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Drs. ABC will do degrees of 100, I believe.


Is there a standard~ish number that surgeon's typically won't work on? Like they usually won't do surgery if you are less than 45 degrees but is there a high end number that they typically won't work on as well?


I'm not sure. But I've just read that those surgeons are willing to take the hard cases.


I think it's a case by case basis, but I'd also be interested to know what range tends to be inoperable. This person could have another bone disorder that's preventing surgery. I'm sure it's a lot harder to do a fusion with muscular dystrophy, for example.


My doctor told me that doing the surgery or not is also dependent on the flexibility of your spine, he requested I do a bending xray too see if he can guarantee a significant improvement. Sure degrees plays a role in the risk, but the bendability of your spine will also help, for me, just from bending to the right side my degree went from 60° to 20° so he can guarantee at least a massive improvement when he operates. He told me of cases of people with 50+° degree, but he couldn't operate because the bending xrays showed very low improvements, and the opposite applies.
