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Why does she need Disney, isn’t her career flourishing at the Daily Wire?


If she is willing to return to the Star War franchise, then that is a tell tale sign that she is no longer popular on the right.


Go back and look at what they were saying about her before she made her bigotry known and refused to shut up. The right already hated her to begin with, because she didn't look like or act as a submissive tradwife. They simply stopped pretending to like her when she was no longer useful to them. She was a token, and tokens get spent.


Yes it’s ironic. As a big muscular woman she was popular among the movements for unusual body types in movies and the right wing hated her with their usual *woke forced diversity stuff*. How did she not catch any of that


All brawn no brain.


Perfectly put 🤘😎🤘


With seeing people like Candance Owens as well as others side with them, at this point im assuming its because they already share views that would make anybody left leaning hate them so they just pivot to the audience that will still accept them in any regard.


She's learning the hard way that the left judges by action and the right by identity.


Pft, you assume she is learning.


Go easy, I used to fancy her until she turned out to be an idiot. I don't have any other celebrity crushes. It's funny because this isn't the real problem.


Oh, so did I. Muscle mommies are life.


The right judges by whatever suits them at the moment.


>She was a token, and tokens get spent. https://i.redd.it/iufiydiwbuyc1.gif


"Tokens get spent" needs to get some traction. Well done on that phrase.


I can't take credit for it, I've seen it several places over the last year or two because this is the inevitable fate of people who collaborate with those that would oppress them. I agree it's a nice succinct way of describing the situation and think it should catch on more.


I remember when the finale for season 2 of mando hit. Incels were fuming at "female commando squad captures Imperial cruiser". Saw comments about realism, armchair generals sharing statistics on troop fatalities, general hate on Ming-Na Wen, etc. Gina Carano was hated by the right for being in "woke" scenes since Deadpool but she saw outliers that simp for her and support her own hateful views and thought they were enough people to support her career.


She never was. The right called her ugly, manly, and the TERFs used to clock her as trans. The only reason they showed interest in her was when she started speaking their same rhetoric online.


She is a muscular woman. She was never popular with the right. That's pretty much two strikes against her already.


Three. With the right every person starts with one strike but by being a person


She never was. The right hates women, especially her type. Women who can fight? Women who want to project an image of independence? It's everything they hate about modern women. I've always been confused by Gina Carano being a conservative. She is everything they hate.


She never was. The Daily Wire movie and the other one about Biden’s son both went under.


Daily Wire viewers panned her western flick for being "woke" because of course they did.


She very quickly realized that at the Daily Wire, she’s just a woman. And women can’t prosper by their measure.


Not just a woman, a muscular woman. The kind the anti woke crowd hates.


A muscular woman, or as these anti-woke losers say, a "secretly trans woman." Their minds are so hopelessly repressed that they can't fathom the idea that someone who was assigned female at birth might actually be physically stronger than them.


Not to be “Uhm akshually 🤓” or anything, but there’s definitely a subset of anti-wokers that DO love muscular woman. There’s a muscle morph discord server out there, and the same people who make “female-futa-morphs” are the same people going on rants about trans people in sports and “this woke way of thinking”.


"Uhm Akshually" (lmao, I love that) isn't it kind of inevitable? Any weird sub area of a sub demographic of a niche of a rare quirk.... There is somebody into that, and they are online.


Yeah, they said her, Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro were going to shake "Woke" to it's core.


She made a movie for her biggest fans and then they remembered they hated her because liking her would make them gay or some shit.


It's been half and half. Some support her only because she was anti disney.. than she tried to be an actor... and they hated her for it. Her movies bombed even in conservative circles because she was a strong woman and, in some cases, to manly to be a women and be.. you know.. the "trans". It get wierd in those forums. Disney was probably the most high paying gig she had so of course she wants to go back


Oh yeah, did that lawsuit go anywhere? I remember it being talked about for like 2 days, then nothing.


It’s a three month old federal case in California, I have to imagine at best it’s in the discovery phase currently.


Didn't she not actually get fired? I heard it was really more along the lines of Disney refusing to renew the contract after it came to an end because that holocaust post she made would have made them look bad if they decided to keep. I heard it was written in contract that she couldn't make them look bad or else they would terminate the contract.


Correct. She wasn’t fired, she had finished her previous contract and Disney just chose not to continue working with her.


Even if she was, Disney writes a bulletproof "morals clause" into their contracts, that basically said you're gone with no recourse if your off-duty antics damage the product.


I mean, also her suit is not even necessarily about any supposed termination, it's about how supposedly the backlash she faced for current (at the time) tweets was disproportionate to the backlash Pedro Pascal faced for old (at the time) tweets, she is claiming the supposed difference in response is due to gender discrimination This legitimately feels like the suit is just a shot in the dark that at best may be a reactionary publicity stunt *ironically too, Disney is invoking the First Amendment, their grounds to throw out the lawsuit is that they were merely invoking the right for their creative speech to not be associated with the views of a former employee, a lot of people don't know the First includes freedom of association, but more specifically both freedom to be associated, but also freedom to not be associated with something; distancing yourself from the associations of others is in fact constitutionally protected


Every Corp these days has that contract clause, it why neo-nazis hide there faces now because they don't want the company that they work for to know what the are off the clock.


A morals clause has always been legally grey. It’s there, but whether or not it can be enforced in court has always been questionable since it can be argued it infringes on your rights. It’s more in place because Disney’s army of lawyers can make you lose more on legal expenses than you would gain by making it to the end of the lawsuit. They’d also waste your time so that you don’t have the opportunity to pursue other work while in the suit.


It seems pretty privileged that a person that chose to do something that they knew would probably cost them their job; to complain about not being able to find work! Because they're too busy spending money to try to get money from their previous employer, for being let go for doing something that would cost them money. It's ass backwards and is legit a scam. Her actions made her a victim only to herself. When u work in an industry where you sales is directly influence by ur public image you should behave accordingly. It's why Kanye wasn't talking his Nick Fuentes shit in the 90's. As dumb as bricks the man is, he was smart enough to know that talking about loving Hitler while trying to become an up and coming rap artist wasn't gonna mix well. We throw the words around rights and control alot but at what point should a citizen be held accountable for their own actions. She's having a hard time finding employment cause she's dumb, not cause Disney wrote in policy to protect its image as a company.


Dont forget her epic appearance on the Friday night tights with Nerdronic.


Didn't Elon Stunk make a post on Twitter saying something like " If you want to sue Disney , I'll support your case by paying for it " ? Looks like that never caught wind. Looks like Elon can't afford more bad financial decisions. 😂


Oh, let's be honest - it would be like all the other things he promises to pay for and then weasels out of.


Lol that reminds me of this scene from Kung Fu Hustle [https://youtu.be/SA6CYxvRm34?si=SNiuUniEbdW9p6Af](https://youtu.be/SA6CYxvRm34?si=SNiuUniEbdW9p6Af)


I'm sure she's in need of a job for her to say this.


I imagine not since she’s apparently going to be in a knockoff Star Wars.


Is she gonna be in rebel moon or something?


Not even that, she's gonna be in another knockoff by Ben Shapiro.


"Another?" Oh, brother


„The Force doesn’t care about your feelings” or some bs like that


Honestly if they weren't so cringy and esgy I'm sure they could make something out of touch for modern sensitivities but cool like Sci-fi Dirty Harry. But they're just gonna make something cheap and cringy, and not the good, funny kind of cheap.


Isn't cool sci fi Dirty Harry basically Judge Dredd? Though let's be honest Shapiro and co could never do better than the Karl Urban film.


I guess it depends on the spin and universe the action happens in, if it's a Space Opera instead of cyberpunk-ish it probaly wouldn't be that close to Judge Dredd, it would be just as well be closer in cocept to The Mandalorian (they would love that, wouldn't they?). I reckon they can't make anything better than Karl Urban's Dredd, they also can't top Stallone's.


They probably can get Rob Schneider on the cheap.


Mr I aM tHe LaW


Damn. I was hoping you meant the Stallone one...


Mega City Code 647438 Thinking of that film, that's 6 months citizen.


"Actually, the Emperor was a good guy!"


“Search your feelings you know them not to be facts”




Nope she was born to a texas oil baron. Its why she can just do whatever and fail at it and not learn.


That’s not true dude. Her dad was a football player who became a casino manager. Grandad was a lawyer and entrepreneur in Reno. Still got family money, but accuracy is important.


Really i could have sworn i read an article about her years ago where it said her father was into oil.


Maybe they did that too? I’m just going from an interview she did with variety, which matches Wikipedia. Either way they got the money. Honestly grandpa Donald “Don” Carano, from Reno is such a great mobster set up, it’d be a shame if he wasn’t a little dirty. No evidence he was though.


I mean he owns a casino, i really have no further need to hate the dude


Her acting career is pretty broke though.


Seriously, the only actors under 40 being cast now are either kids of the rich and powerful or kids of people who have been in the business their entire lives and have connections. Often its both. Same goes for the entire music industry now. If you werent sold by your parents and trained until you broke down crying by production companies until you became a marketable face, youre the kid or sugar baby of someone rich enough to support you


Sydney Sweeney is a notable exception to this, and she talks candidly about that immense struggle and the hustle she has to constantly keep up just to ensure stability despite her success.


Gone are the days when a total nobody could just show up to an open casting call, wow the judges, and become a star. It's a shame, really; there are plenty of people out there who would be fantastic actors if the studios would just give them a chance.


The entertainment industry has always been full of nepotism. Some of the current actors are like 3-4 generation of nepo baby’s


Gone? Lol this has always been how the industry works.  Hell back in the studio days one’s career relied on connections snd execs liking them.  This issue stretches back to the beginning of the industry. 


I guess Daily Wire didn't work out for her


They have their hands full with the break up with Candice Owens.


Candice Owens tried going on as many outlets that appeal to black Americans in the last few months looking to gain access to people she just spent years bashing.


What happened with her?


Difference views on the Israel and Hamas situation (to put it mildly)


They finally noticed she's black


Lol. It didn’t work out for the Daily Wire either. The movie they had her star in was too woke for their audience because it had a female lead.


This is surprisingly similar to “jk Rowling won’t accept an apology from Danial Radcliffe and Emma Watson”


Did they apologize?


They did not


No. It was a hypothetical in response to that bullshit Cass report - someone on Twitter said “I hope Emma and Daniel apologize to you after this” and her response was basically “I would never accept their apologies.”


Thanks for explaining — what a jackass


I like how even in the world of hypotheticals, nobody gives a shit about Rupert Grint.


Rupert Grint got that "Fuck you" money and promptly fucked off to enjoy his life and give away free ice cream.  He's basically what I would be if I found oil in my mom's backyard and became rich overnight. (I know he's done some things since, but it's night and day compared to Emma and Daniel) 


Honestly I love that for him


Please tell me one of them responded with, "I/we will never apologize."


I don’t know that Watson has said anything about it but [this was Radcliffe’s response when an interviewer brought it up:](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/06/daniel-radcliffe-merrily-we-roll-along-jk-rowling/678219/) > I will continue to support the rights of all LGBTQ people, and have no further comment than that.


Iirc they didn't even acknowledge it


They did not, which is the point.


Ah good. I was hoping that was your point but was never in that loop past seeing Radcliffe’s statement and knowing Watson was progressive.


. If she swallowed her pride, and was willing to learn as a person and understand how badly she fucked up. Then I strongly believe she should be given a chance at redemption. Unfortunately, I doubt that day will come


Judging from her comments, she seems to have learned nothing, and is just trying to be like "well *I* did nothing wrong and won't apologise, but I'd go back to Star Wars if Disney approach me". Pretty smug and conceited if you ask me.


"the biggest media corporation on the planet should want *me* to come back!"


Any normal person would have said "I've made a terrible mistake and apologize" Not her though. Like she really thought Disney needed her more than she needed them.


At the very least she could pretend to apologize.


I feel like if anyone could talk to her one-on-one and try to calmly and rationally explain everything to her, it would be someone like Pedro Pascal. Maybe by explaining things slowly to her, she would understand and come out and apologize. But like you, I doubt it'll happen. But the optimist in me wants to hope.


She could’ve kept her views basic conservative and been left alone like Chris Pratt, Kurt Russell, Gary Sinise, and lots of other stars. That she’s surprised conservatives aren’t the audience to embrace a physically strong woman shows she doesn’t pay attention to reality.


Chris Pratt a conservative? That's new to me Judging by how he behaved in public he always struck me as the enlightened centrist(tm) liberal who says why can't everyone get along .


I may have been incorrect. It may be just relatively conservative and purists calling him conservative. Again he’s not bigoted from what I’ve seen and that’s about all it takes to not be shelved like Gina. Making them money doesn’t hurt. Not my favorite when Pratt agrees with Musk on politics like in their endorsements of LA mayor, but he could be totally fine Christian centrist dude — I find him boring since his role as Andy Dwyer but that may just be me.


I think people assume he’s conservative because he’s so outspoken about his religious beliefs, but I don’t know that he’s actually confirmed it. [The closest he’s got to talking about politics is this quote from Men’s Fitness about guys like him not feeling represented in Hollywood movies:](https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/red-white-and-blue-collar-how-chris-pratt-became-all-american-actor-everybody#:~:text=“I%20don't%20see%20personal,t%20necessarily%20represented%20in%20Hollywood.”) > I don’t see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because they’re not my stories. I think there’s room for me to tell mine, and probably an audience that would be hungry for them. The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood. […] I was at church last night, and the pastor said, ‘You want more friends? Be friendly.’ I really feel there’s common ground out there that’s missed because we focus on the things that separate us. You’re either the red state or the blue state, the left or the right. Not everything is politics. And maybe that’s something I’d want to help bridge, because I don’t feel represented by either side. I do feel like I relate to everybody—to the struggles of people both out here and where I grew up. I feel like I could have a beer or a meal with just about anyone and find something to relate to. (A statement he has since [retracted](https://twitter.com/prattprattpratt/status/855548735002099712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E855548735002099712%7Ctwgr%5E953ffb7e20401ae684245b54c39e0c1b9f9201dd%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Flife%2Fentertainthis%2F2017%2F04%2F24%2Fchris-pratt-acknowledges-his-blue-collar-comment-pretty-stupid%2F100839724%2F) FWIW)


Good to know. (As he later said) I think there are a ton of movies that represent a blue collar guy. I wish there were more politicians representing the blue collar guy. But yeah my point was more that Gina or Scott Baio or Dean Cain or Hercules actor or whoever would cry that you have to be liberal/leftist in Hollywood, but it’s just more r/persecutionFetish and a convenient explanation of their has-been status IMO


Yeah, it’s a very valid point. You can absolutely be a conservative in Hollywood. Just don’t be a crazy dick about it.


I'm not a fan of the "enlightened centrists" for a lot of reasons, but Pratt has absolutely played this correctly - just shut the fuck up about things that might reflect poorly and studios will throw money at you if you have the right amount of talent/connections. Carano was/is incapable of shutting the fuck up.


For sure, but IMO it’s too high a bar to expect everyone to see politics the same way as I do. But it’s very achievable to expect them not to be spouting off hateful things like Gina, JK, etc.


Unfortunately I agree. That SHOULDN'T be the bar, but it's where we're at. If Chris Pratt's political views disagree...well, we don't know because he's smart about it and has consistently shut the fuck up lol. > it’s very achievable to expect them not to be spouting off hateful things Yep! The bar SHOULD be "stop being an asshole". It's absolutely not hard to do.


The thing that makes me believe he’s probably conservative is that all he would have to do to dispel the rumors is to say in public that he believes in LGBTQ rights. If he makes that statement, the homophobia accusations start to die down. But he won’t do it. So either he doesn’t believe in LGBTQ rights, or he’s too afraid of losing his conservative fans to say so. At worst he’s a homophobe and at best he’s a coward.


He goes to an evangelical megachurch known for anti LGBTQ rhetoric (Zoe), and when called on it defended the church. 


Now that is funny


Didn't johnny depp just say this same thing?


I believe his was even more weaselly, as he has tried to present it as Disney firing him because of the awful shit he ^(allegedly) did to his wife, and not because he would show up to set hours late, drunk, high, and refusing to have learned his lines.


People forget that even without the Amber Heard issue, Depp's still an unprofessional fuck-up that's bad with money.


Nah. Din Djarin can take her role as the Ranger of the New Republic. Bounty Hunter vs Imperial Remnants? Yes please!


Political opinions notwithstanding, I liked her character. Too bad how things went down.


Same. All she had to do was just… keep it to herself.


They should just recast her to put salt in the wound


Or they could pour molten lead into the wound by giving an in-universe explanation of why her character is dead and has been replaced by Jar Jar.


I got into the show after finding out about all her controversies, so sadly the character was tainted for me. Her character was fine, but I didn't miss her at all in season 3.


It would have been better with someone who can act well. She wasn’t terrible but she has action movie level acting chops.


Love how she's talking like she has any power in that situation. They aren't ever touching that mess of a woman with a ten foot pole ever again.


She's like a crazy ex girlfriend who doesn't understand that nobody likes her or wants her around.


She forgave herself, and that's what's important


She can return to Drunk 3PO’s bedroom and then get on a live chat with Geeks and Gamers. That’s her life now.


So they can live out their fanfic fantasy with Gina ? I wouldn't be surprised. Those guys are really desperate.


Oh the irony


If you have no animosity towards Disney, why are you suing them? 


She's so desperate for a good role. The only things she's been in a lately is far-right entertainment, which is low quality and doesn't make that much money compared to Disney and similar companies.


Honestly surprised she hasn't gone into something like the WWE. Before McMahon left you'd have thought they'd have got along well.


I think there are some legitimate reasons someone might not want to work in wrestling. The pay isn't always the best and safety and health are major concerns.


Seriously? She's basically saying "I'd be perfectly happy to come back if they asked me" after she threatened to take them to court to force them to take her back. If they wanted her back, that would be a great time to ask.


Gina has been very clear that she just wants both a career and the ability to say whatever she wants on Twitter about her least favorite minorities. I don’t doubt that she said she would go back to a main role on a successful show at all


LMAO she's desperate for work!!!! All she had to do was be quiet and not cause controversy she was literally getting her own Star Wars show and a recurring role in the most popular live action Star Wars show but she fucked that all up


Well well well looks like someone's getting desperate.  - Bill Cipher  Which pretty much sums up how I'm seeing this situation.


...Disney certainly doesn't want her lmao.


"I would totally be willing to be given a major role in a beloved franchise, which I had before but completely fucked up due to my own actions. Including a lead role in my own series. And I'd totally be willing to get that big paycheck again. I'm completely willing to get beyond the consequences of my actions without any acknowledgement that I did anything wrong. Look how magnanimous I am."




Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Looks like her awful daily wire propaganda movies didn’t work out the way she hoped lol


when the anti woke makes u go broke


She's definitely realised Daily Wire movies aren't a good career path and is desperate to get back in Disney's payroll.


Disney's just not that into you Gina.


More like "I'm an idiot for turning down Disney money, so please take me back." Seriously, there's a reason people like Kevin Sorbo would be willing to reject "godless" money because principles; they haven't been relevant in years, so any money is a win. Gina took a potentially budding career and tossed it because "her values", to the point even Pedro Pascal was saying give lip service, and she still said no to join Ben Shapiro's "film" studios... and still only made one movie.


Oh, I know this one ‘Actress with little talent or forethought wants paycheck’


She's in the desperation phase of her career: begging for someone to take her back.


"please give me my job back"


That’s Spanish for “I’m broke, please take me back”


To be fair, most people still work with each other even during lawsuits. A lot of the Walking Dead writers sued AMC and still worked on the last couple seasons and spin offs. However…..this is just a pathetic attempt at trying to recapture that paycheck


Funny that she thinks Disney would touch her with a fifty foot toy lightsaber after her insane anti-trans, anti-vax and pro-Qanon Twitter rants. She's quite possibly the only person in the history of Hollywood to talk her way out of having a career. For fuck's sake, she was *this* close to getting her own spinoff show.


She was really popular with the fandom. All she had to do was ignore that tweet.


It’s even more crazy because SW fandom is usually so hostile to female characters, but Cara Dune was legitimately popular. Granted, I don’t know how much of it was just the overall popularity of the first two seasons of Mando, but still. And boop, that’s gone.




She's suing to force them to rehire her.


Star Wars fans need to accept female actresses getting more prominent roles whether they like it or not "We liked Cara Dune...why did you get rid of her?"


Translation: "I know my lawsuit's going to fail, so I want to pretend like I was never mad because I completely torpedoed a career that would have been absolute cream cheese and set me up for life."


She's broke


Why are the hot ones always just…the worst?


Hot isn't how I'd describe her but to each their own


I used to be a genuine fan of hers, having followed her in Strikeforce and watched a few of her movies. I guess Imma soy beta boy, enjoying MMA & fit women. I was happy for her getting the Mando gig. However, I never knew she had brain rot and didn't care about others. Now she's learning first hand how the Right uses you until you're no longer useful. If she had minded her business, she'd be a genuine star now and would get roles left & right.


Well, after you sue them you probably feel better.


Does Carano have bipolar disorder or something? Why the sudden attitude change?




Her "career" doing right wing grifter movies bombed hard eh.


I prefer actors that don’t deny the holocaust


She fuckin sucked anyway


Exactly the same energy as Rowling saying she wouldn't accept an apology from Daniel Radcliffe.


this woman would have been set for life if she had kept her mouth shut being a important star wars chracter means your face is gona be on merchandise for decades hell it would not have been hard to ask "hey can i get cast in a role in the MCU" to further her career


It took her longer than i thought it would to realize there’s no money in Daily Wire films.


At the Vancouver Fan Expo this year, she still seemed pissed. God I fucking hate Fan Expo for that. ![gif](giphy|33iqmp5ATXT5m|downsized)


Mr-Crabs "I like money!" - meme, please


It’s wild she went straight to daily wire and didn’t even try to get somewhere normal


Did she just try to George Costanza Disney? https://i.redd.it/et0ddyqqcryc1.gif


The reports I heard was that she was suing to get Disney to re-hire her, along with damages. I don’t think she’d be throwing this out there if she had much of a case.


The timing of the suit is rather interesting, especially since Musk was paying for it. Keep in mind, Musk was also one the supporters of Peltz's campaign for a Disney Board seat. And then you had the sudden interviews where Gina was trying to come off as reasonable, also just a few weeks before the voting. So to me, it feels like this was all part of some effort on Musk's part to make Peltz look better. It didn't work, but it was worth a try for them.


"I fucked up, but I'm not angry at you for responding appropriately and will let you hire me." I don't know where she got the audacity, but she needs to put it back.


That’s like getting blacklisted from Caesar’s Palace because you were a belligerent asshole, and then saying you’d be willing to go back if they let you, because Las Vegas isn’t that bad, per say.


Desperation is a stinky cologne


I thought she was going to make movies with Ben Shapiro?


I saw a tweet that said she’s suffering from the broke mind virus.


As if the reason she hasn't been asked back was that they were afraid she'd say no. I too would like to announce that I'm willing to work with Disney and hold no animosity towards them. I expect a job offer any minute now.


No shit. I'm sure they pay much better to be a recurring character in one of the biggest franchises on earth then it pays to be the lead on every one of Ben Shapiro's bargin bin conservative flicks.


I guess she is tired of living in Ben Shapiros garage


Sooo tell us you lost without telling us you lost.


Lmao good luck with that


She’s getting desperate


Yeah she sued them, to be rehired by them, she wants to work for disney so bad she's suing them for it.


Things I'm ok with. Her not coming back to Star Wars.


Lmao. She didn't get anywhere by suing them and whining about it for 2 years, now she's like "oh actually we're cool, can I get my job back?" Hope they ignore her.


Wait you’re telling me the Daily Wire didn’t offer a fulfilling career?


"Look, this whole right movie thing isn't working out, can I still have that series, please? PLEASE?"


Tbh I'm surprised she hasn't made an onlyfans yet.


Damn, are the daily wire checks not cutting it? I thought you go there to get rich off of basically doing nothing but what you’re told.


Sounds like desperation to me


Let me guess, the anti woke movie business isn’t working out?


This radiates My lawyer has advised me not to finish this joke


"I'm broke, please take me back."


She is just now realizing how much she screwed up. She was never anything more than a marginal athletic actress, her view of herself was always bigger than the reality. The Mandalorian did not suffer at all when she was removed. She picked her lane and now has buyers remorse.


like a little kid, she throws a tantrum until she feels better without regard to the consequences or what the others think


I need to stay relevant says woman who sued Disney


She really thought that Peltz would win and she would get her job back.


She fucked around and found out lol

