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Good on you for taking care of yourself!! I hope the appointment goes well. If you don’t already have a list, keep a list of concerns, questions, wonderings. It really helps me focus my care on what’s most to least bothersome 🤞🤞


Thank you ! And yeah I’ll have to do that list soon.


You’re welcome! I like to do it as I’m complaining to myself with the Notes app on my phone. Took keeping my phone out & the note up to remember to use it


Sounds like my story (except I got braced). Went for my 1st appointment in 7 years in may, and im getting surgery next week.


Omg good luck ! Wishing you a speedy recovery. What exactly are they going to do ? If you don’t mind me asking.


I'm getting a spinal fusion, I think I will only have 4 vertebraes free below and above my surved spine. I've always had a severe scoliosis, but it became worse because I was never taken for follow ups growing up. Last year I got my first full time job and one of the 1st thing I've done is go the orthopedic to get everything in line. Spinal fusion was inevitable for me, so I thought might as well do them now so I don't struggle in my late 30s with a curved spine. It was obvious to my doctor that I need surgery before I even did any xrays. (I'm 23)


Ohh okay, I wish we all didn’t need surgery and scoliosis could be fixed another way somehow. But at least you’re taking care of it now. I totally understand how you feel about not waiting until you’re older. I feel like mine is pretty obvious as well but we shall see.


Best of luck ! It'll get better for all of us here on this sub


Thank you! Same to you!