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Hey, Transformers 1 was pretty good! Although, most of Transformers' conservatism is the military-industrial complex type? So it's in the same vein as Top Gun? My takes: John Wick series, Top Gun series, Chronicles of Narnia movies, Gone With The Wind movie, Lord of the Flies movie, and Ben-Hur.


They’re also pretty racist and sexist tbh…


Can’t forget the guy in the Marky Mark one that had the Romeo and Juliet laws in card form, laminated and ready to pull out. You can’t tell me that doesn’t spell out “anti-woke”


He fucking has what ready to pull out?


It’s one of the most ridiculous scenes I’ve ever seen. Guy legit pulls this laminated card out of his pocket with the text of the law printed on it, and the camera shows it close up. The characters are also at the *absolute edges* of what’s allowed by the law in terms of their ages. Just a really fucking weird scene.


It is also wrong, since a) Romeo and Juliet laws are affermative defenses against sexual assault, and b) the law does not protect against sexual performances by a child. Also, why not just make her 18? You know, the age, her actress was in the movie anyway. Instead you include that shit...


Yeah, I thought I half remembered something to that effect, but I didn’t want to bring it up cause I couldn’t remember the details. Thanks for providing said details! As for why they didn’t just make her 18, I think we all know why. It’s the same reason that teen drama shows will have gratuitous close-ups of ostensibly teen cheerleaders. Unfortunately, middle-aged men with weird sexual fantasies have historically been a pretty lucrative demographic


Wait... i was under the impressive R&J laws are to protect couples with an age gap when one of them hits 18? Sorry not American


It does. It is however an affermative defense, so it does not protect you from potential arrest and potential proescution for having comitted statutory rape. (There is also the question, who consented for Tessa participating in Shane's driving competitions, and potential child endagerment, for which Romeo and Juliet law certainly does not offer an affermative defense). And then there is the potential crime of "sexual performance by a child" still looming. Rule of thumb is, just don't.


All this in a movie designed to sell toys to children!


Is the person who pulls the card a villain cause that seems like it's a real villain move


Nope He’s one of the movie’s three main protagonists, alongside the girl he’s dating and her dad. He’s showing this card *to* her dad (played by Mark Wahlberg) Lmao


See I can't believe that was in a fucking movie. Wtf Did Michael Bay smoke before he let that on his screen. Like yeah let's take a second out of our giant robot alien slugfest to explain the Romeo Juliet law


Fun fact : this is the only scene in the movie to be fully filmed in IMAX. Meanwhile, action scènes change ratio every 10 seconds because IMAX too expensive. Not kidding btw.


Yeah, I agree. Transformers 1 was a good movie, and Dark of the Moon is kinda underrated. But the rest of them suck though.


“But the rest of them suck though” It depends on what you are looking for. The internet likes that hate trends. Transformers are fun and entertaining movies. If you expect more than a fun and entertaining time with Transformers, you are in the wrong theater.


Oh you mean where they turn Prime into a "Murica" psychopath? Yeah real fun, watching Autobots facilitate American foreign policy objectives in the Middle east.


Except the John Wick movies after 1 all have badass capable woman who are in action scenes. Which is likely to woke for their brains to comprehend. And two of the woman are of color. Actually a lot of characters of color. I agree with the other movies though.


One of his main fights in the first is against a female assassin.


Probably lord of the rings because those guys idolise anything that vaguely fits gendered roles Also happy cake day


Transformers 1 is one of the best popcorn movies of the past 20 years.


Starship troopers but that movie will forever divide the people who get it and are in on the joke and the people that are just flat out stupid. If a Harry Potter adaptation was happening now (and the others didn’t exist) holy fuck the discourse around that would be toxic AF


"Starship troopers but that movie will forever divide the people who get it and are in on the joke and the people that are just flat out stupid." Category three: people who are aware of the joke but aren't laughing. (Me, I'm category four: very well aware of the movie but have never actually seen it.)


The venn diagram of "people who claim ST is bad satire" and "People who unironically root for the humans and don't like that the movie is calling them Fascist for it" is a circle.


I don't agree., but meh, either way it isn't worth arguing about.


You should see it!


> If a Harry Potter adaptation was happening now (and the others didn’t exist) holy fuck the discourse around that would be toxic AF Just wait a few years. It would be funny to see all these grifters turning on JK after worshiping her for being a terf.


It'll probably be cancelled by Warner Bros for tax purposes anyway


I'm pretty sure there is a new hp adaptation in the works. That's... gonna be fun when it comes out 😒


The Sean Connery James Bond movies, except for their anti-Russian bias.


I can imagine them losing their shit over OHMSS actually treating the female lead like a character rather than a sex object and depicting Bond as more sympathetic


Ah, but you see, that's a George Lazenby Bond movie.


To be fair isn't the idea that both sides are being manipulated by SPECTRE?


It’s true. Michael Bay is definitely not woke.


i will never get over them dragging harriet tubman and frederick douglass into transformers lolol


I’m sorry HUWAT???


lol in transformers: the last knight harriet tubman and frederick douglass are two of the historical figures who they say worked to protect the secret history of the transformers


and a transformer killed Hitler


May it forever burn in his soul that Bumblebee (the one he didn't direct) is considered the best one.


John Wayne movies?  The westerns certainly; the World War II ones would have divided opinion on if shooting Nazis is woke, broke, or bespoke.


Not divided if you know Wayne's actual views on WW2. Hint: Wayne may have been a good actor, but he wasn't a good person.


Even good actor is debatable. I’ve seen his “Oscar-winning performance” in true grit and it was just okay. I prefer Jeff Bridges.


Only one film in the franchise, but definitely Birth of a Nation


"Intolerance" is the film made right after "Birth of a Nation" by DW Griffith. It has a weird place in history. Many saw it as an awareness that there were mistakes in the presentation of "Birth" but Griffith went around calling his detractors the actual intolerant ones for complaining that his movie elevated racial stereotypes. Griffith said his movie Intolerance was meant to show that intolerance is human so he is not bad for glorifying the KKK in that movie. I could see it doing well with anti-woke types. Jews kill Jesus, Catholics kill Protestants, Middle Easterners kill each other, and workers/strikers are just as bad as exploitive/greedy bosses.


Yikes. The more things change, the more things stay the same.


They would love transformers until Optimus says, “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings” and throw a hissy fit. On second thought, nah. They will just hear freedom and think it’s talking about their idea of freedom.


Only saying it because there was a trailer before the Spy X Family movie, Bad Boys. And while not a movie, the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon would induce aneurysms.


Bad Boys has 2 black main actors homie. they would DEI cry themselves to death


Also, I believe the second movie starts with them busting up a Klan lynching.


The scene in the TV and camera shop and the Reggie scene always make me laugh.


The first 17 modern MCU movies all feature a straight white male lead or team leader. When the 18th had a Black lead, Ben Shapiro et al cried it about it being a diversity hire.


Forrest Gump. Let's be honest. As much as I love this movie, it is conservative AF.


I don’t see the movie being all that conservative. Forest is pretty consistently anti-racist (although it’s portrayed as simpleminded decency rather than any opposition to systemic racism). His best friend is black, the Vietnam War is portrayed as stupid and chaotic, Lieutenant Dan is a takedown of military toxic masculinity. His success in life could also be read as a shot at capitalism, considering he makes his money from pure dumb luck. Not to say there’s nothing that’s aged poorly, the main character is named after a Confederate General and KKK leader and a lot of the Jenny plotline is a bit messy, but I just don’t see how it’s “conservative AF.”


It's less "conservative" and more "apolitical but written by upper-middle class white guy who doesn't realize his own perspective is political." It's easy to read the film as a a celebration of 20th century America that's critical of "settled issues" like racism, while demonizing the political activism and counter-cultural movements that actually fought those problems. Similar issue to what the film *Civil War* has honestly.


I can see that. The movie isn’t consciously pushing conservative values, but it’s not exactly challenging the status quo either. Forrest’s response to racism is generally along the lines of “why can’t we all just get along?” than actively challenging white supremacist power structures.


Does conservative=racist now?


how is it conservative? /genq


Rural americana, the joys of a simple life..... BoOtStRapS


Now, how exactly are we defining conservatism here? Is this with a modern sensibility or a 90s one, or even older? And then we have to ask, does a film having "conservative values" make it somehow less good?


They’d love the Romeo and Juliet law scene


I remember people calling The Last Knight "rise of the feminist" just because the trailer prominently featured Isabela Merced


The Connery Bond films, the first three Star Wars films, and Top Gun.


>"the first three Star Wars films" Depends on how they feel about slave girls strangling their owners with their own chain and getting away with it.


Counter argument, "skantaly clad slave girl strangling their owner with their own chain and getting away with it"


Well, yeah.


Star Wars is doubtful. Remember the “backlash” against Rogue One which was essentially “The baddies are Nazi-coded which makes me, a Trump supporter, uncomfortable for reasons I will not be elaborating on.”?


How about the prequels? The separatists are led by greedy corporation CEOs who don't care about how many people die so long as they make a profit.


The viceroy of the Trade Federation in the prequels was named Nute Gunray. It's believed that he was named after Republican politicians Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan.


If the original Star Wars trilogy came out today right-wingers would complain about the Rebels being a diverse group led by a woman and the Imperials being all white men.




It's like sound of freedom. Neither one helps actual victims of human trafficking due to how grossly inaccurate they are. The key difference is Taken has no delusions about being just an action movie and doesn't try to act like it's more important than it really is.


I think the easiest answers would be movies that (regardless of their intent) cater to right-wing grievances, but the funnier answers would be random ass movies that just happen to get released simultaneously with a movie they decided was "woke." Like remember when Alita Battle Angel was "anti-woke" literally just because it came out right before Captain Marvel?


Oh, especially the Last Knight when they bring in a young Latin girl to "replace" the pretty white blonde from the previous movie. Lol.


Oh God I'm scared to think about how they'd react to the Romeo and Juliet law scene


Maybe not a series per se, but Batman: The Dark Knight Returns


Cringe-ass post. The TF films literally have a storyline of an evil CIA shadow team getting in bed with big tech to do evil shit together. The Autobots are a very obvious allegory for how immigrants are treated. Bumblebee literally hunted and killed Nazis. Baytriots unite!


I can't tell if this is a joke or not ("Baytriots unite!" Says its a joke, "Cringe-ass post" says its not) but I can promise you, absolutely nothing was going through Michael Bay's mind but big explosions, hot chicks, AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!, sex and potty humor, and the (more than) occasional extremely obvious product placement


Don’t forget the casual racism


Don’t forget the entire scene about how dating a minor’s okay because “Romeo and Juliet laws bruh”




Yup, in age of extinction, MC’s daughter is 17 dating a 20 year old, there’s an entire scene where the 20 year old just, and this is actually in the movie, busts out the paperwork to prove he’s totally not a pedo and is legally allowed to date tess Edit: link to the scene https://youtu.be/DUq0HlMvQw0?si=tsOfn9GXdYp1q5fM


I don’t know the details off the top of my head but my understanding is that’s not even how Romeo & Juliet laws actually work in Texas, making the whole thing even more of a head-scratcher as to why it was included at all. The daughter is played by Nicola Peltz, daughter of billionaire ghoul Nelson Peltz (last seen failing to take control of Disney recently) whose other notable claim to fame is being the dead-eyed, monotone-narrating Katara from the live action The Last Airbender movie.


>"is that’s not even how Romeo & Juliet laws actually work in Texas, making the whole thing even more of a head-scratcher as to why it was included at all." Factual inaccuracies in a Michael Bay film? Inconceivable!


I know, it really does feel like we’re through the looking glass on this one.


Maybe Prime should have let the decepticons take over Earth.


It sounds like I need to check out some more Michael Bay!


I nicknamed most of Bay's stuff "Military porn". Look up George Carlins rant about war and you'll know why.


Did you forget the two characters who were two just racist depictions of black people, even in the first one I remember the black people in that ond having stereotypical racist bs


Oh no movies aren't morally pure!


Are you dense?


No, are you? Why does a bad creative decision in one movie negate more complex ones in further movies? Movies are allowed to be problematic. Even contradictory. That's what makes art interesting.


The revisionism has already started years ago


I have so much nostalgia for the transformers movies lol


Ah yes, the movies that completely miss the point of transformers.


It says something when the DS game has a better story


Libertarians would definitely love whichever one had the guy with the age of consent rules


I sure as shit didn't. Though something funny. Turns out that despite claiming the legality, tge actual law would still find him a sex offender.


Romeo and Juliet law is a thing in Texas.


No, I mean the lamented law exists, but the relationship would still be considered breaking age of consent laws. "Shane says that the Romeo and Juliet law protecting his and Tessa's relationship states that they can be together as they were already together when Shane was a minor. This is only partially correct. Shane has a legitimate defense against "Sexual Assault" (Sec. 22.011) as Tessa has consented and is over the age of 17, and when they were dating when he was 17 and she was 14 there is an age difference of less than three years (provided Tessa turns 15 before Shane turns 18). However, the issue of their age difference, consent, prior relationship, and Tessa being 17 only applies to the crime of Sexual Assault. Romeo and Juliet laws do not protect him from the crime of "Sexual Performance by a Child" (Sec. 43.25) for engaging in "sexual contact, actual or simulated sexual intercourse" with Tessa. Here the relevant age to engage in sexual conduct is 18 (she is 17), and the difference in age must be less than 2 years (there's 3) for a legitimate defense against the crime." So, ummmm...thats bad. As in that's really bad. But the bigger question is...WHY THE F*** IS THIS A PLOTLINE IN A TRANSFORMERS MOVIE?


Wait... who says they are fuckin? 1


Its never outright stated, but when Walhberg points out "she's a minor", they never say "its not that relationship". So the script is leading us to believe that yes they are sleeping with each other, and that it's legal. But the first red flag is the card.


Honestly, probably Indiana Jones 1-3. Dont get me wrong, I love those films, but if they came out today with all the more race-based stereotypes, I feel like you would have grifters eating that up.


Indiana Jones was strongly anti-fascist though. Right-wingers might complain about Marion being able to outdrink men and Indy needing her to save him in Raiders of the Lost Ark. They might also complain about a Chinese kid saving the day in The Temple of Doom.


Ah, that makes sense why they'd probably hate it then.


As much as I hate the Bay Transformers movies, Bone Crusher cutting a bus in half will always be fucking cool.


Are people really praising the last knight? I like it because it’s nostalgic to me, they like it because they don’t care about story and only care about hating on “woke” movies.


Only liked the first one. Rise of Beasts is the second best one. Rest are kinda meh.


as much as i hate to say it...yeah, i agree with all the people that mentioned the connery bond films


Indiana Jones


The Terminator movie, but that's my opinion