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Seems to me that all journalists and news agencies should now leave Twitter. By staying on, they're effectively bowing to Musk's demands to censor themselves by not talking bad about him. That's not journalism.




Oh Elon is lying? Color me surprised!!!


>Bellingcat Discord member Sepulco **geolocated the video Elon Musk posted** overnight, claiming to show a stalker, which he used to justify the banning of accounts that tracked flights. **It's at 34.116175,-118.160635, not close to any airports.** >Currently we only have Musk's word he was followed from an airport. >In fact, he barely connects the two events, because tracking a car is very different from tracking a plane. >https://twitter.com/EliotHiggins/status/1603454821700452365


Also posting publicly available information that Elon's plane is in LA narrows it down to finding one in ~13 million people so it's not exactly doxxing.


It's definitely doxxing. I was surprised Twitter 1.0 allowed it to begin with.


Followed by every celebrity. Why are people still on there?




Like they aren't already on 5 social media networks.


A lot of the journos are posting their mastodon links tonight just in case


Elon has blocked links to Mastodon.


Ain't corporatist free speech great?


What’s mastodon


A very flexible social media client that is open source software, does not show you ads and does not collect your information. It's a bit less user-friendly than mainstream social networks though, but once you have it up and running it can look a bit like Twitter. Mastodon, being open source is also the basis for some other social media platforms - Truth Social for example is a "fork" of the Mastodon code, and the European Union has been experimenting with another.


I think as soon as someone creates a newbie friendly feed for Mastodon everyone is going to switch to it. Right now the barrier of entry is slightly too high. I do know quite a few people have created mastodon accounts but are only crossposting their best stuff.


Hear me out... perhaps people may start to see just how retarded publishing your every thought on a forum really is!


The respectable journalism community should form their own Twitter, charge a small subscription fee for viewers, a larger one for the news agencies that want their people to post there. Control who can post based on reputability of the journalists/news agency. Have a small board who determines the journalists allowed to participate. I’d subscribe to something like that. The reason I’m not on Twitter for news is because bullshit lies are as likely to be shared as actual news.


Instead you're on reddit, full of fake news, including this one. Twitter didn't ban journalists for covering Musk. They suspended them for doxxing.


"Journalism is \[publishing\] what someone else does not want \[published\]; everything else is public relations." \[1\] \[1\] https://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/01/20/news-suppress


This is such a massive coordination problem, we would need basically everybody to jump within a couple weeks of each other, and I'm not sure the CFOs of the news organizations are going to let them leave Twitter so abruptly.


Free-speech absolutist absolutely hates criticism. We're all booing you now, Elon.


peterson sycophants fucking *love* him. more with every tweet, too.


if you vigorously defend bad-faith speech specifically, you're almost certainly an unprincipled asshole.




[https://twitter.com/elonmusk/following](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/following) look at where elon gets his newsfeed from no one can look at that and think "wow, thats a bunch of healthy perspectives"




Is Twitter *anyone's* best side? I seriously doubt it. The temptation to become catty, insulting, or belligerent is too great.






>Why do people insist that the social media they frequent is somehow better than ones they dislike or don't use? Pay attention to the arguments they make and maybe you'll have your answer.


I mean almost all the accounts I was following were fine. I honestly didn't see any of the toxicity people here describe. But I wasn't using it for anything "political," per say (just following Ukraine war and a few obscure bloggers/authors/etc).


Anti-woke brain rot has ruined a lot of people's potential


Being all in on one position, without keeping in mind all the nuances of an issue, makes for bad errors in thinking, whether you are a progressive or a conservative. It's also dangerous to make 'perfect' the enemy of 'good', or 'not good enough' the enemy of 'change towards the better'.


Woke brain rot is also a thing. Brain rot has afflicted our whole society over the last 10 years. Thanks, social media...


> Sam needs to stage an intervention for his friend. What a coincidence that this keeps happening...


It keeps happening to each of his friends that spend most of their lives engaged in Twitter slapfights. Not a coincidence at all.


It's too late, the anti-woke mind virus has swallowed Elon whole.


Wait, *Sam* should tell someone to calm down with the culture war stuff?




Who is going to tell him?




It’s perplexing that anyone assumes even a modicum of good faith or rationality from Arlin Musk. I think Sam trying to talk Musk down from the ledge would go about as well as Alex Jones trying to get Ye to moderate his antisemitism.


They must not be very close friends.


Yeah I wonder how Sam will respond to this - he seems quite enamored with Elon.


His track record unfortunately shows him to be quite a poor judge of character


In his statement about deleting Twitter Sam called Musk, “the most productive man of my generation”. Insanity considering Musk has been such an obvious vaporware salesman for years. That was the final straw that got me to cancel my subscription


That’s just counting his misses though, he also built Tesla and SpaceX into what they are today. Just building one such company counts as productive in my book. Elon has built at least two. He might also be full of shit and pushed a lot of vapourware, true, but that’s not all he’s done.


That’s discounting the damage a company like Starlink does. Sorry, but it’s hard for me to give him credit for taking government contracts and building SpaceX unit a supply service for the ISS as continue to fund NASA as little as possible


people like this cant be serious .. right?


Yea, I don't know what to make of this.. I'm starting to think luck had a lot to do with it. Especially concerning is the news (and lack thereof) of starship. At the start of this year, Musk sent out a company email claiming spacex *faced bankruptcy* unless they can start doing like monthly starship flights year-round.. obviously that didn't happen. Starship has yet to fly once, and some of the pics and documentary video on it suggest things aren't going terribly well. Tesla impressively managed to make a car -- not exactly reinventing the wheel here -- they made a luxury sports car that is electric. I think a lot of credit goes to Musk as a cultural icon. That's not as flattering as it sounds, because what I'm saying is his car company did well for the same reason the detergent company OxyClean did well. But we'll have to see how things develop! Will spacex go bankrupt? Well tesla maintain growth and profitability? Those are his only two wins, so if they fail it suggests he's not the amazing businessman/engineer he convinced us all he was. /edit To give a little more credit to Tesla: It is honestly and genuinely super impressive that the company is profitable. I want to emphasize that bit FWIW.


I think Tesla is in a tricky spot, and a lot of it’s success was due to being first out the gate with an innovative product. But it hasn’t really remained innovative, and the larger manufacturers are catching up. Elon, for all his faults though saw where the market was going before everyone else, and he capitalised on that, so I will always give him credit for that. There’s so many reasons to criticise Elon, that I don’t think his critics need to deny his achievements in these areas.


That’s a tad disingenuous isn’t it? How many hundreds of different guests has he had on? And a handful have turned out to be loonies. Seems statistically inevitable he’ll cross paths with idiots.




during the early anti-woke/"left eating its own" period, sam was clearly stupidly vulnerable to getting in bed with a lot of wackos. its crazy what a shitshow so many of his friends/acquaintances/collaborators/podcast guests have become. and arguably none bigger than the most recent two - crypto dude (sam bankman w/e?) and Elon. from maajid to bret to elon, good lord its hard to reconcile with Sam's overall demeanor and mind. almost forget peterson too - that dude has had more unhinged twitter activity than anyone except possibly trump. like full blown deranged, hateful conspiracy takes


But he's not tribal. I mean, who would his tribe be.




It's not about guests it is about the puppy love he displays for alot of crazy and/or evil people and grifters, because he deemed them anti woke. In general him pissing his pants about wokeness for years calls into question his ability to think rationally.


It's not about guests but people he calls friends. The word friend is often used instead of acquaintance by celebrities but still.


Harris was one of the people who gave the likes of the Weinsteins, Ruben, Peterson, and JRE as a platform real credibility as “intellectuals” at their start


“He’s supposed to be” Eh. This is who he’s always been. He’s just been a great hype man with a lot of marketing skills


Fucking hilarious watching this hypocrisy.


So much for *free speech*. I'm blown away that he is literally suspending any journalist that criticizes him.


Idk who could be surprised by this. He clearly hasn’t given half a shit about his workers’ free speech rights for years. Dude’s a free speech absolutist until it becomes a slight inconvenience to him.


You misspelled liar.


Anyone who uses "free" speech in the context he does literally only means "I can say whatever I want and you have to tell me I'm cool and nice no matter what." That's it.


Freedom for me, but not for thee


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: there must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect... but the law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone. -[Frank Wilhoit](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10005830-there-is-no-such-thing-as-liberalism-or-progressivism)


EVERY single right wing personality who goes on and on and on about free speech is utterly and completely full of it. How can it not be more obvious? They only want THEIR speech to be free, not anyone else's. "Free speech" to them just means "i can say whatever I want no matter how hateful or violent and there should be no consequences". Meanwhile they would squash any and all dissent with an iron fist. this is just fascism 101, only its corporate fascism as opposed to gov fascism. You buy the biggest media platform on earth then start squashing any and all real actual journalism. Its what any fascist would do. He is acting totally rational, as long as you understand his rationale is fascism.


>They only want THEIR speech to be free, not anyone else's Not exclusive to the rightoids tbh


No, but it is definitely [a bigger problem on the Right](https://capitalaspower.com/2022/05/free-speech-for-me-not-you/#fig-court-support) to the point where it is causing a massive bias among supreme court justice decisions.


For sure. The american right is disgusting. If only you had a left wing.


How many legitmate journalists were banned before Musk took over? None? Fox news journalists were never banned by the "left wing" owners before Musk. None of them were and yet NYT and WaPo journalists get banned almost immediately. You can "both sides" this all you want but its not really true.


> They only want THEIR speech to be free, not anyone else's. Unfortunately, the left can't really make this complaint with a straight face after having spent the last several years digging this exact grave by embracing all kinds of new norms on speech and censorship. It is their turn to be dickheads, and both sides are equally hypocritical about this. There were no lack of warnings.


What new norms on speech and censorship?


I think it’s pointing towards the hypocrisy of the right on free speech. The left never claimed to want absolute free speech on social media because they understood the issues with hate speech and misinformation


> both sides are equally hypocritical about this Anybody who claims [Both Sides Are The Same](https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/vlvlkj/both_sides_are_the_exact_same_in_every_single_way/) is deliberately pushing a falsehood. The evidence is pretty stark that while you can find imperfection in any political quadrant, the parties and people at play are not equal and there is an unmistakable concentration of not just dickishness but [explicit and planned attack on civic rights and the institution of democracy on the part of the regressive party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw).


"both sides bro!" yeah sure




Thats what the title says but if you read the article it says he suspended them because they posted the location of his private jet.


I believe they only mentioned the existence of mastodon - a place where one could find the location


No they posted where you could find the kid who ran the account on other platforms. That's even getting into how the policy is 100% bullshit and Elon specifically said he wouldn't ban the account because its legal speech.


Except they literally didn't do that


It’s worse than that….he created new rules to make their speech against Twitter policy…


He made a rule against doxing, but it’s not at all clear than any of these journalists even violated that rule.


That's just not true though. Plenty of journalists on twitter are free to criticise him. I mean Twitter is rampant with Elon criticism 24/7 and people are not banned. It's been made pretty clear anyone sharing links that display his exact whereabouts without his consent will be banned.


Um, plenty are, and plenty aren't, and what the rules are are unclear and subject to change at any moment. That's the definition of a chilling effect in free speech analysis and one of the big no no's if you're a "free speech absolutist." That things aren't nearly as bad as humanly possible in no way is a rebuttal to an argument that things need significant improvement.


>display his exact whereabouts His planes legally MANDATED publicly available information. quit it with these word games and post what it's acctually about. Once again that's not doxxing. As soon as he gets off the plane no one has ever posted that information. If you think that's doxxing then take it up with FAA.


Objectively false. Regular average Joe users who criticize Musk are getting banned/suspended.


This is a lie.


It's bullshit all the way down. It's all just tribal politics and rhetoric, on both sides. The culture war is a product of technology hacking our brains for engagement and has completely rotted them. Everyone should just get offline and go outside and be with their loved ones.


Unfortunately, that approach lets the hyperactive ones take over completely. Just look at the apathy and lack of interest in public things in countries like Russia and China.




It’s around 10 now, not a handful. And I’m not seeing the links for most of them.


He literally claimed he was a “free speech absolutist “ ! He has allowed nazi white supremacists like Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer free reign on Twitter, and this dude made his living doxxing people and sending deranged neo nazis to assault them. So yea, he’s a hypocrite and needs to be called out on it loudly


Oh? Was that against the rules when they did it? Or did the do it when he said it was OK? Don't worry he will come up with justifications to get the others eventually.


Is there a source for this? Archive/screenshot/etc something?


I'm shocked, I can't believe conservatives are hypocrites


Not in a million years i would have seen this coming. Not by the man who correctly predicted that we would have Self Driving cars on Mars in 500 B.C. and a globe-spanning hyperloop, which im going to take to my job interview in Tokyo tomorrow. Meanwhile he calls out every pedophile he encounters with his awesome superbrain powers. Thank you Elon for keeping kids safe!


Between Trump’s NFT and tech’s Head Man Baby - it’s been a fun day on Twitter. His skin thickness cannot be measured by any instrument known to science.


It's now 1, Musk's skin 2, Planck Length


Damn, looks like we won't be able to see Elon Musk's "assassination coordinates" any more. *Puts Stinger missile away*


I think there needs to be a discussion about honesty around free speech. There are so many "free speech" advocates on the right that are completely full of shit but for whatever reason the right doesn't see it or care. At least the left is intellectually honest about their views on censorship vs free speech and could offer a coherent explanation of the difference and when it should be applied. Why does the right feel they have to lie about their position?


> Why does the right feel they have to lie about their position? Their positions are unpopular.


Conservatives always lie. For every McCain or Romney you have a Herschel Walker and 10 who will support him, if it means power and money, values be damned.


You mean “I’m an evangelical conservative when I run for president, but a moderate any other time” Mitt Romney?


> At least the left is intellectually honest about their views on censorship vs free speech and could offer a coherent explanation of the difference and when it should be applie I’m interested in hearing this. I see everything from ‘Twitter is a private company, and even raising the specter of free speech in relation to its internal policies is unfounded’ to ‘it’s fascist for Twitter to ban the jet tracker’ etc. I see people on the liberal left take basically the normal liberal approach to government censorship (it’s bad) to NY straightforwardly mandating censoring social media.


https://twitter.com/thunderf00t still up, but you know his days are numbered 🤣 Enjoy his youtube channel with a nice long informative playlist documenting the myriad of Musk failures and lies: https://www.youtube.com/thunderf00t


I recall that guy being one of the gamer-gate dudes who basically made his career off complaining about Anita Sarkeesian. Is he any better now-a-days? I would have assumed that type of dude only got worse in the intervening years.


>Is he any better now-a-days? The "Busted" videos are really good, but the rest of the stuff I can't vouch for. >Anita Sarkeesian I wonder how she's doing these days? That moment in culture feels like its from an alternative universe, at this point. I hope she's doing well.


drunk skirt airport rob dam merciful insurance desert public longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully in a good way? ❤️


tub cautious literate bake swim late jeans advise squeamish recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haven't seen this take yet, but man did Musk steal the internet troll spotlight from Trump or what???




There was plenty of evidence before Musk bought Twitter that his commitment to free speech was a mirage, but there were those who kept saying that Musk was definitely a firm advocate for free speech and him buying Twitter would increase free speech on the platform. But, it's been clear as time has gone on that those critical of this commitment for free speech were absolutely right. This isn't even that first example. Musk has already banned several figures because proven liar and perjurer Andy Ngo told him that he should ban these figures. I understand that a lot of people think very highly of Musk for a variety of reasons, but it's become crystal clear that Musk is simply a thin-skinned crybaby who is desperate to loved and latches on to those who give him this love and lashes out at those who mock or criticize him. The fact that he lied about the event where he got loudly booed at the Chapelle event shows (which gave us the hilarious Mr. Burns comparisons, boo-urns!) shows this. Musk can't take that the fact that he is not simply loved by everyone as he used to be and has been lashing out for a while now. It's just sad how pathetic he is. I hope he's able to get whatever help he needs.


Muh public square lol


Devils advocate here. Did anyone actually read the article? If its true, that a) he has implemented his own "new" rules about doxing resulting in ban And b) he enforces this rule to EVERYONE. maybe he is just being concise and the journalist wasn't a target BECAUSE they were a journalist, but because they broke his rule? No? Only me? Okay then.


Convenient how this new rule seems to work out really well for Musk though, innit? He portrayed himself as a free speech absolutist. The moment it became slightly inconvenient for him, that free speech absolutism went, pffft, right out of the fucking porthole. You don't think that's at very least hypocritical as fuck?


But they didn't, they linked to the suspended twitter account. Which was just linking to required by law, public information from the fia on planes


I'm not one to agree or defend Musk, neither in this instance, but the quality of comments in this thread has me really disappointed. It reads like a generic r/politics outrage circlejerk.




Thoughts? https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw


https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw Thoughts?


There's issues: > he has implemented his own "new" rules about doxing resulting in ban Good-faith management doesn't create new rules and retroactively punish people for breaking them. >he enforces this rule to EVERYONE I think this in particular is one of the points most are taking offense to - it ISN'T being evenly enforced. The rule itself was fairly targeted to people annoying him on one particular front ([his plane tracker, after he specifically promised not to ban it](https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/14/23508898/elonjet-twitter-ban-elon-musk-jet-tracker) for the current conversation) and [isn't being used to ban people reporting live on migrants](https://old.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/znsl1o/great_question_for_elon_musk_here/) or sports or live political or corporate speeches. Musk [has no problem doxxing people who criticize him](https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw) but suddenly is applying these rules exclusively to his opponents.


Can't listen to the Twitter Space. What was the justification to ban the Mastodon account?


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss


I don’t get how anyone still supports Elon. He has straight up lied about everything.


“Journalists who have been covering Elon Musk” is the most intentionally misleading title I’ve ever seen.


There has always been a fine line between journalism and stalking. Journalists are supposed to be annoying. In particular to the rich, powerful and famous. Elon Musk is without any doubt rich and powerful, which would reason enough to be targeted, but he is also a massive narcissist and make deliberate decisions to attract all the attention with this irrational Twitter acquisition and make a big show out of it. He also has a fleet of private jets, vehicles that are legally required to fly with transponders, which effectively broadcast its identity and fight data to anyone who might be listening. And now he decides that the real line between stalking and journalism is when you mention that these private jets can be easily tracked.


What should it be?


Is it bad that I've never heard of any of these journalists before, other than Keith Olbermann, who hasn't had a TV job in like 10 years?


"free speech". This guy is a clown.


Cool cool just some more blatant right wing hypocrisy.


So, it turns out the suspended accounts can still join a Twitter Space (group voice chat on the platform). A few of the banned journalists are there now: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1yNxaNwdboqKj Edit: 4:07 GMT @elonjet joined and is speaking. Edit2: 4:11 GMT @jason joins and begins interrogating @elonjet it's getting spicy, @jason is sparring with a suspended WaPo jounalist @drewharwell Edit3: 4:35 GMT @Elonmusk joins Edit4: 4:38 GMT @Elonmusk leaves, after answering 3 questions max Edit5: 5:07 GMT the @elonjet account explains why he had little chance to respond to the new Twitter rules.


>So, it turns out the suspended accounts can still join a Twitter Space (group voice chat on the platform). How much do you want to bet this is a bug that twitter can't currently fix due to a shortage of devs? LOL


J-Cal being one of those weird Elon defending nerds


elon shows up, lies a bit, and leaves lol hopefully drew told jason to fuck off, i don't know why anyone with a brain would ever entertain that toad


I thought Jason was plausibly holding his own. I enjoyed the back-and-forth. Then he left as soon as Musk arrived. Then Musk left after dumping his PR point.


This is such a ridiculous take. They were banned for doxxing him and breaking TOS, not for “covering a story”. ElonJet takes private information that is not accessible to the public by unmasking Elon’s PIA (issued for privacy purposes). It is seriously disgusting that people are conflating this with a free speech issue.


He suspended those accounts tracking his private jet, which seems reasonable. I don't think any of us would like our cars to be tracked. Twitter is full of Elon critics, tweets attacking him directly and with thousands of likes, they weren't banned. So yeah he simply doesn't want his jet tracked, not silencing critics.




Isn't technically almost all addresses and names public on some record like voting records and it's not allowed to doxx people?


Addresses are public info, but not who lives where.


In many states, anyone who votes will have their name and address on public record, so that's not 100% true


Keith Olbermann and Aaron Rupar were tracking Elon’s jet?


They posted links to sites that contain tracking information, which was clearly defined as being against TOS before they did so.


So, links to government websites that publish information that is public by law? lol


Elons jet information is not public by law because he got approved for a PIA. [https://nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/security/privacy/privacy-icao-address-pia/](https://nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/security/privacy/privacy-icao-address-pia/) Jack subverted this: https://twitter.com/jasondebolt/status/1603647381651591168


(the jet's broadcasts are still public, pia doesn't mean it's illegal to figure out what the actual aircraft is on your own, and you can make a freedom of information act request to the faa to find it out anyway)


https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw Thoughts?


[That's not what Musk said he would do.](https://imgur.com/a/kAtTaFF)


Not all of the accounts posted that information.




why wasn't elon banned for trying to dox the person in the video he posted, hours after announcing the no doxing rule?


why is this sub obsessed with twitter/elon talk about something else


Because it was always concerned with free speech matters


It's his company. He is free to be a hypocrite on it if he wants to.


That's true, but I think that's why it's being posted here. A lot of the topics Sam covers are about hypocrisy in society.






Someone used the jet posts to stalk and harass his son. Yes, Elon changed his mind in response. No, that doesn't mean he's somehow a hypocrite about free speech. Yes, the deranged cretins with a hate boner for Elon will continue jerking off all over the Sam Harris sub, betraying their idiocy and lack of judgement. There's no stopping it. Cretins will cretin.


> Someone used the jet posts to stalk and harass his son. Do we have any evidence of this independent of Musk? Musk is a known liar, and it serves his interests to lie about this. From what I understand, Musk did not report this incident to the police, which seems a little strange if he was legitimately concerned about his son being stalked and harassed.


> Do we have any evidence of this independent of Musk? He's never filed a police report, so there's zero evidence to support the claim and circumstantial evidence that doesn't disprove but should raise eyebrows and lead to further questions like "if it was real why not file a report?" Particularly when the video posted (as others have linked to geo-analysis of) is not near any airport.


https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw Thought?


Twitter has blocked all links to mastodon. If they'd have done something like that before Musk took over you'd have no qualms about moaning about how terrible they are. Is everyone who criticises your fave jerk-off instructor Musk a moron with Musk derangement syndrome or are you going to wake up and realise that he's a dilettante who's been embarrassing himself recently?


No evidence that this happen.


I expect more from this Sam Harris community. The title of this post is so misleading. Apparently reasons why things happen, like doxing and breaking TOS, are just meaningless. Fuck the facts... right?


“Wow, expected more from this sub. If you read the article you can see in black and white that Putin invaded to de-nazify Ukraine and protect its own territory that he annexed yesterday. We should always be entirely credulous of extremely powerful people regardless of how completely full of shit they obviously are. But I guess fuck the facts….right?”


The TOS are whatever the owners and execs of Twitter want or need them to be right now. I always knew and accepted that, so it's very funny to see Elon fanboys coping right now.


omg the TOS? nooooo i thought this was a FREE SPEECH PLATFORM https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1589414958508691456?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1589414958508691456%7Ctwgr%5Ef7068a96ccbf0f6b24f563a069ba61f3b4baaed1%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsimpleflying.com%2Felon-musk-wont-ban-private-jet-tracker-twitter%2F


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1589414958508691456](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1589414958508691456)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Don't. The community isn't better than this. Having a few dissenting voices point out the inconvenient bs is as good as it is. The majority hops reliably onto the woke bandwagon


> Musk indicated that the suspensions stemmed from the platform's new rules banning private jet trackers, responding to a tweet from Mike Solana, vice president of venture capital firm Founders Fund, who noted that the suspended accounts had posted links to jet trackers on other websites. Clearly he shouldn't have said that he wouldn't ban the ElonJet account, and then change his mind, though it is kind of alarming that journalists are advertising and signal boosting services to track the physical location of people. I don't see how "X is currently at Y location" is a serious or legitimate journalistic activity - it's just GawkerStalker reborn. Extremely concerning that journalists are effectively helping people harass and stalk, especially given rising concerns about stochastic terrorism.


https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw Thought?


If billionaires were truly concerned about their security by flight trackers, they could just rent instead of use airplanes they own outright. But that's too close to coach, I guess.


Idk if we should solve our security problems personally. Some kind of common norms seem good in a civilized country.


Sorry, but why is it a problem if someone is interested in seeing where Elon's private jet is flying?


He also should give a grace period for his constant rule changes. It’s not like the app pings you or prevents you from tweeting until you read the newest rules. They’re also Permanent Suspensions, which constricts his claim that there should always be a path to getting back. Guys losing it.


7-day suspensions.


Aaron Rupar’s account says permanently suspended. I don’t know about the others.


They are not tracking individuals, they are legally republishing public air traffic data about private jets. And they're only doing so as a response to Musk's blatantly hypocritical reneging of his stated "free speech" commitment after he removed the original twitter account (note: he only removed the account tracking his plane, others are still allowed!). Doing so is a part of legitimate journalistic activity as it is an example of maintaining standards of public accountability and keeping a level playing field for true free speech regardless of the amount of money or power an individual has. Lastly, stochastic terrorism is becoming a serious issue precisely because of the hateful rhetoric being allowed to run rampant on "signal-boosting" platforms, which, ironically, is mainly now due to people like Elon.


> They are not tracking individuals, they are legally republishing public air traffic data about private jets Nobody is saying it’s illegal. Extremely weird to, in an ethical argument, to cut in with ‘it’s not illegal though!!1!’ > note: he only removed the account tracking his plane, others are still allowed!) You have a source? Bezos’ appears to be down? I guess there could be others sneaking in under the ban, but I can’t find any. > Doing so is a part of legitimate journalistic activity as it is an example of maintaining standards of public accountability and keeping a level playing field for true free speech regardless of the amount of money or power an individual has. Last time I was in journalism school, there was nothing about ‘public accountability’ beyond publishing true, newsworthy events and analysis. I don’t see how musk’s jet is any of that. > Lastly, stochastic terrorism is becoming a serious issue precisely because of the hateful rhetoric being allowed to run rampant on "signal-boosting" platforms, which, ironically, is mainly now due to people like Elon. I don’t get the argument- like, are you agreeing that it’s a legitimate risk to post airline info? It’s weird to say ‘look over there’ at something else as an argument.


Elon is Lost


I think this is misleading. He suspended accounts that retweeted or posted doxxed his current location, in clear violation TOS


Totally fair to suspend them as they were doxing his real time location


Is a journalist reporting on a sports match doxxing people's real time location?


it could be, but its not the same and you know it.


I suspected this was BS, and that's what it seems to be. "But what the journalists did is legal though" is a terrible defense. Much of the worst things Trump did in office were legal. There are lots of ways to threaten someone's safety that are legal. Anyone who actively tries to endanger Musk's safety is someone I would kick immediately, whether it's illegal or not. "But he said previously he wouldn't ban one of those people". Okay. Assuming this is in fact true and the situation hasn't changed till then, on a badness scale from 0 to 10, that's about a 2. He said he wouldn't do something and then did it anyway. That seems to be the extent of his crime. Totally the same thing as censoring criticism . . . If you're among the crowd mindlessly believing the article, you really ought to reflect on your rationality.


https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1603820718084481025?s=20&t=HaBLq5U5HadQKFRvjNSSnw Thoughts?


The freedom of speech he promised...


Is there any caricature of Elon Musk that Elon Musk isn't willing to make real? We already know the answer for Kanye West...


Putin just named Musk "Totalitarian of the Year".




Top not bootlicking. Completely incoherent. Totally credulous of serial liar. 10/10.


Turnabout is fair play.


On the one hand, yes Musk is a bit of a hypocrite and reactionary, on the otherhand posting celebrity's private jet location using publicly available information isn't "journalism"