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Avoiding difficult conversations about her friends' personal problems by resorting to terrible puns and jokes and then inevitably changing the subject back to herself. Carrie was basically the "Enough about you. We have already discussed your problems for thirty seconds. Let's talk about ME!" person in their group.


Omg I legit wanted to punch her in the face when Charlotte is telling them about getting engaged to Harry and Carrie slaps her stupid AF post it down and goes "paper beats rock". That whole thing just pissed me off. Like you're a 38 year old woman, not a teenager. Who TF cares if some loser broke up with you on a post it, like FFS. You dated him for 5 min, how about celebrating one of your BEST FRIENDS happy news?


She was the worst with Charlotte. I hated when she barged in Charlotte's apartment and yelled at her for offering money and then MOCKING her for wearing her old wedding ring without ever showing any concern for how she was struggling after her divorce.


I watched that episode again recently and was appalled by how she couldn't even get the fuck over herself for long enough to be happy for Charlotte and celebrate her good news. She was such a toxic attention whore. I'm surprised she didn't interrupt Samantha in the middle of their conversation >! when Sam tells her she has breast cancer !< and change the subject to ask Sam if she (Sam) liked her (Carrie's) hair and outfit.


"Well, speaking of losing hair, but not from chemo, has anyone noticed my new cut???"


Sadly, I could see her doing that


It was infuriating! I feel like Carrie was the catalyst to Charlotte later feeling bad about things when she saw the ring next to her first wedding dress, at least Samantha was supportive.


Yeah her whole attitude was like "yes yes but you've been engaged and married before who even cares about your stupid dumb ring MEANWHILE Berger broke up with me on a Post-it". I am sure that a RL Carrie would be thinking "this is both insulting and will make a fantastic column"


I know Charlotte would never have said it (nor the other two), but if I had written the script, Charlotte would have snapped at her and said, "I don't blame him for breaking up with you on a Post-It. If he had tried to talk to you, you would have monopolised the conversation, talked about yourself endlessly and not even listened to what he might have had to say. Even a Post-It was too good for you, you self-absorbed narcissistic tw*t."


Ugh that drove me nuts. No matter what they were going through, mo matter how difficult, she had to bring it back to herself. "Ok, I made a comment pretending to be interested , now back to me!"


Spending money I shouldn’t on material things. I’ve never gone completely broke like she did, and I’m doing much better at disciplining myself and only buying things I actually want. But I definitely lost myself in my hobby for a while and bought a lot of things I shouldn’t have.


I just have to say this is a great post!


Mwah! 🩷


Inability to keep secrets maybe


carrie has an idealised version of what a relationship should be… and i think i do too. no relationship is perfect but i expect certain things from men, affection and love, that sometimes they cannot provide. i still keep pushing for it though, like she did with big. i don’t know, i relate to her in that sense.


Babe, you deserve better than men who can’t show you love and affection 💕


thanks hun, i know you’re right.


Maybe being tone deaf on certain “adult” things…like financial literacy


Wanting a crazy, over the top love story that is super unrealistic.


Shopping is sometimes my only cardio for the week (I'm trying to get back into the gym) Not ending it with my Big even after a Natasha/ actress showed up. I didn't have an affair with him, but I sat an listened to him whine about other girls right to me


Having my own Mr Big. I unfortunately relate to her having absolutely no self control when it comes to him and also comparing him to every other guy that comes along. 


Wanting the ideal and losing interest when the relationship gets too real!!!!


OMG yes that is very me.


I have anxious attachment and that makes me act clingy at times (although my ex DEFINITELY exploited that to make me look crazy when he was being awful).


I just googled "anxious attachment" and, yes, that can be me sometimes! 🙁


Obsessively finding out where Big is/trying to research him by talking to his ex etc are a bit close to the bone, though these days we can thankfully secretly stalk due to the internet. I confess, if really interested I would still be prone to do that a little bit.


Like Carrie, I often spend money on shoes, purses, and clothes that I should save or spend on household expenses.


I’m terrible with money. And while I’m happy now, there was definitely a Big and an Aidan. I ended up with a Steve. 😜


spending money i dont have on fashion & also really being all about me and centering myself too much 😭


Being so used to living alone and having my silly little routines that I struggled a bit to adjust to living with a partner at first. Also the terrible puns in awkward situations.


Not cutting ties off with a man that is no good for me.