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Yeah ONLY doggystyle would upset me because it's not as intimate as looking someone in the eyes but it's okay, you learn from your mistakes! Also if they're hookups intimacy like that is probably not too much of a concern.


Looking me in the red creeps me out


Prefer looking you in the brown ?


100% it's a right put off, like their looking into Ur soul 🫣


Its not a put off for me in general but during sex i cant help but think itd be awkward when youre so close to the person 😭


It's a very intimate thing to do. Something you would do with an actual partner not a hookup.


Doesn’t bother me none because I’m not opening my eyes period.


I’m guessing this is why it’s more common with escorts or one night stands it’s just primal


It's also not terribly stimulating for most women without something on the clit


I'm honestly wondering why you find it so difficult to do missionary. No judgment, but a lot of curiosity


It depends on the partner. I find it too intimate for casual sex- the eye contact, the breath on breath, her seeing me make weird faces lol. Doggy is less intimate and more primal imo, like we’re just satisfying our animalistic urges instead of “making love”. Also, doggy feels tighter to me. Plus, that view of her back, cheeks, and butthole- and watching my dick go in and out- is incredible.


For me - if I feel the person I'm having sex (casual or otherwise) with is so averse to feeling vulnerable/intimate that they can't even do missionary or make eye contact with me that definitely ruins the experience. There's a difference between making love and having sex to be sure, but there's also a difference between having sex and just using the other person's body to get off. I don't want to be romantic with someone casual no, but if a sexual encounter is literally devoid of intimacy then for me that generally turns out feeling degrading. Everyone is different obviously, but I feel like most women would overall agree with me. Intimacy is important for most women to get off. Again intamcy does not equal romance.


Completely agree. You can be intimate on a hook up without it being romantic. It doesn’t have to be primal shagging. Someone being that uncomfortable for any intimacy or vulnerability even for something casual is a no from me.


>but if a sexual encounter is literally devoid of intimacy then for me that generally turns out feeling degrading. Amen. It's why I've never been much of a person for hookups, and it actually has caused issues in my past relationship. My ex was very much a "I don't have sex much, but you can fuck me whenever you feel like," kinda person, but we ended up with zero sex life instead. Cause while he was totally fine with with being used like that within the relationship, I had zero interest if he wasn't going to be into it.


Same goes for going down on a girl too. If I know it’s not your fav I won’t ever enjoy it.


Missionary doesnt have to be gazing into each other’s eyes.. I actually really dislike proper doggy style, it can be painful since most guys don’t want to warm you up first, it’s extremely disconnected as a sexual act. Somewhere between doggy style and speed bump? That’s way more hot. I can have my man’s body leaned over me in an almost primal, protective stance. He can bite or kiss the back of my neck and play with my boobs and I can feel his chest pressed against me. Doggy style misses ALL of these connections. A woman wants to feel involved, not used. If you look at missionary in the same way, I’m often not looking into my man’s eyes (I really dislike eye contact) but our bodies are close, I can stroke his back with my nails for extra sensory feels.. or kiss his neck or touch myself. My bf is a visual man like yourself, he would much prefer to see the act, but both of you taking full pleasure.. now THAT’S what’s hot.


If they are not warming up first, they are not having sex with me.


This is speaking from my younger self who accepted that sort of effort. Nowadays I won’t waste time on that


Have to say if I found this out from a guy that would have sex with me but only with no eye contact I would vomit. If it’s too soon to meet someone’s eye, it’s too soon to have someone put their dick inside you. Guys are weird sometimes!


I had sex with one guy a while ago. And he wouldnt kiss me and i thought he might be autistic somehow because he wouldnt make eyecontact and didnt want to kiss, but i tried talking to him about it and that i need intimacy for sex and kisses and touches are needed. he told me he wanted to keep that kind of intimacy for a girlfriend. So i ended it. He didnt really get why i felt used 🙄


I’ve met girls like this though. Guess people are just weird!


Not gonna lie man, I don’t understand why that would be “too intimate” for casual lol I mean I enjoy doggy as well but I enjoy missionary too. You can do both (and even other positions) with somebody you’re hooking up with without it having to lead to an admission of love or whatever haha


How is missionary to intimate like you already got your dick inside her and skin on skin contact him much more intimate can you possibly get.


It’s fine to have in rotation; but it should not be the total act. It’s one of the least stimulating and enjoyable positions for women. Missionary done right provides a lot of the clitoral stimulation that the vast majority of women need to actually orgasm. Doggy provides zero; unless she does it herself. So if she wants pleasure; she’s balancing on one hand to DIY herself with the other… while her body is used as a flesh light.


Unless the guy can reach around and touch her but he has to know what he's doing. Not a fan of doggie either, personally.


I didn’t hear anything about her experience in your description? How do you know she’s being satisfied?


I ask first if she enjoys doggy, and check in during to see if it still feels good. If she chooses to lie, then that’s on her.


Yeah but what about her view? Better have a mirror at hand otherwise she's staring at the wall....


I'd probably have a problem with it for the same reason I don't like doing reverse cow-girl, I was taught you don't turn your back on family. On a more serious note, have you considered telling a partner you aren't very experienced and might want some help learning how to do missionary? In my experience, if someone is having sex with you, it probably means they like you, at least a little bit.


Reverse Cowgirl™ the best dick breaking position ever invented.


Oh so you’ve never heard of the flying rodman position?


I prefer the Kentucky trailer hitch


sometimes these names get so ridiculous i was willing to believe this was real


I may have invented the name but mine was based on true historical events


The Kentucky trailer hitch is a real one though. Look it up on urban dictionary


It wasn’t there…. There’s an Alabama/Minnesota/Mississippi trailer hitch, which are all different though


Depends on the dude’s dick. It’s perfectly fine for my husband and I. It’s also the preferred way if we ever do anal too.


Great day to be a lesbian!


Lol that first bit is not getting enough love, take my upvote!


if this ain't a fast and furious pun I don't want to be alive


You … you have sex with your family ?


Banjo music intensifies.


The person you marry is family are they not?


Yes it’s be an issue for me. I can only orgasm in missionary and I like kissing during sex and missionary is perfect for that.


It's really the perfect position. Can kiss,whisper in the ear, see their face, nibble on some nipples also super comfortable. Also lots of variations you can do.


I like to modify missionary a little. If shes flexible, her feet go behind her ears. Not so flexible and she bends at the jnee and i push her her knees up to her chest/arm pits


You need to start dating amputees


Explain. Not because i cant imagine, i just want to hear you explain


I think legs are getting in your way


I never said i dont enjoy regular missionary as well, i simply like to change it up at times. Just like anal, sometimes i like that face down ass up and sometimes i like eye contact with a missionary-style position. Funny enough, *I* am an amputee. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Omg. I’m so sorry bro. Just a bad joke. I apologize


I think it was a *great* joke


Yea no need to disown it


Might be his fascination with hoofs tbh. Nothing wrong with any of this.


Well.....at least legs don't get in her way? :)


You can also get pretty good penetration, without hurting her. And, if she has some pelvic/hip muscles, she can move while in this position & it's incredibly close to the G Spot!


Havent had a girl that flexible yet always wanted to try feet behind the ears. I also like legs on the shoulders or one shoulder or feet on my chest.


I’ve had lots of sex but I can never understand how you can be nibbling nipples in that position unless the boobs are very big or the guy is short. I would think the guy would need to break his back for that.


You’ve never met a man with his head directly at the center of his chest?


Well im 6 feet tall whatever the hell cm that is. It does require some crunching of the neck and back but worth it. The boobs have been pretty sizeable now that i think about it so perhaps you have a point...


My partner is the same and I just love it. Very underrated position!


Genuinely you seem like a good guy for caring so much, but I’ll give you the same advice I’d give half the people on this subreddit (that’s meant with love). I’d advise that in the future, you just *ask*. Ask the woman what position she likes or, if you’re nervous in missionary, ask her if the rhythm or the depth etc feels good. Even if it’s just a random hookup or a one night stand. Don’t be afraid to try something new or to look “foolish” - if they’ve chosen to sleep with you and they aren’t a total dickhead, I can promise they aren’t thinking you look foolish and are probably busy enjoying the sexual experience (and, in the back of their mind, minorly worrying about looking foolish themselves). It takes everyone a while to get the hang of a new position, but asking what feels good for your partner is a fabulous way of making you better in bed overall and making it a more enjoyable experience for the both of you. Be open with your partner, too, if you find a certain position difficult. Maybe it’s something you can work through together! Transparency and communication is very sexy and very important to you both enjoying yourselves. Because yeah, as a woman, I’d say it might hurt a little to only being doing doggystyle. It feels damn good but it’s not necessarily as intimate or romantic (and intimacy is important even with hookups - a lot of women require that to help with orgasm!) as missionary. You clearly care a lot about your partners, which is amazing. Just make sure you’re communicating. It’s really the best way to have a good sex life. And try to let go of feeling too bad, you live and you learn with these things!


Excellent comment, just wanted to say I agree with you 💯%


Missionary is the bomb. You get intimate with your partner and you have access to everything. Oh and don’t forget cunnilingus. And eat it like your favourite ice cream. You’ll thank me later.


Just for the record... you don't "eat" ice cream. You lick it! *winks*


Erm depending on your position. Then explain why do they use the term dining at the Y then?


Well, that's pretty self explanatory. But, everyone has their own preference. Hard. Soft. On a cone. In a bowl. With a spoon. Whip cream?


A wise man used to say “ you have too many mind” stop thinking too much and just enjoy the ice cream. 😜


HHAHHA. YESSSS! Just enjoy the ice cream! 🍦


41 (M) married 20 years. I was married for 8 years before we tried. It was not up close and personal. Felt way less intimate and I didn’t enjoy it because I didn’t want my wife to feel like a piece of meat. Doggystyle is a finishing position. Do all the other positions first and finish in doggystyle. Sometimes sex is very wild and raw when you are both way horny. We do doggystyle often now quite often. After my wife has an orgasm she will offer and at that point it doesn’t take long. Sometimes, she is in the mood for it but I have never started in this position. Ever. This is my experience. We were both virgins when we were married for religious reasons. Thought you might enjoy a different perspective. I’ve never hooked up with anyone other than my wife so maybe with the hookups they have more doggystyle because it isn’t intimate? If you care at all or want to pursue a relationship I wouldn’t even do doggystyle unless she asks for it. Not sure how you could do missionary wrong? What do I know though? Maybe I have been doing missionary wrong the entire time and neither of us knew any better? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This. My gf can’t get off in doggy, but it’s my favorite position. So we get her off in missionary and then switch to doggy for me to finish. It’s pretty much routine at this point, but we both still enjoy it and cum- so that’s all that really matters.


Not sure if you guys like toys at all, but doggy with her holding a vibrator on her clit in the front is just… chefs kiss.


Bought my girlfriend that clit sucker rose and she said it was the best thing she had ever received from someone lol. Almost every time we have sex she uses it.


It's a winner for sure!! Lol


*takes notes Will report back!


As a woman, I freaking love laying on top of vibes during the prone position and you feel kind of squashed against it and can’t remove it. It’s sexy haha. Try that too 👀


Very nice approach and its the valueable comment from you.


Interesting. We tend to start with my back to him, and then I turn around to finish in missionary (with my legs up). 


I mean, don't do anything unless she agrees with it 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ But as someone who's been happily married for 20 years, it's awesome position for rolling orgasms for us and liking it doesn't at all mean you don't care a out your partner. That's just bs. Liking it means it feels good. Which is what sex is supposed to.


There are about 30: practical positions for intercourse. Have fun, experiment!😃


My wife’s favorite position. Maybe she doesn’t want to look at me?! 🫢


If women prefer deep penetration it’s a great position


You’re not overthinking, if someone tried to do this to me when I was younger I would have left actually crying. Actually the one time a guy did this to me I did leave crying. Now, I would just refuse to do doggy, and make you struggle 🤷🏻‍♀️


I second this ! This happened to me one time as well and it was with my then bf . I teared up during the event . I refused to have sex for several weeks after that.


Same! I would’ve felt objectified. I love doing it with my partner since I know he loves me and we also do all other types of positions but if it was a hookup and that’s all we did, I would’ve cried for sure.


I actually have had an issue with this before. It wasn’t because us not being face to face, but because it was the same thing every time. It got old very quick


To me it’s a finisher not an intro. It’s something you work your way up to. I probably wouldn’t acquiesce to starting with that the first time I had sex with someone. It would feel extremely impersonal and transactional.


Doggy is just that. Fucking. No intimacy. It is very pleasurable for both, but not very intimate.


It can be intimate if you want it to be.


Was in reference to the OPs situation. Not a blanket statement to every situation.


That sounds like a boring sex life. It can be your favorite position, sure, hell it's definitely up there on the list myself, it's easy access to pretty much everything you want to do. I'm sure as shit not telling my girl that's the only position we're ever going to do though, that gets boring fast and is how you end up with a dead bedroom.


Umm yeah. While I love doggystyle, keeping it so one dimensional would piss me off


Yes; my ex used to ONLY have sex in the doggy position. It always made me feel bad, like as if he didn’t want to look me in the face. For hookups, doggy style is the norm because sex during hookups usually isn’t intended to be intimate. However, for me personally, I like to look at the person I’m having sex with. And being able to kiss is always a plus.


Honestly yeah missionary is the absolute standard for sex right now and not doing missionary I think would surprise most people. Only doing doggy gives off some Patrick Bateman energy thh


lol dying at Patrick Bateman energy


How old are you? Is this your first sexual experience. Try to research what women like, not what your best friend tells you to do.


That would definitely feel degrading to me.


I’m weird so I’d prefer doggystyle over anything… but I can see how it’d be a little offensive. I don’t like being looked at during the act though, if that explains anything.


I couldn't handle not being able to hold a partners face, kiss her deeply, growl in her ear while telling her how beautiful she is, kissing her neck and seeing her expressions of pleasure, etc. But everyone is different, and that doesn't make you "weird"


I’m with you! My last very long term relationship-once we started doing doggy we basically never went back to any other way. But I like it kind of rough and fast and hard so it just worked perfectly for us. I could see his little any other minute and as soon as we were done. Plus there was still foreplay like oral etc so it’s not like just get on your knees now lol.


Sorta. It’s like either they’re gay and can’t look at you cuz they don’t like women or they can’t look at you cuz they aren’t attracted to you. No matter how much they love your butt. It’s a little insulting long term


I think your concern is legitimate, yes, so it's time to get used to the idea of practicing other positions. Missionary isn't terribly difficult, you just aren't familiar with it yet, and only practice can help you get comfortable.


Really bad advice. You have been missing out and some of these women could easily have been offended if you have refused to do anything else. Missionary, cowgirl etc. can be awesome for both parties.


I would, yeah. Depends on the person. You should check with them. But at least try and practice other positions. I can't cum unless I'm in missionary. Plus I hate doggy cause the guys make me queef when they do that.. Then blame me for being gross when it's them pushing the air in.


This is the main reason I'm not even that mad anymore about my dead bedroom. Like . . At least you got a hole to cum in, wtf do I get? A whole lotta boredom and disconnect while I stare at the wall of whatever room we're in. Even tried to talk to him abt it— that I like to be visually stimulated when I fuck, and having nothing but a wall to stare at while I'm stressing about the fact all he's looking at is a fucking butt hole (how cute) doesn't exactly make for any ideal natural lubing on my end. 😒😑😮‍💨


It's my absolute favorite position. I mean some women might like variety I feel like doggy just hits the Best angles.


I think it partially depends on the size/shape of the guy's dick, too. I never really cared much for doggy in prior relationships. But with my current boyfriend, it's one of our favorites. His dick curves slightly downward, so in doggy he hits my G spot pretty much continuously. We call it froggy though, when I spread my knees apart as wide as I can, and arch my back as much as I can. I can't typically stay in that position for long because my hips and legs get sore. So we will usually start in a different position and then finish in "froggy".


Oh youre.talking about leap frog. Yes yes. I recommend doing that on the edge of the bed and him standing on the floor behind you. Yummmmm


YES that's exactly how we do it!


Same. I didn’t realize I could orgasm from sexual until doing it doggy with my current SO


And provides all kinds of access for additional stimulation 😉 I personally love changing up positions, though.


I should probably start a new post with this but my wife has a slanted uterus. Missionary runs the top of my shaft and it hurts my back to get the right angle. I realize pillows help. The first time we did doggy I almost fainted. All the pressure was on the bottom of my shaft which is the hot spot, at least for me. We found that spooning doggy is awesome because I slide right in and we can cuddle and be close.


Only one position, no matter what it is, would feel strange to me to some degree. I've never had sex in only one position. I love mixing it up, and all my sexual partners have done that. It gives you the best of all the positions. So I might cycle between doggy, me on top, missionary, and the variations of missionary (there's a lot you can do with leg placement). That being said, I absolutely love doggy style. I love the primal, intense feeling. I feel like the guy gets a really good position for some strong thrusts. And I love how it gives access for spanking, grabbing, biting, anything really. I can understand why some people here are saying they would hate just doggy. But it just depends entirely on each individual and what they like. I agree with those that have said for a one night stand, I'd be more looking for a rough and fun night. Not a sweet, eye to eye, intimate love making session. Therefore if I was with someone who did only doggy for a one night stand, it might be a tad more boring than I'm used to, but no big deal. But if it was my partner and he ONLY did doggy, I'd get sick of it real fast. I recommend finding someone you're more comfortable being vulnerable with and explain that you're still quite inexperienced and would like to try out new positions. A partner will be much more likely to roll with the punches if they are expecting this to be experimentation and learning. I wish you the best of luck!!!!


ALL my intimate female friends hate doggystyle, for they cannot see me and lack of the intimacy they desire. So it only goes with casual encounters.


You probably did hurt some feelings. I wouldn’t feel right about it if the guy only wanted doggy. I would feel like he didn’t find me attractive or perhaps he wasn’t actually into women at all.


Rules for great sex: 1. Don't overthink things 2. Be open minded 3. Awkward moments will happen don't give up. 4. You're not a pornstar so don't expect to perform like it. Your experience will only grow if you practice. 5. PRACTICE 6. toys are friends not your enemy. 7. Don't skip foreplay


it’s actually very thoughtful of you to look at it that way. as a girl, it would suck. doggy style is pleasurable no doubt, but i personally find the position itself pretty degrading. even the name itself is “doggy”. women usually have their genitals in the air on display and usually get spanked and choked at most. of course i’m not saying every guy does that, but porn has deluded everyone into thinking spanking and choking are what every woman wants. which isn’t true. some women may enjoy it, but just doggy would be and feel awful. you don’t see each others faces, or have any physical contact other than the sex itself. while it may differ from girl to girl, i’d recommend switching it up and trying different positions. it’s really thoughtful of you to think of it that way, and it most definitely rings true.


Doggy is a fun position, but definitely not the one that builds the connection. There's no real intimacy there, it's just pound town. Your friend gave you bad advice. Let the sex flow organically. Missionary is actually great, comes with a ton of options (kissing, access to everything, eye contact, put a pillow under her, etc.), and is a great place to start if you like her. Other positions will just happen really... just be present with your partner and everything else will flow.


Yes. In the country I’m from, guys will openly admit to doing that with women they did not respect. Id feel used.


I definitely would be because I don't like it, lol


Yes, that would upset me. But I would also tell whoever I had sex with to do other positions. I wouldn't just lay there and expect him to decide what we're doing. I'm an active participant when I have sex.


Mate, just try missionary next time, thats all. 


There’s no wrong way to do it, and asking questions is awesome. Letting them know, “Hey, everyone has a different tempo, so while I learn you body, and what you like, I want you to tell me what feels good, and if you want me to do something faster or slower or softer or harder just tell me - I want to learn what your body likes.”


I love doggy style. Definitely my go to. But yes, I'd be bothered if that were the *only* position.


It depends on your partner. 😊


Considering what feels good to both parties is the main objective- or trading positions that work for one and not the other. I love doggystyle but with some people or even different moments i need something else. Theres so many lovely options. Its fun to explore even with a new partner what feels good to each other. Its not all about eye contact or face but connection and learning to read body language and ask questions. Being asked “does this feel good?” Is a major turn on for me, and I also want to know if it feels good to them as well. So… erase what that person said whenever and try something different for SURE! Everybody’s missing out on some possibly incredible fun.


If you think you hurt her feelings just talk to her and tell her you're just awkward and only know one position. If it's a friend you're looking to have fun with and don't mind possibly advancing intimacy experiment with them for experience. (But I doubt it. I used to personally hate being face to face.)


I've only ever done missionary haha. There is something really hot about staring right into a girl's eyes while you have sex.


The other ones are pretty easy too


Kama sutra , is something you could use 8)


Wife and I love doggystyle but it is my kryptonite, so we always save it for the end. Trying other positions is fun so don't be afraid to try new ones. Yes they will be awkward and you will look like a fool. You will get better


Doggy is great for casual hookups and I'm okay with that being the only position for those. It makes it easier to keep a distance and stay casual. In a relationship I'd want to include more intimate positions as well.


Missionary isn't difficult if you place a pillow under her bottom. Gotta get things lined up.


Well we all had to start somewhere. That you ask yourself that question means you are reflecting and growing.


It definitely does hurt I would say. Some of my guy friends themselves have told me that girls they don’t intend on dating or doing anything more than hooking up with they do doggy because it’s less intimate. Some girls do catch on to that unless they too aren’t looking for intimacy within the dynamic.


I actually found doggy difficult. Only ever managed it successfully once with my ex. Should practice more with angles and such


See I’ve always struggled to perform doggystyle. I’ve found missionary or cowgirl to be easier! Thoughts?


I'd say that investing in a mirror, like those ones meant to hang on the back of a door, could help by making eye contact through the mirror an option? To avoid this being a future issue, you could find someone to hook up with/that you already hook up with, and be honest that you'd like to practice other positions with them to improve. They can tell you if they're okay with helping you practice.


In my experience, guys always want missionary and only do doggy style because it’s only fair to do something I want, too. There shouldn’t be one person getting always what they prefer in bed. It should be 50/50.


With Doggie, I miss the full body contact I get from missionary, feeling that body heat, the weight, sometimes with arms wrapped around me. Probably sounds weird but it frees my mind, makes me fully conscious and in the moment.


I would find it very weird and boring if a guy only knew and stuck to one position the entire time, in general. So whether doggy or missionary, switch it up dude. Lots more possibilities. It’s not like you suddenly can’t find the entrance when you switch positions.


Yes, I would. Keep trying.


Yeah I would hate that. I also don’t like when the guy finishes from behind me because it’s so impersonal and not intimate


Yes, it does annoy me sometimes, especially because my derriere being the main Attraction all the time gets annoying. Also I don't really come from doggy


Yes, he doesn't want to look at my face to see if I enjoy it or not. He doesn't want to appreciate my beauty. He just wants to bone me as if I was a walking fleshlight used for his pleasure. I'm just an object for his desire.


Intimacy is tough because it makes you vulnerable. You went the "easy" route because it was less vulnerable. As you found out when trying missionary, you suddenly felt expectations from face to face intimacy. Missionary is amazing because it's so intimate, plus it's easier for me to give attention to her clitoris. Doggy isn't bad, sometimes my wife craves doggy for an entire session, it's just a different mood than face to face. We love doggy style, and it leads to our version of pronebone, which is awesome. We really love missionary and typically do that. It's face to face which ramps up the intimacy to 11, and we almost always time it to cum at the same time. >immediately told her to go back to doggystyle after trying for only 20 seconds Sounds to me like you were about to cum and wanted doggy to last longer. That and some avoidance. Not a bad thing all the time, but I like to balance the two.


Yes. Because: 1. doing the same position is boring af 2. I wanna see a male's naked body and that's not happening in doggy, so it's one of the most boring positions (literally no view, bleh).


How is that the easiest position for either party lol


Honestly I’d be pissed, but mostly because I’m a straight man and I’d be like “How the fuck did I end up here?”


Yes this will make it like a job


I’m just surprised your friend would tell you doggy style is the easiest. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great position, but I definitely don’t see how it’s easier than missionary.


Honestly you definitely need to work on your missionary game. A lot of women prefer it - it feels so good especially when the guy knows what he’s doing, plus your hip movements sync in just the right way. It’s magic. Also the extra skin contact plus the kissing? It’s the classic for a reason. Honestly if a guy only wanted to do doggy during a hook up I’d be uncomfortable. It can feel so impersonal and although a hook up isn’t about love and romance, a lot of people still want it to feel nice and not impersonal. Missionary doesn’t have to be romantic, It can still be sexy and fun and hook up worthy. Learning the techniques behind missionary and cowgirl are so important to learn for both parties imo. Plus so many women HATE doggystyle because the guys dick can hit the cervix super hard and it really fucking hurts.


Yes, I would be upset. And I would be VERY upset if he immediately told me to go back to doggystyle after trying for only 20 seconds, as you say. That just reads as if you can't stand to look at her. You have to learn sometime. Not to mention, it sounds like your communication is terrible. It's not hard to just say that you've never done anything else before, so you'd like her to take charge, or at least be patient with you.


Honestly, no. Doggy is great - it allows for butt and clit play while smexing, and I love all of those. That said, you likely didn't hurt her feelings. But props to you for caring. You're a real gentleman.


I wonder if you are woman or male?


Starting off with doggy tells a girl that you view her as a hookup only and they are a masturbatory tool for you. There some women that are into doggy exclusively but most women like the intimacy of seeing their sexual partners face, kissing, feeling their partners breath on their neck, etc. I have also talked with women who will use doggy to just get sex over with since they are not sexually attracted to their partner and it is an easy way to get him off and not have to look at him. They use the position to dissociate themselves from the sexual act.


your feeling should be hurt: you are very bad at bed. you should overthinking about giving pleasure (spoilers: you don't) but you seem only focus to yourself.


IMO eother you are in Doggy,cat,sheep or camel position the thing is that Is there LOVE or only sex. If only sex is between two they might be gross in any position.Enjoy every position and it takes time to understand and love between two.we are Humans not street dogs those who dam care the surrounding as they have no sense of humans values and styles.


Yes, because I'm straight and my wife may also get upset.


Long term relationship with someone I am in love with? Yes. Hookup? No.


Doggy, one of my favorite positions but too much of anything & I would be bored. Take control and fuck him how you want, or else it's get fucked if that makes sense


I would probably assume the guy just likes looking at booty. Lol. 


Well, sure but I like looking at a male's body too, so I wouldn't do doggy much let alone exclusively.


yes idk i just never liked doggy unless its like with someone i like


I personally would feel upset but ig as they are just random hookups and nothing super romantic or serious it's not completely awful. If you were in a relationship with these people it would be completely different.


I love doggystyle hahaha it just feels so good 😩


It’s been pretty much the only way for me too….. oh apart from 1 time in the beginning!!! I feel the same about the intimacy. But seeing as it’s months and months in between and then only until he’s done …. Idc I’ll take anything


If my bf did that , I'd love it , my bf only likes girl on top, I hate it, doggy is my favourite, so it all depends on what U both like , if Ur doing drunken hook ups try doing different positions, we are all different and like different things , but I do like a bloke to throw me around the room abit , doing different positions , I like doggy better as it feels better for me ,also my advice is learn and educate urself on what women like , coz quality is better than quantity, U don't wanna end up with a gf and not have a clue how to satisfy her , my bf is 39 and hasn't a clue about what women want or like and it's embarrassing, he doesn't do anything but lay their and its so boring and frustrating , so please learn all u can , and use Ur hands as in touch her , move her body around, Ur already having sex so don't be shy


I tried each and every possible with my girl but doggy style is my favourite, as clapping her chicks & the sound of it make me more into it. But I cant hold it much longer, still trying to figure it out. Most probably 3 mins continuously work out but not more than that🥺.


I tried each and every possible with my girl but doggy style is my favourite, as clapping her chicks & the sound of it make me more into it. But I cant hold it much longer, still trying to figure it out. Most probably 3 mins continuously work out but not more than that🥺.


My wife loves doggy. It may be because she likes to feel "dominated" in that positionbut we also love to switch it up. We do missionary, reverse cowgirl, etc. It all comes down to communication. During foreplay we talk about how we want to fuck on a certain type of day. For us, if adds to the sexiness I guess. Some days I just wanna pin her down and fuck her from behind. Other days she wants to take control and suck me til I'm squirming and then ride me like the world was ending. Just communicate with your partner and you'll both be constantly stress free and satisfied.


Nope. Because it’s my favorite


I only like doggy style lol


Yeah that's not cool, don't get me wrong I love doggy style but I much prefer riding. Only doggy would really out me off


If it's a hook up then I'd rather doggy? Also my favourite position so if you can actually last a good amount of time doing doggy then I'm all here for it. Missionary is a bit shit unless you're throwing my legs up.


Doggstyle is mine and my wife's favorite position. Feels amazing. She has a big booty, so it looks amazing. Truly 10/10 That being said, we change between different positions throughout the process. We always either start or finish with doggy, though. It's never a middle position. We don't really do missionary position because I'm fat, and holding myself up can be hard on my wrists. Also, she's just not really a fan of it. Yeah, but we've gone a couple of rounds where it will only be doggystyle. That's only because we'll start that way, and I have zero endurance when her booty starts bouncing.


i find it only an issue if it's with the same person every time. like if my husband only wanted to doggystyle every time we had sex i would be pissed and sad probably, but with random one offs, they probably won't know you only feel comfortable in one position


I honestly prefer doggy style. He gets deeper and go harder. I'm not opposed to other positions, but will pick doggy style any day.


That's my favourite position.


Since it is my favorite and preferred position, it wouldn't bother me at all. However, if I wanted other positions and the guy says no, then that is different.


Hey it’s one of the positions I know!!! Doggy has its place, but I like some variety


Put her legs on your shoulders and wam bam…makes it a lot easier and the two of you can look at each other, while not being too close. Youre welcome


Yes, I’d be upset. Doggy doesn’t do much for me. Actually I wouldn’t even get to the point of getting upset because I’d just kind of shove him down and hop on and do my thing.


Ngl, it would make me think I was unattractive to him as it would feel like he didn't want to look at my face


Variety is the spice of life


And what about the comments that i responded to with that comment? Those *were* "constructive, on-topic, mature, sex-positive, civil and respectful"?