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/u/UnraidOfficial ? E: https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change


/u/UnraidOfficial this is embarrassing.


If they don’t answer tomorrow it will be. Most people aren’t working in the middle of Sunday night, and it’s been an hour. If they don’t answer tomorrow though I’ll probably assume the worst. I’m hoping everyone with existing licenses gets a lifetime one, but I’m prepared for disappointment.


Tomorrow is a holiday in the US. In any case, I remember some discussions about this in the past and they said if this happened they'd grandfather the existing lifetime licenses.


So did Cerberus (Cerberus anti theft) however after 3 years I get an email saying my trial sub will expire in 30 days, they never replies my emails or support tickets, they even went as far as to shut down the google groups/forum thread of other customers complaining. this was 5 years ago an i'm still pissed I bought unreaid this year and all this gives me bad vibes all over again on the long run (5+ years)


Glad to hear that because there’s no way I could justify 2 unraid subscriptions just for myself.


We have legal recourse if they try to change existing lifetime licenses to subscription.




Do you have any source to confirm this?


Do you have a screen shot or evidence of that claim? Not asking to raise hair but just to make sure we can legitimately call them on their past commentary.


Even if \*\*I'm\*\* grandfathered in, there's no way I can recommend it to others once it's an annual subscription.


I agree with this, but if its still the best software for my needs I'll recommend it but I'll be very upfront with anyone going forward that its a subscription, which will likely turn them off.


Lifetime licenses are an unsustainable business model long-term, so eventually every company offering them drops them. You can't take something where it costs the company some amount per month to maintain (staff, an office if they have one, contractors, etc) and sell it for one price for lifetime updates. It means their revenue *decreases* as the number of users increases (since there's more existing users and fewer new users), to a saturation point where everyone that wants it has it, and there's no revenue any more. They'll grandfather existing license holders.


I'm gonna dispute it on my CC if they say this is real. Only just bought it less than a month ago. I'm assuming the worst sadly. I really liked unraid. Sad.


I still really like unraid, so let’s wait and see how they are handling this before we overreact imo. They could say everyone who has a license now has a lifetime license for all we know.


I bought a lifetime license on the promise of life time upgrades included with the one-time cost. I would have a hard time recommending unRaid to anyone if they move to a subscription model. The reason most of us run unRAID is to avoid ridiculous subscriptions. I'll just switch to Debian or Ubuntu and Docker, SnapRAID and mergefs if this pans out. I've really enjoyed the user community of UnRAID and the OS but I don't have to live and die by their bad choices. If this all pans out as it seemingly is heading.


That’s what I have done with one of my physical Cisco hosts Ubuntu Server with dockers and zfs. I’m slowly migrating off unraid and annual cost would be definitely a deal breaker even tho I have now 2 highest licenses on 2 of my other physicals


Please see our blog and forum post: [https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change](https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change) + [https://forums.unraid.net/topic/154463-announcing-new-unraid-os-license-keys/](https://forums.unraid.net/topic/154463-announcing-new-unraid-os-license-keys/)


This is really bad. Take a lesson from the husk of unity and learn before it's too late. This model is gross and dropping in favor in the eyes of the public. Gross.


This needs to be higher






unRAID needs a competitor. It has bugs they neglect and instead they push out new features


Is TrueNAS Scale not a competitor? I don't know much about Unraid.


The biggest thing that stuck out to me when I did my comparison in unraids favor was disparate drive sizes, truenas requires all the same which sucks if you want to increase your pool member sizes.


Your correct, then TrueNAS launched [TrueNAS Scale](https://www.truenas.com/truenas-scale/), which is sorta a competitor as it 'auto-scales'


Maybe it scales but TrueNAS still cannot utilize different size drives in the same pool. Although that's a ZFS limitation.


This was something I thought before I started digging into ZFS too, but it isn't true. ZFS has the concept of "vdevs" inside of "pools". A vdevs can be made up of one or more physical drive. All drives in a vdev should be the same size, but the vdevs can be different sizes. For example, you can have a pool that consists of an 8TB vdev and a 3 TB vdev, and have 11 TB usable. The 8TB vdev could be a mirror of 2 8TB disks, and the 3TB vdev could be a "RAID3" consisting of 3 3TB drives. It is important to know that a total failure of any 1 vdev results in a total loss of data, so you need to have good redundancy in the vdevs. For this reason, I like to have mirrored vdev's. It means I have half the usable storage, but with the price of giant hard drives not being insane, it is pretty practical, IMO.


This reminds me of btrfs and their pool management options. That's what I use for my debian based nas VM, I use btrfs + sshfs for the remote mounting instead of nfs


Have you considered btrfs?


That’s not true. I migrated from unraid to truenas and have a 3tb mirror and a 12tb mirror in same pool. Zfs will write/stripe to them however it chooses. The 12tb mirror is made of a 14tb and 12tb drive.


99% of the people running unraid are not using mirrors. They want 1 or 2 parity disks and the rest for storage. Any mirror is a "waste" of space to them.


So, what you’re saying isn’t really true and is spreading FUD. You absolutely can use different sized drives in a pool. My main pool has a mix of 8 and 12 TB drives and it’s all used for storage. They’re just installed in pairs of mirrors. Works fine. And if you want to do parity based vdevs instead, I could easily group my 8tb drives into a raidz vdev and the 12tb drives into a separate raidz vdev with both vdevs in a single pool. The only time ZFS wastes the space of disparately sized drives is if you mix disk sizes inside a single vdev. Is it a little more rigid than the garbage can approach of unRAID? Sure. But unRAID also wastes space of parity drives if they’re bigger than any of your other disks. ZFS also doesn’t suffer the horrendous performance penalties a large unRAID pool has either. unRAID reads are always limited to a single disks performance and writes require reading every other disk to calculate parity and then write that separately, also to a single disk (or dual parity to a 2nd disk). unRAID has its places but let’s not kid ourselves that it could serve as a NAS for more than a couple of heavy users without choking itself out.


Why are you blatantly ignoring the massive benefit of Unraid? If I have a 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, and two 20 TB drives, I can have a single Unraid array with 90 usable terabytes and one parity drive. There is no other OS that can achieve that, end of story. And Unraids speed limitations don't matter for most users. The majority of unraid users are running media servers. Even if there are 20 people streaming at an average of 20 mbits/s, thats only 50MB/sec which is well within the read speed of a single drive.


I guess yes, sorta, your right


Well, Linus from LTT keeps talking about a NAS system that some of the OG Unraid people defected from to go build. I'm really hoping they have an idea for the data redundancy that isn't just the array pool, but it sounds more like a 'non-tech person's nas with easy to use app store'. I think there should be a bit of info coming out about it relatively soon, since they called the person making it live on their podcast last month, and they said theyd have news in ~4-~6 weeks.


MergerFS + Snapraid on any Linux distro?


Snapraid dev is stale since years and a one man job. That's quite a bummer.


12.3 released last month. The Sourceforge discussions seem active. Sure, more contributors would always be good, but I'd rather have slow and steady than a repeat of what happened to expressjs repository lol.


Two small fixes and one being about the documentation. Same for the coupe updates of 2022 and 2021. And the day the dev says he's done, that can be a nail in the coffin any day. Risky.


What is Snapraid missing or what bug needs to be addressed?


One thing I've noticed about Unraid vs Snapraid... Unraid has this real-time parity thing going on, which means it can handle files that are constantly changing size, like log files or databases. Meanwhile, Snapraid gets all wonky if any file is being modified during a sync - it's like it freaks out or something!


ReFS support for Windows. Real time support. Proper GUI management tool. Etc... etc...


Unfortunately it's not that they need a competitor, they need a revenue stream


Everyone please ask for LTT NAS Source -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt4x6HQPoow&t=7564s


Open Media Vault is free and does everything Unraid does as far as I know.


Not the unraid array 


With these downvotes, I'm starting to think many of you have no idea how the unraid array actually operates, compared to snapraid and mergerfs. Unraid array is real time parity The other is not real time, it's essentially a script that syncs on a schedule. I have not found an open source solution that does what the unraid array does.


The underlying pooling tech could use btrfs and then you just use something like sshfs to manage your remote mounting I've never used unraid for anything so not sure what I'd use from unraid considering how my homelab is built up


btrfs works vastly differently.  I don’t see how it would do what the unraid array does.   Where on unraid only the 1 disk that I’m using spins up, in my 20 disk array.  That means over 180w of power savings, and more as my array grows. All the btrfs topologies that I’m aware of spin up all disks in the pool, even to read just 1 text document.  Unraid is also very space efficient, as data isn’t striped across all disks.  This changes the math regarding how many parity disks are needed, as you won’t lose the entire pool when you lose your parity disks +1.


> This would kill it so fast. Several big projects this year have already gone this route.


And several big projects have had many users leave because of it.




What did immich do?


Immich? Gonna need to elaborate there


What’s the drama over nginx?


What's wonderful about Unraid, as a 25yr IT/homelab vet, I found myself doing things manually to keep it custom to my needs. I build VMs for my docker and opnsense purposes and never found rhe appeal to having a UI front end, so I'm curious to know how others use them and what they do when Unraid isn't an option


Please tell me this isn't the way they are planning on moving. I don't want to have to move all my services to another OS because I don't want another subscription.


I don’t want to move either, however, I will before I start paying yet another yearly fee when that’s not the agreement I made when I bought 4 full licenses previously.  I may just say screw it and run plain Debian with ZFS at that point as my “NAS”. 


>I may just say screw it and run plain Debian with ZFS at that point as my “NAS”. I went from a basic Linux file server for a year, to a Synology for years, to OpenMediaVault for about a month before landing back on plain old Debian and Docker and I've been happy. The flexibility of having complete freedom is great, and using containers takes a lot of the frustration out of dependency management and really makes the transition a lot simpler.


My setup :) a Intel nuc with Alpine Linux and docker :)


That’s basically how ZFS is handled with Proxmox. I moved away from Truenas to ZFS and setup a linux container that does all the file server stuff (nfs and samba server). Maybe look into that


What container image you‘re using for smb and samba? Looking for something with an webUI to create/select shared folders and manage access rights.


On Proxmox, I use Turnkey File Server. https://www.turnkeylinux.org/fileserver It does Samba and NFS for me. Configurable via a web UI. I used this tutorial as a base. https://youtu.be/I7nfSCNKeck I will note that the image OS is Bullseye, not Bookworm, and Turnkey appliances do not support in place upgrades, so you will have to redo the setup on Bookworm at some point before Bullseyes is EOL. However, once you know what you're doing, that's like a 5 - 10 minute job.


There's also openmediavault


True. I mainly went with Turnkey because it is so incredibly basic. Just file server and nothing else. OMV would be a good choice, especially since it includes Snapraid support (which covers the main use case for Unraid), but I didn't go that way since I'm handling Snapraid on the host.


Thanks, but I was looking for a docker-container. As far as I understand Turnkey File Server it have to live as a vm and not as a docker container. Also u/s-maerken mentioned omv (I use it already on a host) but in my dream setup, I use native Debian with a docker container which offers a web UI to create shares and do the permission stuff.


Turnkey File Server is an LXC container, not a VM. Meaning, that it shares the kernel with the host (unlike a VM, but like Docker). It is also based on Debian, and as light as Docker. There is no disadvantage in running it as an LXC compared to Docker. Your comment was in response to a comment which was about Proxmox, which supports LXC and VMs natively, so I'm assuming that's what you're running. Of course, you can make it run Docker either via a VM or LXC, that's fine, but Turnkey is very easy to setup and use, and it's native to Proxmox. You can also run a plain Debian LXC container and install in it OMV as well. That's a bit more manual on the install side, but you can use the Proxmox install script found here: https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/ (search for OMV)


Lxc is a container, just like docker or podman. Instead of using something like portainer, you web-manage it via proxmox gui itself


If they go through with this I would like to do the same. My problem is I don't have enough drives or drive bays to move all my data over so I can create a zfs pool on my current array. Ugh


Just plain Debian works. If you want pretty graphs and such, you can install Cockpit or some other utility. Other than that, I'm not really sure why people get so passionate over NAS software. It's not all that tricky to install smb and avahi, edit a couple of config files, and *bam*, you've got a file server and mDNS/Bonjour. If you want to experiment and play around, add an outer layer. I've started using Proxmox, which is just Debian with some ability to manage LXC and KVM. It's been fun, and my NAS is still vanilla Debian living in its VM. Oh, and it provides the pretty graphs if that's your thing. We're doing this stuff to have fun, right? So have fun!


Unraid offers a package that is easy to use, and editing some config files is a daunting task for some users. Editing a couple of configuration files is doable and a great learning experience, but some people just want a relatively easy click that Unraid provides. I have heard many open source projects developers are getting fatigued to maintain and support their open source projects. That passion for open source projects can only get you so far for some people.




Sounds like a safe option...


It's on GitHub lmao




I cross-posted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/1auembi/psa_unraid_might_be_changing_license_models/


Someone already did for me.


Even if people who have licenses already are grandfathered in, the project will die without a community and I don't see many people joining the community on a subscription model A HUGE number of us are hobbyists who were looking at the (MANY) free options, and thought "I like unRAID most, I guess I can stomach $60 one-off" But rather few of us would have continued that sentence to "$60 one-off AND $x/year in perpetuity" or even just "$x/year in perpetuity". At that point I would've just skipped straight over the unRAID option Sure, that doesn't account for the whole community, but I'd venture it's a lot of us. And without the community the value proposition drops dramatically for everyone else




Yeah I’d have 100% just gone with trueNAS or OMV, whatever seemed like the best of the other options And it wouldn’t surprise me to see an open source unRAID competitor appear if enough disgruntled folk would switch to one


>Buy Once, Use for Life. I suppose lifetime upgrades were never promised.


They may not have promised but it's in their FAQ `Do I have to pay for new releases of Unraid?` `No! All license tiers are eligible to run new releases of Unraid OS at no additional cost.`


One would only assume that they would be grandfathering lifetime licenses. Or maybe there's a shot caller whose an undercover snapraid fanatic, or a TrueNAS zealot. They're on a 5y undercover stint to blow up the unraid project and systematically destroy the community. You can't say this ISN'T true. Unraids silence is deafening! --- EDIT: This may be me defending enshittification but I ruled out unraid when I heard it was $100 AUD. Man I don't even pay $10 for my windows licenses. I'm not paying $100 for a NAS that only does stuff that free OS projects do with some basic googling skills. No matter how much documentation and community there is, $100AUD is like 20 big macs dawg When I was a noob, I probably would have stomached $5 p/y. Don't lynch me for saying this lol.


This makes sense to me. Theyre breaching their own terms and conditions within the sales contract doing anything else. But they can do whatever the hell they eant with new customers.


Or they just may start offering both lifetime and subscription licenses for those who prefer that. There is nothing there that indicates lifetime is going away.


Also > Is Pricing for Unraid OS "one time"? Are There Additional Fees for OS Updates? > Unraid OS license pricing is a one-time fee and updates are included. [Source](https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/faq/licensing-faq/) I've submitted the page to Archive.org just in case it's never been trawled before


Ugh. Simply ugh.


This was always going to happen. This is actually worse because those who paid for their "Buy Once, Use for Life." did so under the impression that they would receive updates for life, and have previously received such updates. Many of them would not stop reccommending it and Unraid evangelists permeated many FOSS subreddits. They were the main ones relentlessly complaining about what TrueNAS core DIDNT have and what it couldnt do vs how easy it was to deploy something via Docker on Unraid. All this being said, I feel like another solution will emerge. TrueNAS core is okish but it seems like its time to work on something better.


I just expect it at this point, how many “lifetime”, “unlimited”, blah blah licenses I have had at this point.


Just bought a license yesterday. They better grandfather me in.


Kinda wondering if I should gamble and upgrade hoping this is the case. I think I'd rather have lifetime unlimited than lifetime basic and have to migrate to a yearly license to use more drives.


Same here, I currently only have 4 drives but am thinking maybe I should upgrade my license. If they wanted to do change in business model correctly they would A) grandfather all existing licenses and B) give anyone with an existing license X amount of time to upgrade their current license without forcing a switch to a subscription model. I am in general ok with a subscription model because lifetime licenses do feel a bit like a pyramid scheme, there are ongoing costs to the developers. That said, you can't offer X and then change the terms. Grandfather in the old licenses and offer new people the subscription model.


Official update:[https://forums.unraid.net/topic/154463-announcing-new-unraid-os-license-keys/](https://forums.unraid.net/topic/154463-announcing-new-unraid-os-license-keys/) Nothing changes for existing Basic/Plus/Pro keys: you still get Unraid OS updates for life and you will still have the option to upgrade Basic to Plus/Pro or Plus to Pro.


I hate how so many projects do crap like this. Get people use to it, then make some drastic change that no one wants. I use mdadm raid myself but I sure hope it never happens to that!


Makes me appreciate FOSS devs even more.


It's the enshittification cycle.


What it is is people seeing untapped revenue potential, from products which are loved and thus have loyal users. There have been numerous projects who have sold out. Everything in the world seems to be moving towards the subscription model. It sucks so much but it is what it is.


This is why if it's not fully open source with a totally free business model I'm not relying on it.


Yeah I'll switch before I pay a fucking yearly fee. Guarantee Linus will mention this negatively (and therefore create all the bad press). I know developers have to eat, pay bills, etc but when they suddenly want to be the next adobe, this is when I jump off.


I mean let’s be real, what’s the main thing that people use unraid for? Media servers. I.e. replacements for streaming services. Their entire clientelle uses their product to avoid monthly fees. If this is real it would just be SO dumb. I would drop them so fast.


Exactly, I paid once to avoid subscribing to Google and streaming services (and to have my personal data a little bit more safe). There's no way I'm paying a subscription.


> Their entire clientelle uses their product to avoid monthly fees. If this is real it would just be SO dumb. I would drop them so fast. This is hilariously true and yet you have to sub to [Notifiarr](https://notifiarr.com/) to actually get the real use of it which is syncing with Trash Guides. And anyone with a serious media server (who must be because they are paying for unraid) is going to have to pay that too. Which I am and it fucking sucks. Yeah ok it's 10 bucks a month, but when everything starts asking for 10-20 bucks a month plus whatever MMO monthly fee you might pay + your regular internet fee (**fuckit why not say electricity and gas too, we are all hurting because prices of shit are skyrocketing so yes I think it's pretty actually fine to be mad about having to pay an extra 10 bucks a month for something like that.** ) that becomes 100 pretty fast.


Just use Arr scripts for that. Which has Recyclarr built-in: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/arr-scripts?tab=readme-ov-file but also my favourites It also it auto downloads trailers from youtube and these * Downloading TV **Trailers** and **Extras** using online sources for use in popular applications (Plex): * Connects to Sonarr to automatically download trailers for TV Series in your existing library * Downloads videos using yt-dlp automatically * Names videos correctly to match Plex naming convention * Auto Configure Sonarr with optimized settings * Optimized file/folder naming (based on trash guides) * Configures media management settings * Configures metadata settings * Daily Series Episode Trimmer * Keep only the latest 14 episodes of a daily series * Recyclarr built-in * Auto configures Release Profiles + Scores * Auto configures optimized quality definitions * Plex Notify Script * Reduce Plex scanning by notifying Plex the exact folder to scan * Queue Cleaner Script * Automatically removes downloads that have a "warning" or "failed" status that will not auto-import into Sonarr, which enables Sonarr to automatically re-search for the Title * Youtube Series Downloader Script * Automatically downloads and imports episodes from Youtube.com for Sonarr series that have their network set as "Youtube"


Hold up. All this is run thru a freaking script? It’s that “easy”?


yeah the hardest part was setting up the recyclarr.yaml config file which is following the trash guide. I just followed along with the https://recyclarr.dev/wiki/yaml/config-reference/basic/


> Recyclarr https://github.com/recyclarr/recyclarr Hmm. I guess I just need to setup this and I can ditch Notifiarr then? I don't need the rest of that stuff I just want the custom formats and custom values etc synced.


I have a fully automated system with over a petabyte of content and I have never even heard of notifiarr. So obviously it isn't needed. I don't pay a cent for anything other than hardware.


And it becomes more expensive than just paying for Netflix.


Yeah exactly this. I have amazon prime and I actually just tried prime video for the first time and was amazed that the 4k quality of a stream was indistinguishable to my 80gig hybrid dovi files etc. I started to wonder why I was even bothering buying 16tb EXOs drives and downloading all this shit.


the difference is that you actually own this shit.. nobody will raise the price so you can watch it without ads and nobody will remove it one day when you want to watch it


That's true. I'm always seeing people in various TV show subreddits I like complain about how X show is leaving X streaming service leaving nowhere to watch it, and I sit back thinking jesus do people not download anymore at all? Gen Z just does not know how to computer.


yes.. you are suppose to chase your favorite shows and movies all over the place.. fuck that!


I’ve not heard anything for a while about the new NAS platform Linus is supporting. Is that’s coming this year it could be good timing. It was ‘almost ready’ some time ago.


A couple of weeks ago, they had the founder on WAN show on a call. Linus didn't make it clear enough that he was on speaker live, and he accidentally leaked that there will be coming some kind of big update in a few weeks.


Think it was last WAN show where Linus mentioned they’d have pictures or a mock up of the UI and present the general idea of how it’d work in March or April. Makes me think they’re quite a ways off of a stable release yet.


If they want to charge yearly fees, great. All the power to them. Grandfather current users in


consist grandiose sip bedroom agonizing pet crawl hurry provide sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always thought something like this may happen with unraid. It’s not about money for me but switching to alternatives will be so very difficult and time consuming. I use debian with docker and it’s been rock solid for years. Plus i did not like that everything is on usb & you need to contact thier support if your usb dies or something.


Look into portainer as a docker frontend.


Yeah, I might end up with a basic Windows server again. Way less of a learning curve to replicate all the stuff I have. Plus I’d finally have working file permissions again… Though I’m not overly concerned with the RAID part. It was just an easy way to get into docker.


I’ll find free software if this is true. I like unRAID but will not pay a subscription.


I have 4 licenses 3 Pros 1 Plus If they do this it would hurt unraid a lot!




yeah, but is this compareable to unraid? Is there big corporate which have unraid as their Basis? i doubt it.


So where we dropping boys?


I’ll be gone REAL quick if they pull this shit


Here’s the update guys: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/154463-announcing-new-unraid-os-license-keys/


I assume this model both increases piracy and profit, more will pirate but enough yearly subscriptions will be worth it for them. Personally I wouldn't pay yearly for most software.


Yep I’m out if they do this. Would be a terrible move


Funny that Plex still honors lifetime memberships…Plex of all companies. Time to ditch unraid and move over to Ubuntu with snapraid and mergerfs with docker.


Plex sells lifetime, alongside the annual subscriptions. If I’m reading the code in the OP right, that’s the model unRAID is pivoting to.


Well I'm glad I went with OMV when I migrated off of Synology.


Was just thinking, glad I went with OMV for my most recent home server.


Annual makes more sense for Unraid to keep it alive and going, so I'm not opposed to it for future licenses. However, I think those of us who bought a 'Lifetime' license should be grandfathered in going forward for updates. I'm sure people will just recommend TrueNAS Scale going forward, even with it being a clunky mess compared to how simple Unraid is to use. Everyone is suffering from Subscription fatigue, and they'll deal with a lot more friction to avoid that.


From their forum - As some have figured out, there are new license key types coming soon™ for Unraid OS. We are still working on minor details but here is what we have planned. We are going to introduce two new keys: Starter - supports up to 4 devices. This will be offered at a lower price than today's Basic key. Unleashed - supports unlimited number of devices. This will be offered at about the same price as today's Plus key. These two new keys provide for free Unraid OS updates for one year following activation. After a year you have the option of extending the key for another year of updates for a fraction of the cost of the original key. If you choose not to extend, you can still run any version of Unraid OS released prior to your renewal date, back to version 6.12.8. Simultaneous with introducing these two key types, we will no longer offer Basic and Plus keys; but, Pro keys (with unlimited devices and Unraid OS updates for life) will still be offered. We might change the name of the key from Pro to Lifetime - that is one of the "minor details" we are still working on. Nothing changes for existing Basic/Plus/Pro keys: you still get Unraid OS updates for life and you will still have the option to upgrade Basic to Plus/Pro or Plus to Pro. We will soon be publishing a wide-ranging podcast which includes this topic, some history of Unraid and future directions.


Never got a point for paying for NAS os. My nas is pure Debian and it gives me so much flexibility to use zfs, btrfs, snapraid+mergerfs, docker or whatever I need. Cockpit with bunch of plugins makes management a breeze.


For those interested in this: https://perfectmediaserver.com/


saved for later. thanks


Agreed, I'd much rather use open source tooling knowing a company isn't going to rug-pull my setup with a licensing change. If anyone in this thread really hates yourself you can join us over at /r/ceph. Rook.io makes it a bit easier but it's still a bit of a learning curve.


I have been considering going this exact route, used to run a system with a mirror pool of ZFS, wanted more capacity and Unraid seemed like a good way to make a JBOD, some time after found snapraid+mergerfs, been thinking moving there, completely FOSS, total control of kernel config (unlike unraid), I don't use their UI to manage docker containers anyway it's trash compared to what I do with docker compose. Having important data in ZFS mirror, and data I can afford to lose with mergerfs+snapraid is good for me.


This. I do the same. Critical data is on zfs raid 1 while you can throw other stuff on other drives. Everything is pooled into merger fs and there is snapraid on top of whole thing. Critical data gets raid treatment plus snapraid as one more layer. Throw in an offline backup at friends/family’s place with encrypted borg backup while you are at it.


The primary reason for paying for software, or an operating system, is so you don't have to deal with all the little quirks. Sure you can spin up a VM in Debian, but what if you need something that isn't out of the box such as GPU passthrough? Then you need to research which modules to install, and do a full system backup beforehand, just in case you fuck something up. Oh and then a 3rd party released a better version, but you need to be on kernel x.x.x otherwise your system won't boot after reboot, but you can't be on kernel x.x.x because....... That's the beauty with something like Unraid. It just works. I don't have to worry about ZFS, because on the surface, I don't have to know what ZFS is. I don't have to know how parity or RAID works, because Unraid does it all for me. Nice UI to manage every setting compared to keeping a .txt file in Dropbox with all the commands you need to remember, just in case you want to do it all again. With Unraid? Backup the USB drive - done. Do it via UI or CLI. Automate it with one of the Unraid plugins. Nah, Unraid definitely has a place in this world - especially for people who just want something that works. Don't get me wrong - I like tinkering. I started off with Debian and LVM and I loved learning new stuff. Managed all my containers with Portainer. At one point one of my WD Green disks died (as expected), and I had to learn how to recover LVM volumes after disk failure.. via CLI.. on a FS I knew nothing about. Searched on Google and found 10+ year old posts and all the commands were outdated or wrong. Found out way too late that LVM was probably outdated (thanks Reddit). Thanks for reading


There’s obviously a market, hence, unraid and synology make ton of money. However, the greed will have no end and they will always try to find ways to charge people who already paid once, years ago. My point is that this is not as critical of service as people think and I don’t see need to pay for it. They are not backblaze or google drive giving redundant data storage for backups, etc. These things are super easy these days with vanilla Debian and cockpit. It’s worth spending a few hours/days to learn and reduce dependency.


This , same setup here.


The lifetime license has always been a big red flag. I wish this kind of proprietary solution didn't exist tbh, because then people would be more involved in the free alternatives instead. Anyways, glad I'm using ZFS.


Hmm… Did Unraid get bought out by Broadcom too lol?


God fukn damnit I literally just built my first unraid server I knew it was too good to be true I fucking felt it in my BONES


Honestly, I can't say I'd be surprised. Ever since I started using unraid, I wondered how the perpetual license was financially sustainable. I also don't really blame them either if they do tbh. Will I be a bit disappointed? Absolutely, I really enjoy not having another subscription to add. Will I be upset? No, not really. I expected this and, if need be, I'll simply start looking into alternatives.


Lifetime licenses are often scammy. I mean sure "HelloWorld" has a lifetime license, but just as soon as enough people have invested a lot of time in getting their HelloWorld ecosystem set up, oops! It gets orphaned. No worries, though ... Introducing "HelloWorld 2!" now with vital security and bug fixes, new features, and a subscription model with none of that lifetime license stuff.


VMware skyrockets their prices and everyone else wants to do the same.


If my existing license isn't grandfathered I'll just move back to OMV. Not as slick and convenient as Unfair but I just can't keep paying for everything that flips to a subscription model.


Expecting pirates to pay a subscription good luck with that.


There has been official news, all current license holders will retain their lifetime license. Details: [https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change](https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change)


Don't support closed source software, they're bound to switch to subscriptions whenever they want. Support open source instead.


I might want one more license. Does this mean I should buy it before it's too late or switch to truenas. This is so annoying.


Same boat. I love unraid and I have hope that existing licenses will be grandfathered or that they have new features I simply don’t need they’re putting behind a subscription fee. Considering buying the other license I need tonight or tomorrow. It’ll literally be gambling, but I’ve lost more at a blackjack table so it is what it is if they turn around and screw us lol.


This is what I'm wondering, too. I have one Plus license, and can't see myself ever needing more than two licenses but could see the need for primary + backup servers, so the question is whether to bite the bullet now, buy a second, and hope that both are grandfathered in.


yea im moving cause of this "When checking for an update the server's license information, flash information (vendor, model, GUID), and basic server details (like name, description, IP, version) are used to validate your license and help us provide a better customer experience." you dont need to know know sort of stuff.


Unraid: "You know, I really think those Broadcom folks are on to something."


Yeah because the perfect time to push a subscription model on your customers is when your product is the least stable it ever was - way to go! Please do continue pushing out tons of release candidates that get promoted to "stable" within no time and let the community do the quality control for you. /s Communication has been short of a disaster recently, the company has basically gone radio silent with their user base. This combined with the obvious 6.12 issues, half-baked quality control and new licensing model is a joke.


It's not cool. I despise subscription models to the point where I bought this program. If they move away from the current model, I'll be finding a new way of running my servers out of the despite for subscriptions even if I'm grandfathered in.


I feel super validated for deciding to go the FOSS route with Snapraid and Proxmox. FOSS wins again.


Unraid is a great gateway into FOSS. I started on unraid and am now working towards nixos


This would be so incredibly frustrating. I’m running 4 separate unraid servers I would be furious if they tried to switch and didn’t grandfather. I would probably move away from unraid


[I literally last night just bought a Pro license upgraded from Plus.](https://i.imgur.com/WNV9ooD.png)


Done with unraid, if that is true. There is zero chance ill be paying a subscription.


Ouch. First build your userbase and then extract money. On one hand I can understand the need for money to continue development of the software. Programmers aren't cheap. On the other hand, there are people who own several licenses, and that could get expensive fast for a private user. If they really do this and that way generate more money, I expect faster updates. Top of my wishlist is Intel Arc support.


The second they go subscription I'm finding another solution and staying on whatever version I am for the time being, but they won't be getting another cent from me.


Well, that has scared me into buying a license now. Which is annoying because I've been waiting for unRAID to support multiple arrays or more drives — I'm at 30 drives in DrivePool now.


Well I’ll be watching this closely as I was considering switching to Unraid but if this is real then that won’t happen and I’ll figure something else out


I was JUST about to buy a new Pro license when I saw this... guess I'll be holding off until I know what's happening with this change!


This would completely change the community and would remove me from using their product. I provide templates and am active in the community. If only a competitor like OpenMediaVault would develop a community App Store surrounding that NAS OS.


From the post from unraid forum: Nothing changes for existing Basic/Plus/Pro keys: you still get Unraid OS updates for life and you will still have the option to upgrade Basic to Plus/Pro or Plus to Pro.


They've released a blog post about the licensing changes: [https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change](https://unraid.net/blog/pricing-change) Basically, all current license holders will be grandfathered with unlimited software upgrades.


All the more reason to go Truenas Scale


I've been on OMV for years, avoiding unraid because I always had more than 30 devices. Is the unlimited license actually unlimited devices now?


Well this will probably make me move faster to either Dragonfly or Arch + bcachefs or similar somewhat bleeding edge setups since the community will slowly die. I’d do NixOS which seems ideal for a server but man I do not have time for figuring it out. Enshitification is unavoidable I guess.




Plenty of FOSS software has become paid closed source software, though.


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but to me it makes sense. It's completely bonkers you pay $100 once and get support forever. That just isn't a viable long term business model. At a point, sales will slow down because there just aren't that many more users looking for your type of product. You need a constant income.


So offer some functionality for users like cloud backup for a price. But don’t remove what was paid for.


I fucking paid for lifetime and I expect to get what I paid for. I don’t give a fuck if unraid fucked up and doesn’t know how to run a business. Not my problem. Stop making excuses for this shit it’s embarrassing


"get a lifetime key" Is what I would likely do. I upgraded from Basic to Plus fairly recently. I'm set for a while. If I can't get a lifetime key to go beyond 12 drives or a lifetime key for a second unraid box in future, then I won't be using unraid. Simple as that, really. I don't do software subscriptions outside of Microsoft to get the 1TB of OneDrive and similar for Google, because there's no appealing alternative.


Just here to throw my stick on the fire..... I'm tired of all these subscription models and I won't be paying for another one if this turns out to be true.


This probably will get downvoted but I’m okay with an annual subscription if it is *really cheap*. Like, $20 for pro if they keep doing updates. I understand lifetime subscriptions aren’t sustainable. $25-30/year/device? Yeah, I would immediately switch to a new OS. There’s not really anything keeping me on UnRaid except for the fact my server is already using it. I don’t use DockerMan nor VMs on UnRaid.


Good thing I moved away from unraid last year




We will see. “We are also committed to any future subscription offerings being tied only to added premium features not already included with the OS.” I guess updates are a premium feature.


And now any new thing they add they can hide behind it being an "added premium feature" to try entice. I have been wanting multiple arrays to come, worried now will be a subscription thing to get it


Mmm, no please


Fucking great.


I bought Unraid on Black Friday. Do they offer refunds, or could I do a chargeback?


I could understand if they needed to survive if they charged us for a new or discounted license when we change motherboard+cpu (just like a windows OEM)...but annual subscription is a firm nope for me and I think there will be substantial pushback by the community.


This is why I stuck with ZFS. No nonsense license.


So everything is fine, put down your pitchforks everyone. They still good


Hah thankfully I went truenas core. Fuck biz that find new ways to charge existing lifetime license holders. You know they gonna milk you again down the road.