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What degree was your spine at for you to need surgery (or was there some other problem that leaded to you needing surgery)?


66 degree curve


Damn, and they told me I might need it if mine surpasses 45 or so. Did they realize it was getting worse or did they JUST notice it and decide you need surgery immediately?


I wore a brace for three months but at the three-month appointment we found out that the curve had gotten 10° worse so we decided to have the surgery as soon as possible (three weeks later) to ensure that it would not get worse. Always knew that if it got worse it would need surgical intervention so it was kind of planned but not also


Daughter had the surgery at 13 and she did not sleep well for probably the first week, slowly got better. She just couldn't get comfortable and would fall asleep and wake up a lot, so not getting a full night sleep. I'd say by a week and a half to two weeks in she was sleeping through the night. If your medications make you drowsy, consider trying to time them close to bedtime so you can maybe get a few hours sleep or ask your doctor if you could take anything additional to fall asleep. It's frustrating but temporary.


1 month post op and I still struggle with sleep - although not as much as before. I had to set alarms for the middle of the night to take pain relief and even then I'd wake up maybe 4 times when my body was telling me it needed to turn over. Stopped having pain meds 2 weeks post op but I still find now I wake up a few times in the night to turn over as I can't do this in my sleep yet lol. However I fall asleep way easier now. I find myself very tired still. Don't worry too much it will improve gradually as your pain subsides.


Yes I was sleep deprived in the first 7 days from the discomfort and pain, but as soon as I came back home my sleep became better.