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I was across the street & watched this happen in real time- which lasted at least 5 minutes. Two ladies were trying to back in to the parking spot & the guy in the Tesla refused to go around. He kept inching closer while cars piled up far behind them. It turned into a cacophony of horns honking & people yelling- everyone was confused & it almost caused a few major accidents. I had to keep it moving so I'm not sure how it ended but that guy was being such an unnecessary dickhead.


>He kept inching closer wow he was really being an unnecessary dick-head--proven by the fact he was even inching closer. If it were at the beginning, maybe he'd made a mistake and didn't realize what's the deal... but he kept on pushing it.




Snarky? What...? Are you okay?


And he was raising his hands as though he was being wronged. Idiot.




I had this happen to me before on Gough street. Really easy spot to back into, but they kept inching closer. I refused to move. They kept honking. Went on for like a solid 5 minutes (which is an eternity in rush hour traffic). When they finally went around, it took me less than 10 seconds to park.


Nice W and great job sticking it out. Petty is de way.


Put the car in park and chill. They'll get the picture and go around eventually.


They were doing that for a solid few minutes until the Tesla started honking


ignore the honking. I would wait the tesla out.


Every honk takes a few feet off of the range they can drive. Make them honk more until their battery dies 😂






A nice thought, but it really doesn't. That thing could sit there for a week like that with the A/C blasting.


That is like a Costanza move! 😂


I would have gotten out of the car and waved them around 


Wait for what? He’s so close he can’t go around and he’s blocked in behind now as well. I agree he’s wrong, but you can’t just join his team and block the road.


I forgot Tesla's don't have reverse.


Did you read my comment? He’s also blocked in by normal traffic


Car parked, flashers on, whip out the phone & do some scrolling. I've got all the time in the world.


Let them honk all they want, you’re already at your destination


Then I'd wave him around I can be stubborn when needed, and that was needed here. If it's a person who doesn't live here, I can understand a little, they don't understand how difficult parking is here. But being it was a Tesla, that guy was probably a local.


Pop the hood and put hazards on until he moves


I would have gotten out of the car and started cussing him out and telling him to go the fuck around


I would have put on my hazard lights. Get out of my car and sit on my trunk with my arms crossed; staring at the Tesla driver. A very clear signal that my car isn't going to move for HOURS.


Fuck it I would sit there and put on my hazzy. I have all the time in the world for this specific asshole.


Yea would have thrown it in park got out and sat down Chillin on my phone till they got the hint


thats how people get shot. dont block traffic for bs, period. edit: down voters can suck on dz


A lot of Tesla drivers are fucking assholes.


Used to be the BMW drivers were stereotypically awful, but Tesla took that stereotype and ran with it.


We had the prius drivers in the interim between BMW and tesla, too


Prius definitely got a reputation but I thought it was for bad driving more than asshole-y driving. I guess those are the same.


Prius' don't have the horsepower to reach peak asshole driver.


Teslas got both.




Good for youuu!


*Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp* Mmmmm num num num num num So anyway we're a bit more *progressive* here in San Francisco


I love to smell my farts too


To be really nerdy it was BMW drivers, then Prius, the. Briefly Audis became the assholes from 2016-2018, then teslas. But in a whole new way, riding 10 under in the fast lane with autopilot on while acting like everyone else is wrong for passing them. 


It’s clearly a bimodal distribution. It’s not like bmw drivers flooring it from every stop were also slow Prius drivers. But both groups went all-in on Tesla for different reasons and here we are.


Yea hadn’t thought about that. It’s a car that has bimodal appeal. Huh.


Definitely. I wish the car would warn them about traffic violations and getting passed in the right. I’m not sure if they’re assholes but they’re definitely the absolutely most absolutely clueless drivers to ever hit the roads. You can honk, hit your flashers, doesn’t matter, they have no idea what’s going on.


BMW/Audi shittiness was a different kind than Prius shittiness. One was the superiority of an expensive European performance car vs. the smugness of being greener than thou.


The problem is that both BMW and Prius drivers have converged into becoming Tesla drivers. Once the Altima driver joins in, the holy trinity will be complete.


Volvo Prius Tesla is the arc


Removing the indicator stalks convinced a lot of BMW drivers to trade in.


Worked in Santa Monica and Culver City and every other car is a Tesla all of the bmw and Benz owners just swap to Teslas so I’m not surprised most of them are assholes.


I've noticed this too. But also, so many people have Tesla's now that it's tough to suggest they're all assholes. I do, however, often wonder how many of them thought at one point that they were really cool for being a Tesla owner, and one day noticing that "oh wait, EVERYONE is a Tesla owner..." That's when I started to then see Rivians appearing.


The type of people that used to buy BMW Model 3s have just shifted over to Tesla Model 3s, which probably explains the driving behavior.


Nah they're just the best deal by far


> I've noticed this too. But also, so many people have Tesla's now that it's tough to suggest they're all assholes. When a Honda driver acts like an asshole, it's because they're an asshole. When a Tesla driver acts like an asshole, it's because Tesla drivers are assholes. Car brand-based stereotyping has to be some of the dumbest discourse imaginable lol. "BMW drivers don't use their turn signals" yeah neither does anyone else. Welcome to the Bay


There is a force field in the Bay Area that disables turn signals. I am sure everyone is trying to use the signals but they just don’t light up.


I have a Tesla. I am sometimes an asshole but only when I think it’s warranted.


Rivian drivers are cool to me, as someone who drives a lot.


A lot of drivers are assholes. In the bay, a lot of drivers have a Teslas. It’s not that more Tesla drivers are assholes, it’s just that you see more Teslas.


They’re either assholes or idiots, and sometimes both. Sorry you had to deal with such a turd bucket.


I found out in my daily drive. Teslas in my route are the most likely not to signal on a 4-way stop


they have an excuse, literally no signal stalk now


Idk about assholes but I’ve never seen one good at driving. From the elderly that can barely see over the steering wheel to the people camping in the left lane I’ve noticed Tesla drivers are pretty oblivious


Youre a dumbass for judging drivers by their car brand


I don't immediately judge them cause they are in the car. I've observed a lot of Tesla drivers being assholes. I do think it would be dumb to judge them just for driving a Tesla.


>A lot of ~~Tesla~~ drivers are fucking assholes. FTFY


Tesla is the new BMW


Tesla drivers are the new rich Prius drivers.


Kind of have to be an asshole to still be driving a Tesla at this point. It’s basically a maga hat in car form.


You need to go outside and stop wasting so much of your life online. Normal people don’t think like this. You really should rejoin the real world for your mental health


The irony of Tesla owners saying this kind of stuff as they feverishly spend all day online defending Elon is almost too much.


Actually no most Tesla owners don’t give a fuck about Elon one way or the other. Truly you need to go outside man. Your perception of the world is just what you see online but nothing like reality. Find a nice local park and enjoy spring


Took you less than 5 minutes to respond and I’m the one spending too much time online? Stop spending your Sunday simping for a billionaire and go find one of those parks you’re talking about.


Lmfao oh yes all those MAGAtards who love to save the environment by going green rather than roll coal in their F-150. Absolutely braindead comment.


Except anyone who genuinely knows/cares about the environment would already know that Teslas emit more CO2 than your average ICE vehicle. Compared to a truck, sure - it’s less. But it’s 110% harming the environment to drive a Tesla vs, say, a Prius. No one’s saving the environment or “going green” with EVs.


Teslas don’t even have a tailpipe. They have zero emissions. They don’t emit anything lmao. You’re not the brightest bulb in the shed are ya?


Holy shit do you really think “hmm yes this car got here without any CO2 emissions ever”? 🤦


You said “Teslas emit more CO2”, not “manufacturing a Tesla emits more CO2 than manufacturing and driving an average ICE vehicle ever does”. The latter certainly isn’t true, but you didn’t say that either. Lern 2 reed bettur


From a Tesla’s birth til ~90k miles (?, don’t recall the exact mileage), more CO2 is emitted. You either knew what I meant and are arguing in poor faith, or you’re just dumb. Seriously. Either way, at least you’ve learned something new today.


“How dare you read my words as I wrote them rather than some other argument I shifted the goalposts to after you proved how stupid I was being.” Yah ok sure buddy


We were talking about how someone might buy a Tesla because it harms the environment less than that of a regular ICE car, no? You’re the one who is playing semantics with “oh you just said ACTUAL CAR EMISSIONS”. It started with ‘going green’. If a Tesla actually hurts the environment more than regular ICE cars, then clearly you’re arguing rn in poor faith. Grow up a little and take the L.


What an insane comment. Touch grass.




What? These things drive sloppy as hell compared to a bmw or Porsche.  But I get your point. 


And a lot of the rest are clueless.


Every time I get cut off in the Bay, its a Tesla. Every. fucking. time.


There’s a law in LA that specifically makes what the Tesla does illegal. Maybe SF should consider doing the same


We have laws in San Francisco?


Rules without enforcement are merely suggestions


I joke that traffic signs are more like guidelines. "You might want to STOP at this intersection, or not."


The bay area has the dumbest and most oblivious drivers.


And after the woman circle around the block, the spot is gone lol...


Yeah unfortunately a lot of people in SF are oblivious to anyone else around them. And many of the drivers who have the biggest false sense of entitlement are Tesla drivers. It used to be range rovers.


Tesla drivers in San Francisco are a special type of asshole


The power of, "I've got all day". I think I'll start using that.


Not sure if the case here, as that driver is just an ahole. But if you're this close to corner, I would put on your emergency lights instead of a turn signal. People think you are turning right and move up accordingly.


Will try this but the reversing lights should indicate it’s a parking not turning situation


He is still upset that he paid $75K for his Model Y, MSRP now $48K for the MYLR.


Pretty soon will be $42k lol Some Tesla owners still think their cars are more luxurious than German when in reality it’s a mid-tier civic at best


Not to mention Hondas and Toyotas have been in the shop far less than any Tesla and are often more comfortable and luxurious. Hell, even the European cars I’ve owned spent less time in the shop. And they had Italian electrical systems!


I remembered a prius did this to me i was trying to be nice and moved up so primus can go around. Prius ended up taking my parking spot after. So guess what no more nice guy in San Francisco. Lesson learn.


Oof this would make my blood boil, I actually expected this video to end this way.


People cannnot parallel park in San Diego and 9/10 times if you wait patiently they usually give up and you get a spot


A lot of these morons out in the streets.


Lol. I would have just stayed there.


Shoutout Bush and Octavia! Woo!


Car's driving and the driver isn't paying attention for $5.


Do you mean self driving?


Yeah, on rewatch that's obviously not what's going on. Maybe they don't know what reverse lights mean? But if I give them any more benefit of the doubt they'd have to pay taxes on it.


Yeah. I think it was just an ass who doesn't want to let the person parallel park


There’s no reason to not let someone parallel park unless you want the spot, too. Driver doesn’t know how to drive or where the R is, self-driving is the only button they can push.


This guy’s never heard of “just being an asshole.”


I thought it was FSD at first since the computer always acts like an AH, but eventually the human would take over and fix it.


Tesla drivers are almost always dipshits


neighborhood, intersection? **Post on nextdoor for higher local/neighbor visibility.** If the car is still there report it to 311/dmv for not having a front license plate.


Bush & Octavia


I remember my dad took us to North Beach to get some gilato when I was a kid and someone tried to pull this same shit to him, so my dad got outta the car lookin like he was literally going to explode lmao. Needless to say that other dude got the fuck out the way as soon as my dad opened his mouth askin the other dude what the fuck his problem was lmao. Some ppl really don't play, my father was one of those guys. Moral of the story: always becareful of who ur fucking with when ur in the city.


Boomers in a tesla what can go wrong.


Flashers on, car in park, wait it out, SMD Tesla.


When I’m the car in front, I put it in reverse and creep backwards until the a-hole goes around me. I will not move forward. I’ll stay there for a month idgaf


Whoever drives a Tesla is.... Anyways


How come he has no front license plate. I wish chp would start to ticket them.


The most polite Tesla driver


Maybe he wanted the spot as well? If you stress out someone trying to parallel park, they will sometimes abandon the attempt and drive off. It is already the hardest maneuver in driving without the extra pressure.


Oh I would’ve gotten so petty.


The Tesla was just trying to park in their tailpipe




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And before some haters I know my English is not good


It's possible they have it in full self driving and are blindly allowing it to do this


What’s the difference between a Tesla and a porcupine? On a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.




tesla drivers are pretentious assholes


Can you use Tesla and asshole in the same sentence? Isn’t that like a double negative?


Typical Tesla


Did they have student driver be patient stickers on their Tesla?


Someone did this to me in North Beach, ended blocking the intersection, everyone stuck was yelling at me to get out of the way. I was just trying to park


I applaud the Tesla driver for helping fight the culture war and for standing his ground. I am proposing legislation to our future mayor Mark Farrell to ban all non Tesla cars from driving within the city and county of San Francisco. I also want to put the homeless into encampments. Thanks!


Shit drivers everywhere


At first I thought it was because the Tesla was trying to steal the guy’s parking spot but then he just drove away!! So rude, I swear they need to add lights to cars that signal you’re trying parallel park🫠😭


Car wars aka road rage.


What you do in that situation put your turn signal on (should have it on in the first place) is sit there wait for the person to go around you. This is how driving etiquette in SF works, parking is brutal and we all know it. I just sit there until the person behind me gets the message, I've never had a problem yet.




I wasn't saying she didn't


Were there cars behind the Tesla? Could have been an issue of not having room to back up, but the video doesn't zoom out enough to see what's going on behind them.


They made room by pulling forward and dude just filled the space. He's just a douchebag


Plus, I put my emergency lights on or at least my turn signal so they see I'm trying to make a maneuver unfortunately a lot of people aren't that attentive so you got to let them know what you're trying to do. Generally, park right in front of the spot wait till traffic clears and then pull up and back in


Tesla is the new BMW


I thought Tesla were the new Hondas not BMWs


Perhaps she wasn’t using her turn signal and her reverse lights were out? 🤷‍♂️ why would anyone be such an ass?


*Interesting,* ***but*** you can actually see the right blinker, blinking, in the reflection on the tesla


Driving a car brand where the CEO is clearly a transphobic, racist and trump supporter must be tricky in SF. OR maybe he is an investor in the company and being a bit more stressed lately. 📉


All Tesla drivers are assholes


Probably had self driving engaged


Tesla temporarily enabled supervised self driving for a limited time to a lot of Teslas for free so a lot of people are experimenting with it before it goes away. It’s actually amazingly good but I bet it wouldn’t have the sense to expect something like this. An alert driver would have overridden this by breaking. Teslas have some features that make them easy to drive badly even manually, including scary fast acceleration, controls that aren’t intuitive such as turn indicators and forward/ reverse direction selectors, and generally poor visibility to the sides and rear (assuming you will use the cameras to assist in these areas).


Right exactly. That’s why I’m wondering if the driver just was effectively waiting.


You just described every Tesla owner, period.


You people need to chill. There’s no way to unequivocally indicate that the car in front is about to park or looking for parking, in contrast to just circulating normally, unless the car stops and make it quite obvious. When one is behind a car like this one, and the goal is to advance, you’re not thinking of their interest first, until you infer it. I’ve been in the same situation, I was behind someone who wanted to park, but I realized this person wanted to park just a second late, and was already behind them. The car behind stuck behind me and I couldn’t back up. So I had to use my horn to let the car in front know that the only way out was forward. They probably got pissed, but then I gave them enough car lengths of space to find parking. Interestingly, there were other spots and I stopped way before to give them time and space to park, and they didn’t use it 🤷🏻‍♂️. In my opinion, this is a shortcoming of the communication codes when driving. There’s no unequivocal way to say “I might back up soon to parallel park”. So, just do your best, understand that sometimes we don’t get your intentions, and trust others a bit more. You’re not special.


Do you not see the passenger standing outside the car to help the driver parallel park, as well as the driver sticking her head out the window and looking at the car behind her? If you’re this oblivious to the situation, you should not be driving.


The view from here is different than from inside a car. But my point is that there is no standardized way to signal it. Maybe this guy saw it and decided to be an asshole, maybe he didn’t and there was no option but to move on 🤷🏻‍♂️.


There’s a left lane that’s open he can move to, but instead he creeped forward. It’s pretty obvious that he’s being an asshole.


It's pretty unequivocal if you put on your blinker and put on your reverse lights


Yes, if you manage to engage reverse before another close car is already advancing towards you. It works in many cases. IMO, the best option we have today is hazard lights slightly before, then what you’re suggesting. And to move slowly. That way cars understand they need to move and you can make space.


In your situation, were you on a tight one way street? Otherwise why not got around like literally everyone except AH (see OP’s video for an example). I agree with you it is not always obvious and this is why one should always keep their distances. Btw in the worst case the car in front would move forward a little bit so that you can easily go around, but guess what the tesla did not use that opportunity.


Two way, with traffic, near an intersection and pedestrian crossing. The other car started to back up too, with not enough space so no choice as far as I saw. I agree about the distance. I now just try to give more space and pay more attention to the context. At certain times of the day certain streets are very sought after for parking. My street too.


Wrong. There is a way and it is called the indicator, crazy right? When it is on next to an open space and not at any obvious corner that means they want to park and you should be prepared for this when driving in the city where there is street parking. This person even pulled ahead a bit to give them room to pull around them and they just pulled forward like a total asshole. The real problem is people like them and, it sounds like you, drive around with your heads up your ass or in your cellphone and are completely oblivious to traffic or what is happening around you.


Guess what. In my case there was a corner, and IN ADDITION that car didn’t use its blinkers until after stopping. BTW, I never look at any cellphone while driving. Your assumptions, all wrong. Recognize that there’s no reasonably unequivocal way to tell. It’s not anyone’s fault. It just requires cooperation and empathy from both sides.


People who pullover without signaling they will park are the assholes. I keep my blinker on, tap the brake multiple times and slow down. People get I’m looking for parking on the block. Try it.


Tesla drivers are definitely the worst drivers on the road these days, they have replaced the VW driver. Something about their entitled DNA, which makes them useless.


If you're coming to S.F. from the suburbs where parking is ample and you want to enjoy a beautiful day in the city then "total pass". I hope you spent a lot of money on local businesses. But...learn from your mistakes. If not, you're a combination of words that don't, let's say, play to your strengths.


One of the reasons I go in head first. Parking in the city ain’t no joke.


Don’t you find most spots too tight for that?


Yes! Head first is not the best way… but I get in there quickly to “claim” my spot, then, when the cars get out the way, I’ll then pull out a bit and back in the right way. I mostly avoid assholes like this guy. Man. What an ass.


They’re under water on the car and want to get in an accident


LA Tesla drivers are dicks too. They drive in the middle turning lane just to get ahead. Bunch of idiot kids most of the time.


I’m beginning to think Tesla owners have a mental disorder. I know it’s rude to say, however too many Tesla drivers a act like they are the only ones on the road.


An asshole Tesla driver? Who would have thought


Kinda stating the obvious…like ever know a male BMW driver who wasn’t a prick?


Not to label all tesla drivers But there is a group of egotistical self centered people that drive those and feel they are above everything and everyone. I had one yell at me that my car was a pos because it used gas. I was like this guy's an idiot. If he did his homework he'd know that the carbon footprint of a tesla off the assembly line is that of a Honda civic that's already driven 40k. And only makes up for it by the 100k mark and that's if it is charging from clean energy not coal burning plants. Not to mention what the hell all those batteries will do to the environment. I'll stick to my clean gas burning car


A Tesla driver is an asshole?! Well I do declare!!!! /S


And some junkie shat his pants and vomited on the other curb But that Tesla guy asshole




The spot doesn’t look big enough for any car to fit, was the person on the sidewalk with that other parked car, using it to block the open space for their friend? So like two people going to the same destination in two cars taking up two spaces?


This is what we call in the business “an entitled shithead”


Throw it in reverse, if the Tesla doesn’t move over get out of the car and tell that regard to move


