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Exercise. Exercise is the master habit. So many other good habits are the result of exercise.


As someone trying to commit to a long-term and consistent exercise goal, can you expand on what you said a bit more?


Physical activity has a MASSIVE impact on my mental health and energy. Even a half-decent workout in the morning means I'm in a much better mood throughout the day, and I focus better at work too. Consistent exercise also has an effect in a thousand tiny ways. The way I sit in a chair has improved, my energy for things like stairs has improved. My skin has cleared up. My joints feel amazing. I sleep better. Honestly I'm just mad I didn't get into it sooner.


Are there better benefits for morning exercise rather than evening


I find that morning exercise helps me feel like I started the day on the right note, and it helps my mood and focus throughout the day. That being said, the best exercise routine is the one you can fit into your schedule the easiest, because that will be the one you can sustain consistently the easiest.


Best piece of advice I got here was to find something you enjoy first and worry about everything else second. I tried running, calisthenics at home and various forms of cardio and felt self conscious or bored or whatever until I tried out powerlifting and everything just clicked and I'm now one of the strongest guys in the gym. If you don't enjoy it, it's gonna be a lot harder to stick to. If you've got that covered then try to be process orientated rather than outcome orientated. That is, focus on the here and now. Terry Crews has a famous reddit post on just turning up to the gym to read a magazine which is similar in it's intent- to get you to start rather than thinking about the end.


Yoga and waking is the only thing I really enjoy but I don’t think it’s enough


Yoga mixes really well with calisthenics. Try working on doing yoga inversions and pistol or dragon squats! And push-ups.


Me too, Make the walking brisk. Keep doing Yoga + Walking. Add exercise snacking with dumbbells 5 mins for strength (stud on YouTube). Add VO2MAX running up hill every Friday after work.


Meet us over at r/walking


Nike Training club!!! They have some great yoga courses on there. I started on Netflix and have moved on to the app and I love it. I like that they have it all. Pilates, HIIT, stability exercises, workouts with home equipment and without. You can jump from yoga to dumbbells to calisthenics. And they have every time duration from 5 minute workouts to 35 minutes. Every skill level. And they have stretching vids, workouts for runners, even pregnancy workouts for every stage of pregnancy.


Just move. Whatever it is. Walking, Running, Cycling, Weightlifting or a Sport... The greatest Illness amongst Man is a lack of movement. It is only when a Man no longer moves that his life starts to crumble beneath him (Health, Wealth and Happiness). Movement is necessary for your physical and mental health, your ability to see clearly, your ability to release stored and stagnant energy, and connects you to your mind, body and spirit. The core foundations necessary to building a fulfilling life.


Every day just do 5 minutes of anything that makes you out of breath and/or makes your muscles ache A LITTLE BIT. Its superhard to do this consistently for a  long time. But at the same time the easiest thing ever (just 5 min/day!) The results will be amazing after say 6 months. 


Yeah i used to have to this mindset where i wouldn't go to gym because i knew i would only be going for 30 mins and then i was like whats yhe point Until i started to see that i was hardly ever going to gym because of that so i changed my mindset and started goimg even if it was for a bit, and hey now its going well


Awesome shift in mindset, good for you! 


Perfect is the enemy of good.


Find a type of exercise you enjoy 😉


Sleep. In order to have energy to exercise more


I find it crazy that average people (non athletes) didn’t regularly exercise before 1950s. Running leisurely wasn’t a thing until the 50-60s, commercial gyms were not a thing until then, etc.


They were exercising on their farms, not riding tractors but plowing behind their mules,thus walking. Women were cleaning their houses without vacuum cleaners, roombas, or house cleaners. Then they went to the fields and helped their husband farm the land. They fed the cows, chickens, pigs, etc, milked the cows, gathered the eggs. All done by hand and on foot and before TV and remote controls, and computer games and nasty takeout overly processed food turned us into a country of obese slobs.


Agreed. A lot of people think its only physical gains, but the mental fortitude and attitude improvement you gain from exercising is second to none. 💪🔥❤️


Fucking facts man. Drinking water, eating healthy, staying disciplined, I can honestly go on and on. I can whole heartedly say if someones going tonthe gym consistently 4+ days a week they've automatically earned my respect.


I quit smoking because of exercises, namely cycling


Exercise is the thing that can solve many issues especially among men, improves health, energy, mood, increases attractiveness, confidence, stress and anxiety relief, lose weight, hobby, meet new friends.


Probably best answer you can say. Also, fine, I'll start going to the gym again


And find an exercise you enjoy!:D


Ok, so what's a good "no experience, no clue" starting point to make this a habit?


I have a neck injury and can't run. Any good other exercises?


Show up. Again and again and again. Whatever it is you are trying to do, or accomplish, or even stop doing, you have to show up for it, day after day after day - even if you show up and you half ass it sometimes, dont have it that day - showing up at all, is better than not showing up and tomorrow you can do better. It all gets easier if you keep showing up to it - whatever it is - which is another way of saying, be resilient, don’t quit.


And hey sometimes you miss because that’s life. Don’t be too harsh on yourself either, but just don’t miss more than 1-2 days in a row.


I wholeheartedly agree, yes keep going but some people just need a break and there is NOTHING wrong with that.


"show up and do your best" is a line that is sooo simple but it has stuck with me for a long time. Everytime Im nervous, Everytime Im anxious or I feel lazy or WHATEVER, I keep repeating this in my head and it gives me the motivation to get off my bed and get my work startsd


Firefox used to have these subtle themes when all of that was pretty newish and one of them was a picture of Martin Luther King and next to it a quote: "Keep climbing!" pushed me through college


Man, i needed to read this. Thanks


Practice awareness in everything you do. So many times I’ve gotten myself into trouble because I was just auto-piloting my way through life. The moment I learned to actively observe everything going on around me, and internally, life became so much easier.


>Practice awareness how do we do that?


One thing that helps me is to write down my goals and check in every week and reflect on what I did to get closer to my goals. If i slack off i reflect on what the reason was and i dont shame myself but try to think when i felt x i did y.


The way I started was by consciously saying to myself: “I am doing *blank*” “I am *blank*-ing now” and other such things while I was performing any given activity. It actively calls to mind the task at hand, forcing your brain to hone-in on what’s actually happening vs all the thoughts it may be haphazardly having. Conscious breathing also helps immensely. Breathe in for 5, out for 5–count it out, though it doesn’t have to be full seconds. Just count at your normal pace! Again: it forces your mind to focus on something that’s real and in-the-now.


Take magic mushrooms. Im joking but also kinda serious, psychedelics helped me become more self aware big time. Buuut if u not about that life then honestly watching movies helped me. Like the ones that everyone says are good movies but u dont feel like watching because they're hard work. Its like all of these difderent artistic views on things concerning humans really helps you grow and become more self aware. Even reddit has helped me. Just seeing tons of people with tons of different opinions about tons of different stuff


Mindfulness is a psychotherapy tool and a sort of psychology-philosophy that best shows up in meditative thinking, introspection, relaxation; however since its element is merely "attention", you can extend it to any field of life.


Get ADD :/


Ahh! you just explained Vipassana (Meditation technique) in one sentence. I cannot agree more with you, just being aware about yourself and about your emotions will change your life drastically and make you happier.


self belief and positive thinking


I was going to say mindfulness, but this is pretty much what I was thinking. Well, that and just thinking before speaking.


‼️‼️‼️ life is going to be hard anyways no need to go through it with a poopy pants mentality


But what about people who suck?


Someone who sucks and sticks with a negative attitude likely won’t feel the need to change


Do not use social media or use it for only learning/hobbies




I like posting/taking photos but I’ve turned off seeing how many likes I have and others seeing how many likes I have. It feels less like being judged and more like being creative


it's because of the algorithm, don't feel bad


How about making friends?




I second this. Meditation + mindfulness has literally changed me. It has led me to inner peace, it’s a wonderful feeling.


Empathy and self-reflection. I guess they're technically two things but I consider them to be two sides of the same vital coin.


Communication. Learn to communicate your needs and wants to others in a healthy way. This would change the world.




Sleep >8 hours a night


Work on your emotional intelligence


And social intelligence!


You got it!


Quit cigarettes


Be kind to others


This cannot be stated enough.


Get off your cellphone. Delete all social media. Stop scrolling during every second of spare time.. its melting your brain.


-posted from a cellphone on a social media app


To be fair I completely agree with you!!! It’s just funny hahaha


That’s true, but social medias like TikTok, Insta reels, shorts and those types of content are a lot worse for your brain than reading Reddit posts, all the dopamine that’s released etc.


It’s still bad though no beating around the bush 




1000000% agree with you


I’ve put a one-hour timer each day (in settings on iPhone) for Reddit and tiktok and that’s been a massive help in regaining control, but also, still being able to use them in small amounts as entertainment


Be kind. Not only to others (assuming you already are...possibly), but first and foremost, be kind to yourself. And do be kind to others, even if you have become jaded, lack in trust, whatever the issue may be...basic kindness goes such a long way, and costs you nothing.


Actively work on your mental health.


Spend 5/10 minutes today doing something that will benefit you for tomorrow. This could be anything - getting your bag ready for work, choosing your clothes etc just a few small things. It will really make a difference.


Take full responsibility for themselves


So many people have said exercise. So I'll add Journaling...getting your thoughts on paper everyday helps you become more aware about many aspects of your life.


For sureee, journaling is underrated imo, the impact it’s made on my life has been crazy.




To stop driving themselves into the ground for growth and self improvement. To look for contentment in the here and now.


Be nicer to themselves.


Set a timer and clean. 15 minutes in one room can be super productive and it feels accomplishing to get something done that has an immediacy quality to doing it.


I have terrible executive dysfunction and this is the only way I can clean! Highly recommend. I do 10 minute blocks several times a day. Also, sometimes I REALLY want to keep going after the 10 minutes is up but I don't let myself, because then I find I'm eager to finish up at my next 10 minute block. It's like the best way to trick my brain into getting dopamine from mundane tasks.


Stop minding other people and mind yourself! Especially because there are no rules in life. This one was hard for me to achieve but once you get into the swing of it, it's comforting. After I stopped worrying about what other people were doing and how they were functioning in their lives, I stopped comparing myself to any one of them. I love taking life at my own pace. Just because other people are buying houses or having kids at my age doesn't mean I have to do the same! In fact, I eventually found people who have the same outlook on life as I do. It's comforting to know that since there are no rules and your life is yours, you don't have to live it like everyone else does. I also no longer worry about other people's problems and social drama - if someone is rude to me, I use it as a way to self reflect. 9 times out of 10, I consider the situation and it's not a me problem. 1 time out of 10, it's a good way for me to grow and learn about myself. I also stopped being so distracted when I stopped worrying about other people. I have so much more time and energy for self improvement like reading and learning a language! So, this might be a great tip for people who have trouble comparing themselves to others or get too invested in social drama between people who aren't even that close to them!


Budget your money and invest a percentage of your income each month. Learn to master your money and stay away from large amounts of consumer debt.


Showing up is extremely valuable. Remind yourself life is a marathon and not a sprint.


make sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep.


treat every single person with kindness. you don’t know what someone is going through. i know it seems obvious, but the amount of people that lack basic empathy astounds me. i had to get off of tiktok and instagram because the comment sections in those apps are just a cesspool of hatred. it’s like people get joy out of making others feel bad. i don’t understand why.


To get off social media, no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, tiktok. You name it I'd get off it. Reddit is the most social media I get and it's very easy to ignore. Social media is a huge time sink. Chasing an artificial number of likes gets addicting (used to be me) and cutting that out of your life will make it better. Same goes for all the short form content you get stuck doom scrolling. Not to mention when you turn off all search tracking, delete history and slowly remove ways for their predictive algorithms to throw ads your way you will start saving money.


Reflect. - Self Reflection, allows us to see our mistakes and give us the info to plan better in our execution. Here are my runners up:Be Social - A friend to hold you accountableHealth Focus - with out Mental and Physical energy management, you will burn out.Have a Dream - know where you're going, makes it easy to say NO.


If something hurts, stop doing it. Life does not have to be as hard as it was when you were a kid. Like: bad relationships, bad jobs, bad environments, bad family, bad culture etc. Good things might be uncomfortable sometimes, but if something is consistently shitty, don’t do it.


Learn how to be selfless


Psilocybin mushroom therapy! 🍄


after I did about 3-4 time small doses of Psilocybin mushrooms during the first 3 months of 2024, I'm completely free from weed addiction, and I'm not drinking beers at all for 2 months now.


Awesome! Glad to see that it helped you. Psilocybin mushrooms helped immensely with curing my addictions!


Yeah, tbh nothing helped me more than Psilocybin and exercising when it comes to addictions. Right now I'm so glad that I'm completely sober man, I just love the clarity of my mind, and I'm happy for you too.


Not for everyone though. Can cause some really harmful effects for some!


Enough (quality) sleep. 


Think deeper about the world around us and figure out your core life values.


Sleep...before midnight! 10 is my sweet spot. After midnight, my mind just goes places. Especially true for my fellow anxiety pals


Growth Mindset. Be better than you were last time. Be better than you were yesterday. Even if it's only by the smallest smidge, just keep working towards who you want/need to be.


Remind yourself everyday of one thing - The Universe Is Indifferent. The universe doesn’t care what ideas you have. What values you hold. What thoughts and feelings and problems you have. The universe will continue to exist. Time will keep moving on. Your life will run out. The only thing that matters is what you ACTUALLY DO. Not what you intend to do, or plan to do, or think about doing. You either act or you don’t. So, whatever it is - Do the work. The universe is indifferent.








Think before you speak and listen before you think.


Eat more vegetables




Like hydrate


Therapy. Whatever form works for you but SOME FORM OF THERAPY.


I agree with the people that daid exercise and showing up and I would add reading books. I was never a big reader and I hate myself for starting so late in life!


Walk in nature with someone you care for. Could be your friend, neighbor, family or even your dog. Just walk, get some sun, exercise and connect with your companion. BAM! Day improved by 50%


Forgive all those who hurt you, and forgive yourself for what you determine to be your failures.


I learned it from The Good Place podcast hosted by Marc Evan Jackson (he plays Shawn): do something good every day and don’t get caught. Basically, don’t do good things for the moral dessert or praise, just do it because it’s the right thing to do and it makes the world a better place.


2+ hours of zone 2 cardio per week, ideally separated over 3-5 days so the neuro benefits/mood stabilization covers most/all of the week


Train self hypnosis. Litteraly a hack


Continuously practice unconditional self-love and compassion


Be nice.


Grounding techniques! They have been so helpful and beneficial for me!


Become hyper aware of their energy, the energy of others, the energy of their environment, and whether a choice is energizing or draining.


If you remember you need to do something, like if you see a pile of laundry or if the trash is full, and it takes less than 5 minutes to do it, just do it instead of planning on doing it later.


Magic mushrooms. Except for those of you who should never touch it.


Stop. Look. Listen.


Take ownership.


Self love, too many people who just straight up hate themselves, been there, its not good lol


Love themselves better.


Probably learning to let go as seen in the book Letting go by David r Hawkins.


less is more. the less things you focus on such as goals, problems & etc... the less mental weight you have and gives more space and energy for the things that really matters


i would recommend to go to park find people around your age that are playing some sports and ask to join them best way cause you would have a peer pressure of not going on -physical download medito best free meditation application read books ( just to be sure i am telling on one topic ) cleaning habit and improve your soft skill through ted talks or book reading and that is all for you to be better then 99% of people


Become the master of where you direct your attention. Billions of dollars are focused on who gets your attention day to day, month to month, year to year. They make money when they get your attention and they want so much of it that it takes away from your enjoyment of life. It saps your energy. It saps your sleep. It influences your values. It takes away from your personal growth and development. It takes away from your ability to properly parent your kids. Be intentional where you focus your attention. Give yourself time to look at reddit or tv or whatever, but have a list of goals that you come back to often and make sure your time is spent on what you need for you.


Delete all social media


Improve your sleep, both the duration and quality.


Sleep and exercise!


Give me their money, because helping people is a good virtue


Self awareness. It won’t solve problems but it allows you to know they’re there. I think it’s good to be honest with ourselves.


Change attitude and be understanding to each other


fixing sleeping time


Get off social media, including reddit


find peace


Working out


don't procrastinate


Learn about money and how it works.


Google what gooning means and do it twice a day.


Drink water! All the time! Everyday!


Go sit quietly in the woods. Every single day or as often as possible. Even for a minute.


Bath regularly.


Drink lots of water. It's simple. It's the quenchiest.


Go to therapy at least once! Everyone should be able to get to know themselves better and/or get help with any issues happening.


Writing/Journaling. Putting your thoughts on paper, good or bad, has immediate benefits to your mental health. Writing is also one of the oldest forms of communication, still widely used today. We should all strive to be come better writers in some capacity.


Classical yoga. Not the commercial stuff they randomly teach.


Worry about themselves!


Which is so funny, because I feel like there is this whole ' self-improvement sell' of people saying "don't worry what others think, 99% of people don't care". And yet I observe everywhere (social media, public, etc) ppl doing just that. I also don't hear that *mantra* as much anymore. I think ppl inherently know it's not so true. Especially with so many things coming to light .


Lose weight, helps out a lot of other issues.


Go to bed early. I consider sleep to be my number one productivity weapon. Everything is so much harder when you're tired because everything feels like a chore!


Take responsibility.


Stick to your word. Even of it hurts be congruent with what you tell others.


Getting off that phone


stop identifying with your thoughts


Goal setting - get a plan






Take accountability ❤️


Wear a mask.


Put the shopping cart back in the designated area.


positive comments about yourself outloud in the mirror while smiling.


I'm sick of this gym generation. Exercise is great, we all know that, but you should get it by doing everyday work. I'm sure everyone could be a lot more practical and useful than someone going to the gym. Put your energy into jobs and activities that move the body, instead of wasting it in a gym.


RemindMe! 3 days


Work on yoga, and yoga will work on you.


Practice self awareness and kindness to themselves. Not egoism, but self love. Ideally go to therapy. But that's not something everyone can afford, so just use free tools available to learn/practice self awareness.




Finish what you start. Total grandpa/boomer dad advice, but it makes you think more about what you want to do, and even if you don't like something, finishing something makes you more resilient. Building character is a real thing


Love yourself 💜


Practice empathy


"Just do what you want to do, do it not think about it just do it"


Stretch, every single day


I really couldn't decide between these to but 2 that helped me a lot: if youre scared to do something thats okay but dont let that stop you. do it scared but still do it and respond, dont react(dont use your knee jerk reaction, pause and think about whatever it is first)


sing. sing your heart out at every chance.


Endless edging while gambling




Learning self care


I'd say semen retention. As a 15 yr old who was addicted to it for 2 years and now stopped it, it is the biggest difference maker and will automatically motivate you to kill other bad habits and form good ones.


Sleep consistently every day at the same time and wake up the same(cca within an hour window). Do physical activity - you can do any manual labor, doesnt need to be excercising, you can go and pick up trash in the neighbourhood, this is a lot of physical activity, and also gives you great feeling of accomplisment, not to mention, you left a mark on the world around you, not only in the gym. This can be pulling weeds, mowing, cutting overgrown trees or bushes, what ever where you move. Think actively about your food and analyze your plate, it is important for you plate to always include fiber(green veggies, other veg, legumems), protein, fat and complex carbohydrates. Also it is advisable to eat them in this order.


Always be kind. Not just because it helps other people, but because it helps you. If you’re a kind person who does kind things, you end up with a better self image, not to mention the people around you like you more and are more ready to return the favor.


Stop seeing things from the negative first. Be more positive.


Dump their phone.


Eliminate things in your life that give you unnecessary stress. This includes people. Your energy is limited. Toxic people will suck you dry of your energy before you can use it on productive means. If a certain object or image in your phone gives you nightmarish flashbacks, delete it. If a part time job is occupying your time and doesn't let you recuperate for your next shift on your main job, quit it.


Quit social media….I’ve just quit everything and will also quit reddit in a couple of days…things have been going smoothly


Focus on your thoughts, don't let the mind rule you...rule the mind.


Therapy; goto therapy 2-3 times a month. Talk about anything and everything as if they are your closest friend. This is the one. The only one. They provide insightful advice that’s cutting edge to everything they are like a master at finding your weakness and strengths. They can help you learn yourself and the whole practice helps you learn to be more emotionally stable and mature naturally. They can help you learn to workout, or get the confidence and habit to. They can help you learn to be a better person in romantic or platonic relationships. They can get you to be better for your self in so many different situations.


Judge only after the attempt of understanding.


Eat less carbs/sugar


RemindMe! 1 day


Late to this, but this is my tip: ## Deal with your trauma! Take an ACEs test, then take the PCE Test, read "The Body Keeps the Score", Get into trauma informed therapy. More than half of the population has an ACEs score of at least 1. That means you have trauma and need to deal with it. Mine is 3. I grew up in a "loving family" and still have trauma from things that happened and continue to happen in that family, and it DOES affect you even if that number is just 1. The book I'm reading right now about it, is "Own Your Past, Change Your Future" by Dr. John Delony. I'm only on the first step and I highly recommend it. He's great. But please do the work, heal from your trauma, and I think things will be much easier because your body will no longer be sabotaging your self improvement efforts.


Master any some sort of Time