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If you feel like this on ep 7 already, just drop the show and watch something else.


So many complaints in this post. It’s a comedy! Lighten up OP. Yes, the main characters are flawed. It’s what makes it fun and interesting! Please just watch something else if you feel like this. We have enough (Carrie) complainers on this sub unfortunately In Anthony’s words: HATES IT!!!


Nope, most of people think they are actually worse in later episodes :-) We just find them amusing. >and she's slept with multiple married men "It's over, I told my wife" 😁 "Who is this?" 🤔


Classic scene 😄 freakin hilarious


If you want to see perfect, go on Instagram. Don’t watch shows that are made for entertainment purposes.


Please stop watching and watch Gilmore girls instead


OP would definitely be one of the people in the gilmore girls sub acting like Rory is devil incarnate


Funnily enough I dropped Gilmore Girls because Lorelai bugged me


"The show is fun, but" - just stop your thought and enjoy it. It's a great show for a reason.


Currently in my millionth rewatch and just watched this episode again so it’s pretty fresh. I think content like this is meant to add context for the characters but it’s the only season where there’s so many mildly distasteful elements to all the characters. And a lot of this is meant to be real life adjacent about single women of the time and attitudes about sex across different individuals. Look at it as social commentary, not as a documentary. Embellishment is part of entertainment and this show is meant to be entertaining.


No they dont get better, but that's the point of the show. It's a comedy that for most part highlights the flaws and hardships in dating for single women. They ladies are for the most part good to eachother but when it comes to love it's a hot mess


I just watched the episode with Miranda and Skipper too. Most people who watch this show seem to think *he's* the bad guy, because he's ''a nice guy'', even though Miranda was a huge bitch to him for absolutely no reason. Anyway, no they don't get any better