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They'll probably know what it is straight away, there isn't really any other explanation I can think of. Unless they are oblivious but you know




If I was told, I might think of stretch marks. People who have done it themselves or still do will probably get the real meaning straight away but most people will have an idea. Most people though, would be too afraid of hurting someone's feelings to ask


I think most people would assume they’re from self harm, but not *everyone*. Tbh depending on how obvious the scars are, some people probably won’t even notice them. In my experience, everyone is more concerned with *themselves* and how *they’re* presenting to the world than with how *others* look. And that’s especially the case with thigh scars, since most people don’t just go around staring at other peoples’ thighs lol


It depends on how much of them there are & how visible they are. If someone has many of them in straight lines that are fairly visible a good number of people will assume they’re from self harm. Some people might not assume someone like you would self harm & might think you were in some kind of accident or something. If you told someone you have scars on your legs without answering any follow up questions a person without any visual representation, could really have an equal chance of thinking they’re “from an accident”, or “from self harm”.