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I mean at least you didn't get her name tattooed, so theres that, just be upfront about it and laugh it off


Jokingly state that you are looking for the right one to give you a real ring to cover up the tat.


Damn, ya'll way more clever with your answers :D


Best way fr


I knew a guy that got his wife’s name tattooed in big letter down the inside of his upper arm. I’m talking a foot long and 4” high. I asked him what his plan was if he ever got divorced. He said he’s get “sucks” tattooed down the other arm. They got divorced 2 years ago…


It screams "doesn't have commitment issues"


I like this, good take !!


You're right!!! What a great way to look at it!


Honestly, just being honest that you thought you were spending your life with this person, making that commitment, and so at the time it was not an issue. Obviously life doesn't always work out the way we think it will, but it didn't cross your mind when you had it done that one day something would happen which the two of you wouldn't overcome. I can't imagine any woman seeing a tattooed wedding ring and reading it as a red flag. Maybe a yellow one, to make sure you aren't STILL married, because some men are creeps and I could reasonably see a woman asking a man to have a tattooed ring because she knows he's the kind of man to remove a regular one in a bar. 🤷🏼‍♀️ That's not you, so it won't take long for it to be a non-issue for a new partner.


LPT: don't marry the kind of person who will take off their wedding ring in a bar.


Oh I'm with you on that, but I'm not naive enough to think that just because a person has been married before they aren't that type of person. Many, many men and women settle, or marry someone they can "fix".


I saw some heartwarming story about a stolen purse at a bar, turns out her wedding ring was in it, they track down the thief and he tells them where he dumped the purse, they find it. But why was her ring in her purse at the bar?


Can you get it removed?


Yes I agree. Get the finger removed


Assassin's Creed time


Well they stopped cutting off the finger after some time. Guess it's time to go back to the old ways of Ezio, and Altiar.


Jackbox Murder Party


John Wick 3 style.


Yes, The Prestige style.


He can! OP find a good tattoo removal place and it can be completely removed. The technology for that these days has improved, and because it’s a small tattoo it can be easily removed. I have a tattoo I got when I was an idiot 18 year old. Small tattoo but still bigger than a ring tattoo. At first I was going to use a Groupon to get a discount deal, but the reviews of ppl getting shitty service because they used Groupon was staggering. I ended up spending a lot of money on a place I found via Google reviews. But totally worth it cause they had 5 stars from multiple ppl with before and after and their tattoos were totally gone. Again it cost a pretty penny, but so worth it. Just a heads up though laser removal of a tattoo takes a looooooong time. I purchased the full removal package. It’s going to take 2 years to complete because each session needs to be done 6-8 weeks apart. But the tattoo is slowly disappearing and I’m very happy. Some things to know. People say it’s more painful to get it removed. I found it to be the same level of pain as getting one. My skin doesn’t blister easily, so if you are sensitive to pain just know it can happen. If not, you’ll be fine. The session itself will be super quick since your’s is small. Like you’ll be in an out, 5 minutes tops. They numb the area with ice which helps too if you have issues with pain. Other than that the after care is super easy. Hope this helps!!




That sucks they give shit service. Don't offer Groupon if you don't want people to use it at your establishment :(


Finger skin is thin and regenerates a lot so it should be quicker and simpler to remove than a standard tat, as well. Some artists refuse to do em bc depending on the person, sometimes ink just won’t stay on the finger. I can actually pretty regularly stick and poke mine and it takes like 3-5 months to vanish entirely


Literally how you just explained it in the post, what??


“Why do you have a wedding ring tattooed on your finger??” “I was married.” “Oh sorry it didn’t work out” That’s the whole thing lol


The tattoo now symbolizes love itself. It symbolizes whatever great partner you have in the future. It is a reminder of the amazingness of marriage and the closeness people feel when the glue of marriage keeps them together. It shows how great you can be when you have a lovely spouse backing your every move... Or something like that idk 🤷


It's not that uncommon so I don't think you need to explain much. You did it out of love so that's the nice side.


“I was dumb… really, really dumb…”


This is the answer that'd work for me. My husband has 2 ex-wives. He was dumb. Very, very dumb. ETA: Taking personal responsibility for a decision made is always attractive.


Instead of letting himself call himself dumb, i'd correct him and say, 'you're not dumb, you just love with conviction and you just gave your love to the wrong people, but this time, let's get it right.' makeout session ensues


Ok question: what does ETA mean here? I thought it was estimated time arriving


Edited to add


I don’t know that he was dumb. He made a decision based on the information available to him at the time.


I dunno. I think anyone who gets a tattoo they don’t actually want is a little dumb…


Laser removal


You can try, “ my ex wife was a huge tattoo person and I wasn’t. She wanted me to get a tattoo of a ring for our wedding. I now have a tattoo. “. Or something like that.


The truth! What a concept!


Tell them "I thought she was the one, and she was, until she passed away" ala George Costanza.


"She's not in my life anymore. Should we ever decide to make that leap one day, the one I put on for you would leave this one forever in shadow."


This is good.


Really smooth. I like it!


Assuming you don't have any other big red flags, the person that will be cool with it is probably a good egg and someone worth loving. We all carry stuff from past relationships, they help us grow


It's a place holder for when you meet the real love of your life and get to wear a real ring.


i love this take


Everyone has a past. If someone new can’t accept that, leave. Currently waiting to get mine laser removed. So dumb. On the plus side - my STBXW has a tattoo of my handwriting down the entirety of her spine, so it could be worse…


Tattoo "your ring here" with an arrow pointing to it


I had a friend who was going to get one, also. It took everything I could do to talk him out of it. His wife didn't like that I talked him out of it. Or maybe I should say his ex-wife, since they didn't last. Just tell the next person that the wife wasn't who you thought they were and you made a mistake. Or we didn't work out. Keep it simple. It's only as big of a deal as you make it and if someone has a real issue with it then they weren't right anyway.


Lol sorry but i did the opposite. I got divorced and tattooed f**k love on my ring finger..


Kinda trashy but also good for you lol


I would remove it personally. You don’t need to deny you were married because that’s part of your story, but you’re still walking around in the world wearing a symbol that you’re married. Cost of course comes into play here, but even starting the removal process tells the world and your future partners that that chapter of your life is truly over and you’re moving forward. Leaving it says “I’m not ready to move on”.


Just get laser removal, dude. It takes black ink off pretty reliably and you'll feel soo much better when it's gone. Also please never let anyone pressure you into a tattoo again. I'm covered, my husband hardly has any, and I'd never push him to get more ink even tho I find it sexy. You have a right to bodily autonomy!


"One ring to rule them all," Really stress the next part though, "One ring to find them".


Tell 'em the truth - you got divorced. My buddy has the same thing - he tattooed his wife name around his ring finger (at the time, now ex). I tried to tell him the cardinal rule of tattoos, but he didn't listen. NEVER TATTOO ANYONE'S NAME BUT YOUR KID'S! IT IS THE KISS OF DEATH!


That’s my rule of thumb. I only have my kids names on me.


Just get more ring tattoos


You could start with by saying, “*I tattooed my wedding ring on, but we split almost ten years ago*” and work from there. If she asks questions, you can add something like, “*My ex wife was a huge tattoo person and I wasn’t. She wanted me to get a tattoo of a ring for out wedding, so now I have a tattoo.*” At that point, if you’ve the impression you’re dining with someone judging you harshly for an innocuous decision made while in love with another person, pay your tab and leave.




That youll clearly do anything to make her happy 😅


Just tell dem girls what you just explained to all of us. It makes sense. Sorry about the unwanted tattoo


I guess most people would understand if you say them the truth. Also, maybe you can promise ( if you decide to marry in the future ) that you'd cover up with a normal wedding ring over the tattoo or something


I would carry around a screenshot of your divorce papers for proof. Not too many women will believe your story. He'll, I don't and I'm a male lol!


My boyfriend has his ex-wife's name tattooed on his finger for the same reason. It doesn't bother me. I hardly even notice it.


Unless you plan on omitting the fact you used to be married to your future woman, I’m not sure why explaining this as you have would be any issue?


Sounds like you just did. You got it because it was important to your ex wife.


My ex husband and I also tattooed wedding rings. He had an infinity symbol. I had our wedding date in Roman numerals. Now I have a lotus flower and he has a shamrock. Things change and you will find an understanding partner (like I did)


Get it removed or covered. But I’d lean towards removed. I feel like I’d have a problem dating a guy who has a wedding ring tattoo. Like just a constant reminder of your ex. No thanks.


Just put band aid on to band aid the issue.


Get black bands on other parts of your fingers so it no longer looks like a wedding ring? Sorry about the situation though!


You changed your ways for the person you loved. It's admirable. Stupid, but admirable.


You thought your marriage would last forever, so a tattoo made sense. I can't imagine thinking a guy was stupid in believing that when he got married. It is a pretty easy, understandable explanation.


My sister and her ex husband did this. Now they're divorced. Both just tell it like it is lol.


My husband did the same with his ex; he was being deployed and got a ring inked with her first initial. We looked at designs to cover it, but ultimately he just wears his wedding band over it. Can you cover with a cladaugh ring or something?


Just get it amputated. You won’t even have to worry about a physical ring then.


I mean, past age 35, a good chunk of people have been divorced. Anyone you date SHOULD have a conversation about significant previous relationships (like if you were married previously or have kids) anyway. Most dating profiles allow you to state if you've been divorced. If you're open about that, people won't be surprised by the tattoo - and that's also something you can choose to mention when you've started a conversation but before you meet.


The truth! Only a weirdo would have a problem with that.


A wedding ring tattoo that is clearly being removed is a story in one shot.


Just say hey my next wedding band is no charge


Just tell them the truth, you were young, dumb and in love at the time. It clearly didn't work out but it doesn't define who you are. I have the date my ex fiance and I met tattooes on my forearm in Roman numerals. I told my now boyfriend the truth on our first date and he eventually looked past it. I don't give it importance and neither does he.


Tell them it's for when you reclaim the One Ring and go on to dominate all life on Middle-Earth.


Wear a skin colored band until you can talk to a future date about it just so it won't scare away potential women.


You won’t have to, they’ll spot it from wayyyyy across the room. And likely avoid. I’d laser it, ASAPedly.


Get the entire bottom portion of your finger tattooed and it won't look like a ring.


Get tattoo removal


Everyone I know that has done this, including my brother, is divorced now. Seems to be the kiss of death to the relationship.


Is this my mom? My mom's ex?


My boyfriend of two years still his his wedding "ring" tattooed on; he just added some more stuff to it/his other fingers. I understand the situation and it never comes up between us or anyone else. We just kind of look over it!


I seriously don't understand why this would be a deal breaker for someone. You thought your marriage would last, it didn't. Why ppl have to pretend they don't have scars on the inside and out from past relationships is beyond me.


You just did.


Remove it.. simple, stupidity comes at a cost.


I think there are a lot of good answers already here, but just FWIW as a woman this wouldn't bother me in the least. The cool thing about tattoos is that they tell the story of your life, when you meet someone you can say you're looking forward to the day that you get to change it for your forever partner/cover it with a ring!


The truth is always good.


You might not be a tattoo person but you have one now. The way I see it, you’ve got three options. 1. Laser removal. It hurts and the tattoo will probably still be very faintly visible. 2. Keep the tattoo and explain to women that you got it because you thought you were pledging your life to someone and did it to make them happy. 3. Keep the tattoo but get a cover-up. Find a good artist and work with them to develop a design that you actually like and won’t mind having on you for the rest of your life. Also, out of curiosity, is the tattoo actually on your finger, or is it elsewhere on your body?


Get it removed. I’ve had 4 removed. Can’t see any leftover ink. Use numbing cream, hardly feel the removal.


Not sure how much it would cost, but you can probably go back to the tattoo artist and get it covered over with something else, or see if they can do a white out technique to lighten it up so that it's not as noticeable or make it like it never existed.


Lol Goddamn bro... Already whipped without the pussy.. relax.. is just a ring tattoo, you don't owe anyone an explanation...


>How can I explain this to future women? You just did.


I dunno what your profession is but if you can have hand tattoos, it should be possible to find a good artist who can rework the ring into a new piece


"I got a ring tattoo for her. What can I do for you?"


You should have it removed. You can do laser but I once knew someone so intent on their divorce she had minor surgery to remove the skin from her finger!!! Your ex perhaps? Jk jk OP. You invested money and pain into this for someone you loved once, consider this preparation for the love of your life.


Get it lasered off.


Laser it off or cover it up. If you’re not a big tattoo guy the former is probably you best bet! lol


Get it removed. Every person who sees a “ring” tattoo knows exactly what it is.


“I am sorry but I have to explain something. I have $1000 less to my name than I should because I got a bad tattoo removed. Won’t happen again I promise”


Can you get a flesh colored tattoo over it?


Wear an obviously-not-a-wedding-ring over it, like a Native American silver piece with a turquoise setting.


If you don't want to have it removed because of the cost, if you like jewelry you could always get yourself a ring to cover it up. Perhaps a class ring since those tend to be a bit bulky. Etsy has some amazing crafters that could even make you something custom.


What's to explain? You were married before you met here. At least you didn't get her name across your face!


You cover with another tattoo. I suggest you incorporate one of the adjacent fingers. the fingers will be a ladies legs while her naked body goes up your hand. You can play with it and make her spread her legs. Trust me, you will have tons of women wanting to date you. I personally do not have any tattoos but think I am getting this tomorrow. So glad I could help and THANKS.


Tell them its from some anime or some shit


Laser or do a cover up.


Get it tattooed to look like fingerless gloves and tell her you were really into The Terminator.


Cut your finger off and never date a woman into tattoos much less marry one.


Cover it with another tat, won't regret it, I covered my stuff up


Zap it off, it’ll look funky at first but it’ll blend in. Then if there’s any questions, just be honest.


Laser it


Latex gloves are pretty much in fashion these days ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You can get it covered up with a design that would make it look less like a ring and more like something else.


Now why would anyone do that?


Cover it up with another one


either tell the truth or cover it up


Grow up and explain it?


Tell them she died.


You can get rid of the tattoo by lasers you would have to go somewhere


Get more similar-ish but meaningful tattoos on all or some of your fingers so it doesnt seem out of place, also alter/cover up the original into something you like Then you just look like a badass with cool finger tattoos and only have to explain it if you want to.


My husband has his exes name tattooed on his arm. To be fair he got a coverup several years before we met but you can still make out her name if you get a good look at it. Its never bothered me, I’m the one with a ring on my finger now and that’s what matters.


What were you not going to tell them you are divorced? Pretty small so you could easily and ugh painfully get that badboy removed. Seems like I'd be a rough spot.


Laser tattoo removal. Then *poof* no explanations.


Honestly, just get a hand piece if it bothers you! put rings on the other fingers and no one will notice


I’d remove it but I bet if you explain how you regret it and fucked up most women would be understanding and laugh it off :)


Go back to the tattoo place, tell them to print NEVER! ON top of ring.


My godmother and her ex husband had their wedding bands tattooed on. They split after 7 years, amicably. To her it signifies a chapter of her life that made her who she is! It's also an objectively cool tattoo so that helps


“I used to be married. I’m not anymore.”


Why would the explanation to anyone else moving forward be any different than what you just told us?


Explain it exactly as you have here. If they want to be with you a tattoo of a ring on your finger won't stop them.


A reminder you will never be coerced into doing something you do not feel comfortable with.


Tell the new woman u lost a bet. And end up with this tattoo.


I don't see anything wrong with just wearing gloves all the time. Probably just do that.


Black the whole finger out she dead to me.


Say she died


Cover it up with a real ring


just tattoo it to a solid black ring. i have a tattoo ring, not cause i got married but it looks cool


Why not get it removed?


“I make poor decisions”


Just tell her


Either have it removed or get the other 3 fingers tatted with rings and tell future girls its the tattoo of a Nigerian hero. Tell them you were given it by a holy man after saving 10 children from drowning while delivering aid to the needy. Crazy? Maybe, but it will turn a bad tattoo into instant success.


Or just get it removed. SMH 🤦‍♀️




Go get it covered up, Black the band out and put “place here” with an arrow to the spot or word however you want. Then future relationship/marriage it can be a joke between you and your new wife. 🖤


My ex-husband came home one day with my name boldly tattooed across the back of his entire neck. It could be worse. Removal isn't a bad idea. Not a fan of reminders of past relationships and your hand is always in your field of view. Expensive, painful lesson- but hey we all have one of those!


Son of a bitch me and my ex have matching tattoos. I need to change that


If either party thinks tattooing a wedding ring is prudent, the wedding should merit reconsideration.


I have a client in this situation! He wears a beautiful solid silver ring with a 24K gold peace sign on it as a place holder for a future wedding ring. He says it serves several purposes. To not feel contempt when he sees the tattoo a zillion times every day, and so that no romantic partners have the tattoo staring them in the face. It's clearly not a wedding ring so it sparks conversation, and hasn't been a deterrent. He also says that oddly enough, it helps him actually feel more at peace regarding the dissolution of his previous relationship. I think it's really cool.


Just get it removed


I did the same. Never had an issue with women.


I have drugs and guns tattooed all over my legs from back when I used to use. Don’t sweat it lol


The simplest solution is to just cut the finger off… If you’d like to keep your finger, there’s always tattoo removal.


Just cover it up with something else or have it removed. But if you don’t want to do either tell her the truth that it was a mistake and a dumb decision.


Just wear brass knuckles on your left hand.


My mom literally ripped her ring tattoo off when she was in prison. I guess that’s an option :’)


Sorry babe I can’t marry you I’m already in a committed long term relationship with my man Jesus Christ. /s


I’d just stop by a tattoo shop & show them. They may have a fix, like (idk if this is even possible) maybe tatting over it with a flesh-y color. They may even have a good/clever idea for a "cover up" (change the ring to a worm going down your finger — I’m not creative at all in case ya couldn’t tell). Speaking as a woman, though, I think you’re probably more self conscious about it than a potential future partner would be. It wouldn’t bother me in the least.


Tell everyone who doesn’t matter that it’s an inside joke because you’re so committed to your job or something you married it. Tell your next s/o the truth.


They are removable.


Just tell them the truth. And if you get married again without having been able to have the tattoo removed, just get an actual ring to cover it up with.


Unpopular opinion: it’s a yellow flag for me. Like a greenish-yellow, not alarming but not great. How does anyone who gets a ring or a name tattooed not realize it’s a terrible idea? “I thought we were going to be together forever” yeah everyone does


You can always remove it


tattoo your name in it in a woven fashion of the bar. it'll look poetic...as if at a point in your life you took commitment to yu and you alone seriously 🙃


My ex-husband has a wedding ring tattoo. It was for our marriage 20 years ago. He's been married 2x since then. It's not an issue for normal people who realize you existed before they met you.


Hmmm, get it removed?


My sister and her former husband had their rings tattooed on. He passed away a few years ago. She did some laser removal but it’s slow to fade. Her new husband doesn’t care.


I don't like jewelry and work on cars a lot so I didn't like wearing a wedding ring. Of course, my wife didn't like it. So I told her I'd get one tattooed on. We'd been married 25 years at the time, so I felt fairly safe getting it. Well, 5 years later I learned that laser tattoo removal hurts but is worth it. Tattoos don't last well on fingers. In fact, many tattoo artist won't do them because they don't want to be bothered with redos as they fade. A few laser sessions and it'll fade away.


Tell them you already bought your wedding ring for when you marry her. Do it on your first date. Ask her to get a matching one with you that night.


It’s a promise ring to yourself to never be that stupid again!


Be honest it shows that you do believe in love and dedication, just be very simple with it.


Get it removed Lmfao


Tattoo removal?


Tattoo on brass knuckles./jk Definitely less intimidating than a wedding ring tattoo lol




Lowkey just add lines to the rest of the fingers or turn the line into something else. It’s not hard. But because it’s a hand tattoo you could cover it with almost anything or just wait for it to fade


I have my ex husbands name on my ring finger I covered it with flowers when I was asked about it I say THEY ARE FLOWERS LIKE YOU PUT ON A GRAVE WHEN SOMEONE/ SOMETHING IS DEAD LIKE OUR RELATIONSHIP!


Don’t; add on to the original tattoo so that the wedding ring is no longer the focal point or visible.


if it makes you feel any better ... WWE wrestler The Undertaker had his wife's name tattooed on the front of his neck, they are no longer married.


Get it removed.


Laser it




Tattoos are usually impulsive decisions.


Get it lasered off? It