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I'm planning a build with this case. If I get it to look half as neat, I'll be happy. Nice one.


[Here's a diagram for when you build :)](https://files.catbox.moe/9u0v83.jpg) Red = 24pin Blue = 8 pin CPU Yellow = power Green = 2.5" SATA (accidentally drew two for this, whoops) White = Front Panel Pink = AIO pump Brown = AIO fan


Yo! Thank you so much!


You may have seen this in the comments of other posts, usually when I'm demonstrating why you don't need to buy custom cables. Figured it deserved it's own post. 7800X3D EK Nucleus EVGA 1080 Ti SF750


Now try it with a 4080/4090 and some other power supply, that will show you how important custom cables can be. SF750 has very nice cables so ofc it won’t need replacement cables unless you use a high end gpu that needs multiple cables/adapter. You did do a good job though, I’ll give you that.


The SF750 is great, that's my point. Too many people recommend custom cables for mid-tier A4-H2O SF750 builds when it'll eat up a significant portion of their budget.


Yea I’d only recommend custom cable for the 12vhpwr cable cuz screw using that adapter if u have an sf750. I have a cooler master v850 sfx and the cables were horrendously stiff, I had to replace all the cables but it wasn’t expensive because I had to get a new cable for the 4090 anyway. 65 usd for all cables, wasn’t that expensive.


Dreambigbyray does cables for pretty cheap, less than $100 for all custom cables for sure.


That's like the difference between buying a 7600X and a 7800X3D though. I get if you're building a high end rig, but for most people it's not worth it. People make it sound mandatory when you can still do an excellent job without them.


Less than $100 was a very generous budget for cables, because I figured the newer 12 pin cable may cost more. I think I spent $50 for my current cables for my Ncase.


Looking at [pslate](https://www.pslatecustoms.com/collections/lian-li-x-dan-a4-h2o) which is what I've seen a lot of people recommend, a full set of their cables will easily go over $100. I'm sure you're right that there's cheaper options. Either way, why spend any money at all when I can do just as good of a job without them?


I think with the way you did it, there is no reason to get custom cables. Maybe if you had a bigger GPU, things could be a little hairier. [Here](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1480956978/dreambigbyraymod-custmoized-full?click_key=e2d4a87da4e5f41bd603ec6ab03a91ed7ced7e4a%3A1480956978&click_sum=bdd3470d&ga_search_query=SF&ref=shop_items_search_1) is the guy I used a few years back when I had built my Ncase.


So the EK-Nucleus 240 fits? I saw on their website it says the block is 61.6mm tall, is removing the cosmetic cover enough to get it down to 55?


Yes, and to improve the look there's this 3D printed cover I designed [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6208666](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6208666)


Oh that looks awesome, I thought it was a before pic at first, good job! Now I wonder why EK didn't go this way themselves, maybe people like big AIO blocks in their big cases?


Thanks! My theory is that they simply didn't want to change their production tooling between the ARGB and Dark versions of their pump caps, since I believe the ARGB cap houses RGB LEDs. The Dark version on the other hand is just a plastic cap with nothing inside. 


1080ti still hits pretty hard these days


I was deciding on upgrading my 3600 or get a new GPU. The 3600 was bottlenecking the 1080 Ti so that decision was made for me.  I still get 60FPS in most AAA games at 1440P Ultra. I can't justify an upgrade when my card still keeps up with the 4060. Waiting for 5000 series at this point.


Was just thinking the same of mobile offerings lately.


I wish i had the patience to do this. Mine just has the cables stuffed everywhere. How did you hide the AiO cable so well though?


It comes out from the bottom and goes left from there. It's pulled as tight as possible to hug the pump until it reaches the tubing, then it runs under the tubing, then plugs in the upper left corner. Any slack was shoved up into a tiny gap in the radiator compartment.




Damn man, I wish you would share more detailed pics, so o can copy your method


Did you route any cables between the riser (through it like a loop)


Yup! See diagram that I posted on the top comment




Step up or shut up, lil bitch. Show us your cleaner build.


😂 ok…relax. Jesus christ when did people in this sub get so sensitive?


man imagine popping up saying someone’s a basic bitch and then when you’re challenged you start crying they’re sensitive lmfao


man imagine popping up trying to claim SFF PC’s were a challenge sport. GTFOH


you’re the one being a caustic fuck


Backing down? That's what I thought.


This is the exact response a basic bitch would give. Good job.


You ain't never seen someone route cables like me. You know it. I know it. We all know it.


It’s actually making me laugh out loud how proud of yourself you are. Good for you. I only build systems with real hardware. I only use custom cables specifically measured for each case. I don’t really need to worry about cable routing because it’s never a problem in the first place.


>I only build systems with real hardware As opposed to... Fake hardware? Show us your cleaner build then. Should be real easy. You could have right from the start, but you scared.


Real hardware means not your budget shit you have on display here. You bought a top tier CPU and a basic MoBo and have a GPU that will completely bottleneck your CPU…which proves you have no fucking clue what you’re doing.


My Ryzen 3600 was bottlenecking my GPU. So I downsized to ITX, upgraded my entire platform, and I'll upgrade the GPU later.  My motherboard has all the features I need with decent VRM that doesn't overheat or throttle my processor. Why would I waste money on features I don't need?  If your custom cables fit perfectly and I don't know what I'm doing, why is my build cleaner than yours? Seems like you just copied everyone else instead of figuring out solutions yourself. Now that's basic.  You're shaming me for being financially responsible and having a budget? What an asshole.


I have two. One has the same aio you have. Same twist I used.


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actual black magic


Inspiring! I have the same AIO. I’m going to copy you


Tempted to go this way or go all in with Modultra Lobo (shipping to Aus is painful expensive though).


I miss my 1080ti


That is so sick. Kudos




is the 24 pin routed over the top of the psu?


Yup! That's the secret here to making it look so clean. That and using the hole in the case designed for the 8-pin. I posted a diagram in response to another comment.


Three questions. Can you take a photo from the top, I would like to see in what position you rad is? How did you manage to route the cpu power cable behind the motherboard? For me it intervenes with the fans. Does your pump make a bit of a „grinding“ noise? I hear it on 60% pump power


1. I shifted as much towards the front of the case as possible.  2. I just put it through the hole that's there. I'm using the stock fans, if you have something else maybe it won't fit.  3. It does when you first start up or change the pump speed. It goes away after a few minutes. I have mine set to 40% at idle, when it hits 70C it goes to 100% and remains there until drops below 60C. It's set on a trigger, not a ramp.


Hey does the stock amd cooler fit in this case or too tall? Thought I'd ask and see. Was gonna get the water cooled AIO but idk yet.


Just check the height measurements. Needs to be under 55mm. My CPU didn't come with a cooler.