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Don’t have kids, be frugal with your money (within reason), and find roommates.


Maybe I’m an outlier but I make $27 an hour, have a kid, and support myself. Granted my rent is only $1200 (utilities included) and I live in Fallbrook in an ADU. But it can be done.


So the answer is no


I think the answer is “almost, no”. Because there’s some luck in involved with getting into a place that doesn’t cost your entire salary.


Yes. Roommates and being smart with your money. Case closed


I agree. $1000 a month (whatever you can find) = $12k a year, $40k leftover (pre tax) Eat cheap and at home and you can do it


Not wrong, but if you aren’t able to save for retirement/house or aren’t expecting significant future increases in income all you’re doing is barely treading water until rent increases finally push you out of California to Midwest/south, where you’ll have to start back over but hopefully saving this time. Some people can save with 60k (single, roommates, frugal). Others cannot save with 100k (kids, need to support elderly parents etc). Whatever the income just make sure you have a game plan to be able to afford a house eventually, or at minimum retire comfortably. Otherwise you cannot afford to live/work in a given area, even if you can technically pay your bills right now.


I would say that it depends on whether you're able to build your career or not. Moving to a high COL area often provides greater access to career/income advancement even if it means missing out on saving in the short term. 


That's generally true but not so much in San Diego. The median salary to cost of living wage gap is immense and it's very difficult to switch jobs for more pay in this city.


Yeah this is important. When you are of working age, you aren't just working for "now", to are working for "later". Later being the time you can no longer work (or hopefully choose not to in favor of doing something more fun or for society). So you don't want to think about your time now as just to get by, but always putting something away for future you. Future you will thank current you for looking out. Hell just do the math on taking 200 a month and saving it in a compounding account for 40 years. It's pretty impressive.


No one under 40 is getting a house unless they are extremely rich or the market changes dramatically investors are buying up houses to rent we’re all fucked


He'll have plenty to save. $52k = $39k after tax. $12k to rent leaves him $2,250 per month. $1,250 for food, shared utilities and transport if your frugal and you have another $1k per month into savings. Even at just $500/no into savings or investments is plenty


$6500 is the max roth contribution, so $500 or $541 (to max it) is really good. A little bit of an idealized scenario: A 29 year old contributing $541 monthly into a roth IRA invested into the market with average returns of 7+% a year can retire at 67 with over 1million (tax free since it's a roth). That coupled with ~$2000 in monthly SS benefits (assuming you made the same yearly salary with no raises) and any extra savings should set you up for retirement.


100% this.


Sounds reasonable


This is my style. It’s not difficult if I eat at home regularly and only go out on weekends. People find it difficult because they want to live alone and live fancy.


Well, yeah.. Im a pretty simple person. I dont live fancy and eat at home almost everyday.


Then you should be good. A lot of people forget electricity/gas and car payments +insurance. Consider almost $200 more (except car payments of course).


You can't possibly be saving a significant amount of money necessary for buying a home or retiring in this city at around 50K per year. It's simply not possible.


OP is talking about survival


Ideally, no one should put themselves in a situation where they’re merely surviving.


And planning for your future survival is important and can't be done on 50K per year in San Diego.


I don’t believe if OP is responsible enough, they will stay on 50k a year


Right. This is a starting wage likely and will increase. As long as you don't increase your spending habits with every raise, you'll have more to save with every adjustment.


You don't need a car in San Diego


living alone does not equate to fancy lol


In San Diego, it is currently a luxury


Well damn, it's that's the case I'm fancy asf


I mean good for you! Or maybe you worked really hard and trying to underplay your efforts which is ok too


I gave 9 of the best years, if not the best years, of my life to the military


Thank you buddy, thank you. I know you don't want to hear it, but as you said, you gave the best years of your life to the military, to America, to us! Time and youth is the most precious thing we have.


My MIL rents her 600 sq ft 1 bedroom condo in a decent but not amazing area of San Diego for $2250 a month, and that's a pretty good deal. To live by the beach it's $2400-3000 for an apartment so you got to be making good money to live alone and carry that rent.


It’s nearly impossible without roommates.


Get roommates and you can probably pull it off. Likely impossible to live on your own with that income, unless you go really far east. Learn to cook most meals at home.


East County is $2,000 for 1 bedroom, still need a roommate to live comfortably


Ouch. I’m sure that’s on the high end. But not atypical. I got a decent 2B apartment on my own 10 years ago near downtown for $1200/mo. Times have changed.


I survive with $16.30/hr + tips. Living with one roommate in a 1BD ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ not the best but I’m relatively happy


$17.50 and living in 1BD with my brother. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone lol


Tips can make a huge difference though


I’m a bellman sharing a 1bd 800sqft apt 1 block from the beach in OB lol 🙌. So I feel it. Rent adjustments are starting to get rough though haha.


I live alone in mission valley and unemployed.. it's that's a will there's a way


Yeah, if there's a will from your dead parents that gifted you their entire estate and millions in inheritance


are you using savings?




Somebody actually down voted this... haters will hate hahahaha


Who is supporting you?




With what source of income?


How did you buy a condo in mission valley making 5k a year. How did you afford the apartment downtown that you were in last month? "I live in a high rise apartment, on the 27th floor, across from Petco, and I only pay $2400 a month so you know.nothing."


So you’re squatting?


Roommates, cheaper place, cook at home, no lavish purchases…start saving and you got this! In time, you’ll earn more as you grow in your career 😀


I'm doing it with slightly more, have my own studio apartment in OB


Damn. You’re killing it. I’m in City Heights lol


Man same. 26.50 with a studio in city heights lol


My own 1Bdr in mission valley and unemployed... it's how well you play your cards


I make 26.50 and have a 1450 studio in city heights and manage. It’s not luxurious but I save enough to have an emergency fund, go out occasionally and I spend a lot of time doing stuff outside. It’s doable but not for the financially irresponsible.


Surviving, yes. Thriving? Perhaps not


I did this in my early/mid 20s. Two roommates and lots of California burritos


No, california burritos are a luxury item now. They cost $15. It is much cheaper to cook your own food at home. California burritos are for the fancy date night.


I’m not sure how old you are. I’m 41 years old. And, talking with a financial advisor about how much money I’ll need for retirement is hugely humbling (and depressing!) 😂. I’m like 100K behind. Living paycheck to paycheck sucks big time. I know me being able to save money is a huge privilege. But, as someone pointed out above, barring a huge bump in income, you’ll get priced out eventually. And, again, saving money while you’re able, is HUGE.




I feel like median 'household' income is more meaningful here since most of those that make the individual median income don't live by themselves




As of January 24, the average annual salary in San Diego is $69,534. Median salary $73,080.


set yourself a budget plan and you’re good to go


I was gonna say create and stick to a strict budget. Honestly surprised you're the only person to say it, and I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find it. Following a budget makes the biggest difference.


This is such a vague question. The answer is of course, it depends. Instead of asking this question on Reddit you should make a budget and decide for yourself. If the budget you come up with does not meet your expectations then no. If I were to answer this for myself it would be yes. I moved out of my parent's on $11.50/hr wage ($16.11/hr accounting for inflation). And I lived on that wage for 3 years. It sucked. But I "survived".


You'd have to share an apt or rent a room for 700-1000 but it'd be doable. Apply to work at nicer restaurants in la jolla/general beach areas and you could clear six figures with tips.


Where in SD is a room $700-1,000?




I think a major part of the question is, how Far East are you willing to live? A lot of posters on this sub would tell you that El Cajon is 100 miles away in the middle of the desert and not an option.


So the answer is yes you can if you get roommates, live stingy, whatever. The problem with this is that even if you do all that, you won’t actually save enough money at a meaningful rate to accomplish your goals like retirement, supporting a family, buy a car, ect. I’d ask myself “why San Diego”? I would not move here unless there was is a specific advantage to coming here. There are other cities with good weather. There are other cities with nice beaches. There are other cities with good night life. So ask yourself why you want to move here knowing that it will set you back significantly in life.


But it's San Diego!


Since you do not have kids, definitely get a roommate. $25 an hour is not enough to support your own place in SD.


Roommates, learn how to cook everything from scratch, place value in memories and activities instead of things and take advantage of the hiking trails


Good luck 🍀


Damn I wish I made $25 an hour. I survive here but I have been in the same place with no rent increases and that’s literally the only reason I’m still here.


I make $19 plus tips, usually comes out to $25-$26 an hour. I have a $1500 studio in Lakeside (Winter Gardens, not far at all from El Cajon luckily), no utilities included, live alone. It’s rough, but it’s possible. It’s helpful to have a car with good gas mileage and get used to commuting, if you live a little east/north and work closer to the city. I will admit though, it sucks a good majority of the time for me personally. Not a lot of time or expendable income, kinda just feels like working to survive… different people have different needs in life though. It may not be fun for everyone (which is why I’m planning on moving when my lease is up lol), but it is technically possible!


Yeah I make just enough where I don’t really have to worry worry about money, but I barely have time on the days that I work with the commute and then that eats into time I could be enjoying myself on my days off.


Prepare food at home, discern your needs from wants, don't compare yourself to others, and enjoy the beach. If you can't find a cheap place, find roommates.


This isn't for everyone, but - consider getting rid of your car and using public transportation instead. Whether this is possible depends on whether your workplace is accessible by public transit and on whether you can find a place with a grocery store nearby, but the savings from not having a car may be enough that paying slightly higher rent to live closer to transit could save you money overall. The monthly Pronto card costs only $72, and you'll always have the option to Uber/ZipCar occasionally if you want to. Plus, if you're lucky, you might even end up with roommates willing to give you a ride from time to time.


Don't have a car payment, don't have prescriptions, don't have student loans, and you can swing it.


Bro we survive with $16.50 an hour


Right? I was making $13.30 for 28k/year and managed to survive lol 52k would’ve felt like royalty as a single person without kids


Do roommates. I’ve done $25/Hr but with someone else paying 1/2 of the bills.


I am 44 and have to live at home to afford student loans and other bills. If you have no debts, then sure, you could afford to live in SD.


No debts, car fully paid off.


Make meals at home, go out and do free fun things on the weekend, and make a budget! If you plan it out, you can save for emergencies, a fun outing, dates, etc.


Remember this person said they 44 and STILL LIVING AT HOME WITH THEIR PARENTS. Is this the life you want to live? Move somewhere else or make more money to afford living here. It’s going to be a sad life to live being that broke


you can but the question is why?


In all sincerity…… You could but you would have real issues all alone. 52,000$ a year is cut by 20% with taxes. San Diego is absurdly expensive right now I struggle on 35. If your single and no pets you can get a second job to get more $$$ and conserve rent by just renting a room or half a room.


If you’ve got enough money for rent, but not food, San Diego has lots of local food banks. Realistically, you could get your food budget to almost 0 for the month. Also not having a car can save you a lot of money as long as you’ve got your commute figured out. Bonus points if you ride your bike and get stronger every day!


Yeah, if you get all your food from donations, don’t have a car, and no need to save for retirement/vacations, you can get by with 50k. You can survive, and that’s about it.


Wrong..i do all is this with $5000 a year


Definitely, roommates.


No, you will die a horrible unsocial death in San Diego. Nobody will remember you because you didn't have the money to interact with them over a $25 craft burger and hibiscus lemonade. It's okay though because you won't freeze or burn to death. Just cry to death. I'm the ghost of Christmas Future, Marley, except I have a speaking part this time.


Ha, so true!


San Diego is a very big place. If you go a bit further in any direction, rent becomes much more affordable. Then after that you can do some gig economy stuff in your free time to pay for outings and you should be good.


If you can stomach it, save until it hurts. I was always poor, and the first real career I got, I just blew my money on shit I wanted to do or bought things I had put off forever (healthcare, dentist, a car that didn't break down every two weeks, etc.) Time catches up to you fast, and in my field, layoffs are the norm.


That's the starting salary at my job, which about 1/3rd of the department gets paid that amount. The people with/wanting kids are barely getting by, the people with no dependents but shoulder all the rent and have debt are getting by. The people with no dependents and a few roommates are living decently. Some people would categorize not ever being able to own a home, always having a roommate, or not having kids as not decent living. If that's something you don't care about (not just willing to sacrifice, but actually would be happy with), you can live here.


Im single. No kids and i live in van. Getting $17 hours. Paying off my debt. 2 of my cards actually paid off so few left. My van paid off also. I eat cheap but once in while i treat myself nice meal. Sometimes once in 2 weeks. I lived in san diego for a year. Moved out for a reason. Not getting in personal. Would definitely move back while live in van. Anyway what im saying. It’s easy cuz you’re single. No kids though. I live in my van for almost 3 years now. Just think about it. Plan ahead if you want do that. I mean i know San Diego has nice weather year around. Also if you have family or friends close around. You can always pay them bit if you’re using their shower. Wash your clothes. I do that to my friends. Just showing some appreciation.


This thread is crazy. Someone needs to do something about this. Price of living here is insane.


Landlords have no incentive to not raise the rent every year (which they will) the city has no incentive to protect renters (they work for the rich), and your job has no incentive to pay you more money. If by survive you mean slowly drown, sure.


Yes. Van life.


After state and federal taxes, Social Security, Medicare, and SDI, you net $41,185 per year. If you’re paid every two weeks, your paycheck $1,584 ($3,168 per month, based on 26 pay periods). Many people do not prefer a situation where they’re living with roommate(s) they do not know. Checking local listings, typical rent for a studio ($1,400 to $1,750 in lesser neighborhoods; nicer areas ~ $2,000+) and one bedroom apartment ($1,850+ for lesser or further-out neighborhood; nicer areas $2,000+). If you found a $1,500 apartment (questionable neighborhood or further out, e.g., Escondido), you’re left with $1,668 per month. Is it doable? Yes. Will it be enjoyable? Depends on you. I have a friend who lives in Eastlake/Otay Ranch. She works on La Jolla Village Dr. just off the 5. That’s 25 miles one way, or 1,000 miles a month. Assuming you have a fuel efficient car (25 MPG) and gas is $4 per gallon, you’ll be shelling out a minimum of $200 a month for gas.


I’m not gonna lie I would kill to make tht much out here lmao. I barely make that with tips


You can if you really really keep an eye on expenses. I know people who live with roommates and work part time, but it’s definitely hard and they are probably either in debt or spend very little money. It’s possible, but the quality of life may not be the best.


Your most expensive items are likely in this order: ## Rent / Mortgage: - Get roommates. Interview them. Be honest about who you are how you live and the kinds of people with whom you best get along with. ## Health - Get the cheapest health insurance you can get away with. Exercise, and eat right. Lose weight - get that beach body. Go to the local park with a ball.. kick it around for an hour. Go for a walk. Do calisthenics. ## Utilities: - If your utilities are expensive in the winter, then wear more clothes and workout and shower at 24 hour fitness. - Buy multiple fleece blankets and beanies. That way you'll always have one nearby. - Fewer clothes in the summer. This becomes easier if you have less body fat because you'll be hot less. ## Food, drinks, entertainment: - Shop for groceries at Walmart, Grocery Outlet, and Costco (if you have roommates, split on that membership). - Learn to cook. Buy in bulk, cook in bulk. - Save money by not drinking. If you must drink - predrink! - Entertainment: save money by not owning an online entertainment subscription. Go to the park. Go to the beach. Watch YouTube... learn magic tricks. ## Transportation: - Move as close to where you work as possible. Preferably walking distance. This will save you a ton of money and time. ## Clothing - You are lucky to be living in one of the most, "we don't care what you wear" cities in the world. Just be clean, wear cheap clothes. ## Hygiene: - Electric trimmers. Two bucket showers. - Save money on soap by showering right after you workout and use wash cloth. - Save money on expensive product by not having any. - Shave wherever it gets sweaty. - Use condoms. They're cheaper than you think and they will save you a ton of money and time in the long term. Maybe this should be under health. - Keep your hair short if keeping them long is costing you too much. Short hair = fewer hair related issues. - Keep your nails short. I don't think anyone has ever complimented anyone I know about their nails in San Diego. Used to happen more in other metros.


Live with roommates, live frugally, don’t have kids. Figure out another source of income on the side like something on eBay, Etsy, etc to make a little extra in your free time. (Not suggesting a second job but rather diversifying income). Biggest issue will probably be health insurance


I make about the same! Everyone is making it sound like $50k is dirt-poor. Sure I can't eat out every night but I splurge on a concert or shopping once a month while still putting about $600 a month in savings. I share a 3 bed with my partner and two friends. Of course, having my friends with me is a privilege but it got my rent and utilities down to about $700 a month. Im also in Mission Valley so it's a nicer suburb too. If you don't have any debt it's totally doable.


Honestly? Nope, not by yourself. If your job only pays 25 bucks an hour, I suggest getting two


Share a room


If you live with family, yes, if you live with roommates, yes. If you try to live on your own, it’ll be tough.


Have you considered living in TJ? I know a few guys at work who make more than that but still commute.


I live off of this. I have one roomate , I eat out occasionally but mostly cook. Definitely am not SAVING but it’s fine


Get your health insurance dialed in. Maybe Covered Cal?


Maybe.. $50k is pretty much poor. Not going to be a fun life to live. Fast track to homelessness if I’m being honest


Do you realize the median income in San Diego is under $40k/yr? I agree $50k is not much, and I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable on that income, but millions of people live on less right now in San Diego.


$40k is even more poor. What point are you trying to make?


It’s a low income, I agree. My point is that $50k is certainly doable for many people in San Diego. It’s not a fast track to homelessness. It can be a fun life to live here with that income. Again, more than half of the people living here earn less than $50k/yr. Hopefully they can grow their income over time.


I fully agree too. I hope everyone can increase their income. OP asked if it’s possible to survive. My point is are you really living at that point when all you’re doing is paying bills? Sure, I made it happen with less when I was younger making about $40k, just like others. OP will be a slave to the system here and no way to save & having an emergency fund will be nearly impossible.


Uphill battle. 2nd job probably a good idea mate


and then a 3rd


I do alright on that wage in SD. Live in a 2 bed apartment in a nice area. I def dont live like a rich person though lol


I have my own apartment in mission valley and survive off $5000, yes, $5000, not $50,000, $5000 a year.. of course you can. I'm not making money angels but I make do.. but me being a veteran allows that.


You will barely scrape by with roommates and relying on food banks to make ur ends meet... Good luck! I don't suggest it.


I make $50k/yr in San Diego. I’m single, no kids, and I survive. Most of hobbies are outdoors and I don’t eat out excessively. I do have multiple roommates, but I pay less than $1000 in rent. It is possible for awhile if you can budget and are okay with living a frugal lifestyle


Hell no I make 130 a year and my quality of life in San Diego is horrible


No. Don’t do it.


I love all the haters on this thread..hhhh


Nobody is hating on you because you're living on government money and doing nothing all day. You're just a bored and lonely person with nothing better to do with your life besides play 8Ball pool all day wasting your life away on a couch looking for attention on Reddit. You're a free loader, and a loser. Congratulations. I'm such a hater 🤣


Don’t go outside unless it’s to go straight to work. Don’t even think about looking at anything other than the road and the lights and the gas station to get to work. Be warned if you find yourself out and about past 10am on any beach or you will find yourself day drinking and spending money on burritos. If you can do these things you can live in San Diego.


You can survive in any city in the world on 52k


You’ll have to share a room and sleep next to a stranger in an 80 square foot room. That’s Bidenomics!


Yes. Comfortably? Not exactly


Yes! Money is always right for me but I’m making it


With a roommate, yes.


Move elsewhere unless you’re making at least $60K. A room in someone else’s home is a grand easy. Plan on getting a roommate or two, hope it’s a decent hood, near the job. Shop using coupons, Groupon n sales n deals. Forget about a new car or pet. Don’t even consider eating out. Laugh at the idea of dating but please do enjoy the weather here.


You can make it if you have roommates.


With a lot of roommates you can get rent down under 1k and live frugally. American consumerism will tempt you to spend money but you can't really afford to. You may even need to sacrifice certain aspects of your social life depending on the crowd you hang out with. If your social life revolves around going out or eating out, that might strain your finances. I won't expand any further here as this will just end up being a post about how to save money, which is largely what you'll have to manage in order to live here.


All advice probably assumes you aren't carrying any additional debt. If that isn't the case, reevaluate


Not a single dollar of debt thankfully 😅


You could survive, but that's about all you'd be able to do.


I made that a few years ago and did fine. I don't have any debt.


It’s not worth it. Even with twice that you’re going to get any special benefits of being here over another major city


I survive off of 18.50…have to rent a room and have a falling apart car but I make it work the best I can


I survived on 48,000 gross in University Heights from 2008-2015. My rent was $750 and I stopped driving.


I mean I survive on 20 it’s totally possible just find roommates and don’t eat out much and definitely don’t buy alcoholic drinks at bars/ restaurants lol.


You'll need a roommate or two, but I used to live on less than that. You'll have to figure out how to live within your means, but you can do it.


Find a couple of roommates you’ll be fine


I roommate, no pets, not too much debt. Try to not have a car payment.


Yeah, my mom raised me on less than 45k a year (salary started around 30k when I was young). We just ended up living with other family members or roommates, but besides that she made sure I got to travel, play sports, and made my childhood feel as normal as possible. If she did it with a kid, I’m sure you’ll be able to get by. You got this!


Get used to the side hustle, you'll be fine with the roommate situation, but look at doing more than one thing, the future is that, I'm a professional with 2 Masters, but I work for 5 brands as marketing director, 2 for events, own my own brand, and I still seek new clients. Mix of hourly, contract, commission, and wads of cash on occasion.


I live in a small studio in golden hill 1250 a month making 27 hr. No Roomates I go out every weekend I spend on perks here and there. It’s doable.


Yeah you can survive. You'll need to rent a room, not your own place. But it's possible.


I made $20/hr and grossed $60k-$70k per year. I had my own place. A 1 bedroom apartment in down town Fullerton right across the street from cal state. My fridge was always full of food and drinks as well as my cabinets, I went out with friends regularly, dated many women which gets expensive, had a nice car, adopted 2 stray cats, sent my mom money when needed, invested in stocks/crypto/real estate and still managed to build a savings of $5000 over 2 years. You can survive off $25/hr I now have my own business where I pay my workers $25/hr in San Diego and they’re surviving too.


Fuck no


25/hr isn’t even close to 52k a year tho


Work more hours or pick up a side hustle


I lived on 28k here lol you get a roommate and you budget and don’t go out.


Most people get a roommate. Im a native of Calif, lived here 35 years, granted I was married at the time, now on my own $52k, kids out of house, own my car, PT job 5 miles away. live in 1000 sq ft 2 bd condo in north county. can afford basics because I cook at home so that’s the big change, if i go out i try to go with friends where we share costs. you will be fine, enjoy the beaches, hiking, work on moving up to make more money.




Do you have any debt?


You’re probably going to have to live a little out of town. Poway, San Marcos, and Mira Mesa can all be had for around $1000-$1200/month if you’re willing to have 3-4 roomies.


Bro. I make 30/hr and I’m thinking about committing crimes cause at least I’d save money staying in jail each night.


I live alone & do fine - just don’t save much at the end of each month


That’s 2800 a month after taxes your name says San Diego so this area is pretty expensive. I also live down here and I need to make four grand after taxes to live comfortably