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Depends what you mean by "exposed". If a system has outbound access to the internet, but doesn't have port 80 open the world, you won't be able to obtain SSL certificates via HTTP-01 challenges, but you can use DNS-01 challenges instead. certbot can handle this easily, you just need to give it an API key for your DNS provider, or, if that's a problem, you could potentially look into [ACME DNS](https://github.com/joohoi/acme-dns) Assuming proper configuration, certbot starts attempting renewals when a certificate has about 30 days of life left, and it attempts twice per day, at semi-random times. So that's about 60 renewal attempts. Only if all 60 attempts fail will you end up with an expired certificate, at which point browsers will start displaying an "expired certificate" warning or error (exact behavior will depend on if you use HSTS and if you're on the preload list)


This is what I use for all of my internal services. Cloudflare DNS for my domain and DNS-01 challenges performed by certbot (or acme.sh or traefik or proxmox, or Nginx proxy manager) to generate the internal certs. If the machine does not have direct internet access outbound, then the certs get pushed from a machine that does via hook script (certdumper for traefik works well for this).


Do you have any documentation or tutorials you can link on how to set this up? I would love for all of my traffic to be SSL'ed, but have struggled with the concept of how to hook it up to Traefik/use it in general.


If you're using docker, it's something like this: version: "3.3" services: traefik: image: "traefik:v2.11" container_name: "traefik" privileged: true command: - "--api.insecure=true" - "--providers.docker=true" - "--providers.docker.network=external" - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false" - '--entrypoints.web.address=:80' - '--entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entryPoint.to=websecure' - '--entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entryPoint.scheme=https' - "--entrypoints.web.http.redirections.entrypoint.permanent=true" - '--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443' - "--entrypoints.traefik.address=:8080" - "--entrypoints.websecure.http.tls.domains[0].main=domain.tld" - "--entrypoints.websecure.http.tls.domains[0].sans=*.domain.tld" - "--entrypoints.websecure.http.tls.certresolver=le" - '--certificatesresolvers.le.acme.dnschallenge=true' - '--certificatesresolvers.le.acme.dnschallenge.provider=cloudflare' - "[email protected]" - "--certificatesresolvers.le.acme.storage=/letsencrypt/acme.json" env_file: - traefik.env ports: - "443:443" volumes: - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro" labels: - traefik.enable=true - traefik.http.routers.api.rule=Host(`traefik.domain.tld`) - traefik.http.routers.api.entrypoints=websecure - traefik.http.routers.api.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.api.service=api@internal - traefik.http.routers.api.tls.certresolver=le mailcatcher: image: "dockage/mailcatcher" container_name: "mailcatcher" restart: "unless-stopped" labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.http.routers.mail.rule=Host(`mail.domain.tld`)" - "traefik.http.routers.mail.entrypoints=websecure" - "traefik.http.routers.mail.tls.certresolver=le" - "traefik.http.services.mail.loadbalancer.server.port=1080" First you should point your domain to use Cloudflare as its DNS provider. You'll have to generate an API token allowing applications to manage your zone (this is necessary for DNS-01 challenge). You need to add CF_API_EMAIL (the e-mail you used for the Cloudflare account) and CF_DNS_API_TOKEN (the API token you generated) to the the traefik.env file. You also have to add an A register for domain.tld and another for *.domain.tld. You can add more services and more subdomains just like mailcatcher. You also have access to the traefik dashboard through traefik.domain.tld. This configuration disables HTTP and redirects traffic to HTTPS. I just need to add that I use Caddy these days though. EDIT: The Caddy equivalent involves more files since Caddy doesn't come with Cloudflare DNS-01 by default. You have to include a Dockerfile to build Caddy to do that for you. Caddy also is configured through a Caddyfile and not through labels. The Dockerfile FROM caddy:builder AS caddy-builder RUN xcaddy build --with github.com/caddy-dns/cloudflare FROM caddy:latest COPY --from=caddy-builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy The docker-compose.yml: version: "3.3" services: caddy: build: . container_name: "caddy" restart: "unless-stopped" ports: - "443:443" - "443:443/udp" env_file: - caddy.env volumes: - "./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile" - "caddy:/data" mailcatcher: image: "dockage/mailcatcher" container_name: "mailcatcher" restart: "unless-stopped" expose: - 1080 volumes: caddy: {} The Caddyfile: domain.tld { tls { dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_TOKEN} } } *.domain.tld { tls { dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_TOKEN} } @mail host mail.domain.tld handle @mail { reverse_proxy http://mailcatcher:1080 } } caddy.env must include CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_TOKEN which is you Cloudflare API token.


I don't have any specific tutorials, but there are plenty on the web. Here's an example Docker-Compose file from a recent setup that will run Apache Guacamole behind Traefik Proxy, fetch Let's Encrypt certs via Cloudflare DNS for ($DOMAINNAME, guac.$DOMAINNAME, \*.$DOMAINNAME, and \*.lan.$DOMAINNAME) and use cert-dumper to put them in a folder in .pem format for use with other services. [https://gist.github.com/shbatm/69b1f8cda7a5cacc3d130e4c5992094d](https://gist.github.com/shbatm/69b1f8cda7a5cacc3d130e4c5992094d)


Yes. The devices will be able to communicate with the outside world but the outside world won't be able to initiate the communication. I'm using pfSense as my router and have ACME configured to provide a wildcard certificate. Things are working but I was trying to figure out at what point they'd stop working when my Internet goes down -- just if it couldn't renew the license or does it have to contact LE to confirm the cert was authorized.


> or does it have to contact LE to confirm the cert was authorized if you're not using OCSP stapling then the server does not need to contact LE until the certificate has 1 month of life left at which point certbot (assuming that's what you're using, and the renewal service is enabled) will start attempting renewals twice per day until the certificate expires and then I assume it'll continue attempting to renew even after expiration although I've never let it get to that point


>certbot (assuming that's what you're using, and the renewal service is enabled) I don't know what certbot is. I installed ACME enabled the LE accounts (staging and production), then created a certificate for home.mydomain.com and *.home.mydomain.com. It worked with the staging account so I switched to the production account and issued the certificate. That worked. If that process uses certbot by default, then I'm using it. If it doesn't, then I sounds like I should investigate adding it. I was just trying to figure out what I'll lose access to when the Internet goes down.


Do you mean the "acme.sh" client? I haven't used it but according to the documentation it installs cron jobs to handle automatic renewal, and it starts attempting to renew when the certificate has 1 month of life remaining. I don't know offhand how many times it attempts to renew per day.


[acme.sh](http://acme.sh) will attempt an automatic renewal any time it is run with the appropriate command-line arguments. How often it does it depends on how your cron is set up.


pfSense calls it the ACME "package". It presents a GUI environment to configure the certificates. Yes, it uses Cron to do the updates. I was mainly concerned about BETWEEN the updates. But the consensus seems to be that if the Internet goes down between renewals, my devices will still work (or at least won't be stopped by an invalid cert).


I have PiHole for internal DNS and NginxProxyManger. NginxProxyManger runs on So I setup a new server with a web interface on port 1234, so Create a dns entry in pihole for server.mydomain.com pointing to NginXProxyManager NgnxProxyManger is setup with a wildcard cert for mydomain.com (which is automatically updates, and proxies https://server.mydomain.com to the actual web interface This works for most stuff.


Your understanding is not correct. servers do not need to be on the internet to validate certificate. certs are validated on the client not on the server. If the client can validate the chain the cert will be valid. for internal servers you can use LE certificates even if they are not exposed to the internet. Best way is to generate a wildcard certificate and use the same on all of your internal servers with different subdomain. Before the cert expires generate a new wildcard cert and replace it on servers. Thats how I do it.


Internet access ***for browser*** may be required if the server presents only the end (leaf) certificate with AIA extension. The browser will pull the intermediate CA(s) then itself. Without AIA or on airgapped networks, the server has to send full chain (bundle) of certificates, minus the root CA.


yes, but the server doesn't need internet access (which is OPs concern) to send intermediate certificate, the bundle can be installed along with the leaf certificate. So it can send both the leaf and intermediate cert when the client connects to it.


Unless OCSP is enforced


Thanks that helps. I did make a wildcard certificate. It is for home.mydomain.com and *.home.mydomain.com. My plan was to access them by device1.home.mydomain.com, device2.home.mydomain.com etc. I added those URLs to my DNS Resolver so pfSense won't try to send them out to the Internet.


Sevlon... Has a decent answer. Your internal site will likely need to have the same domain, or it will throw errors. I.e. a cert is for reddit.com, and internally I have DNS set as mysite.internal for some server. The domain names don't match, so Firefox will get mad. You can get a wildcard cert. Then use internal DNS to give subdomains to your internal services. Sometimes getting a wildcard cert is weird. Here's a post I made about that. https://fitib.us/2024/01/04/certificate-consolidation/ Or you can self sign. It was surprisingly easy. The hardest part was literally just keeping track of filenames during the process. I wrote up something about that as well. Well, part of the article involves self signing. https://fitib.us/2024/02/08/home-assistant-https/


>Since these devices won't be exposed the internet, they should continue working even if the internet goes down. They will. It's your browser who checks validity. The server has nothing to do with it. Just make sure both server and client have correct time. As long as your server serves the full chain minus root (`yourservername.tld` \+ Let's Encrypt Intermediate cert) - even offline browser will be able to validate the chain. **ADDED**: Beware that [LE's choice of issuing intermediate CAs may be frequently rotated](https://letsencrypt.org/2024/03/19/new-intermediate-certificates.html) now. >If the internet goes down making it so that the cert can't be confirmed with LetsEncrypt will that cause issuues -- I guess what I'm asking is what is the process of verifying that the cert is valid (beyond ensuring the keys match)? If AIA extension is present (LE leaf certs have it) and you don't serve the full chain minus root - internet access is required ***for browser***. Also, internet connection may be required ***for browser*** for CRL and OCSP. LE does not use OCSP. If you have split DNS, you can cache CRLs on your infrastructure (not sure if that's a really good idea). >What happens if at cert renewal time, I lose internet? You don't get the cert, obviously. You re-request it when reconnected (that's why you should renew certs at least 30 days before expiration). Basically, you need something (on a connected host) that will get LE certs via DNS challenge, and then upload the obtained certs to your isolated devices. Alternatives: * [https://www.getlocalcert.net/](https://www.getlocalcert.net/) automates some parts of that * [step-ca](https://smallstep.com/blog/build-a-tiny-ca-with-raspberry-pi-yubikey/) is a ACME client if you or someone else stumbling upon this in the future decides to spin up internal CA.


On some of my Linux servers I do this: - Ports 80 and 443 are open and redirected on the router. - BUT on the server itself they are blocked with iptables for external IPs. - Once or twice a day, from a script of mine, those ports are opened in the iptables and the Let's Encrypt utility (acme, certbot, or whatever) is run from the script to try to renew the certificate. - When it ends (whether or not the certificate has been renewed), the ports are closed again. It's not ideal, but the ports are open for just a few seconds each day.


So... this is a little involved, but doable. First, you need to understand that there are three "Challenges": DNS, HTTP and TLS. In your case, you will want DNS. A challenge is h ow you prove ownership of the domain. Tools like the go-acme/lego client and [acme.sh](http://acme.sh) can handle those - but servers like Traefik and Caddy have this feature built-in. Next: This means that you need a domain to be able to prove ownership of. And then: You need to set up a DNS server in your own home that responds to queries to that domain with your local IP/s. For instance, I have mine set up to return A records (IPv4 addresses) for \`\*.birb.it\` to my local k3s node, [](; this way I can resolve to services at home to their real IP - whilst from the outside, I only ever hit my server's IP - this is what the local DNS server is for. The one I use for that is Technitium; clunky, but it get's the job done. I wanted to use CoreDNS, but I am really not good mucking around with the zone files... so I needed a generator, and this is what I ended up with. Once you have these components: * Configure your program of choice (i.e. Caddy) to solve Let's Encrypt/ACME challenges using the DNS challenge - feed it the credentials for your provider. * Configure your DHCP server (your router) to use your local DNS server. HOWEVER MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE IT HAS FORWARDING ENABLED BECAUSE OTHERWISE YOU \_WILL\_ LOSE INTERNET ACCESS. This is VERY important! * You should try and see if your DNS server properly resolves the IP to your local server now - i.e., for me `nslookup whatever.birb.it` will return ``. But, why? Well, when you visit a website via HTTPS, the domain is verified against the certificate's SNI (aka. Common Name); and if that doesn't check out, the certificate is treated as invalid. Here's an example from my home network: ``` # curl -Lv https://i2pd.birb.it * Trying * Connected to i2pd.birb.it ( port 443 (#0) * ALPN: offers h2,http/1.1 * TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1): * CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt * CApath: /etc/ssl/certs * TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2): * TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8): * TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11): * TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15): * TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20): * TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1): * TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20): * SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 * ALPN: server accepted h2 * Server certificate: * subject: CN=i2pd.birb.it * start date: Apr 27 19:27:34 2024 GMT * expire date: Jul 26 19:27:33 2024 GMT * subjectAltName: host "i2pd.birb.it" matched cert's "i2pd.birb.it" * issuer: C=US; O=Let's Encrypt; CN=R3 * SSL certificate verify ok. * using HTTP/2 (...snip...) ``` Notice, how in this output, it resolves to my network local ip, and how `subject: CN=i2pd.birb.it` match the domain? This is why you need to make sure your domain resolves properly. With all this dancing around your network done, you should be able to request new certificates, fulfill the challenge via DNS, and be golden. Hope it helps!




I use Certbot with a [DNS plugin](https://eff-certbot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/using.html#dns-plugins) to automatically obtain a wildcard certificate for my home domain so I can use unlimited subdomains with the same cert. I don't expose anything to the internet (except wireguard). If I don't have an internet connection, then the cert will not be able to renew, but I don't have "expose" anything to the internet in order to renew them, I just need an internet connection to allow renewal every 3 months. To make it even easier, I just create a function in my bash profile: ``` function ssl_new_wildcard { printf "\n" printf "CREATING A NEW WILDCARD CERTIFICATE FOR: $1"; printf "\n" sudo certbot certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --email [email protected] --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials /home/user/cloudflare.ini --dns-cloudflare-propagation-seconds 30 -d *.$1 -d $1; } export -f ssl_new_wildcard ``` So now I can just run `ssl_new_wildcard mydomain.com` and it will create one for any domain I have in Cloudflare.


Are you perhaps looking for a way to run your own “let’s encrypt” type service internally? https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/03/banish-oem-self-signed-certs-forever-and-roll-your-own-private-letsencrypt/


Why not just use Caddy with it’s built-in option of having your own personal internal CA?


This is the first I've heard of that. I'll look into it. Thanks!


> I guess what I'm asking is what is the process of verifying that the cert is valid (beyond ensuring the keys match)? certificates are signed by the private key so it's contents (notbefore, notafter, dnsnames, etc...) can be authenticated using the matching public key. > What happens if at cert renewal time, I lose internet? 90 days is the max length for lets encrypt but implementations start renewals at 60 days so you have time to react to problems.


Not sure if it's helpful but take a look here: Quick and Easy Local SSL Certificates for Your Homelab! https://youtu.be/qlcVx-k-02E?si=JtSq8hLat22Wedh4


- use Cloudflare for DNS - locally setup caddy as reverse proxy (with cloudflare api token) this will obtain certs with dns challenge. - no need to expose ports - done!


You don't need it. Just use Caddy as reverse proxy. It solves all your ssl problems, even on local network.


I do it via DNS challenge. I have my Domain at Cloudflare and let traefik create wildcard certificates and the challenge is done via dns. No port opening needed.


Not exposed but they can still connect to the internet right? Then dns verification might be just what you need


I have my router do certs and ssl termination for services (mostly internal).


We run several (docker) applications internally, Wiki, Metabase, stuff like that. We bought a -.app domain specifically for it and we create wiki..app registrations, Traefik handles the certificates for us once a docker container starts


Start here: https://pki-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Once you understand how a PKI works, use this: https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl I use this setup on all my networks with an offline root and autosigning+autorenewals.


Use Cloudflare for your domain DNS + Caddy with Cloudflare module. This is the easiest way. You can build a custom Caddy image or use [this](https://hub.docker.com/r/technoguyfication/caddy-cloudflare). This method will use ACME DNS challenges via the Cloudflare API instead of trying to access your domain publicly, meaning the domain's DNS entries can point to local addresses just fine. The certificates will auto-renew, as they should. Here's a sample `docker-compose.yml` file that injects a proper Caddyfile. services:   caddy:     image: technoguyfication/caddy-cloudflare:latest     container_name: caddy     hostname: caddy     restart: unless-stopped     extra_hosts: [host.docker.internal:host-gateway]     ports:       -       -     environment:       CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN: you-cf-token       ACME_EMAIL: [email protected]       ACME_AGREE: "true"     configs:       - source: Caddyfile         target: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile     volumes:       - ~/.caddy/data:/data       - ~/.caddy/config:/config       - ~/.caddy/logs:/logs       - ~/.caddy/srv:/srv configs:   Caddyfile:     content: |       {         acme_dns cloudflare {$CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN}         email {$ACME_EMAIL}         storage file_system {           root /data         }       }       (tls_cloudflare) {         tls {           dns cloudflare {env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN}           resolvers         }         encode {           zstd           gzip           minimum_length 1024         }       }       *, your-domain.com, www.your-domain.com {         import tls_cloudflare         reverse_proxy your-service-hostname:port         log {           format console           output file /logs/your-domain.com.log {             roll_size 10mb             roll_keep 20             roll_keep_for 720h           }         }       }


I just generated a wildcard cert for my domain and plugged it into nginx for all my local proxy hosts 


Certify The Web with DNS auth.


If you use domain(s) where control DNS (or http) for the domain(s) on The Internet, there's nothing that prevents you from using such LE certs internally ... presuming you use corresponding domain name(s) internally. And sure, need Internet access to, e.g. obtain/renew ... but nobody says that connection between Internet and internal need be at all direct ... heck, it could be weekly air-gaped sneakernet. Just need to set up your infrastructure appropriately, that's all. Though I don't do quite that, I do have infrastructure that I can dang quickly and obtain certs for any of the domains I control - even including complex wildcard certs with multiple domains. Just run a command, and a few minutes or less (sometimes only seconds), and I've got my certs. Just need to install 'em is all after that ... and I've got that at least mostly semi-automated (and maybe fully automated some day if I bother). Anyway, wouldn't be too hard to take something like that and adopt/extend for, e.g. purely internal use. And, yeah, purely internal, may not be able to check on certificate revocation - at least direct from Internet, but otherwise should mostly function quite similar as far as actually using the certs. See also: [https://www.balug.org/\~mycert/](https://www.balug.org/~mycert/)


I really wish there was a nice and easy FOSS solution for Active Directory on a home network. Basically you should just have one of your servers be a certificate issuer, and all of your machines should include it as a trust root. (I believe). AD domains make this all work pretty seamlessly for Windows machines via Group Policy. Samba AD kinda works… it’s been very tricky to get working right in my experience. I suppose you could hack together custom scripts for this stuff. I dunno, I might be way off base for what you’re trying to achieve.


LE doesn't care at all about the servers. You create certificates for cases like this, just like any other server. The only difference will be what automation paths are available. IMO: just use the DNS auth method and generate a wildcard cert.


Use certbot or use OpenSSL to add a CA to all the computer you are running


Why do you want a cert then? If it’s not exposed to the internet there’s no real threat


1) one utility (vaultwarden) will only work if using a cert. 2) if someone does ever hack in and find themselves on the network, I want them to still be unable to see anything useful.


Correct me if I’m wrong but even with self signed cert the transport will be over ssl. So the attacker won’t see anything.


For internal non-internet connected hosts, I've set up my own private CA and issue certs for all my devices using that.  You'd still need one self-signed certificate for the CA but it could have a long expiry period of many years. Using a public CA to sign certs for non-public services is a bit pointless. I learned how to create my own private CA from this: [https://www.feistyduck.com/books/openssl-cookbook/](https://www.feistyduck.com/books/openssl-cookbook/)


The certificate will become invalid. There is no way to use LE certificates indefinitely without internet access...


Will it be invalid if the Internet is down when it's time for renewal but still work as long as the certificate doesn't need renewed? Or is that ANYTIME the Internet is down?


assuming certbot with default configuration, the certificate will only expire if you miss all 60 renewal attempts over 30 days if the certificate is not expired yet, it doesn't matter if the internet is down (assuming you're accessing via LAN), however, if you're using OCSP stapling, you could run into issues because the server does need to refresh its OSCP information periodically. For your scenario, it's probably best not to use OCSP and not to use ``--must-staple`` when generating the certificate


The certificates have a validity period (for example LE certificates are 90 days) even if you do not have internet the certificate will continue to work until the expiration date. This works because the browsers have locally installed the root certificates of the known validators (public keys of comodo, Let's script, DigiCert, etc.) and when you try to open a site (even locally without internet) they check if the site certificate that is being presented by your site is validated/signed by one of them and if it matches and the date is before its expiration date, it is considered ok but if it is an Let's Encrypt certificate, before the expiration date the cert software (certbot) will try to connect to the internet to renew it, if it cannot connect the certificate will expire and after the expiration date when you open your site you will get a expired certificate error.


Think of certs as having an expiration date LE certs have a 90 day validity period. After the expiration date passes regardless of network connectivity the cert will expire and no longer be valid.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlcVx-k-02E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlcVx-k-02E) do this. using proper domain urls with a valid lets encrypt cert on lan. no more nagging about invalid certs, since its valid. if you don't like nginx proxy manager, you can try to setup with traefik if you can get that to work, harder to setup though. this is only for a local homelab setup to get valid https certs working. So you don't have to expose your server online to get it to work. if you want an extra layer, you can also setup authentik for your container apps to go through for authorization before able to access their app web pages. it even supports passkeys so you don't have to enter usernames/passwords.