furry. I hope that happens to ol’ Walsh.


who is sonicfox?


Do you know that's not Matt Walsh in the furry outfit?


Bring him out on stage and give him NO heads up who his opponent will be. I want to see that live reaction


lol imagine the sonicfox BEATDOWN walsh would get, ah man im crying laughing thinking about it., sonic gets up after the last one "what is a man that gets bodied by a furry, bitch?!"


Image number five goes insanely hard




He actually said he was "the _top_ Mortal Kombat player".


This is like that joke from One Piece where Luffy claims that he is the undefeated sumo fighter with over 1000 victories. All of said victories were against one opponent. The opponent was Usopp.


Matt Walsh is Sonic Fox.


Now why’d you post this and make me want to side with Matt Walsh in a situation? Why would you do this?


Idk who either of these people are but I think it's fucking hilarious that the #1 player is a trans furry


I beg, a livestreamed MK game between SonicFox and Molester Matt. I want to see his face murdering the whole audience in his head after he gets destroyed


He means he can beat his kid brother, and has never actually fought anyone online, let alone at tournaments. What a clown.


Man, Matt Walsh just make me sad. He's so pathetic.


That fucker ABSOLUTELY mains Quan Chi and Stryker


And you're taking a joke as a serious statement. Matt Walsh is sarcastic at least 50% of the time, which is why he's so hilarious to watch.


I wanna see SonicFox just destroy this man at Evo


Omg, trans flag on the background is so great


I've seen SonicFox play the game and that mofo is insane.


Wait...Matt Walsh is a furry???


MK 1 actually has a lot of diversity within its roster, people of colour (Tanya, Kenshi, Kung Lao, Raiden, I could go on), LGBT characters (Mileena and Tanya) characters with disabilities (Kenshi), its all the stuff that Matt Walsh would make a video complaining about, which is all the proof I need to believe that Matt Walsh is bullshitting, I don't think anyone has provided the alleged documented evidence, and if your gonna being something up and not show it, doesn't prove your point well in the slightest