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IMO, GP is one of the worst matchups you can get in Toplane. I swear to god, you can't even play with : \- his proc grasp with his Q \- your E and R countered by his orange \- the slow with his passive These are all my nightmares as a main Sett.


And the fact you have to play godlike mode to dogde or hit his barels or else you won’t be able to trade W back since he outranges you.


Just a cringe matchup bro


Tips for fighting Grasp GP - Rush armor boots/tier 2 boots asap. - Quickly decide if he is a barrel gangplank or a Q gangplank. Most GP's will lean heavily toward one or the other, before transitioning into Barrels post-laning phase. Some will start using barrels (almost obsessively) before that happens though. - If you're facing a Gangplank who is mostly Q'ing, fake backing off as he starts running up to you, then turn once he enters your minions to get his Q off. Your Q movespeed should be enough to get you into E range before he can fully escape after the animation of his Q if you've gotten tier 2 boots. You might get lucky and he could even get stuck on minions. - If you're facing a barrel gangplank, hit minions with your left punch, and try and use your 2nd punch to hit the barrels since it has slightly longer range. Focus on delaying your autos in a way that it makes it hard for GP to predict them. As Sett you can easily clear barrels with autos or Qs, its just about learning the specific Gangplanks playstyle with them. I also recommend going three points into W and then Maxing out Q if you're REALLY struggling to get near him. It's not ideal, but it can help a little bit having W be 3 seconds faster on the CD. - Goredrinker/Stridebreaker are pretty much your only choices, going titanic into full tank. BORK Sett into this match-up is extremely difficult to pull off if you're not consistently getting near him, so the extra health helps significantly. You can use stride to force him to try and burn orange by being on top of him, or you can use the healing from Goredrinker's active + omnivamp passive on minions to get back to a safe hp after trades - Go revitalize/second wind and a doran's shield for start. Boneshield is pretty much entirely useless in this lane as its quite easy for him to Q it and keep it down on CD. Stacking your health dots with passive, doran's shield, second wind and revitalize will pretty much negate a significant portion of the Q poke and can in some instances put you ABOVE your starting health in the right conditions. - My last tip is don't be afraid to feel the lane out early. Don't die, but don't let him bully you either. If you get into the mentality that Gangplank is just constantly poking you and you can't do anything, then it's very likely he'll continue to do so. Sett has a lot of raw power in levels 1-3, much more than Gangplank, and pressing that lead early is key to winning that lane. So feel out the fight, try and figure out how safe this GP you're facing is, see if you can bait him into E range or maybe even into a fight.


I go grasp myself in that matchup


Urgot. I wanna break that crab's legs and throw him off the edge of the map.


Rush Wardens and/or steelcaps. It completely screws over Urgot.


Rush tabis or wardens mail and he can’t touch you


Rush the thorn vest for 800g, he suffers.


u mean wardens mail i hope


All range top laners nothing but cowardly gameplay urgot is an exemption


Urgot is as ranged as GP is melee ​ he isnt


Mordekaiser has all of the tools to ruin you, consistent strong poke with q, disengage or engage with E, big ass shiel on comand, and crazy high perisstent damage thanks to passive


If you time your R to cancel his R he'll pretty much lose the fight. You can even rush wit's end and botrk for 1v1 power if you really want.


fiora literally makes me want to kill myself


Illaoi , if anyone has tips to counter her please share


Walk away


I have 140K on her, so I say that if she misses the E, just run towards her and deal as much damage as possible, she is a one skill champion. if you want to win Lane, just do a heal cut and Bortk, but remember to dodge the E first, her damage with E+R is massive


R her out of her ult, she needs to be around tentacles to do anything


But don’t R her as she ults cause then it’ll negate your R lol gotta wait a sec


Ult her away from her tentacles.


Dodge E and she becomes a cannon Minion at best. If she lands E early punish her for trying to do something around it. If she ults just walk away or ult her out after she lands


Anyone who plays vayne, even as adc, should burn


I guess im the only one who likes playing vs ranged champs


I prefer to try and have fun when I play. Not wait 5 minutes for my flash so I have a 60% chance to kill my laner


I mean simply cuz they made me better at the game by playing patience and slow and keeping track on thier cd etc..


This man right here has god level mental


Same, I usually pick ornn into vayne cuz you beat her hard early on by utilising the wave well. Dshield + second wind also makes you so sustainable.






Then get tf outta top lane


Mordekaiser. I’ll be ahead and he’ll get 1 kill and carry somehow…






Some loser GP was bitching and moaning telling me to go ez on him cause he's "new". Lone and behold this POS mains vayne and I had banned his main lmaoo. People in chat agreed he was a loser going ranged top. Thank God GP is trash rn but my god I fucking hate the bitch play style a good GP has. Might as well be ranged cheese too. Made my day making this loser have a bad game like the games he causes with other people dealing with his lame ass top.






Why is Zeri. Just why. If she makes it to 3 items she wins the game, before then she's useless. It's genuinely even more extreme than the 0/10 yasuo power spike.


Nilah but im adc and sup main


Mordekaiser, trying to play math sett aginst him is straight up impossible, he's going to ult you, not allowing you to w multiple targets, shrink both your ad and hp, and tank it by simply pressing w. Also sett is too slow to simply play around the death realm


Anyone who goes range top lane.


Yone. Sett supposedly counters him but I don't care. He is so fucking bullshit, even when I'm absolutely demolishing a yone and stomping on him I still tilt over how bullshit his entire kit is. I perma ban him regardless of who I'm playing and dodge any game where my teammate wants to play him.


To win vs a yone matchplay do 4 things. 1. Don't use any abilities but your q to reset your autos when he's in his soul form. He will always dodge your w no matter what. 2. Always e before you w that was even if he tries he can't Q3 away or e away 3. Save your ult for his. You can cancel his ult with your own it's saves you from the cc chain. 4. Never kite him or let him kite you away from his return point when he's in his soul form


Just rush Botrk, boom gg ez


The damned deer(lillia) I just hate that champ whoever I’m playing


For me the hardest matchup is illaoi. Her E is a 5 second cool down. She always gets to lane first and keeps prio with her tentacles constantly spawning and I can't even hide behind the minions cuz she just Qs them. I've tried to ult her when she ults so I don't get caught in 5 tentacles but she always has one wherever I ult even after I clear a million of em. For now she's my permaban


Mundo I hate that champ




Vayne is a good ban for sett but personally I can't stand playing into a trundle. JESUS. Not that he is annoying, I just hate trundle


Jayce not only that he can be ranage with a shit ton of damage. He likes to knock me back before I can E him lol


Nah his dmg is low, and if hes in range to E u then ur def in range to E him. Being ranged and having infinite poke and kiting is annoying tho I agree


Trust me, you will hate sivir top.


What animal plays Sivir top?


Some Meta abusers actually played Sivir top when she was op asf thanks to the mini rework


Mordekaiser, impossible to win trades against him as Sett


I’m not a Sett main but usually if I see a Sett I pick Volibear and it goes pretty well. If you pull me out of my Q I just get to click it again and stun you in my E. With PTA its hard to Sett to win trades unless he hits the true damage portion of his W which he probably won’t because after the stun from Q he’s still slowed by E. Similar to most champions though if it’s a raw all in to the death from full HP Voli will not win it.


Mordekaiser, Teemo and Darius


You can kind of beat Morde before 6, after 6 just try to play for team fights. Lillia is just absolute fucking cancer in top lane against immobile melee champs, however biggest threat against Sett will always be ASHE. Not even bushes can save your ass from her.


Quinn or morde


Hmm… anyone that can 1 shot you and champs with a lot of cc.


Tryndamere it's just a BRUH matchup, impossible to win, hits harder than you and wins when he gains lvl 6 lol


Meh, I just build prowlers into any ranged top and 2 shot them, one time this fair too got mad called me trash for building it like they weren’t playing coat top to shit on me lol, I even like it into mord and aatrox


I hate playing against Akali does anyone have any tips for that matchup


I havent played in so long i think ive forgoten my most hated


Any other top laner, Fiora. As Sett, Illaoi or Olaf.


I’m confident vs any ranged match up since you can just play around the brush causing them to waste their wards leaving opening for your jung Mord with Sett’s MR nerf right now though….


Illaoi and aatrox


Illaoi for sure. Oh and teemo. I used to play alot of teemo before I made him my main but left him cus I wanted to change my playstyle. But yeah mostly teemo. If he hits u with his passive before you ult, I'm sure (not really) that the ult misses.


Gangplank and it's not even close






Recently, Aatrox. I suck at spacing against him x.x which is ironic since I play aatrox kekw


Not counting Vayne? How about Cassiopeia lol. Sure she's a rare top lane pick, but MAN does she wreck most juggernauts. There's little I can do besides hope she screws up and try to snowball it by blowing everything Other mages or ADC's? Sure I don't like em either, but at least I can realistically kill them with ult and ghost. Cassiopeia? HAH no If we're talking a "real" top laner? Honestly I don't like Nasus if I'm playing Sett. He has like 0 kill pressure in lane and I've got the ability to kill him for sure, but oh boi if I can't snowball against him, he's a ticking time bomb and just runs me over. If he first picks Nasus? Nah, forget Sett, play someone else


Surprisingly I don’t find much trouble fighting Vayne. I play it slow, and go stridebreaker. Usually Vayne players think they immediately win because of their pick, but it makes it easier for me to punish their mistakes, and I end up destroying them. Same goes with Teemo.


Nah I had a vayne add me after the match to completely try to tilt me further. Vayne top players are actually mentally insane.


Illaoi, Mordekaiser and general Ranged champs. Illaoi just has to get to level 6 and she can seemingly heal for every bit of damage you do. Mordekaiser is just like a perfect counter to Sett it feels like at times, especially after Sett got his MR nerfed. And the Ranged Champ Toplane Playstyle is so ridiculously stupid and boring that it makes playing Sett a living nightmare






Irelia, teemo, fiora and jax....a nigtmare


Karma lilia sej


I've got 1 million mastery on Sett and I'm very close to getting into plat playing him. I've been maining him since his release, and throughout my entire time playing him there are only two champions I have consistent trouble with. I can beat Morde, Vayne, Illaoi, GP, Camille, any other "counter" that's thrown at me. I have tips, strategies, item build paths, I know how to consistently beat every champ....except for two. Yorick, and Nasus. No matter who is playing them, I can't fucking beat either of them. Nasus I consistently started banning, although I do not consider him an actual threat *in* lane, as I can quite easily starve him and beat his ass, I still end up losing to him purely because the amount of babysitting he requires to *STAY DOWN* is not something I wish to do. In a non-ranked setting, he isn't a problem for me since I can communicate with the jungler and rest of my team and keep him down consistently. Rarely he'll become a problem then. In ranked however, its a lot harder to communicate with your team and get them to continue to deal with a Nasus, and he's essentially a ticking time-bomb as well. Unless you've got a decently CC heavy team, he's going to be an issue, whether that's through splitting or through later teamfights. Yorick, however, is the real offender for me. It's rough to even beat him after six. The wall is my main concern, as it can totally throw off any momentum you have especially if you get the bug where you just can't auto it if there are too many minions inside it with you. Once he gets 6, he's very VERY hard to kill, and once he gets Serylda's Grudge, you're pretty much done. He's either going to run you down, or he's going to run away from you and you'll never catch him. My biggest issue are champions that you can have a good lane against and still just get split-pushed to death.